Lazy Dungeon Master


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“Hey, hurry up and massacre those bandits!”

“No way, I don’t want to work…”

Spending my daily life in leisure, that was my pastime—until I was summoned into another world and met a blonde loli introducing herself as Dungeon Core No. 695.

“Save my dungeon. By the way, if the dungeon core is destroyed, you’ll also go down with me as the dungeon master.”

A dungeon with a single room. Moreover, one already controlled by bandits. This is a [Checkmate] no matter how you look at it. Guess there’s nothing to do but somehow get out of this situation so that I can [Not Work]!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Dungeon Master That Absolutely Doesn't Want to Work Before Indulging in Laziness
Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made
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95 Reviews sorted by

Owloid rated it
April 24, 2017
Status: c191
This story is solid. The main character is a sleepy dungeon master who exploits his outsider view of how dungeons function to great effect. Check out if the comedy and dungeon construction interests you.
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marivera rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: undefined
I can't read any further

maybe later it will have an incredible rhythm and maybe the MC will save everyone, maybe the narrative will improve, maybe the world building will be good or not...

but, I can't empathize with a protagonist who allows mu*ders, r*pes, tortures... just because he wants to sleep... (yes, it's a resource of the author.... but that's exactly what repels me)

in the end, as a conclusion, the best thing about this novel is that I didn't leave anything to remember.

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blankso rated it
November 24, 2022
Status: v15
The story is pretty interesting but degrades overtime. There are legit volumes that has no point at all, just 250 pages of filter.

The main character Keima is beyond a pushover, I understand the title is called Lazy Dungeon Master but they got rid of the Lazy part and just made an incompetent MC. He legit has pay to win abilities, but just ignores it. In the later volumes, almost everyone just constantly shits on him, and what does the MC do? He does nothing at all. He lets everyone push... more>> him around. And not once has he said no, or enough's enough. He got scammed by the archduke, but instead of getting back his debt, somehow he got played again and gave away his s*ave for marriage. Furthermore, the whole series is just constant bulling by FMC' sister. Never once did he try to retort, or just threaten her back a little bit. The more you read, the less respect people have for the MC, no one really respects his opinion. Not even his s*aves. There are times when he appeared to be smart during dungeon battles, but it just makes you question why does he have 20IQ during every other aspect of the novel


Especially in volume 12, it was tough to read. Everyone gave him constant shit, and instead of doing anything about it, he s**ked it up to the enemy, and did whatever was requested by them. And also how was he able to argue with a literal dark GOD but unable to say anything to a dungeon core and everyone else???


Seems like the author gave up after Volume 10. MC fell so far to the point where other people are tryna get his properties but he doesn't bother saying no and just agrees on what ever the other party says. Well, overall a pretty good story, if you just wanna turn off your brain for a bit and disregard the braindead MC. <<less
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Noris rated it
September 19, 2022
Status: v15c1
To be honest I thought, I'll give this novel 5 stars.

It wouldn't be because of uber interesting plot, schemes, intrigues, deep characters or exciting world building, no. For me it was perfect comfort food, light just enough to smile, dark just enough to feel it's real, and tr*shy enough to don't care and just have fun reading.

And what most important:

MC was freakin madlad! Cold, smart, in control of most situations and maybe he wasn't alpha but he never let girls talk him down. It's rare in this type of harem... more>> series, I loved it.

That how it was in the beginning.... but then it goes downhill, and let me tell You, it goes fast. Let's leave duller plot with more holes the further into volumes You go. Let's leave villains that are no simply black evil but grey, with broken moral compass, yes but still normal people. I could stand that. It was light, easy to read story anyway.

But! For some reason, as story goes and MC becomes more powerful, gains knowledge about world and his powers and understands it better:

he becomes pathetic, meak beta simp with no backbone, also later becomes terribly s*upid as he doesn't understands almost anything what is going on and literally everybody (almost, exception of maybe 3 characters) - not only his harem - treats him as a toy, tease him, don't care about his opinion and use him as they please and as he says "He can't do anything about it."

So as for my last words:

BEWARE! If You're like me and You understand and believe tags, You'll be betrayed. <<less
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[email protected] rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: v26c300
This good novel for some one bored complicated novel and tragedy novel like me. It feel like wind coming in hot day. MC Lazy that unchangeable but he is so smart like oreki hotaru in hyoka (japan anime). They sometime do job for can get lazy afterward. If they not lazy maybe they congoer the world.

This novel didnt have main goal so enjoy it as u can. THANKS FOR TRANSLATOR make it daily update.
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Ixcez rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c256
Okey this story starts out pretty dark and gritty.

