Ling Shan Jun


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When Qing Shi Jiu got up, Ling Shan Jun had already left; half of the bed was ice-cold. He curled up around the blanket, took up the entire bed, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Until he was woken up by a person made of clay.

The rain outside became much smaller, Qing Shi Jiu ate a few bites of food super slowly, and from the headboard took out Ling Shan Jun’s book of travel notes to read.

The clay children followed close behind and cried out: “Madam has not finished eating.”

Qing Shi Jiu did not acknowledge them: “I’m full.”

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Recommendation Lists
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  2. BL novels that I am planning to read ~ List 4
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  5. crimson translations favs

Latest Release

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09/07/24 Crimson Translations c6 part2
09/07/24 Crimson Translations c6 part1
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6 Reviews

New Rui_Shirohan
Sep 28, 2024
Status: Completed
It's so good but so short!!!

It's one of the novels that pumps up your imagination due to the mystical and animal traits in it. I keep coming up with exact scenarios in my head because the author is good at providing details.

All in all 9/10 just because it's too short for my liking. I wanted more.
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New zenshi1024
Sep 26, 2024
Status: --
I quite like this :)

I like the ML.

I love the fluff (just don't mind the timeline cause it's really fast)

The clays are cute.

The plot is a bit a surprised but not?


I enjoyed this. Take note it's fast pace (Just believed in love first sight so you wont have problem with the timeline :))
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Dec 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Edit: 5/5 rating

Huh! The summary was a bit misleading because the little bit of angst wasn't from ML but from someone else... :)

Anyway, it's a good-short read. I wouldn't say I cry because of that but of grievance MC went through in the middle or in the early chapters but I'm crying for the joy of having the luck to come accros this. I'm not saying it's bad or good but it's enjoyable during boring time of reading long novel. Truly, recommend this.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Really warm story... Lol, from description I thought it was some kind mellow story with dog blood drama... I am little hesitant to read it, fortunately there are nothing tragic. The plot was like conterfeit bride with mpreg tag 🤣... little bit angst in the beginning, but sweet to the ending... I want more..
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 25, 2019
Status: Completed
So warm warm warm fluff fluff fluff ☺ so loving love love

No heavy dogblood whatsoever

Idk what to say anymore... If you're searching for light romance and warm daily life of a couple... This is it


they'll have 2 buns by the end of the chaps. One assuming ML form and the second is MC's form

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Sep 11, 2024
Status: --
I was skeptical at first with the summary, but then I’m glad I read it. It was confusing at the beginning but slowly everything came together.

MC is just so pitiful and I’m glad he met ML finally.

Just I wish there was a bit of karma happened to the others you know.


like that second young master and their family

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