Lazy Dungeon Master


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“Hey, hurry up and massacre those bandits!”

“No way, I don’t want to work…”

Spending my daily life in leisure, that was my pastime—until I was summoned into another world and met a blonde loli introducing herself as Dungeon Core No. 695.

“Save my dungeon. By the way, if the dungeon core is destroyed, you’ll also go down with me as the dungeon master.”

A dungeon with a single room. Moreover, one already controlled by bandits. This is a [Checkmate] no matter how you look at it. Guess there’s nothing to do but somehow get out of this situation so that I can [Not Work]!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Dungeon Master That Absolutely Doesn't Want to Work Before Indulging in Laziness
Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made
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Reindeer rated it
March 2, 2017
Status: c49
Well, uhh... This is purelyy personal problem, but... I hate first person POV.

Well, before that, let me tell you first how I even reached ch 49, and why I put it off.

At the start, the bandit arc, I really endured it, like literally endured. Yeah, but then that happens, and this happens, and shit. I don't even know how I got to where I am right now, but along the way, I get to see a r*ped loli who turns into innocent type loli, no wait, scratch that, I mean... more>> child, not loli, errr.... c*ck eating s*x s*ave who turns into a, uhh, I dunno, some kind of annoying maid, wait, no, bodyguard, uhh, wait wait, ah, I meant poison tester girl (new type trolol), and uhh... I guess that's all. For s*aves that is. And then there's, uhh, let's see here, overf*ckINGused skills I guess? Well, there's only two, was it clean up? The one that everybody knows and should by now be common sense in their world since it didn't suddenly pop out and ppl get brainwashed into thinking it is common, which begs the question why the hell does it feel so awkward? And the other one, it was uhh, golem create? He's pretty much using it for everything. Now here's the thing about the golem one. One thing I really like about the novel is the MC's power. I dunno where he got it tho, but it lets him understand every language orally, and can cast and modify every magic out there because the magic spells are from an ancient language that only the MC prob understands in present time. Sounds so cool right? But look at how the aithor uses this: by repeatedly using the only spell that probably exists on the entire world, I mean MC skillset, that can be modified. It looks cool that using it for, uhh, cool stuff, but is there nothing else out there? Imagine the fkin possibility of this cheat... dangit.

Now I guess to the last part, uhh yeah. The MC. Ugh, where do I start with japanese monologue with unfunny jokes that are prob hindered by culture barrier? That's ok and all, but it is so f*cking.... fk, gah, my chest itches... a lot! First person POV description is... just killing me!!!! The monologue.... save me.... there are just a lot of times where MC just kinda feel like... gaaah, how do I even explain this shitty hate I have for first person POVs. Look, I tried that death march thing, I couldn't survive past c3! And then I also tried that realist hero chronicles one. Two parts I so hated about the novel... the idol group and the f*cking cooking show! Uggghhhh, I was almost up to the latest translations, until my chest started bleeding from scratching... fuuuuu-

Well anyway, the thing I hate most about the novel, aside from being japanese (lol) is the characters. Well, not really hate, more like I can't be invested, and that just makes them all look like they speak nonesense. I like nobody in the novel, how did I even reach Inn building part.

Well anyway, before I lose it, I better go now. Ciao, Peace Out. <<less
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Sumire rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c269
Intelligence MC that think with his brain. The girls are not your everyday harem characters but each of them have their own characteristics except for the maids made from dp (they still have emotions thou, just not as much as others). Clever thinking of the MC which make the fighting pretty decent. The best part of this novel is the humor in it. One of the few that actually keep its humor running for over 260 chapters and still pretty good.
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SovietWeeb rated it
September 18, 2018
Status: c72
I don't get the praise for this. I'm hesitant to say it's decent and also hesitant to say it's bad.

MC is an unlikeable brat. Sure, We sometimes get some decent moments. But that's about it. He will watch a poor little girl around the age of 9 I believe, Get r*ped daily by a Bandit leader that he is rewarding and encouraging to kill more adventures. He doesn't bat an eyelash and literally went to take a nap while a little girl is sexually assaulted. Its even past the point... more>> that he has the ability to kill the Bandits without worry. It's annoying cause we also get scenes as the MC just watches them drag Adventures into the cave and brutally kill them, There was a scene where they bring in a crying woman and she gets stabbed and the MC doesn't even seem to care. It's honestly baffling. We also get a scene where he hears about the horrors that s*aves go through and the next chapter he even admits he's too lazy to do anything about it. He is so bad. But his biggest character trait of being lazy is just boring and uninteresting. It's not like it's cute, Charming and funny like "The Reincarnated Vampire Wants An Afternoon Nap" Later on around chapter 30 or so, The MC isn't even lazy at that point, He's just sleeping a lot then does lots of manual labor.

