Lazy Stepmother of the 70s Island


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Ning Tang, a corporate s*ave, transmigrated into a novel about a stepmother on a remote island. Her cousin, Ning Xue, married a divorced military officer with two children who she treated as her own. Meanwhile, Ning Tang, who married another military officer stationed on the same island after becoming a widow with three children, constantly scolded and mistreated her stepchildren. She even let them go hungry and neglected them like beggars.

One day, when the children complained about their treatment, Ning Tang decided to fully embrace her role as a lazy stepmother. She made seafood stew from the harvest of the sea and demanded payment from the children in exchange for food. Despite their initial protests, the children eventually gave in and used their money to buy food from Ning Tang.

Ning Xue, on the other hand, had a job and made money to provide for her stepchildren. However, Ning Tang saw the harm in children constantly comparing themselves to others and began to appreciate her own laid-back lifestyle.

When Su, Ning Xue’s husband, suggested taking the children to a dangerous part of the island, Ning Xue kindly refused.

The three children of the Shen family told Ning Tang that they wanted to go to the mountains and the seaside to play. Ning Tang rolled up his sleeves and asked, “Are we going to catch rabbits or fish for seafood? When should we go?”

Ning Xue’s stepson got into a fight at school, but she didn’t scold or hit him. Instead, she tried to influence them with reason.

The three children of the Shen family got into a fight at school. The teacher said, “Your children got into a fight at school.” Ning Tang asked, “Did they win?” The teacher replied, “They won, but…” Ning Tang then said, “If they won, why are you calling me?”

Shen Lie came back from a trip at sea and found out that his own son and daughter were fighting with his new wife from his second marriage. The eldest child hugged Ning Tang’s leg, and the second and third children pulled Ning Tang’s clothes, saying, “Our stepmother is just like our real mother!”

To all the military families: Captain Shen, please control your wife!! She’s almost become the Child Queen!! There’s no place she hasn’t blabbered about, whether it’s going up the mountains or down to the sea!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Seventy Island's Bad Stepmother
Related Series
Second Marriage in the 1970s (2)
Raising Babies in the ’70s (1)
80s Wife Is Sweet and Sassy (1)
The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs (1)
Recommendation Lists
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27 Reviews

Jul 14, 2023
Status: Completed

There's almost no character development, it's just suddenly "oh I'm slightly interested in this now so I guess I'll honor the family with my presence" after half the novel. Well the children have character development and I wish the story was exclusively from their view since they are objectively more interesting people. She's like a lazy unlikable bum that won the lottery and roles nat 20 in every charisma check.

While others might see it as a positive that the FL is a lazy bum who sleeps all day, I... more>> really didn't enjoy that quite long part of the story. "Oh but women had such horrible expectations thrown on them at that time!". Sure, it must've been absolutely horrible. Just like being a man would've been. It's just pure torture to exist in the 70s in China regardless of gender. Which makes it quite enraging that she spends almost half the novel in bed while everyone else does their best to survive. Her man (an absolute saint by the way) wakes up at like 5-6 am, cooks, goes to work for 12 hours and comes home tired only too cook and clean again because "men also have to help with housework". What has our FL done during this time? Slept until 11, went to the market (for a short few days (?) until the son does it instead) and "cooks" food by putting seafood in a pot and boiling it. Nothing else. She makes the stepkids do most of the work, won't have more children and just lays there. It magically works out as "life lessons" for the children because she rolled another 500 nat 20's. Eventually she does more but that's after almost half the novel. Way too much time was spent doing nothing. Several times she puts the children in danger just by being lazy, but since she has the MC protection nothing happens.

And the "evil" FL. At first her only fault is bragging. Everything else is her being punished by the fact that she's born in China. She's studied like crazy but isn't allowed to go to university because her uncle being a pre-communism landlord (ie PURE EVIL) and later because her man is a chauvinistic bastard. Sure she "evolves" into a horrible person but honestly who wouldn't? She tries her best constantly (while also being a bragging b*tch, sure) but is rewarded with sh*t in her face every time.


Also wish someone would react to the fact that the MC, who supposedly couldn't get into high school because of her terrible grades and lack of ambition, is suddenly able and willing to read long complicated books and help the children with their studies.

