Mirror, Mirror


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At twenty-seven, Ara received an unusual birthday present: her father’s 1 billion won gambling debt. Desperate and pursued by loan sharks, she fled to her childhood village, where she had lived with her grandmother.

With nowhere else to go, she took refuge in an abandoned house halfway up a rugged mountain known as the goblin house, a place shunned by everyone.

“…Could you be my husband?”

There, Ara encountered a man of otherworldly beauty.

“Hey. Who said I’m your husband? Are you trying to ruin my marriage prospects?”

This goblin king was unlike any other—using a smartphone instead of a club and sunglasses instead of a cap.

“Do you want to make a bet with me?”

To repay her debt, Ara agreed to a three-month temporary cohabitation with him.

“If you want to touch someone else’s body, you need to get permission first.”

“If I say I want to touch, will you give me permission then?”

Navigating the tests set by the demanding goblin king proved to be a challenging journey…

Is this a miraculous fate or a trick of the gods?

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