It is a nice story at first that splits itself between slice of life, comedy and some battles. As time passes it pretty much completly loses the battle part and switches more and more into slice of life in another world with a hint of comedy.

Some parts are very funny though to be honest the translator has chosen to not include some of the comedy chapters in the story and they are instead left as side chapters to read outside... more>> to not hurt the immersion. This lowerd the comedy part further and enhaces the slice of life part.

It is the standard JP harem trope where the MC just keeps collecting more and more girls who are all in love and willing to sleep with the MC but the MC is to "lazy" to do it (but in fact it's strongly hinted at him wanting to but being to much of a chicken)

Some annoying parts, some spoilers.


As usual loli's are involved in fact the first two heroines and who are also the main heroines and love interests are less then 10 years old in appearence but he's not a lolicon yeah! (most used line in JP novels nowadays introduce lot's of loli's but the MC keeps saying he's not a lolicon... maybe it's just the authors)

One of them is called meat and is a s*x s*ave bought by a bandit chief who is r*ped everyday for a week or two in the dungeon while the MC and loli watches and doesn't do anything. So you'd think the author doesn't shy away from s*x or at least physical relationships.

Nothing happens after this part except that Meat is used as a hug pillow by the MC when he goes to sleep and thats it. While I don't require it but with the mature tag and it's beginning I really thought this one would take a more mature approach to the harem members relationship with the MC.

I mean here the author introduces an 8 (?) year old broken s*x s*ave that is shown to being constantly r*ped and has no will to live. In comes MC gives some hamburgers, pats her head and two days later she's back to a normal 8 year old girl who's madly in love with MC for no reason. Sure you could argue that he helped her and such but it happens way to fast, wouldn't a beastkin girl normaly at least be traumatised of male humans after being captured and kept as a s*x s*ave?

To give him courage he is eventually r*ped by a girl (in his dreams? a bit unclear) which in turn makes him really start to accept his feelings for the first loli (also hinted at they might have had s*x or done naughty things while he wasn't himself) but he instantly gives a shallow excuse to not make the relationship progress. Not sure why more and more JP MC's has to be r*ped by the girl to progress in their relationship.


Some other points that I am all to familiar with right now is the simple fact that black hair is the mark of hero and no one except the hero or their decendents have black hair blah blah and even when lots of different food is offered the japanese cuisine is always the best wether it's the MC or someone from the other world who eats it.

All in all this is a slice of life in another world where the MC is a lolicon (though hides it behind his foot fetish) with some very funny parts and some not so fun and the MC builds his doll house with out there being any relationship except for the occsasional fan service.


Where loli will make out with big b**b nee-san or loli will suck on nee-san finger and then nee-san licks finger or loli steeps on the MC to give him a massage or loli..... you get the picture

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Lifa rated it
April 26, 2018
Status: c276
This is comedy at the finest.

The characters are absurd.
Typical tsundere loli, dense MC, perfect older sister.

The plot are absurd.
s*upid enemies, s*upid schemes, s*upid developments.

MC nature is inconsistent
MC suddenly questioning morale, MC suddenly hyperactive, MC suddenly sleep

Everything is out of place
Mixing comedy and dark theme. Mixing morale and lolicon theme. It's chaos.

Loli as body pillow? Absurd

The result? Absurd
You will find yourself often chuckles, maybe burst out laugh, sometimes raise your brows. It is beautifully written so you can laugh at the absurdity, nothing else. It is written for a sole reason of comedy, no other reason. You might lost interest in some mid chapter or maybe at first because you have different taste in comedy. But for me it was enjoyable ride of chuckles and happiness.
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Alicequeen rated it
April 21, 2018
Status: c276
This book was funny even though it had a slow kind of start and the grammar was not that well, you could feel the work being put into it especially things such as referencing which is hard to do each and every chapter. Even though it has a dark humour side it changes mistly after the first 2 volumes.
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Zerocool rated it
October 19, 2017
Status: c251
The history is nice the guy doesnt have a insta kill like most MC or a cheat skill from the begining of the history just his brain, most people always complain about Meat and that Khema didnt help her but if they read the novel it was well explained that it was not even chance of save her the guy doesnt have lvl or a cheat skill nor even a weapon, 1 normal guy against several bandits and even a bandit boss that can kill even knights it simple... more>> as go to die, actually that aspect of the story was something out of the norm in the Isekai series the guy doesnt appear and save everyone or is a guy that just go killing everyone doesnt go for a harem or the great cause he just want to live and avoid anyone broke his DC. The battles against others are great he doesnt use a Weapon that kill everyone one sidely or a Mega cheat skill this is the main aspect of the MC that I like, after he get a skill but he almost dont use that or depend in that for win like most of MC.