I wish they'd do more with her skill to paint that she supposedly was interested in. She apparently can make extremely lifelike paintings and cartoons that the husbands begs for, but she's just like "Nah I'm lazy. Maybe later." and then almost never does it again. What even was the point? She has all the power and money in the house, doesn't have to do anything while her husband works like crazy and she can't even give him something SHE ENJOYS MAKING...


There's a bunch of other "chekhov's guns" that never gets used. Subverting expectations might be fun but... I don't care for it when it's just to subvert expectations. It's just s*upid.

Noticed I didn't write anything positive about the story, but it's honestly hard with all the negative. <<less
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Jun 12, 2023
Status: Completed
If you're into the childcare/slice of life type of novel with a bit of family drama, this one will fit alongside all the other ones nicely. MC isn't the typical "perfect mother" trope we usually see, where she's talented in every aspect of raising a kid. She can't cook all that well, she's lazy, and she would be exactly like a regular person who transmigrated into this position. But she has an enlightened mentality that works really well with raising kids and dealing with personal relationships, and she's also quick... more>> witted. I think this is a great highlight point of this novel, alongside a likeable ML (though romance isn't the super focus of this novel), and family dynamic.

I do wish there were some extra chapters after the ending though. The ending felt shorter than it could have been. <<less
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Nov 01, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel only works because we have an ML who accommodates to all the requests of the FL and the children are smart and well behaved. Lets talk about the characters.

The FL was really really lazy. It was unbearable sometimes. I know she had a hard life in her previous life where she worked 12 hours everyday but this is not a reason to completely let go of everything in her current life and depend on others all the time. Nobody owes her anything to do all the work for... more>> her. But if you look from a different perspective it also seems like FL is not totally bad. But I dint like her at times. It was also chilling at some times.

Once when their father is gone on a mission, he will ask the FL to cook for their children. But once in the morning the FL never wakes up and the children keep telling her they are hungry. The youngest is just 3yrs old and they eat only twice a day. Once at lunch and one dinner. So the last time the children ate were dinner and its past 12 at noon and the children will be very hungry. But the FL doesn't care at all. And the FL is from modern times where eating 3 times is normal and 3yr child is taken more care with different food and other things. I was shocked at this point. I couldn't even imagine how anyone could not care and sleep when a 3yr old is crying that he is hungry without feeling an ounce of guilt. Its basic humanity.

But she was good at making the kids more independent. She bribed the kids to do dishes with food and money. This was good, they learnt to do things.

And for their studies, the FL doesn't really help them per se, she buys them story books and read that to them. That is all. As an Asian I can guarantee that this is no where enough to keep up with the studies. We get so much home work everyday we don't have time for anything else. It was good the children were pretty smart themselves and were able to handle themselves. If the children were a little dumb then it would have ended in a disaster. The curriculum in Asia is very hard and if all the parents opted this type of style in tutoring then its definitely not going work out. What the original FL is also not good, too much pressure. I don't agree with both the approaches, there should be a moderation with everything.

And the thing I dint like is making the original FL look bad. Everything the FL does is good and everything the original FL does is bad. The original FL also compares herself with FL at all times too. But the original FL wasn't bad, she really worked hard to take care of her family. She dint deserve that criticism. Sometimes it was totally ridiculous.

In a gathering, the original FLs sons will be calling her mom but the FLs children will be calling her step-mother. When asked about it the FL tells she doesn't really care about it as she is not their mother. So everyone starts thinking how the FL made sense and suddenly the original FL becomes some manipulative person who has made her children to start calling her mom already. Does this make any sense? The original FL cooks for them takes cares of all their house work, helps them with homework and takes care of every aspect, there is nothing wrong with calling her mom. She deserves it.


The ML is a total boddhisatva. Do people like this really exist? He doesn't expect anything from her and does all the work and doesn't complain, that is the only reason this works else not. The FL only cooks lunch and washes her clothes, washing dishes are done by children as they are bribed. The husband comes home from work and cooks dinner and takes care of dishes and all other house work too. If you look at it from a different perspective its really not fair to the ML. But hey if the ML is happy doing it then no problem there.

The story was so so for me. Def not worth 5 stars. I dint feel FL was totally bad except in a few scenarios, she takes herself as a priority and doesn't let anyone walk over her which is good. For me the main issue was the author making the original FL look bad all the time while she was working hard and the FL comes out as good while hardly doing anything. They were like two extremes. Original FL who does all work and the FL who doesn't care much about anything. It worked for the FL because the kids and ML supported her and it doesn't work for the original FL because her husband and kids are not. I dont agree to both of their life styles.