There is some Yuri stuff happening between two of the Dungeon cores and I actually like it. Do wish we got more of that and like that the main girl isn't going after the MC it seems.

The story really loses what it's even about. At first, it was about struggling to survive, Then to make a proper Dungeon. But now we have a bunch of stuff about Adventuring, Inn building and a ton of talk about food (It gets kind of ridiculous with them talking about food so much)

The story is just kind of a mess to put it simply. <<less
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Cryarc rated it
October 17, 2016
Status: c199
Beginning is not too good since it's depicting somewhat vulgar nature of bandits which seen by the MC, but if you can go past that it's a good comedy based series. The dungeon maintaining part is fun in a way that it's not taking itself too seriously and rather laid back, MC's strategies is in the "playful troll" category which is fun to see, with multiple side characters adding the hilariousity of the dungeon's surroundings. It makes the world looks lively, I mean there's dangerous monsters etc but they're still... more>> having fun. Up until the latest chapter in raws it's still fun, it keeps the laid back nature. <<less
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Seregosa rated it
November 10, 2018
Status: c252
It started out pretty nicely, the first around 140 chapters were quite good. A lot of fairly nice, creative comedy and light-heartedness as the MC dealt with his new role and acted as he should. At that time, I would've given it a 4/5. However, this soon changed and it started to get worse and worse at around chapter 150+. The author started to lose the initial mood of the story and changed more and more things, like personalities and style of the story. Sadly, most of these changes turned... more>> out to be really bad ones as the author ruined his own story to the point where I had to drop the novel out of frustration around chapter 252. I gave it a lot of chances, but it started to become gradually more frustrating until the point where I couldn't stand many of the characters that were introduced and characters I loved before, like the main heroine, became someone I disliked a lot. Even the MC started to become unbearable for reasons I'll mention in the spoilers.


Okay, so I guess it all started around the time when the author decided to introduce more annoying, crazy characters. Core 666 was probably the start, a battle-maniac, I guess that happened around chapter 140-150 when it started to go downhill. These characters just didn't work out well. They didn't fit into the novel and started to get in the way. Especially after a while, I noticed that the author got into the habit of introducing annoying mystery characters that were clearly up to no good. It lead to unnecessary frustration in what should've been a light-hearted comedy story. Especially bad were a lunatic with so insane cheats that it'd make you wonder if she was a MC from one of the stories where the MC is unreasonably OP, like that "100 cheats" story, only that she didn't have anything that made her likeable. Sorry, but I don't want a ticking time bomb character that can annihilate the MC on a whim close to the main crew.

As for the next part, it's about how the MC contradicts his own settings too much. Things gets pretty forced. Like, the MC has absolutely no motivation to do anything whatsoever despite doing a lot of things all the time. In the first place, I guess the very idea that he'll work hard is contradictory, but since he is a hard worker at times and is the type that, by setting, does whatever he can to get time to sleep peacefully without danger. He also doesn't consider death to be eternal sleep and thus doesn't want to die, which is pretty obvious but the issue here is that he clearly doesn't care much. He doesn't try out his new spells, he doesn't try to get stronger, be it magic or physically, he's not attempting anything to make sure he can safely sleep. He just learns the spells and skips even trying them out. He's in danger all the time, yet he seems to completely neglect getting even slightly stronger and tries to cheat his way through things with golems that barely work since his body can't handle it and it will never make him that powerful. He also leaves things be just because the author wants him to, even thinking things like "Oh, you think leaving it might make it more troublesome? What can I say, work hard, future me", which is completely contradictory to his settings. It's just a shameless way for the author to make the story go the way he wants it to without trying or thinking about it. You notice more and more crap like that, it turns out to be irritating in the end.

Okay, so let's get to one of the biggest issues I have here which started showing up more and more around chapter 140-150 and gets worse the further we go along. The author is brute-forcing the mc's relationship/s. The main heroine started becoming more and more clingy, started acting like a wife/childhood friend that can't help but try to control the MC and be extremely jealous and then everyone around them started to push them together and make them into a couple, be it people around him, a "father" guy/god (father of the cores) or leona, that crazy character with insane powers. They're all forcing him into a relationship with rokuko, meanwhile the MC doesn't have much of a choice at all. It's unnatural, the author did a horrible job here. I mean, there was no real gradual process. The author didn't care about making it feel natural, he didn't care about keima's feelings or relationship level. Nope, he wanted them to end up together, so he went ahead and had people around them force them together without any care for letting the MC make that decision himself.

