Monster Paradise


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800 years ago, 3000 dimensional gates opened across the entire world. In that moment, it was as if 3000 different colored eyes opened across the world as hordes of monsters swarmed out of these gates like tears.

Some could destroy city walls with one strike; They had bodies the size of a giant and fed on humans

Some latched onto humans, absorbing their bodies’ nutrients and enslaving humans

Some infiltrated the humans’ cities, disguising themselves as normal human beings while feeding upon human blood to sustain themselves.

In a night, the Human race fell to the bottom of the food chain.

The world had turned into a paradise for monsters…

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91 Reviews sorted by

Tachm rated it
March 26, 2018
Status: c397
The story was compelling but the pace felt rather odd after some chapters. It started great, the character was somewhat weak, but used his skills and smarts and some luck to acomplish his goals. But in a blink of an eye he is powerful, has a lot of summons without any restriction in number and doesn’t feel like he struggles enough. An Op character that doesn’t show growth or a profound character makes the story too superficial. And also there are too many characters that could be easily forgotten because... more>> of their flat personalities. Feels like watching a guy catching and grinding lots of Pokemon while at the same time leveling a character and its skills in a rpg while doing some boring side quests. <<less
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Wand148 rated it
February 2, 2018
Status: c107
So, I thought this story was pretty decent... until

... more>>

the main character's sister got kidnapped out of nowhere. They then spend like a whole arc finding then killing the villian just before him almost raping MC's sister. Two chapters later, the kidnapper's still alive, oooo, and he's part of a powerful underground orginazation! Oooo!


I'm done after a rapist gets away scot-free from almost raping the Main Character's sister then becoming some villian in the shadows we forget about 70+ chapters later (I checked, nothing about him 70 chapters later after 107)

If you can glaze over this, there's actually a few other issues, like how his limited lifespan got solved by his cheat about 20 chapters in. He's super OP, getting monsters waaay stronger than him in an instant but still being pretty weak, and he basically has no personality (like all MC's in Qidian stories)

Oh, the main character also references Qidian in the story one time real randomly, no particular reason, just because.

So go read it, you might enjoy it if you can get past these problems... probably? <<less
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Irrin rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: c1531
First time reviewing, but I did it because this is one of the very few novels that I have read past ch1500 and I'm still hooked up. Most novels become recycled waste after 1000chs.

I like the world building in the novel, combination of technology and cultivation giving it a feel of a truly developed world. Rather than writers calling their world 1000 times better than earth while they are still living in middle ages and their abilities cannot improve their lives.

The MC isn't a beta male nor is he a... more>> psychopath. No harem so far, only waiting for future possibilities. His abilities involves monster summoning which is done properly, he begins somewhat mediocre and gradually becomes OP, even then he is still weak in the grand scheme of things. MC doesn't waste time face slapping young masters nor does he waste time arguing over who is tr*sh.

I'm not some language professor that nitpicks every single mistake so I don't have any issues with the translator. Just that the author has a habit of exaggerating some details. Not to a level of IET novels where people move at a trillion km in an instant, but there are some exaggerations here and there.

Overall, its a good read especially for those who want a monster summoning/taming novels <<less
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wait321 rated it
February 24, 2018
Status: c269
This story starts out good but gets boring fast. It’s too peaceful and the story is filled with pointless adventures. There’s no villains or goal. It’s not so much a “hero’s quest” story as it is a “slice of life” one set in a world with monsters. Everything is just too casual and meaningless.
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hoboforlife rated it
December 14, 2017
Status: c85
So far after 85 chapters, this novel gives me headaches. It frustrates me so bad that I felt compelled to come out of lurk mode and write a review. For now, readers stay away. I'll let you guys know if it gets better as I catch up to the later chapters.