The history is not like the avarage isekai series this is the slice of life of the guy in another world most people complain just because this:

1 He doesnt have a Cheat skill (at least at the begining)

2 He doesnt go looking for a harem

3 The guy dont go mode god/Bad ass killing everyone like happen in most novels

4 He doesnt have a Nemesis God/Demon king/ Evil royalty that betray him or the likes

Like I said before is a slice of life in another world with comedy and battles that the guy fight using his brain. <<less
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Tatticky rated it
September 1, 2017
Status: c243
A strange-but-enjoyable mix of light and dark tones. Unfortunately, it starts off on the wrong food, essentially painting the ugliest part of the picture first.

So, assuming you're willing to give this story the several dozen chapters it needs to get out of its teething phase, what should you expect?

Well, the world is the sort that runs on JRPG mechanics, but thankfully it doesn't wax poetically about how they “work” or what every character's statblock is or things of that nature like you've probably seen a dozen times before. An exception... more>> is with the mechanics specifically having to do with Dungeons, of course. As you might have guessed, Dungeons spend energy to generate monsters, traps, and treasures, and they recover that energy by luring adventurers in and either trapping or killing them. The efficient use of that energy to expand the dungeon in new and exciting ways, as well as implementing ways to cut costs, make up a fair portion of the story's content.

The MC is a militantly lazy person. He's so lazy, that he'll go to extraordinary lengths to avoid work. The irony of this is usually lost on him, but it serves him well in his job as a Dungeon Master. His unwillingness to expend any unnecessary effort manifests in the development of innovative and efficient solutions. Worrying about future inconveniences leads his plans to be well-thought-out with contingencies. He collects competent underlings and distributes tasks to them, as a good leader should. He never does anything half-assed, since that's just a recipie for more work later on. Occasionally though, he'll really get into something and go way above the minimum requirements. Personality-wise, he's sometimes an a**hole, but that's mostly because he just doesn't care about others, and more often he'll be overly polite just to avoid conflict. Unless you threaten something (or someone) he actually cares about, then he'll get nasty – which is kind of touching, in its own way.

Of course, the MC alone isn't entire cast: there are plenty of secondary characters with amusing personalities to carry the story during the lulls. The Dungeon Core herself is the strongest, although not quite to the level Deuterotagonist. Being a young dungeon, her personality is a juxtaposition of childlike innocence and predatory instinct, and has shown the most development of any character in the series thus far. She's also the primary love interest, although that mostly consists of her dragging the MC around and tricking him into concessions (it's a slow-burn romance at best). The third-most important character's a s*ave girl which the MC half-rescued, half-looted from some bandits which invaded the dungeon early on, to which the MC plays a sort of foster father role (with some yandere undertones from her, which may be hilarious or squick depending on your point of view). Then there's the Dungeon Core's “older sister”, one of the top ten dungeons in the world, whom the MC lives in constant fear of. An ex-adventurer who was willing to sell out the human race for curry rolls. The neighboring dungeon's core, a yakuza lizard with a not-too-bright dragon for a wife. A gullible hero, a drunken duo, and many more who show up for a single arc for the MC & co. To deal with.

I'll admit that this novel isn't for everyone. Sometimes it takes a flexible mindset to really understand the characters' motivations. However, if you're like me and know what it's like to be a lazy (but clever) person, then you'll be able to instantly relate. <<less
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hellogarry rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: c198
The concept is really interesting. The characters are fun. The story is great and the puns is funny despite being repetitive.

The beginning was kinda well... hard to swallow but at the same time enjoyable.

... more>>

Well he is smart and the first quest[killing the bandits] was kinda fun except for Meat being r*ped. Well she did had a good life after that but that was kinda scary because I thought we will get constant thing like that but so far I haven't read anything similar to that.


What I really enjoy most is Rokuro's POV. She always looks s*upid in Keima's POV but once you read her POV she is actually pretty smart and she gets what she desires but still most of the time she is easy going. <<less
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mechafanboy rated it
October 23, 2016
Status: c214
The initial idea is interesting and is followed through pretty well for the first major arc or so but after that I have mixed feelings, on the one hand, the writing quality hasn't changed, the main character is still finding good ideas and implementing them accordingly, on the other hand, it feels very... generic? lacking in purpose?

Edit: 6/6/17 Recently read up to the latest released chapter and it's uh... painfully generic. There's very little that's done wrong, but with so much down time between interesting events and the events themselves... more>> being solved in a typical gag like fashion, all sense of seriousness is removed.