I don't know about you, but I absolutely hate this kind of stuff. I abhor the thought of the MC not being able to decide for himself. That's why I ended up dropping it, because I can't support a work where the MC is just a ball-less, spineless little bastard that acts like a splendid doormat and has a partner that controls him as he can't do anything to voice his own opinion. It was nice at the start, the MC had some balls, a little bit of spine and he was the one who pulled the strings, he was the one who made the decisions! He told rokuko what to do and everyone else as well. But nowadays, no one seems to care about his opinions and he has no desire to take control in any way. Rei (underling vampire) goes behind his back and doesn't summon servants as she should with some DP he gave her, instead using it for herself, and he doesn't even punish her. Meanwhile, they go ahead hiring some suspicious people without even consulting the MC first, as if his opinion doesn't matter. Nowadays, she has him by the balls for some reason and he becomes less and less of a man as she gradually crushes them.

It's quite sad. These are just some examples, there are more things that I won't mention here because it'll get too long.


So, it started out good, but turned into cliché crap after a while. The flaws are too many and you can notice as it slips away more and more, becoming worse and worse. I do recommend reading the first 150-180 chapters, but not more than that. Unless you love MCs that have no guts and gets controlled by everyone around him as he can't make any decisions on his own with whiny heroines and unreasonably OP and crazy antagonists that doesn't fit in with the setting, you won't enjoy this story after that. <<less
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MagneticMagnet rated it
September 10, 2017
Status: c245
One of my favourite novels on this site.

LDM is generally a light-hearted dungeon management novel, that has some dark undertones occasionally that remind us that it's not all happiness and sunshine under the usual fluffiness. That said, the undertones remain just that - something that merely stick to the background.

The MC Kehma starts his new world life very weak. He got summoned into another world and all he got was a power to translate speech so he could understand it. The summoner was also the weakest dungeon core with literally... more>> nothing but a single room. No monsters, traps, energy or anything. And the room was filled with intruding bandits. If the Dungeon Core is broken, he dies. So he had to get creative to solve the situation.

This stays as a common theme during the series. Kehma doesn't get OP and the Dungeon has limited energy so summoning something powerful is out of question. Obviously they do get more powerful, but at the moment of writing this Kehma is merely slightly strong on personal level. But that's not what the story is about. It's about managing the dungeon and related matters.

Because of limited energy the dungeon design gets creative to maximize the effectiveness, resulting in some interesting solutions. Sometimes an unexpected occurrence or a particulary powerful entity forces the MC to react to it. The details explained of the dungeon hit the sweet spot, it's not too descriptive or vague.

So the story doesn't become just a log of stronger and stronger creatures wandering into the dungeon, dungeon management gets broken by segments of visiting places, interacting with the other dungeon cores or the thing starting around chapter 50. Many of the other dungeon master novels phase down the dungeon development after a few dozen chapters but LDM manages to balance things well.

The characters have enough depth, or at least quirks, to be memorable. The primary cast have enough personality to have at least plausible motives, even if they're not always that great. The characters do have some degree of own will. Sometimes they still fall in the "MC is so great" category, but not always. Sometimes they might outwit or figure out a better way on their own too.

Villains... There haven't been any typical corrupt nobles after the MC's girls or someone wanting to crush the dungeon for no specific reason or the like. Whatever antagonist the arc has, he or she has a reason to act that way. It might not be a great reason but at least it's nothing irrational either.

Other noteworthy thing is that LDM manages to steer out of a good number of cliches. It's quite often I've read the story and thought that "Oh, from this flow A will happen", only to have B happen.

The bad:

Soon after the start Kehma gets a super convenient skill that gets abused regularly. That said, it's not OP by any means and it gets used in interesting ways so it's not that bad.

Kehma loves his sleep way too much. Sure, he does get things done and isn't just a completely passive character, but it's hard to suspend the disbelief when he loves sleep to the point where he has more interest in sleep than girls.

There was something unpleasant in chapters 10-11. I get it that Kehma was in no position to act but unpleasant things are unpleasant. Luckily it was the only instance of anything like that.

The world is a bit wonky at times. Letting out the blood from hunted animals so they taste better was unknown while a magic paper maker exists.

