Lord of the Mysteries


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With the rising tide of steam power and machinery, who can come close to being a Beyonder? Shrouded in the fog of history and darkness, who or what is the lurking evil that murmurs into our ears?

Waking up to be faced with a string of mysteries, Zhou Mingrui finds himself reincarnated as Klein Moretti in an alternate Victorian-era world where he sees a world filled with machinery, cannons, dreadnoughts, airships, different machines, as well as Potions, Divination, Hexes, Tarot Cards, Sealed Artifacts…

The Light continues to shine but mystery has never gone far. Follow Klein as he finds himself entangled with the Churches of the world—both orthodox and unorthodox—while he slowly develops newfound powers thanks to the Beyonder potions.

Like the corresponding tarot card, The Fool, which is numbered 0—a number of unlimited potential—this is the legend of “The Fool”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lord of Mysteries
Penguasa Misteri
Senhor dos Mistérios
Señor de los Misterios
لورد الغوامض
序列的戰爭 (old)
诡秘之主 (new)
신비의 제왕
Related Series
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My House of Horrors (13)
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (7)
Throne of Magical Arcana (6)
Release that Witch (6)
Warlock of the Magus World (5)
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wideeyedverification rated it
September 24, 2020
Status: Completed
I highly recommend Lord of the Mysteries to anyone who is hesitating or hasn't touched this novel yet. It's quite possibly the only novel out of the many that I've read online that can outclass Reverend Insanity (another absolute S-tier novel). It's also the only online light novel that's the closest to actually having the possibility of being published imo and here's why. The world building is in-depth and detailed, making you really get a picture of the setting and an understanding of the culture of that setting the MC is in. What other reviews such as kkgoh (how his review has so many likes is beyond me, especially when he only read up till 105 chapters) think of as unnecessary filler, others see it as the author taking the time to actually paint a descriptive picture to the reader of the setting, events and progression up until said event. The progression in this novel is logical yet simple (e.g., the MC doesn't get super OP in like 5 chapters like the MC's in novels such as Solo Leveling), people may have supernatural abilities but there are real and practical limitations placed on the abilities. The side characters which are arguably one of the highlights of the novel are incredibly diverse of all ages, genders and races and they all have their own backgrounds, screentime given, personalities with well-defined character development and realistic dialogues. Every detail and interaction matters to some degree, even the ones all the way in the beginning that the reader may have seemingly forgot about and the author does a tremendous job of connecting everything together to develop an incredibly detailed world with an in-depth power system, background lores/myths, religious themes, political systems, diverse geographies, diverse cultural differences and so much more. I would argue that this may be even better than Reverend Insanity because the author doesn't have a fetish for making the MC suffer constant bullsh*t setbacks or making the MC's opponents pull some Deus Ex Machina bullsh*t out of thin air that saves them at the last second. I implore potential new readers to not be turned off by the description or book cover art like I initially was. This story is nothing like a Nancy Drew-type novel where he goes around solving mysteries in a steam punk world. And there isn't as much horror or scary moments like the synopsis or cover art would imply (it's not that kind of story) even though there may be some supernatural events/creatures. Both Reverend Insanity and Lord of the Mysteries are well at the top of the S-tier list of light novels, everything else can't even come close to sniffing them, especially the obscenely abundant amount of ridiculous harem wish-fulfillment novels or the plethora of corny Korean novels where the MC starts our weak, lame, ugly (etc) and suddenly become cold, attractive, badass and super OP in like 5-10 chapters (not to mention suddenly rich somehow). The backgrounds and myths that are slowly explored and unraveled by the MC in this novel (hence the mystery part) are well-thought out and really serves to flesh the story and world. The side characters which are arguably one of the highlights of this novel are so well done, with their own stories and motives and don't exist solely to jizz over how awesome the MC is (I'd even dare say that the MC is sometimes a bit bland compared to them). The author also doesn't need to make the MC a "lone-wolf" type in order to have the excuse to shy away from actually having to develop other characters, have good realistic dialogue and not just have the novel be written like a narration like you would see in pretty much EVERY Korean novel. Nationalism bullsh*t is also nonexistent here which is another plus as you can get tired of constantly reading novels that act like only China or Korea or Japan exist and that they're somehow so much more amazing than the rest of the world. Most importantly,