All the people here who are praising the FL should ask themselves if they are willing to be with a life partner such as FL? The FL was really really luck to meet such parents, ML and kids else it wouldn't have worked she would be definitely labelled as a villain character. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 21, 2023
Status: c108
Before I begin, the ablesim warning is like, so huge. Incorrect medical info is there too. Though it's a common thing in this sort of novel, it's best to put that warning first. Specifically, it's dwarfism being written about in the later half of the book -I am not sure if there's another term to use in english because nothing else came up in ggl-

So, onto the novel. I gave it a 4* because I really did enjoy it, besides a few things, including the ablism, tbo I was debating... more>> whether to go with a 3 or a 4. It's fresh in the sense that, it's on an island, and not in the village. The fact that they don't go into the chewed out s*x dynamic of a selfish ML who can never be satisfied is nice. The MC is deff not everyone's cup of tea, but I really enjoyed her character. As it's a porridge type novel, people who like a lot of conflict and development should skip.

As I read the review of the person who had a lot of issues with some of the plot points I decided to add a bit to this.

This is an escapist fantasy novel for people who work. I am aware that some people read without really considering things like, author intention, subtext, implied meaning, difference in culture and subsequently in writing norms, the main mssg of the work etc, however, I am a person who does consider this. An escapist fantasy is meant to unburden and de-stress the reader, and as this is clearly aimed at chinese working women, it will naturally take into account the common experience and desire of such women.

The MC here is as much a plot device as anything else within the work.

As she died of overwork she just wants to become a relax in her new life, and takes it as a chance to mushroom her way through things. The reviewer mentioned MC's sleeping habits, and her alienation and indifference to the other characters, erasing the fact that she's shown as a person going through depression and self isolation, coupled with her awareness of being in a novel and somewhat controlled by the plot, naturally she doesn't think much about the people around her. As she gets closer to her new family, she starts caring more and not sleeping as much. It is mentioned that she spent some time in the novel, that after interacting with the family she ended up in and trying to change the plot, everything ended up useless, so she'd given up and turned into a bed bug. Clearly showing her mental state and explaining her behavior. The reviewer also mentioned her schooling and supposed OOC behaviour. Firstly, grades have nothing to do with a person's interest in reading or their cleverness? Also, it had already been established that she was always considered very clever by people of her village, even more so than her cousin who was a hs graduate, which is one of the thorns in the cousin's heart, not that it has much to do with her reading, as reading doesn't really even need to be 'explained' to others, and finishing middle school is seen as not bad education status anyway. As for the strange way the reviewer mentioned her refusing to give birth to children, I have to admit I don't really even understand this being mentioned? -Here is where the reviwer's opinions bleed into the review wink wink- Her reasons were mentioned many times in the novel, and even if she had no reason other than I don't wanna it would still be enough.


Now onto the ML, he exists to be an example of an almost perfect husband, so him doing chores around the house is normal. ''He works than he does chores, how selfish and lazy is she to make him do this'' this is normal for women in the real world (some men too) -and in the novel- why is it unacceptable for a made up man? This is called being a living adult.

Also curious how it's not OOC for him to read even tho he is also established as a lacking student.


To move onto the kids and the chores they do, idk where everyone else is from but doing chores like this is very normal for children, it's also better to have children start helping early, so they don't grow into people who don't know how to do anything, and are unwilling to do anything.

As for the cousin, she was made to show how pampering men and boys ruins you slowly.

You become nothing but a machine slaving away for them. She was written to show how putting all your focus on driving children to study ruins them, how self comparison to others slowly erodes you into an unrecognizable version of yourself, how by living as a self centered person, unwilling to consider things from other peoples perspective, entirely focused on your own viewpoint, imprisons you in a cage with no companion to share a genuine bond with. As shown by her only interacting with one woman on the entire island because she couldn't make a sincere connection to anyone else, and didn't understand that if you only look at others based on what they can do for you, the only ones willing to stay are people who will also use you and abandon you as soon as you lose that usefulness. She is an incredibly interesting character, and I do agree that it's a pity she wasn't given a positive development after the negative one, but it's also interesting that way.