Overall, as long as you aren't looking for a manly man action series or a badass MC, LDM is a good pick. There's a good amount of action, slice of life, nice characters and dungeon development in a package that manages to get some originality in the mix. <<less
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cheval rated it
May 7, 2016
Status: --
Fun read, although the first few chapters are boring but it’s become more quick paced and fun after that. The level of trolling is godlike. If you’re looking for OP MC then this is not your pick but if you’re looking for light hearted fun and comedy You’ll love this series. 4/5.
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CaptainToast rated it
March 24, 2016
Status: --
This story had such potential. I've always thought that being a dungeon master would be kinda cool, but so far only Evil God Average has pulled it off with any degree of success. The MC of the story is rather annoying and is unlikeable. If the story focused more on the dungeon creation aspect, it might have kept me interested but it lost me as soon as he left the dungeon.
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parun rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c20
There should be a tag for this style of writing. I only see it in Japanese novels, where we are in the MCs head and hear random thoughts, often ending sentences in "...I guess not" and stuff like that.

Incredibly annoying.

There is r*pe in this, almost right at the start. Now, I don't mind r*pe in books, but it needs to serve a purpose at least. There is a little girl being r*ped repeatedly like next room to the MC.

Does the MC intervene? No. Does the MC try to help her... more>> after the fact? No. Does the MC have a shounen "I need MOAR POWER" moment? No. He finds it annoying and goes to sleep. I would have liked Mr. MC more if he had ANY reaction to this. Any! Hell, join in or something at least that would make him kinda interesting of a monster. He just doesn't care. The MC who kinda lost his f*cks to give even in the face of mu*der/rape/torture can work, but only if there is a reason for it. Our MC is just too lazy to give a f*ck does not cut it. <<less
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EosTamar rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: v2c24
I gave this a try and had to drop it at the twenty-fourth chapter due to some of the issues people have pointed out. The author is going for cringe humor and for some or at least a lot of people it seems to work. But for me I ended up agreeing with others. The MC is supposed to be painted as the "Lazy Dungeon Master" (queue the music) but in the authors quest to paint him as just that he shoots past lazy to scum. He lets his laziness... more>> get in the way to the point where it makes it not funny and just plain annoying, at least for me. Some people have gave examples and say that once he starts getting in DP it is fine and picks up. But that won't change the Protag and that is this series biggest negative. <<less
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ReadsWebNovels rated it
April 16, 2018
Status: c276
Was a 5. Now it's a 1.

In the beginning, the dungeon battles were interesting and clever. However, after 2 battles, the novel stopped doing them. From that point on, the novel becomes filler/slice of life that is boring even by filler/slife of life standards.

It slips into Slice of Life mode somewhere near ch 130, which was a welcome change at first since the dungeon battles were so intense, but it never goes back. The story died a long time ago, quietly and without a fuss, and it takes different readers... more>> different amounts of time to recognize its death.

This WAS a really, really good novel. <<less
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Enutas maph
Enutas maph rated it
April 1, 2017
Status: c182
Characters aren't very good but the plot is. I suggest reading it if you can make it past volume 3 without forcing yourself. Though since MC is a summoned hero, he has potential to become OP and his special ability can be used to do ridiculous stuff, but he just doesn't. He doesn't have a very good development either.
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Jiggy rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: --
Seriously this story will be a lot better if the author left out the LAZY out from the title and the repetitive jokes about goblins and rokuko is getting lame. Worst part is MEAT. DAMN that loli s*ave was f**ked a number of times and the illustration is injustice. Though my rating is way off my review
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tsuowo rated it
November 24, 2021
Status: --
I tried. I tried a lot. And I noped out of it as soon as I reached somewhere around chap 100. I cleared my mind... I tried.

Be warn, the MC is not lazy. He simply lacks sympathy. Yes, one of human's fundamental value, and he lacks it. In his eyes, everyone are probably plot driven devices, and unless they are crossing his path to achieve... let say, serenity (?), he will do absolutely nothing. "It's not related to me, it isn't my problem. Their sufferings are not for me to... more>> handle. Sure I can help them, but why should I?"

I don't care if he grows later on, but I can't read something with this for a start. I didn't mean to make such negative review, but as I came across it by chance again today, I think I should warn the likeminds beforehand. <<less
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Memory325 rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: --
I just cant with this novel. I didnt read as much as others have but holy was the beginning of this book like a fire to me.