deaths can happen

, the MC can actually fail, have to try or change their plans last minute cause an event didn't go the way they wanted it to (like IRL). Some points I wanted to bring up that was raised by kkgoh since his review got so many likes somehow is that all of his complaints are actually so irrelevant to the story (who would've thought, seeing as he only read 105 chapters). For example, not only is this review full of spoilers, he portrays the spoilers in an inaccurate manner and emphasis aspects of the novel that truly don't become that important later as sooooo much more happens. Kkgoh complains about inane issues such as the MC joining the nighthawks by chapter 30, but it's explained and makes sense how the MC joins the nighthawks by that chapter, it's not like he suddenly became a nighthawk. Plus, becoming a nighthawk is like barely finishing your first gym badge in a Pokémon game, that's how early and trivial of a step becoming a nighthawk is to the MC's development yet at the same time, incredibly important because the MC's time with the nighthawks serves to help him in some ways later on while also giving the author an opportunity to expound on the world's architectural, judicial and political structure. Kkgoh, this dude, is soo hung up on the most inane aspects of the story, it's as if he read it to hate on it. Like why are you complaining about the background of the body the MC is transmigrated in? That was just a brief background that later still serves a purpose for the MC yet that reviewer just goes off on a rant about that, wtf bro, you good?? And actually it is important to give names to side characters because, once again, the author does a great job of connecting everything together and the characters are memorable enough with their own personalities (and the names are in plain English like Elizabeth) so they're easy to remember. His whole review is made up of inaccuracies and points that simply aren't true to the novel which once again, gives off the idea that he read it just enough to hate on it. Read the other reviews telling people not to trust any reviews that haven't read past at least chapter 200. Seriously, ignore the negative comments, peep how they're all from people who have only from a very low amount of chapters and give this novel a try, it's that good.
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FrenchVanilla2020 rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: Completed
Ok so I finished this novel just today and I really want to say that IT’S REALLY GOOD!

Some reader complained that there’s so much filler, the MC is boring, the MC has hero complex and all those negative comments. But really I found those filler necessary or I basically won’t understand anything.

Also, the MC’s reaction when he transmigrated is just reasonable, he was boring cause he doesn’t want to take risk of losing his life - courting death. The novel isn’t those other novel that the MC starts off OP... more>> and that’s good. And his hero complex doesn’t really show that much, I found his kindness reasonable and logical. That has to do with being human or he might gone mad. There’s explanation for that too - retaining his humanity, you’ll understand it through the novel.

Everything has explanation in this novel. His transmigration and all. Really, it’s a really good novel if you read it all the way to the end. <<less
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isobuks rated it
August 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Ignore any negative reviews from anyone who hasn't finished the first volume. They clearly haven't been paying attention to what they are reading and haven't been exposed to beauty that is the LOTM.

This is such outstanding writing, with little to no faults throughout the book. You will be astounded by the author's attention to detail.


Every moment should be telegraphed for it might be important much later in the book.


Overall it has everything and would highly recommend. I feel empty right now after finishing it.
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July 20, 2020
Status: c1354

The overall worldbuilding is really good, at the start you will be confused, but its intentional as you will be learning with the MC.

The power system is unique and dangerous as well, the world is really bizarre as even thinking about something that you should not is dangerous

... more>> Details soooooo many details. And you know what? It doesn't feel like a infodump, even something that seem's to make no difference, later on its actually mind blowing.

The only problem is, if you read the story wanting to go end it fast or speed read it without feeling immersed you will not understand anything, give it a shot, reas the 20 first chapters if nothing catches your interest, drop it, but I find it really hard hhahaha. <<less
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Radiant_Void rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: c1000
Easily one of the best light novel I have had the pleasure to read.