Sometimes the story is good and has great potential, but then the subsequent chapters just completely nukes the potential... The plot armor just gets thicker and thicker, and the MC's ideas idea are very mediocre, and yet everyone gives him... more>> thumbs-up for his lame ideas. The dialogue between characters is very elementary, sometimes very cringe-worthy, but for some reason, I'm still grinding through the chapters. It's like playing Dark Souls or Bloodborne, no matter how much I get beat down and frustrated. Why do I keep coming back for more? I don't know. <<less
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elijahryne rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: c1844
The first 3/4 or so of this novel is pretty well thought out and very entertaining. While the last quarter is like watching a train slowly derail before crashing. If you want an explanation of the train crash it will be at the end in the spoiler...

This story is part of the whole in a cultivation world with a system genera. That is one of the points where the story excels, it’s cultivation system is well thought out. The second point that stands out is the strong character building... more>> that happens throughout. The final and strongest point that stands out is the world building. The author created multiple worlds each with their own backgrounds and

What it lacks most, and what probably killed it in the end, is that the plot is very very basic. So basic that if this isn’t your first CN novel, you know everything that happens. Though, from the beginning the author had good characters and world building. Even with bad plot those two were resilient enough to make an amazing first 200 or so chapters. All in all it is a pretty good read, I recommend it.


Now let’s get to the train wreck. Everything good about it will slowly be stripped away until ch 1830 where the story becomes an empty shell.

The first point where the story became unstable was when almost directly after leaving almost everyone he knew behind, the MC leaves the arguably 2nd most flushed out character behind, Bloody. It felt as if the author didn’t want a character to be smarter than the MC, so they kicked her to the side asap. If this was a smooth train ride before, now it is extremely shakey. While the MC is strong enough to drag the story along on his own, now he has to carry 3x more. The story slowly became blander and blander. The author introduced new characters to try and carry that load but those were not enough. Eventually the author partially gave in and brought back the old cast, yet there was one glaringly absent presence, Bloody. From this point on there is no equal for theMC, if anyone is stronger than him wait 5-6 chapters before they are killed in one hit. If someone is his friend wait 30 chapters before they become a shell of themselves for surpassing the MC for something. Honestly it looking back it is quite sad that it came to this in the end.

Next the cultivation fell. This started near the end of the great world arc, around when he consolidates the god chains. Up to this point we were given an exact description of the MC’s powers. Now he starts to gain thousands of unique powers every couple of chapters making not only the majority of his old powers practically obsolete but also the new ones. Now the powers are meaningless, there could be a star finger moment at any point. ‘At least there is a group with Goldfinger's after his unique Goldfinger to create suspense.’ Nope he killed them and took their powers. From this point not only are the characters 2d but the fights and chases hold no suspense. When he becomes Lord rank is when the story jumped the shark.

Next the world building, After 1800 chapters this is what holds up the most still. Yet, it is on fire, it took more than 700 chapters for the first world, 600+ for the 2nd, with another 300 or more for ruins and testing grounds. This gave time to flush out these locations. The MC exits the 2nd world and within 100 chapters becomes to strong for it. There was not enough time to get the previous detail.

In the last 50+ chapters the MC completes 2.5 major realms with literally billions of unique powers, is introduced to and destroys a cult, becomes the master of millions of universe despite not having a single one before this, is introduced to and defeats a major powerhouse, gains 5 treasures at a level he did not even know existed before, is killed for essentially the first time before dying 2x in ~15 chapters, and is told the major secrets of everything.

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Titan625 rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: c1691
Really good weak-to-strong cultivation novel with a very (for his level) OP MC. He also cultivates super quickly relative to the rest of the world so be aware of that whether you like or hate it. Battles and plot remain interesting throughout, though it does get kinda dull during ... more>>

the initial couple hundred chapters after he first leaves the gravel world.

It quickly picks back up again later tho.