In addition, the tropeyness of the characters started to really grate on me so I don't think it's really worth a particularly high rating. Leaving it at 2.5 stars, it's thoroughly middle of the road, very few mistakes, but very few good points and the pacing is almost absurdly slow and filled with boring/repeated daily interactions from which you can already tell what's going to happen based solely on the characters used for that instance. <<less
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Hussey274 rated it
July 8, 2016
Status: c95
This is absolutely a fabulous story! There is summoning from a different world but the concept is novel and new. It is refreshing that the MC has a different kind of personality and is not OP like most other MCs. He is forced to use his wits to tackle problems and comes up with genius ways to handle his problems.

The MC is an absolutely lazy guy, who prefers sleeping above all else. Although he is often cited as lazy, he actually does a lot of work regarding the dungeon. The... more>> MC has a foot fetish, uses a loli as a hug pillow but apart from that, the MC does not indulge in any ero. There is also some slight yuri action between a main character and a side character. However so far in the story there is no romance.

The story sometimes narrates from a different guy's perspective which is also entertaining and refreshing. This is a worthy read. Enjoy!

Story: 9.3/10
Plot Progression: 8/10
Characters: 8.5/10
Comedy: 8.5/10
Translation: 10/10
Overall: 9.4/10 <<less
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Parth37955 rated it
April 6, 2016
Status: --
God reincarnates MC and asks him what he wants to do. MC says he wants to sleep. That is literally his goal in life. There are some disturbing parts, but for the most part, the novel is light-hearted. MC is a little dense, but smart (weird combo). He's super lazy but when stuff is disturbing his sleep, he quickly resolves it to go back to sleep.
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theghostof87 rated it
July 24, 2023
Status: c564
I like novels with laid back protagonists that constantly switches between slice of life and plot intensive arcs. So, I'm going to be a bit biased with my 5 rating here since I personally enjoyed reading this from start to finish. Also, this is for the webnovel version of this story. Not the light novel version, which I've heard was slightly different.

Now onto the review.

I'll start off with what liked about this novel. Firstly, the lazy, laid back, yet at times, diligent nature of the main character makes for... more>> a lot of comedic and great moments between him and many other characters. Him and the main heroine's romance are an especially heartwarming sight to see. Secondly, the slice of life segments are really well done (I think at least) and give off a very comfy and relaxing vibe. During these parts, you get to know many of the underdeveloped characters better, some parts of the plot are connected during these scenes and its a very nice time of relaxing before the next major arc begins. Honestly, I'd even go as far to say this Slice of Life element is the main selling point of the novel. Finally, the characters. While it isn't anything like masterpiece level character writing, many of the characters bounce off each other well (I think anyways) and even by the end of the novel, I really can't say there are any characters that I really really hated. While my overall enjoyment of this novel stemming from these three points greatly exceeds the dissatisfactions I had, I wrote some points below, that I wished the author had done with the story and also my honest thoughts on those points.

Honestly speaking, I can't say Lazy Dungeon Master is too well written as a story. In fact, I'd say it's pretty average when compared to most other isekais. Firstly, I had a lot of issue with how the story was paced. I'm not going to include any spoilers, but some arcs felt way too fast and didn't develope certain characters/plot points/settings enough. While others feel too slow or almost unnecessary for other readers.

Secondly, the author also really likes introducing different characters/plot devices/world locations that get only a few moments/arcs to shine before being banished to oblivion and never mentioned of again throughout the rest of the story. In fact, even though the webnovel is basically about to end (assuming it follows the lightnovel's ending) there are so many different character backstories and locations in the world that the author could've explored and gone into more depth with. It just really makes me sad that the author chose to end it the way that they did.

That also leads me to my final and most major complaint, the ending. Aside from feeling that it had been completely rushed and forced, it also doesn't even seem like an ending at all. Almost none of the characters that have been developed in the story thus far, actually show up in the final battle and instead a bunch of background charcters fill in for them instead. The final battle itself was also quite lackluster to say the least, with almost no real tension and a seemly completely random villain that has had no prior build-up or mention.


I heard that the light novel changes the ending, making it different and slightly better compared to the webnovel's ending, at least. However, I don't even want to read the light novel because it won't be worth the read, unless the ending gets retconned and pushed back by several dozens of volumes.


There were also some small issues that I had regarding the lack of intelligence and unnatural vibe that certain characters had given off that don't seem to match with their personalities, among other small things, but it didn't bother me too much.