I think the negative notes are due to the slow beginning, the story really starts picking up at around chapter 50, and once you have finished the first volume (which is basically the intro) the rest of the story is wonderful. Incredible world building, original power system, good character development and most importantly, amazing fights.

I am tired of reading novels where fights are just about who has a higher cultivation, but in this novel, the power... more>> level does not mean everything. It is possible to kill someone who is stronger than you with proper plans and preparation.

I love following the MC's slow discovery of the truth of the world, I love the mysteries he is involved in. There is often depiction of pain, depression and madness, all along you follow the thought of the MC slowly realizing the cruelty of the world he is in. This novel is deeper than what the eyes meet.

I truly recommend giving it a shot by reading the first volume (c1 to c213) before giving it a bad note having only read the first 100 chapter or less. <<less
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Cloakmancer rated it
May 9, 2020
Status: c1206
Main review from third paragraph.

First of all, a big heartfelt Thank-you to the author. My only regret is that I didn't know about you sooner and man you have bad luck with translators (not this one. This one is god-tired). You probably have already read the synopsis so yes it is exactly what is says. I personally prefer the light, sunny and fluffy novels and themes (Marvel over DC thing|| like author's Martial Arts Master) so honestly I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this at the beginning. But... more>> the character (s) development tho.... simply WOW!

Now, I know character development is a vague term but I can't begin to describe how good it is. Especially the end of book 1. I still get goosebumps and satisfaction (like the ending of The Office) when I remember it. I have read hundreds of webnovel at this point ranging form down-of-the cliches (back-to-past, power-up, arrogant-young-masters, beat them, encounter tougher boss, powerup again and repeat), wish fulfillment types (harems and sex), female MC romance types and so on. And let me tell you this definitely isn't one.

Main review

The MC after suddenly being sent to a new world in another's body does what everyone genuinely does, he panics! (for god's sake unlike others who accepts and moves on) and its not the author telling the readers that he panics and we have to just accept it, no this till the last moment is a major theme and we know this without author having to narrate this to us.

The world is covered in this mysterious and grey overtone and we uncover those mysteries one by one with the MC. Our MC Klein is a genuinely well developed character and I can say this because I don't think that I could have made any better decision than him if I were in his shoes (and that's a big deal because this means MC follows the plot and not plot following MC). Everytime a piece of world's origin is known the readers will feel more and more immersed (we have aahaa! moment right alongside with MC and we also have speculative moment with him because he is a person and not just a character.) My first point, character development, is major because these characters are more 3D than most of my relationships (truly).

About the cons, well read others one star reviews for that. I am unable to think of any at the moment.

Read this for a very engaging plot. If I had to compare this with any other novel it would be Harry Porter. That's how highly I think of it. <<less
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VeryNiceNice rated it
January 6, 2020
Status: c819
Alright let's review lord of mysteries.

Its planned out and the details are astounding. MC is smart, like actually smart not like those MC that are semi-smart. Love all the characters, the world is crazily good. I'm lovin it.

give it a try.

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November 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Heh this, I believe, is the peak of Chinese novels.

It has an intellectual, kind, very relatable and reasonable MC, clever fights, a unique and interesting power system, a huge and intricate world building, smooth flow of the complicated plot, ample conflict, foreshadowing and suspense, logical side chars with goals of their own, good female representation, interesting villains, nice quotes with a good sprinkle of philosophy and overall an incredible journey!

In short, the story and the chars feel real and not like they were created for the MC to showcase his... more>> greatness.

I remember feeling so grateful to the author for describing some important fights even though the MC didn't get involved in them. It made the whole story more engaging.

Klein, Audrey, leonard, anderson, Alger and dunn smith are my most fav chars in the whole novel. Especially Klein, and Audrey with her char development were way too relatable. 10/10 for me <<less
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If_It_Fits_It_Ships rated it
November 2, 2023
Status: Completed
Don't listen to the reviews that didn't make it past the first volume (around c200).