Honestly it seems like the people who left 1 star reviews didn't bother even trying to read the novel. Case in point: one guy calls out the MC for sometimes helping people in a way that doesn't provide him with any direct benefit in return as if that's somehow a flaw of the novel (newsflash: not every MC has to be a f**king amoral benefit-obsessed sociopath) and then goes on to accuse him of being "the same drooling over girls type MC" when 1700 chapters in there hasn't been any romance involving the MC at all. <<less
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MagicalDuelist rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: c1500
Hello there, this is my first review so bear with me as I try to get my point across.
First of all, I really enjoyed the story, especially the earlier chapters were one of my favourites to read. But it also had many problems that most Cultivation novels tend to have, they get repetitive.

At the beginning, the whole power system that was centered around someones Lifewheel was very interesting to me, it had so much potential but was wasted by making it another generic power system.

But the repetitiveness of the story is sometimes unbearable and makes me skip chapters because I can already know how it will end up. Villian A comes, MC thinks he is mr. Genius, in the end uses brute force to beat villian A, Villian B comes, MC thinks he is Mr. Steal yo girl genius, Uses brute force against Villian B.

There are only a few fights that I actually read instead of just skimming it as it is so predictable.

My next problem is with the MC being so s*upid at times. He arguably has the most Broken and overpowered system I have seen in a long time (behind the strongest system), but that is not enough, here is a little spoiler warning.


MC as of now has multiple Gold Fingers, sure he can't use them all, but let's just count. His own Card based Gold Finger that can do ANYTHING as long as he has enough cards, an Eternal Fire (like life fire) that can give out immense amount if Life Fire and pretty much make him have unlimited Energy (which is not explored at any point at all) The Soul of a sword system that has lost it's memories (i am gonna accept this one for now), the dumb ass tablet that could give free info and is looking for a host, even though it asked Lin Huang that it can be it's host. But for some reason it never stated why or if he can't have more than 2 Goldfingers/Systems. We already know people can have multiple life fires, so why not focus on that?

Oh and met's talk about the Flawless card, and here is my most disappointed time reading this is, the card makes it that it fixes a body to its flawless situation, aka Flawless Card, but the thing is, you can use other cards on you, like the one that gices you extra lifewheel banks, and make them real Lifewheels. And what frustrates me most is that even as he starts building (more like taking over) a power, he never uses them on his most trusted followers to increase their strenght. For example, the sword genius kid he found in the Heavenly God realm, he could have easily used a few cards to give him hundreds of lifewheels if he wanted, but noooo he does not.

He can easily use some cards to help out his friends, sisters and "master" that he trust his life too but he never does.

Now here is where it goes BS for me, the power system is so flawed, he, as a rank 1 true god, can SLAUGHTER rank 3 Heavenly gods, like, I find that utter bullcrap, no to mention that he now can steal other peoples laws that they had cultivated? And like any story with bad power scaling, once you go overboard, you double down and introduce a higher realm.


I had a lot of fun reading the earlier chapters, but ever since he got to the Great World, it just feels lame to read it, am gonna give it a 100 chapters more and see if it will change my opinion, but I doubt it.
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Poireau rated it
March 21, 2020
Status: Completed
The first 1200-1500 chapters are good (5/5), with a balanced cultivation system, an interesting world building and a plot in depth. The golden finger is also not OP at first and its uses allow the MC to have many ways to overcome situations, making the reading addictive in some way. I really enjoyed reading this part.

BUT, the last 500 chapters are all about numbers. Who has the most "rules", then the most "dao seals", then the most "chaotic cosmos". It's a race for the biggest "D", with numbers reaching 328... more>> quinvigintillion in the last chapter. So much than the author stops writting about the MC in the last 50 chapters because he is too OP and instead spends all the chapters about secondary characters.

Tbh, I binged the last third of this novel because it was really boring, a huge waste of time, i'll rate this part less than 1/5. The Author must have lost his inspiration and just decided to make lines for money as the story could have ended much sooner in a better constructive way.