As I am feeling petty, I will also mention the whole 'not only women have it hard' I mean, is this even serious now, truly ignorant of the state of affairs everywhere in the world, both now and back then.


In the final arc the enjoyment dies down because the son is a huge capitalistic scammer described with nice, beautiful words. I also find it a bit of a pity that the twin who wanted to live a leisurely life by learning agriculture was not shown as smn who managed to run away and follow his dreams. The disappearance of the sneaky twin from the plot was also unsatisfying as I was more looking forward to his just desserts.

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Jan 18, 2024
Status: Completed
FL is absolute tr*sh. I get it that your character is a salted fish but to become a literal drag in the family is another thing. She does absolutely nothing while her husband s*aves away to provide for the family and comes home, still has to do the chores. FL is using the "im from modern times so I have modern thinking" BS. You dont have to conform to the social norms around you but atleast be grateful and act like it to the family who is feeding your bum... more>> ass useless person. She doenst even contribute anything remotely significant to the story. This would've been better off as ML's own solo story cuz of how much effort he puts on the daily. <<less
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Jun 14, 2023
Status: Completed
I love this! MC isn't the perfect mother that we would think of but she's practical and the closest to perfection 🫶

The "novel world" doesn't play too much into the plot, just slightly in the beginning and some mentions of MC's cousin (i'll address her as FL) being the heroine. Without her heroine halo, FL's loose hands in spoiling her stepsons and her iron fists in controlling them bring very real consequences. I love that lol

Drama is not over the top (though FL is occasionally an annoying existence) and MC's... more>> family is harmonious. A fun, relaxed read <<less
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Aug 01, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a nice different novel where MC and her husband is not OP. The setting is different from other novel like navy camp on island, MC didn't participate in University Examination, MC family is not a genius in study, MC's son graduate at 18yo and not at 13/15yo and skip grade. MC is so original I can relate with her being from modern era where we have electrical appliances, use to eat takeaways, DINK and everything. MC was real corporate s*ave that transmigrate to 70s, she attempt to open... more>> a stall to improve her life just like other trasmigrater but was control by plot, so her business has no result. Then MC does not like farming because (I think) she is use to AC and buy from supermarket. So real right? Like how can a modern person suddenly will diligently farming under hot sun and becoming a virtuous wife? And her interaction and relationship, to be honest, modern people really does not have a good relationship, unlike gosip aunties. So her interaction is acceptable like she doesn't hug the children on the first meeting, the children doesn't call her mom etc. Actually, I used to be a corporate s*ave working 6 days a week, working day and night. Now, I quit and becoming like MC, lazy, sleep until noon, don't know how to cook, and most importantly don't care about other people opinion. So, don't relate MC with 70s people mentality and habit to work non stop but see her as a real, normal, average woman from modern era who died from overwork. <<less
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Jul 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Amazing, truly heartfelt and touching story.

I fell in love with this lovely family consisting of Captain (no Major) Shen Lie, Ning Tang, Dawa, Erniu and Sanwa <3

please look at all the reviews, there’s a reason why so many readers gave 5 stars while only one criticized... this novel is so so soooo good. The pacing and the time skips and the descriptions were so perfect, thank you to the writer and the translator!!!!

this novel is truly amazing, I finished it within a few days and even now, I only wish... more>> there were more pages to read!!!! For those criticizing Ning Tang saying she’s a “lazy stepmother”, it’s not true. First of all, she’s not the biological mom and she raised the kids in an honest and upright manner. Unlike Ning Xue who wanted to become the new mom, Ning Tang treated the three children more like friends and guided them well. She gave the kids time to accept them and call her mom on their own.

I just love everything about this novel. Seriously, it’s the first time I’ve read a novel and felt like I witnessed the children growing up with my own eyes!!! I’m so proud of our three Shen children and how they each worked hard to become successful but their love and respect for their dad and mom never diminished!!!!!! I’m a bit surprised about the ending of Ning Xue’s two stepsons but at the end of the day, that’s just the consequences of their own actions mixed with the ill-fate of having Ning Xue as a stepmom...

