Let’s Manage the Tower


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While returning from work, I was run over by a car. At that time, my soul goes out and was transferred to another world. The goddess I met sent me out to the world she manages.

In that world, I captured a tower and managed it.

I accepted various demi-human races(including humans) in the tower to develope it.

Associated Names
One entry per line
To no Kanri o Shite Miyou
Tou no Kanri o Shite Miyou
Tō no Kanri o Shite Miyō
Related Series
Isekai de “Kuro no Iyashi Te” tte Yobarete Imasu (LN) (1)
A Different World Scenery View From the Tower (1)
A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss (1)
A Reincarnated Mage’s Tower Dungeon Management (1)
Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels To Read
  2. All Ero
  3. Protagonist has S E X list pt2
  4. SS-TIer list (Legendary Tier) T1
  5. Easy Going

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/17/24 Divine Dao Library v16c1
09/16/24 Divine Dao Library v15c10
09/10/24 Divine Dao Library v15c9
09/09/24 Divine Dao Library v15c8
09/03/24 Divine Dao Library v15c7
09/02/24 Divine Dao Library v15c6
08/27/24 Divine Dao Library v15c5
08/26/24 Divine Dao Library v15c4
08/20/24 Divine Dao Library v15c3
08/19/24 Divine Dao Library v15c2
08/13/24 Divine Dao Library v15c1
08/12/24 Divine Dao Library v14c7
08/06/24 Divine Dao Library v14c6
08/05/24 Divine Dao Library v14c5
07/30/24 Divine Dao Library v14c4
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5 Reviews

Oct 08, 2020
Status: --
Someday, someone may translate this so I'll give it a review...

It started out weirdly confusing as the pacing was at times fast and at times slow.

But the more I read it, the more interesting it gets.

... more>> The MC started to slowly mature (personality) over time in the story from being a dense beta to a cunning alpha.

While the 2 Main Heroines feel bland at the start, over time, their character slowly got refined.

The plot starts from small, to large then to a grander plot wherein Gods have started interfering.

All in all: It's a fun read, there's a manga adaptation too. Entertaining, simple and quite relaxing to read. <<less
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Nov 02, 2023
Status: 1357
If you came from the manga then you will be disappointment, the novel itself is very PG 13 and has a different feel compared to the manga, the romance is very dry and lacks creativity, and the harem is lazy and forced

For the main story it is fine but the author loses track of what is important and just makes endless side stories with little meaning to them. Good premise but horrible execution.

The translation is way behind (less than half the WN is translated) and honestly speaking the translation is... more>> improved and corrected MTL so if you are in a hurry just go with google translate or deepl. Below will be spoilers so be warned.

The main story:


The main story starts off well and fun but quickly gets overloaded with characters that the main characters become side characters (Mitsuki and kouhi being guardogs/ servants) and the author is heavily biased towards the human members like floria and to a lesser degree the later members of the harem and giving them power/ important roles at every turn possible to make them rival the others which is not fun. The arrogant harem member who joined last shouldn't be equal to the more loyal harem members who were with him from the start. The entire tower was spoon fed to him by the two emissaries yet they are mostly used as the scary dogs who are taken for granted.


Second half of the story:


The bigger problem in this part is the MC losing power as he gains power. What I mean because he became a god the author writes in a weird way. Like why can't the person with a wifu that can teleport, with the power of gates, make a room where he can safely interact with his children without outsiders giving bad influence? But nah lets pretend he is a a useless dad who has to wait for the mom to bring the child to him to the management floor because god forbid he meets the offspring of the queen because he is a god and stuff. It just screams lazy writing As the side story progress the MC becomes more and more of a side character in a bad way. To me the second half where side story became the main thing is a waste of time, but to each their own.

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 07, 2022
Status: --
The story is good but the premise of waiting for this chapter is taking to long to wait and read it !

I just hope that dao library will translate back this novel from the start because it's been 4 years I have been waiting for this series to get fully translated only to get that shitty translator before making a slow writing and dropped for no reason
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Kuro Alicia
Kuro Alicia
Nov 10, 2021
Status: c352
Decent story till the main story completed, around chapter 300+

I stop reading it cuz maybe "after story" is about MC & his Harem going off around the world. I also give up cuz MC didn't really try to train his body with martial arts, sword or something, he just use his OP summon monster & servant to fight

Well the romance/Harem is a decent one, sadly it stop with 6 girls when there is many good waifu to pick lmao
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Aug 03, 2024
Status: v1c26 epilogue
It is a very similar yet very different story to the manga. Although I do not mind it being more PG13 compared to the manga's PG15-17 it does execute things in a way that leaves no decent payoff.

Thematically speaking, the story is an encapsulation of the MC's journey in the other world yet fails to showcase any highlight as all areas of the story range between average to subpar. It gives the feeling the story lacks any sort of clear vision and the author could not come up with anything... more>> else to set it apart within the genre.

    • There is not much adventuring done, though that's implied through the quick capture of the tower.
    • Not much management is done outside experimentation on evolution and tower systems.
    • The romance is lackluster and the character interactions are fairly... simplistic as far as chemistry goes, specially so in the later parts of book 1.
    • Not much is mentioned about the tinkering of the MC and how he creates tools.
    • Bounces between everything yet offers no interesting detail on anything.
Book 1 of the story has a lot of things it can use to showcase an interesting story yet fails to properly execute any of them leaving the ending of book 1 quite... mediocre with no effective payoff. As it stands, the manga is a refined and far better execution of the same story within the scope of book 1 as of the writing of this review where latest chapter coincides with volume 20~.

Overall, it is not that great of a story that ends up not being that enjoyable.

The criticisms mentioned by mddesigner are also valid and do not help the story's case.

The story seems to continue on book 2 but I could barely get through the start of that one after the 26 volumes of the 1st book. The reason is not its lacking execution (even though it should be but years of reading w/lns have softened my standards) but rather the MC himself losing their... MC spotlight and transitioning more to a side character in terms of influence, actions, and behavior. Towards the end of book 1 it was particularly bad. It might seem that book 2 could fix that but I do not have much faith after whatever the hell book 2 volume 1 was and being tired of the previous 26 volumes. Thus my time with this story ends here. <<less
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