I recommend to read this novel up to chapter 1400 ish when the MC leaves the gravel world, because after its really too similar to below average wuxia novels! <<less
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TheBingeReader rated it
August 27, 2019
Status: --
Starts off pretty decently but after he starts his collection of monsters to a decent degree he is basically an unbeatable god, he literally controls multiple millions of monsters yet even then he does not even need them as he has a handful+ of entities that are even more powerful than those multiple millions of monsters making them utterly redundant.

There ends up nothing the MC cannot handle by just letting his minions take care of everything, he learns the sword only to pretty much never need it, if he does... more>> use it, it will only be because he fancies a try himself out of maybe what? boredom?.

Even worse is that later chapters are again plagued by throwaway filler, and I do not mean 1/2 a chapter or parts of a chapter, I mean multiple concurrent chapters in their entirety, at 1 point there is several chapters dedicated to the MC and 1 of his human minions just walking around eating food casually, only later for him to ruminate pointless information and following it up with..... yes, going to eat more food or something else equally inane and pointless... (this is still a major thing even faaar into the story, example: chapter 1180, more than 3/4 of the chapter dedicated to the MC + bad guests deciding what they want to eat and drink, and that is as good as the chapter gets, real story progression right there. +1)

Another story that started with great promise only to suffer from mediocrity when it obviously starts to pad the chapters and word count just to keep the chapter count higher rather than keep the story fluid and interesting... <<less
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Kurobito rated it
May 28, 2019
Status: c418
Seriously, this book could have been better if there is no obvious plot holes made by the author. The downside of this novel would be the unrealistic winning streak of the MC. It's like he never fail in anything at all. Not only that, the element of rinse and repeat drama is getting used too often by the author and I feel like the monsters are actually trying to live happily but was killed by freaking humans. The author may as well name the title of the book "Monster Killer"

The... more>> WORST part about this novel is that I HATE THE MC. Too arrogant when he think he's being funny but no. It's downright sh*t. The only thing I like about this novel is that there's no harem. Thank god. That's like the only saving grace for this novel. <<less
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Reached_The_Apex rated it
November 11, 2018
Status: c741
The novel is a new cup of tea for me, however the author is very lazy on details, the author tends to spend much of his time going about on fillers.

The main character is above average in talent, he forgets almost everything. His system (that was barely explained) and his intelligent summons have to remind him of what he can do to solve situations.

... more>>

In the early chapters the author spent 5+ chapters explaining how the main character can find his sister by doing physical police work (investigating) where the main character obtained a scouting relic in which he could of used and found his sister easily. However when it comes to details about training/fighting/leveling up his monsters there is usually a little amount of detail and it just happens.


The novel has many plot holes, mainly because the author gets caught up in his fantasy and forgets about some items that the main character has that can easily solve a situation. <<less
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ieatp-ssy rated it
September 25, 2018
Status: c209
To make it short: this is obviously a Sinicized version of the anime Hunter x Hunter, minus the yaoi shota undercurrent of the original.


When the action is on, it's usually fairly good, but then there's the slow-moving parts in-between.

... more>> There is no noticeable overarc of story, and I don't think there's an end-game to this LN, at least by chapter 209.

No overarc in the story means you can stop reading anywhere, pick it up again in a month, and miss nothing.

As light novel, it works OK. Not an outstanding reading material, but it doesn't suck, either. If you like Hunter x Hunter, you'll dig this stuff.


I don't know where the story is going. It reads like random events being strung together with no particular aim, which suits the pre-teens with ADHD readership demographics perfectly.

Characters are two-dimensional. By chapter 209, there's no depth to any of them, even to the MC. Despite the base material being Hunter x Hunter, the creative worldbuilding and depths of character is sorely missing, here.

If you're not a pre-ten with ADHD, you may not want to read all that much of this.

BASICALLY, this is more 'light' than 'novel, ' but if you want something to read to pass the time, you can do a lot worse. Just temper your expectations accordingly.