Volume 1 actually focuses on world building and the introduction of the different systems (power system, economic system, etc). So don't be surprised if this may seem slow and boring. I, myself, actually had this in my reading list since early 2020, but I kept dropping it, never making it past chapter 21. However, once the novel actually picked up the pace, it would seem as if a gem was gradually unfolded to the world.

Different from... more>> other novels on this site, LOTM shows its uniqueness in a way that it diverges from the so-called "norm" of isekai stories. Instead of being transmigrated into a medieval world with swords and magic, our MC here was given the "honor" to live in a world filled with madness.

Surprisingly, the explanation for the origin of their powers was actually the most detailed one I have ever read. The social status can be clearly distinguished, with the novel clearly presenting the struggles of the poor, as well as the obvious distinction between the quality of life among social classes.

Additionally, the background story of the world the MC Klein transmigrated to is very interesting. The mystery and thrill the novel intends to show the readers have been impressively delivered. Several moments would surely make you feel a chill creeping up on your back, or a layer of goosebumps forming on your skin.

For the characters, hmm, I'd say that they are all well-fleshed out. Their personalities are distinctive, completely unlike some one-dimensional characters I've seen before.

The MC Klein, with his momentary lampoons, managed to make his way into our hearts. His goal, his wish, as well as his character, have been established clearly at the start.

The antagonist, on the other hand, we don't talk about him actually does a good job of being an antagonist because of how horrifying he is. His unexpected, seemingly lighthearted antics would only make you terrified of him more.

As a novel in the horror and mystery genre, this novel would make you terrified of the most unexpected things. For example,


managed to bring trauma to me as well some of my friends who read it.

In short, LOTM is a great novel story-wise, premise-wise, and writing-wise. You can see the sheer effort of the author in researching information about that era in order to bring his readers the best experience.

(though I still think he is the biggest villain in the novel)


10/10 would recommend this novel if you're interested in horror and mystery. <<less
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DaDeDiDoDu rated it
October 11, 2022
Status: Completed
If you're reading this to decide whether to give the novel a go, I say to you, whoever you are: Just Read It. This is the kind of novel you will remember several years down the line. The one-in-a-hundred story that you probably have been searching for, without any avail.

I personally think LotM doesn't lose out to other famous fantasy series, but that's my own opinion. Try to read at least to chapter 100. As others have noted, it really starts slow.

You should have seen the other comments, and imagined... more>> what the story would be like. My advice is to stop looking at them before you get too many expectations in your head and just use your own perspective to judge this novel. That's all. <<less
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Casitaaaaaaa rated it
April 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Definitely a must read novel ngl, The World-Building, Protagonist, Side Characters and even Antagonist are superb. And the ending is justifiable given that its a Trilogy. Looking forward to Book 2!
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omnibeast rated it
February 12, 2022
Status: Completed
THE best novel on this platform without a doubt. Loved everything about it. Higher quality than any Newyork Times Bestseller I've ever read. Also the only web novel I've ever recommended to friends who don't read this genre, and I did it without hesitation. The plot, MC, side characters, antagonists, every single factor contributes to the glory of this masterpiece. Ignore any negative reviews you see, push through any parts of the stort you find uninteresting and finish this thing. You won't regret it.
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MyeTezz rated it
January 23, 2022
Status: Completed
Phenomenal masterpiece read [S+].

Top-tier world-building with rich plot and mysteries. Mysteries and mysticism will stretch your imagination to the maximum. It has a very slow start (Vol 1 - 213 chapters), but it creates a solid foundation of the world settings. Tarot Club will keep you reading though. No romance and it is not needed (coming from someone who likes a tinge of romance). It is written so differently from other CNs that it doesn't even feel like one. I highly recommend to read line-by-line and truly immerse yourself into... more>> the world created for the best experience, try not to skim through like some of the CNs out there. Enjoy the beautiful ride.

I have read many WNs & LNs (CN/KR/JP 100+) and this one is truly worth reading.
This is just book 1 and apparently a trilogy series. Book 2 will be out in 2023 and I hope that it will be just as great so it will be a timeless masterpiece. A must read.
Well done author and translators!

