Lascivious Romance Manhwa


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“I told you I’ve sorted out my feelings. I no longer have any personal attachment to author Joo.”
“…Is that so?”
“Yes, I don’t like you anymore.”

How ridiculous this was. Joo Kang Hyun let out a sarcastic laugh.

Yeah, it’s great that you’ve wrapped up your feelings neatly.
Of course, I don’t feel the slightest bit of regret but thankful and a sense of relief.

Now I can peacefully focus on my work.
No more creepy glances that gave me goosebumps.
…It’s quite amusing, though.

To make such an effort and then easily end like that?

They say it’s hard to understand the human heart…
Somehow, Joo Kang Hyun couldn’t shake off the feeling of being fooled.

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음란한 순정만화
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2 Reviews

Nov 07, 2023
Status: c4
Up until now I'm gonna be honest I like it, even tho ML is quite annoying with being so mean about fls looks (even tho I get he's creeped out when she keeps staring at him xD)

Thank you so much for picking this up I hope you continue this story ❤️
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Sep 21, 2024
Status: c18
This story is a little different from others

ML is annoying at first but I have a feeling he'll have a 360° change once he falls for her

He's petty and an overthinker

And a bit obsessed?

Anyways, FL is also nice but maybe a bit too much of a fan :⁠-⁠)
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