I mostly read BL romance novels, this novel didn’t even have that much romance between Shen Lie and Ning Tang but it’s the daily bickering, the care and love they provide for each other through their actions, that truly warmed my heart. I know back then, many men wouldn’t even step foot into a kitchen. Shen Lie isn’t like that, he’s a devoted husband to our MC Ning Tang and he’s a devoted father. I almost cried when he said that part of the reason that he wanted to marry Ning Tang over Ning Xue was because he saw how much Ning Tang’s parents spoiled her and he felt his daughter would not be neglected. People seriously don’t get how badly sons were favoured over daughters back then and it was so beautiful seeing Ning Tang’s parents accept and treat the three Shen siblings as their own.

im so happy for Dawa’s success, and Erniu’s success and of course, Sanwa’s success. These three kids are truly the kindest kids out there, they stayed humble and helped their friends along the way. I love that Dawa included Dahu in his futures plans.

Lastly, like I said, this book didn’t have much romance but I deeply felt the love between each character. My favourite line between Shen Lie and Ning Tang would be during Chinese New Years, he would turn to her and say

“Another year has passed” and they would smile at each other. They weren’t even fully in love yet, both having married for their own reasons, but you could sense the deep affection in those few words and then you see the effort they put into creating a happy and safe childhood for their three kids.

amazing, please I beg of y’all to write extras!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<less
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Jun 28, 2023
Status: Completed
This story was surprisingly good and realistic. Of course, the realistic thing wasn't about the transmigration itself but MC's way of life after transmigrating. She didn't instantly warmed up to her step kids or ML. In the beginning of her marriage, she even refused to do a simpe chore for the kids and ML because it's exhausting to do. Fortunately, she chose a good husband, who despite grumbling that MC was bossing him around, still let MC slacking off for most of the time and did the chores himself. She... more>> didn't act like that throughout the marriage though. Gradually, she changed too after getting along with the kids and ML for so long. She began to learn how to cook and she didn't mind doing the chores anymore. She also began to treat the kids as her own and the kids loved her too like their own biological mother.

As for her relationship with ML, it also developed naturally. I like how ML didn't instantly sleep with MC in the beginning of their marriage (it made me wonder how he got along with his late wife until they had 3 kids together though). I don't know exactly when they began to sleep together but it surely took a long time. I also like the way MC and ML bickering with each other but still very loving.

In conclusion, I think this novel could be considered one of the best child raising novel that I've ever read so far. It's so heartwarming, fulfilling, and I couldn't help but to be sad seeing that it's over. <<less
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Jan 04, 2024
Status: Completed
This is perfect. First chapter is a bit boring but it keeps better every chapter. I already can guess that ... more>>

I love Sanwa ahahahah also I like their character development

When they called her mom. Although I dislike FL a bit in the beginning of the chapter. It's unlogical. What I unsatisfied about is I want to know Ning Xue and her parents and son' s ending also ML and FL 's lovey dovey scene. Their lovey dovey's scene was so subtle.

When reading this story, it's like we grown up with them too, we saw how they grown up and it's similar to raise child from a baby to an adult. I love their interaction. Teasing a lot. <<less
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Nov 15, 2023
Status: 30s
First time writing a review. Want to give 2 ⭐ but don't know how to change it.

Anyway, I had to drop this story because the FL is too lazy and I can't stand it.

Hey, I consider myself as a lazy person too but to refuse to even get up and provide something when the children are saying they're hungry.... that's just despicable.

This FL is just the other side of a husband who contributed nothing to the household, but demand the wife to take care of everything for him while he's... more>> busy sleeping and enjoying his free time, refusing to even pick the glass on the floor, but the role of the wife and husband is switched in this story. <<less
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Jan 11, 2024
Status: c108
I wonder what the end of the MC's cousin family and MC's parents and brother. I think the ending made it fast.

Overall, I like the MC and the ML. It was good because it totally true that you became lazy. Imagine most people in our Era don't know how to farm then mostly buy food fron restaurants or fast food, if your a busy person you don't have time to cook then just order foods and deliver it in your place, even don't have time to do laundry, just drop... more>> the clothes in laundry shop. MC was totally a modern type person and not OP like other MC. <<less
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Nov 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Obviously, FL has some glaring flaws; she is lazy, indifferent and unmotivated. It is very selfish of her to marry ML when she herself is not ready to take responsibility to be stepmother of three children, despite knowing about them in the first place. During the early chapters you will frequently find comments that criticized how useless FL is, not willing to feed the kids, or do any household chores and just want to lie down doing nothing. I do resent her because of that, she is being irresponsible afterall.... more>> Ironically, halfway through the chapters she had the gall to make an example out of Zeng's husband of how men weaponized incompetence while conveniently forgetting that she herself also do the same at first, citing not being able to cook. It is only when ML finally admit to be unable to handle cooking all by himself and asked her that she finally agreed to cook the noon meals.