Date started: 10 Jan 2022
Completion date: 23 Jan 2022 <<less
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TundraDweller rated it
October 30, 2021
Status: c1394
One of the best novels I've read. The world building is great, impressive unique power system, detailed lore, numerous mysteries that are gradually resolved, many memorable characters, balanced conflicts, smart MC, ups and downs. The only issues I have are that the pace was too fast for my liking towards the latter parts of the story and the abrupt ending. I didn't bother much with the prequal chapters of the supposedly coming second part of the trilogy because I was dissatisfied with the ending. It's not that we were left... more>> hanging, but I expected a better finishing touch.

Highly recommended. <<less
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Fwlo rated it
August 15, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the coolest novels I have ever read, the author spends a lot of time on the first volume building up world. This includes intricately describing transactions to give you a grasp of the economy, describing the architecture of various civilizations, and the various news around the kingdom. What's even better, is that most of these details will come back in some way later through the story. Because of this, some may find that the story may start out slow, but I found the first volume to be one... more>> of my favorites personally.

The other stand out factor of this story is its paths to power. Without spoiling anything, the premise of it is unique, and you can tell that the author spent a great deal of time establishing the foundation of this system, so that later in the story there will not be any ass pulls to power up characters. Very refreshing to see something unique in this. I highly recommend reading it, I finished this three months ago, and here I am on the edge of my seat in anticipation for book 2. <<less
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DamianAce rated it
August 4, 2021
Status: v8c1394
Very fun read and the lore is very good. To me the lore and the world building was the most interesting aspect of this web novel. The lore is pretty fun and kinda complicated sometimes. I know that it’s not for everybody cuz not everyone likes the slow beginning. I dunno I kinda liked volume one it wasn’t a 5/5 back then but it sure does picks up the pace later especially since volume 3 for me because the MC umm how can I say this without any spoilers, well... more>> the MC is a great actor and he puts on these personas and acts like different people I liked that part about the MC and also the novel becomes more of an adventure novel. What can I say each volume has a different sort of vibe to it economics, even kingdom building to certain extent you know how he gathers followers, adventure, mystery, etc. It has a bit of everything basically. And I totally see how not everyone likes reading up to fkin 500 chapters on one sitting like me lmao so I get where u guys coming from ya know those people who criticize that the novel is too slow. I am more of a details guy and damn this novel focuses on the details and I like how beautifully everything connects. Also character development not even a single important character is neglected everyone is given a fair screen time except my boi Alger perhaps in the beginning well he does get fair amount of attention later on in the series tho. I like the power scaling it just feels so balanced and natural. The fights are pretty cool too. The MC is pretty funny too I like it when he has to act out a persona which is so different from his original personality and he just tries so hard not to lampoon and controls his emotions. U do get pretty attached to the characters if u hold out as long as I did. To me lord of the mysteries was the best web novel that I have ever read and I have started many novels but it’s usually hard for me to finish web novels but I kinda didn’t ever get bored reading lord of the mysteries well except the side stories they s**ked and ain’t gunna read em' too lmao well anyways if u love adventure, mysteries 19th century vibes, good action, good lore, good characters, etc, then definitely check it out.

ps:I totally forgot to mention how good the villains are I loved almost all the villains some are literally just mobs but anyways the end game volume of the first novel

Amon is such an interesting character born as a mythical creature he knows courage but he doesn’t understand them or something like that. He is very intelligent and cunning and a very fun rival character he does whatever he wants for his own benefits and diesnt give a f for anything else. He is a based chad lmao. Literally outplays every other characters lmao. And his interactions and appearances are creepy as well as funny you’ll understand when u read. So basically everyone is scared of him haha. He is associated with monocles and he has this thing called parasitism and he can parasite people and the people he parasites wear a monocle in their right or left eye and he can literally be anyone and you will never and the when one random character randomly smiles and puts a monocle holy sh*t you know who it is haha. So yea friend he’s a badass.

also I am very sorry for bad English. Thanks for reading through my nonsense if u held out thus far here is your 🏅. <<less
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Ironman96 rated it
December 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Amazing novel, one of my if not my favorite webnovel.