What I got from the start of the book is that the MC is a scum. They pretty much watched a l*li get r*p*d and saved her after multiple days of the same action being done to her (It was literally noted by the Knights that the bed could not be cleaned due to the amount that happened to the girl). He even said... more>> it was uncomfortable to watch because he was Japenese but what, why do you not do anything about it until the dungeon core mentions it. Like sure the characters whole thing is being lazy but what the h*ll the girl was literally going to burn to death if the dungeon core didnt mention it.

Also, the whole premise about him being lazy is pretty different but honestly not very fun to read. He is lazy, so what. It didnt change much of the story. If he was a proactive person, he still would have collected DP points since he wouldnt be able to do anything. I literally don't see what use it is to make him lazy. All it does is make him seem kinda more and more scummy.

He also just keeps mentioning stuff like his foot fetish. I dont understand why he is doing that, like is that some sort of humour he finds funny? I personally dont find it funny but I am sure some could but still I dont think continously mentioning the same thing over and over again makes something more funny. Its just comes out bland and its like "yea we already know you do". Also the way he keeps talking about it to other people (like the Dungeon Core, Meat, and the Recipisonist) is plain out weird and to me kinda disgusting. Sure its fine to have a fetish but he just keeps mentioning it and two of those I mentioned are young (atleast body wise). Meat is literally in the single digit age. Despite him continously going on about that foot fetish of his, he also makes sure to say he isnt a l*lic*n but it honestly sounds like he is. Also another thing about the l*li. Spoiler tag for this one.


The girls name is Meat. Supposedly that means something like a s*x sl*ve but whatever, I understand that since he came from another world that name would not really make sense to him. HOWEVER, that MC is dense in such a bad way. Like, the guy took a g*d d*mn nap leaving the girl stuck inside a toilet. I completely agree with the other characters on their view of the MC. If I saw a small girl being forced to stay inside a toilet for longer than an hour just because the dude wanted to take a nap. I would absolutely hate that kinda guy. I would avoid him and just be overally woried for the girl. That main character literally devised a plan for the bandits to gain the most profits but doesnt think that leaving a girl out like that without being allowed to leave is absolutely st*pid to me. It makes no sense and just is annoying.


So yea, sure it may be for some people but I will never suggest this to a friend of mine because the MC is one of the worst I have read about and its something that simply doesnt seem enjoyable. <<less
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nightstick24 rated it
March 16, 2020
Status: v20
What an absolutely boring and tr*sh MC. He sleeps all day every day and supports a bandit boss that r*pes a loli every night and kills people freely. MC's from modern times and worries about killing himself, but he's cool with watching mu*der and r*pe? All because he feels like sleeping?

I'm not looking for some white knight, but come on, please, don't be all "I couldn't sleep if I let her die" when you're sitting there letting her get r*ped.

Avoid the series unless you feel like being angry at the... more>> MC. <<less
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ceireavne rated it
July 25, 2019
Status: v5
Actual rating is probably more like 4.5 on this one. Lazy Dungeon Master is certainly something of a guilty pleasure for me. It's really s*upid and is very honest (you see a lot of the character's personality through the storytelling), but all in all it still manages to feel really good to read.

This series does do quite a few things differently than I've seen in most other Isekai, which does help things feel refreshing and novel. Instead of battling monsters, it's more like Keima is trying to solve puzzles. Often... more>> the conflict takes the form of a dungeon battle, where he and Rokuko go up against another dungeon. While Keima is fairly worthless and lazy, he inevitably works hard to prevent situations where he won't be able to sleep all day, meaning he ends up taking these battles quite seriously and his solutions tend to be pretty clever.

The biggest plus for me in this series is the characters. I enjoy just about all of the them, in fact. While I was pretty indifferent toward the main character, seeing him develop later into the series he has grown on me. As I previously pointed out, many of his ideas are really s*upid and very honest, but it's at least entertaining seeing how they pan out.

My opinion is that Lazy Dungeon Master manages to avoid a lot of anime tropes and manages to only be anime around the edges. When it's s*upid, it's so s*upid that I have to pause in reading and genuinely laugh out loud. Really, the author has great attention to detail and fully commits to the s*upid in order to have fun. To me, that's nothing but a good thing and I quite respect it.

The artwork is great, too, which is something I appreciate. In fact, I'm not convinced that the artwork isn't the driving factor behind the new girls introduced every volume, but it's good enough that I don't particularly mind. I'll also point out that Keima himself isn't particularly interested in any of the girls since he'd rather be sleeping.