What she did is not right. Why is she agreed to marry in the first place? Does she thought that marriage means that she just move to another place, living with different people, and still expecting to live the same life where she is being spoiled by her parents? That's what makes her hateful.

Fortunately there is character development as the story goes and she gets better. And I'm glad, or else I'll just drop the story.

I do wonder just what kind of novel is the original FL and ML is in. Especially considering their personality; NX is petty to the bone, meanwhile SJY is a male chauvinist and their sons' personality is not going to be any better with how they raised them.

There is some plotholes, perhaps the author forgot some details but the major plot is somewhat acceptable. <<less
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Sep 06, 2023
Status: Completed
Slice of life. Idk why I read this because the ending is already in the summary.

Typical Chinese novel. The face slapping is more subtle because MC doesn't try. In fact, she doesn't di anything and life just happens to her She's given the good life. Her cousin, has a bad life. The plot is basically just a one sided competition of the cousin to MC.

The translation is below average but better than most MTL. There are a lot of inconsistencies left but it's bearable.
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Aug 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Quality wise, this novel is 4 star, but because of the enjoyment it brought me, I think this novel deserves 5 star. Very easy to read, I thought I would be bored reading slice of life, but it turned out the novel was fun enough
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Aug 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I love the first half of novel. The half last a little bit wavy. I know what the intention of the writer. What the writer want to tell reader, the moral point. But somehow I felt it's too extreme.

Good novel to read. :)
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Aug 09, 2023
Status: Completed
The novel is good and realistic. It has good life lessons especially about parenting. I like how FL is so clear about what she wants.

I just don't like how the author skips with no clear transition. One moment they are children and then they were talking about how it is now two years later.

I also wish there were extras. I want to know who their partners will be.
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Aug 02, 2023
Status: Completed
Really good. I really like slices of life novel with a bit of drama and face slapping on the sides, and while this lack a bit of drama, the flow of the story was enough to hit the spot. I have to say, rather than a romance novel, this should be a family novel, there really is barely any romance within the main CP and the main of them being liberty diver was no more than a chapter or two. Not to say they doing have chemistry in them though.... more>> The novel post was a bit loosely handled but it's okay.

It's a peaceful read on a rainy day and I quite like our MC's personality and how ML is a good husband and father. Really a chicken soup. <<less
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Aug 02, 2023
Status: c74
This is my first review on NU and mainly because something in the novel really ticked me. I remember dropping two other novels because of the same reason - Just because they are MC/ML does not mean all their logic and actions are justified.

This is regarding Sun Minghui and Zhao Qing.

... more>>

Dwarfism is a genetic and hereditary condition, and as an individual, the girl and the family can choose to take it into consideration for marriage. I am not saying if it is right or wrong but its a personal prerogative. But it is in no way okay to isolate someone and bad mouth them for this reason. I hated how they focused on dwarfism more than the apparent sexism in the family. And though the MC did mention not to discriminate, the end of the Sun guy having to move his family because of rumours was uncalled for. Maybe it does happen in real life but I still do not like it being shown in a positive light.


Overall, it is a light slice of life read with most things smooth sailing for them so far. Personally, as a fan of escapism, it is a decent light read despite its shortcoming and mary/gary sue characters.


I do not know yet what will happen to the sister but its funny how in transmigration novels, the apparent heroines of novels the MC transmigrate into turn out to be selfish characters. As a fan of transmigration, I'd really love a novel where the heroines turn out to be decent and the MCs can still continue to develop on their own. Cue: Escapism ;)

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Jul 03, 2023
Status: Completed
An adorable story, I loved it. The MC took some time to grow on me because her initial character setup is precisely the kind of adult baby I hate the most, but after a while it's clear that she was just in an adjustment stage after experiencing a huge shock and trying to protect her boundaries with resistance -- and a good thing too, given the unreasonable expectations of women in that era. She calms down after a while and ends up pulling her weight beautifully. Everyone had character development,... more>> and the family grew together really nicely in an organic way. Perfect for reading with a hot drink under a blanket on a cold day.

5 stars. <<less
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