  1. Things are actually foreshadowed and the world building is so fascinating. Cuttlefish (author) said that he had planned this novel out from the beginning and end and it truly shows in the writing. There are reasonable answers for certain plot points and the twists are amazing.
  2. People actually act their ages, you have gods who have lived for thousands of years and they are truly frightening

    (Amon, ASG)

  3. Power/abilities are unique and world-breaking. Of the 22 pathways, each has their own unique abilities and the way MC uses his is amazing. Fights near the end of the novel are really really well-thought out.
  4. MC is kind-hearted but not weak-willed
  5. Tarot club meetings are the best

  1. It definitely has a slow start but please if you can read to the end of the first volume (ch 213 I think) and if you still don't like it then, this novel is not for you
  2. Plot speeds up near the end but it is still handled amazingly
  3. Things can definitely get a bit confusing as there are a lot of historical references and a lot of gods and powers and items to remember, but its worth understanding that its part of the world-building and will be important later on
Overall one of the best webnovel's I have ever read and am looking forward to part 2.

P.S. Cuttlefish (author) is amazing and check out his other works (Martial Arts Master - a sweet romance novel mainly with some great fight scenes and martial abilities, it does also have a slow start and weak ending. Throne of Magical Arcana - most similar to this novel, however, not as good. The sage who transcended samsara - Great novel, but translation completely ruins it.)
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The-Lonely-Daoist rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This is my most hated yet favorite novel ever. It's so good that I can no longer be satisfied with other novels. I should have heeded the other readers' warnings when they said to not read it if you don't wanna be always comparing other novels to this.

I don't regret it though. With countless sleepless nights, I finished this novel in 2 weeks and it was worth it. Though the first few volumes starts off slow, it will pick up its pace until you're at the edge of your seat... more>> from the suspense. The world building is so solid and honestly it surprised me.

Right now I'm waiting for book 2 and hopefully it's as great as this one. <<less
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Poemandres rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: --
This novel, compared to the rest to 90% of Xianxia, is without a doubt 5 stars. So in a sea of tr*sh, this is slightly better tr*sh. But compared to the top 1% of the masterpieces like Reverend Insanity, 2% Great Novels like WMW, this falls very, very short. Here's why