That being said though, this has been one of my most enjoyable reads that I've had in a while. I definitely think it could've been an all time favorite of mine if it had gone on for much longer and had a different ending. If you're looking for something chill and relaxing like, Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai, then I recommend this. <<less
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Master10K rated it
March 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay, time for some Dungeon Keeping, and like most modern Isekai, the author assumes you know the drill. Failing to explain any back-story on why the Japanese MC (Keima Masuda) is such an inhumane foot-fetishist. Who arbitrarily seems unfazed by watching brutal massacres & r*pe, whilst partaking in a little s*avery. But beyond that, it follows a formula I've gotten used to... Assimilate with a rudimentary dungeon core, learn the various rules & mechanics, experiment, clear first major threat with ingenuity and then things expand from there.

And honestly I had... more>> some fun with this one. Tantalizing illustrations unsurprising for a Doujin artist. Seeing Keima balance the serious side of a Dungeon Master with that of a slow life Adventurer / Land Owner. Constantly shifting character perspectives to flesh out the world and other characters, however there are times when it was done needlessly. And the inconsistency of the author, left the story feeling like an assortment of random events, with barely a sense of progression. <<less
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Paperlightning rated it
October 18, 2020
Status: c392
Honestly? This feels like popcorn to me, I could read it and read it and read it and my enjoyment remains roughly the same through out, maybe dipping in a few arcs. It's definitely not without its flaws but I enjoy the lax pace and simple world building. In my opinion, it manages to avoid stagnation, but development happens after many many chapters, that is to say, characters change slowly and through small steps, we see small bits of their daily life every chapter.
The world gets unraveled slowly as well, we get small expansions to the world as the story goes on, like pavuera, the white labyrinth, draco, and in the latest chapter kehma is preparing to go to the demonlands. This doesn't only apply to land but also lore on the dungeon cores and the heroes, as well as father. I don't mind this style, I may even be able to say I like it, but it is true that there's long streches of time where the characters just stay in golen village and not do much of anything.
As for the plot, I can't say I can call it forced, it feels like it flows well from thing to thing, Kehma is most definitely a reactive character rather an active one, but things aren't simply thrown at him and then dismissed by the next chapter, they stay in the story and change the status quo at least a little even way after their first introduction.
Some characters are forgettable, like the majority of the village, the succubi, and haku's party I feel like I'm forgetting more as well. Kehma, rokuko, haku, meat, ichika and wataru all feel distinct to me though, and those are the characters that get the majority of the spotlight (maybe not so much wataru though) .

Tl;dr not really innovative, but still enjoyable.
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lotus.eater086 rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: v11c2
Nice plot. It's fun to read. You will see that some people are writing this or that about this Light novel. But the thing is if they want classical-novel-level-writing in LN then they shouldn't read LN in the first place.
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Wh1t3Rabbit rated it
May 26, 2020
Status: c175
Overall, the story is serviceable. The translation is good. The characters are passable (a cutout MC with some occasionally cute supporting character). The dungeon mechanics are fun and interesting as in most stories of this type (if a bit nonsensical at times). Altogether the story is painfully average, but fine.

Normally, I wouldn't write a review about this kind of story, but there is one element that was a huge negative to me and almost made me drop in the very first arc. It has one of the most disgustingly casual... more>> uses of r*pe that I have ever seen in a story. It involves a severely under-aged girl and a group of bandits. Reading it was frankly pretty disgusting in a way that just reflected poorly on the author as opposed to portraying the traumatic nature of the situation. This happens at the beginning of the story to an important character who sticks around for the whole story. Her name is Meat... classy right? It never gets changed for reasons that are s*upid. In hindsight, I should have dropped it right there.

Like I said, the rest of the story (up to 175) is passable, but the author can still go f*ck himself. <<less
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S.D. rated it
October 22, 2019
Status: c357
This is probably the best dungeon management story I've read on NU till now, initially planned to rate it at 5 stars, but got very disappointed with later chapters.

Chapters till 200 receive a solid 5 stars from me. The next arc after that author raised the level of absurdity, but at least I found the "boss" of that arc quite lovable. It was a drop in quality that made me stop reading properly and start skimming through chapters, but still more or less the same story I had enjoyed. After... more>> chapter 243 the story rapidly goes downhill. It felt like the author didn't knew where to take his story next, so he added a slice of life filler, around 40 chapters. Then there's like 10 chapters of coolness, 10 chapters of absurdity and then 20 more slice of life-ish chapters. The MC from a perceptive mastermind he was in early chapters suddenly started to degenerate, which I assume was done to highlight the female lead character hand suddenly getting pretty smart and reasonable on the other hand. From somewhere 320 it somewhat gets back on track, but the damage was kinda done already. <<less
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