Enjoy! <<less
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Littledragonlady rated it
January 3, 2018
Status: c26
Remember Hiatus X Hiatus? Yup. That one with hunter exam and all those classification of hunters. Well, imagine this as a Chinese version with more cheat like ability, plot armor, and less naive MC
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Kinky_ensalada rated it
September 9, 2023
Status: Completed
Oh... I don't even know how I had enough willpower to finish the novel, I had thoughts of throwing it away more than 10 times while reading such absurdly useless and filler chapters, without exaggeration, I had to skip 5+ chapters of some arcs and still the plot continued just as stagnant. The beginning is interesting, I would say that, until before ending the arc in the initial world the novel was “Ok 3.8/5” but after that it leaves so many things aside and focuses solely on the exponential cultivation... more>> of the MC.

First half: The MC with the help of the cheat/Goldfinger can tame and evolve monsters at will, in addition to having other cheat options. The “options” that Goldfinger can provide are incredibly specific and suspiciously necessary to help the MC in a certain situation and after that it is never used again even though it could be an incredible way to deal with future situations. I think the biggest example of this would be in the mini-arc where he is kidnapped by an organization and "luckily" draws a "deception" card, a f*cking almighty ability that can help him fake death by "tricking the whole world" according to the description, even managing to create a corpse of himself, be cremated and leave as if nothing had happened hours later. That ability is incredible and would have unlimited potential if used correctly, but the author only used it in that situation and it is never mentioned again in the entire novel. Furthermore, it leaves many things unfinished, although hundreds of chapters later the author closes them too quickly and uselessly, leaving me wondering: "Why the hell does they even leave that possibility open if they close it with two sentences 350+ chapters later?". There are so many examples of this throughout the novel that I am only going to describe 2 that began and ended in the first half of the novel.

  • The MC manages to kill a monster, the goldfinger sends a notification of successful kill, but it is described that, the corpse it moves slightly a few hours after. There I thought: “Damn, how interesting! It manages to evade and even deceive this almighty cheat ability of the MC, it will surely be very relevant in the future”... Well, the author mentioned it again more than 400+ chapters later and the development occurs in less than half-chapter, the MC just overwhelms him with his cultivation and kills him again :D.
  • Another one,

    the MC discovers that the Insect Tribe has been infiltrating the planet for decades and has an arc where he begins to investigate and eliminate them, but in the end he cannot find the Queen Mother and gives up, well, it is a topic that the author NEVER f*cking come back, the only thing that is mentioned is 500+ chapters later how an Insect controller disappeared and no one can find him, which I assume was the Queen Mother, but it may have nothing to do with it.

Second half: Starts decently, bigger world, more cultivation levels, etc. The author seems to have wanted to focus more on the MC's own powers (swordsmanship and telekinesis) than on the summoned monsters... it got out of hands. There comes a point about ¾ of the way through the novel where all the monsters (more than 30 and an army of bugs) are literally useless, they are so weak- well no- the MC is so strong that they become useless in fights, which screwed up the entire plot of “MONSTER Paradise” and it became another novel of mind-numbingly boring cultivation. Something that is associated with the above and now that I remember it while writing this review I boil with rage, is the ability of the MC's “life palace/territory” whose name is homonymous to the novel,

a territory in which if a monster dies it can be revived to continue fighting in addition to giving buff/debuff and even substitutes if the owner die, a hell of an OP ability that gives its name to the novel! Well, then... the author F*CKING forgot about it! They never use it in combat but still gives a half-chapter long description of the effects every time it's upgraded. Sh*t at least I expected that ONCE, ONCE, IN 2000 CHAPTERS, the MC would come all badass against an enemy and say "Welcome to my Monster Paradise *smirk*", but no, he never really uses it :D.