  • The MC. Undoubtedly, in my opinion, the thing that makes or breaks a series for me right off the bat is the MC. Unless the story is exceptionally good and the MC has little screen time, the thing I care about the most in a series is the MC. What do we have with this MC? Let's just say he's.. Way below par. He's bland and annoying would be a perfect description. Let's see why. First, he is extremely nosy. Whenever there's a situation he deems "evil" or "unrighteous", he will involve himself in it, even if it does not benefit him at all. He constantly gets involved with other people and is just overall a very unlikeable guy. He is also very self-righteous. There is no neutral or necessary evil in this novel. It's good vs evil. The characters are extremely 1-depth and the excuse the author gave was because of "acting." or whatever, so there is never any character development. Whenever the MC does or sees something, the first thing he does is call it righteous or evil. He is also extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY, narcissistic (in a bad way.) He constantly (literally every 2 paragraphs) makes passive aggressive remarks called "lampooning." Of course, he doesn't have the balls to say it to someone's face, but the author loves to show how "cultured" the MC is by his annoying lampooning. Another thing, he is very s*upid. Like extremely s*upid. I know he was "influenced" (spoiler), but the MC is not cautious at all. The author likes to make it seem like the MC is cautious by long monologues, but in reality the MC makes very dumb decisions. Such as: Inviting inspection from the Church. If I was in a mother f*cking world with gods and superhuman abilities, the last thing I would f*cking do is ask for an examination by someone whose foundations I know nothing of. How do I know if they have some sort of special ability or device that can find out I transmigrated or have the grey fog? S*upid writing.
  • The second worse thing is the f*cking exposition. I LOVE worldbuilding. But let me tell you that seven paragraphs describing Klein eating a piece of f*cking fish is not f*cking world building. Seriously, I know more about how a f*cking Desi pie or Southernville beer tastes than I do about the f*cking world. It's like the author is simply making a more detailed Japanese isekai MC. The author explains his sh*t exposition using words like "slow paced" or "methodical writing". But that's bullsh*t and we all know it. The author constantly adds unnecessary names, backgrounds, or details to things that do not matter. I can understand doing it once or twice, it can set the mood. But he does it every f*cking chapter. Seriously. I've read more about how the food and drinks in the LOTM world taste than actual god damn plot. It's very, very annoying.
  • Plot Armor: There's a sh*t ton of it. I never, and I mean ever, do I complain about plot armor. I think it makes the story more interesting and makes an MC an MC. But when the author tries to say that the MC is struggling or suffering and has no plot armor, that is simply bullshit. For one, he has the grey fog. For two, his foundations are perfect because he had the diary of a literal peak-level existence to base his cultivation off of. Thirdly, he has the Tarot Club in which he can literally get anything he currently needs (it's in the novel) when other lone Beyonders need YEARS. Another thing that pisses me off is that the reviewers call this novel "slow paced" yea right. It's not slow paced, it's simply unnecessary detailed and long. Right off the bat in the first volumes we see descents of evil gods, high tier beyonders everywhere, and a bunch of high-level shit. And magically, Klein survives all of this. He always happens to be at the right place at the right time and always has other people to rely on. When Klein has monologues about how he should handle the situation, the last thing he mentions, if at all, is relying and raising his own power. Instead, he always uses indirect methods or other people's help to solve a situation. He just happens to be there every time at the climax of it so you get the illusion he actually did something. He is a very reactive MC and is always dragged into/reacts to invents around him, instead of being a proactive MC like Fang Yuan, who creates events/ decides to participate in events by himself. There is no conflict of interest in this novel. It's either white or black, good or evil.
  • There is no character development. The author says that if you act a different way than what your sequence describes, then you go crazy or something. This is his excuse for shitty character development. If you are expecting to see plot twists, schemes, or two-faced people with real thriller action like Reverend Insanity, this novel is not for you. A character will act as they have always acted, there will be no development, this is a rule the author sets himself.
  • Boring plot in general. I'm a huge fan of the cultivation system and think it's very well thought out. However, it seems pretty useless. I mean, we constantly see a low sequence ant like Klein constantly getting involved in god-level characters right off the bat, so I place little to no emphasis on cultivation. I don't know what the story is. Apparently Klein simply just wants to return home or something so he's raising his cultivation, but then he sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong and gets involved with all of these events that hinder his goal, so I really don't know what the author wants. This author likes to use "reveal" tactics constantly. Meaning, we don't actively see manipulation, characters scheming in real time, or contrasting interests. We simply see the results. I enjoy reveals, but when that's all you have, it gets bland really fast. One minute Klein says he doesn't want to get attached to this world, the next minute he's getting involved in every f*cking event he can. He has a very cringe Hero-complex. I hold nothing but disdain towards his so called "morals." Thinking that everything he deems to be correct is righteous and always fighting against "Evil", so naive and immature.
Summary: This is pretty much a more detailed Japanese Isekai novel. The entire reason I stopped reading/watching Japanese works in the first place is because I could not relate to the softness, betaness, hero-complexs the main characters have, but this novel has all of that, and it's constantly told to you. This novel had a lot, and I mean a lot of potential. It's a shame the authors own narcissism, unnecessary morals, and passive aggressive arrogance ruined... more>> it. It's a very bland read. But compared to the other tr*sh xianxia (90% of them) its 5 stars no doubt. I'd say just read it and give it a try, but don't hold high expectations like I did, because the disappointment will be that much worse. <<less
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Asvare rated it
September 12, 2020
Status: Completed
It was overall an extremely interesting novel. One of the most developed novels you'll find on this site.

If you're stuck between starting this or another series first, this one's a best bet. Careful though, it'll suck you in.
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