So, I guess I'd recommend this if you enjoy Isekai, attention to detail, and writing that doesn't take itself too seriously. Try reading a volume or two before you commit to the whole thing, but hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did. <<less
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General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: c100
In my opinion this novel is not horrible, but not that great either. I have read the Lazy King novel before and it was a great story, so I though this one might be similar, but in the end it was a disappointment. The whole idea of dungeon having a core and a master is great, but somehow I just can't get into liking the MC or any of the characters. Everything is so bland. Is funny the MC is lazy and tried to find ways to earn money and... more>> outwit his enemies, but you need turn off your brain and IQ to actually like it.

The most I dislike about is the MC decisions in doing things. Not his personality. His laziness I can accept. But his actions are on the borderline of being a ret*rd. For someone who is smart enough to manage a dungeon he sure make dumb and rash decisions. Then the next moment he got surprise when others react from it. The plotarmor and ridiculous amount of luck is the only thing preventing him and his dungeon being destroyed.

Second thing I dislike is somehow the author got the idea that while the MC is smart, everyone else are idiots with no brains. Is like everyone have the mentality of kids.

Last thing that bother me is the there is too much pov from characters that has zero purpose in having one. Instead of developing the characters that are with the MC, author instead use these s*upid pov to show off how others react to MC action. Which is a waste of time. Also what annoying is sometimes the author try to give names to others and while sometimes he just don't and instead have the MC call them by their occupation.

It had a great start with him defending the dungeon and killing things to earn dp or money to upgrade his dungeon and protect the core. But somehow along the way he switch to turning the dungeon into a money making place to service the adventurers and give stuff away. And spend a ridiculous amount of chapters inventing things to please outsiders and make money out of them. This whole story then turn into a slice of life bullshit, instead about struggles and battles, which make it so boring to read most of the chapters.

Is a novel to pass the time and one where you should not use your brain too much. If you try reason and logic on it, it will just give you a headache. It had so much potential but author just decide to make it a happy slice of life kind of story with not much excitement. Just another common isekai story about a nice and pushy MC that bring joy and happiness to others. <<less
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mrttao rated it
February 25, 2017
Status: c21
Literally mentally ret*rded dungeon heart (with a loli avatar) uses the dungeon monster gacha (slot machine, used to describe games based around lootboxes) to summon a random monster. Ends up with MC, who she accidentally binds as the dungeon master instead of a dungeon monster.

The MC is "super lazy" as we are repeatedly told multiple times per chapter, this manifests as him spending half of each chapter whining that he wants to sleep, and sleeping for at least 23 hours a day (not exaggeration, literally). This is extremely obnoxious!

I am... more>> also not a big fan of the illogical extremes and logical loops gone through for the sole purpose of creating "hilarious (TM) " misunderstandings which are more obnoxious than funny. Like when the MC somehow gets confused for a pe*ophile because he is too lazy to rename his loli from "meat" (what most s*x s*aves are called) to something not awful; also too lazy to explain this. The writing also seems a bit padded.

Speaking of the loli s*x s*ave. So, MC was perfectly fine watching her get r*ped repeatedly (uncomfortably descriptive too) into a broken child for weeks (author described her as dead fish eyes and non responsive). But then suddenly he must rescue her all of a sudden for no reason. So the characterization is inconsistent. Of course she falls in love with him because... he isn't raping her?

Aside from that it is a standard time filler for you to read. A slice of life of a summoned dungeon master. When the MC is not being an annoying little bit*h he is a competent enough schemer, which would have been good if not for all the fail packed into this story.

Oh, and the MC's loli dungeon heart is the waifu of this god tier dungeon big sis type who rules the biggest empire. And as such there is zero tension in the story as the big sis dungeon won't let anything bad happen. <<less
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keklel rated it
July 18, 2016
Status: c103
The setting is kind of boring. MC is friends with a being who literally controls an empire. Nothing bad can really happen since Haku is basically omnipotent and won't let anything bad happen. Also MC is lazy so he is the definition of the passive protagonist - things only happen to him, he never does anything out of his own initiative. Boring.

None of the dungeon battles have any real consequences in terms of the story - nothing really changes as a result of the battles. No lasting consequences other... more>> than "MC's dungeon income just doubled... again!".

It's like playing the Sims. I mean, I can understand why people might enjoy stuff like that but... since nothing of actual significance is at stake at any point, there's never any real tension. There's no reason to care about anything that's happening.

The only good thing I can say is: at least it's better than The Lazy King. At least in this story the MC tries exploring the limits of magic e.g the Golem Creation ability even though nothing of significance really happens that requires the MC to do anything since Haku can just handle everything. In The Lazy King the MC literally does nothing but sleep all day. <<less
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