The author forgot about the subplot of the MC's sister, who is the reincarnation of someone who died against an incredibly powerful abyss enemy (I guess he was a clone of the final abyss enemy but well, he never mentions it :D). To finish, again, in 2000 chapters and even reaching a “meta” cultivation level” where he transcended everything, NOONE NEVER EXPLAINED WHO MADE THE GOLDFINGERS OR THE USEFULNESS OR REASON FOR EXISTING :D


Note: Oh god I have never put so many “: D” in a comment hahahaha. <<less
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FrodosBeutel rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: c350
  1. I really like the MC. He actually tries to save people and doesn't just go by "not my buiseness". He really has a good nature.
  2. The length is very good. There are some parts which are more important and some parts which are less important, but all are part of the story. When I enjoy a book it should be as long as possible and this definitly fits this criteria with almsot 2k chapters.
    Some people write that parts of the novel are very long but it is exciting for me to read them.
  3. Story and writing top.
All in all a total 5/5 novel, probably the best one I read so far. Everyday I read 2-4 hours on this book, I just can't stop reading for 1 hour once I started.
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ChenYa rated it
November 17, 2020
Status: c1386
This is one of my favorite chinese novels out there. I think that its a breathe of fresh air compared to others. I like the pacing of the story and the little details like when the MC eats or takes a bath while checking in on hotels. It really shows the normal everyday activities of the MC and I like how close it is to reality. On some novels I've read, it was not even mentioned.

I also like how there is no killing from left to right and of course... more>> the lack of annoying girls who always need saving is a big plus for me (I am not really a fan of harem novels, I am reading a few novels with harem which I can tolerate but if its too much I'll just pass on it. I generally stays away from harem themed novels. No thanks!).

The biggest reason I really love this is because of the character of the MC, a little introverted just like me. His 'pets' too are very cute. The other characters are also nice.

I can't express how much I love this novel but if you want a story that is quite different from the other cnovels, give this a try and maybe its your cup of tea😊 Its a fun read! <<less
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Smhxd rated it
November 12, 2020
Status: --
I've read untill ch.150 but holy.... he kills a ramdom person that does something to him or someone close to him (dont know how to use the spoiler thing) and that person is out of nowhere from a huge background! Makes no sense and it literally sounds so forced, besides that, how it continues makes no sense either but that should be explained in a spoiler so I won't bother revealing that but if you don't like Novels that make a plot by every move the MC makes then enjoy.
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YinJenXie rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c1300
This is very good. It may sound very slow paced in the early 100 chapters, but as you go along, the story becomes very interesting. Situations inside the story vary. From suspense to slice of life, to even army-building, the only thing that lacks in this novel are the translated chapters (for real though) and some more romance (yes, MC met many ladies but for some reason, author is not onto the real deep romance unlike other novels, more like love-interests).

There are no "a**holes" that spring up every chapter that... more>> annoys the MC (though some misunderstand and underestimate him under the reason of goodwill), and the MC and his so-called "companions" are extremely OP. Furthermore, MC is not as unique because there are also other people with similar situation like him being transported from their own homes to the same universe setting the MC currently is then having a "cheat-like" stuff that they own personally.

The funny thing in this novel is that at the later chapters, MC hunts for transcendents, demigods and gods like he's looking for ingredients at the marketplace. Also, his "companions", which are monsters, eats human food. Ever imagined seeing a vampire drinking orange juices like he was drinking blood? Or seeing a giant craving for ice cream like a little spoiled girl? Or an infamous cold-blooded ruthless monster munching over a pack of dried vegetables like it was the best food of the time? Then you have to read this novel. I assure you, you will not be bored. ;) <<less
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shinikage rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: c190
first pay no mind to the synopsis. This is a story who after complaining about his luck in a game gets send to the world of said synopsis a couple millennium after everything happened when humans are back to the top of the food chain and rule the world a system to boot (A.K.A. The golden finger)

second the story is generic the plot is nonexistent due to all its plot holes, while the main character plot armor is so thick that makes the whole thing boring and predictable for... more>> anyone with an average intelligence

read only if you feel like shutting down your brain while wasting yuor time <<less
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