Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?


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The world where the Hero and the Demon King continue to oppose each other. The grand magic from the Hero and the Demon King cross over worlds and exploded in the classroom of a certain high school.

The students who died in the explosion will be reincarnated in a different world. The protagonist, who had the lowest reputation in the class, was reincarnated into a spider. Nevertheless, she adapted quickly to the present condition with strong willpower.

This is a story of she who has become a spider trying whatever she can to live.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I'm a Spider, So What?
So I'm a Spider, So What?
Tôi là nhện đấy, có sao không?
Related Series
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken (WN) (20)
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Apotheosis of a Demon – A Monster Evolution Story (9)
Sevens (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Strong FLs (showing not telling)
  3. Theater of Goddess
  4. Strong misunderstanding
  5. Have reread

Latest Release

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02/15/16 Raising the Dead c249
02/14/16 Raising the Dead c248
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sixhundrednineteenth rated it
May 29, 2016
Status: --
s*upidly adorable MC.
Loner MC.

Somewhere along the story (or maybe at the beginning of the story), she doesn't care completely about the people and surrounding as long as she becomes strong and can eat delicious food. Detailed skills.

You can totally imagine the battle scenes... Great character development (main and side characters) and world building.

14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 30, 2022
Status: Completed
It's over now. Up until the last upload of chapters, I had basically binge read this series. This might have some impact on my review.

The major crux of this review would be the alternating tones involved because of plot reasons. When we dealt with the two timelines at the beginning, there was a sense of mystery that kept me on the edge of my seat. When we returned to the past timeline, that tone could no longer be maintained so there was a sense of happiness over what the protagonist... more>> had obtained. By the time we caught up to the main story of the future timeline (and included the flashback arc), I was thinking this was the time for the triumphant return and victory of the protagonist due to the period in the past timeline. When the final arc started though, it got so much darker. While I thought the philosophical debate behind the arc was fantastic, no one enjoyed the main characters of the opposing side so the number of chapters shared with them was more tedious than enjoyable. It might have also been the final spurt by the author to finish both versions of the story but I did not like the ending. What someone at the time of release said perfectly described this type of ending: "a bad end." The characters had at some point stopped being the characters we followed and this type of ending perfectly described it with the epilogue feeling like the author gloating over the fact. Since both the WN and LN are done and seemingly ending the same way, there is no alternative. This is the story we got and we have to deal with it. My four stars are for making me be on board with this series for all of this time with only the final step being unenjoyable. Hope others enjoyed their journey as well. <<less
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heiro001 rated it
August 1, 2017
Status: past arc 12
This is a great one. Author sets up and foreshadows various plotlines well in advance, there's interesting subversions of standard reincarnation and fantasy storylines at regular intervals, and the main character has a fun quirky personality.

Story goes through various phases though, so keep that in mind. First half is a dungeon crawler story about a girl who seemingly dies and gets reincarnated as a spider monster in a giant dungeon. In this phase, the story plays around with RPG mechanic concepts and how to exploit them to the utmost to... more>> survive being the weakest possible monster in minefield of stronger ones. Kumoko / "the spider girl" is also quite fun as a narrator, regularly getting in over her head, just wanting to escape the dungeon so she can eat tastier food, and so on.

Side stories and second half go into deconstructions of fantasy stories, from why there would actually need to be a war between humans and demons, what would actually drive "cliched" heroes and villains to act in certain ways, the conditions that would actually be required for an otome game to exist, other ways being a "evil monster" is a horrifying existential crisis for anyone stuck there, why elves would actually live in a hidden village away from the world, and so on. It's a big change of pace, though still keeps a fair amount of the quirk, if not the same hardship overcoming / power leveling elements of the first half.

So yeah, this is definitely one of the best reincarnation web novels I've read, with a lot of personality infused into the lead characters and a lot of interesting twists. And having a female lead in a non-otome deconstruction story is also quite a nice change of pace as well, so many of these seem to go with a male lead that forms a harem and so forth. If you want to try a reincarnation story, I'd definitely suggest trying out this one. <<less
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Pixeldrum rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: ss 41 part4

I think if you're reading this review, more likely than not, you're here because you heard the anime was coming out, and wanted to read the source material. I mean, Kumo desu ga nani ka is rank 2 on the monthly rank at the time I'm reading this. Insane how you can jump from hundreds of places to rank 2 because of an anime adaptation that has a few episodes out.

Well, not that I'm to talk. I caught up to the webnovel translations in 2016 and never picked... more>> it up again until the anime adaption. Mainly because updates were so slow... chapters were released by Raising the Dead at snail pace. Not that I'm blaming them. I'm grateful that they're providing amazing translations for the public to read!

Anyways, Kumo Desu ga nani ka has a synopsis that is pretty familiar to us readers: isekai novel. However, some things that are unique right off the bat is how it's an isekai with a female protagonist that's not an Otome game and that's not a romance/smut. Amazing. Plus, the most obvious characteristic of all: that our main character is a spider.

The MC's personality is one that brings the mundane happenings of a spider to life. She has a flippant attitude, lack of courage, and makes spontaneous decisions without thinking much. There are many facets to her personality, and it gets fleshed out with each chapter. You get to learn more about the MC as well as the situation she's in the more powerful she gets. She faces not only physical enemies, but also has to confront her determination at times. There's a lot focus in the novel purely on just the MC powering up from one of the weakest monsters in a cavern to a powerful monster with many abilities. This "weak to strong" portion of the novel is executed well. I like the MC's personality and the thoughts that fuel her actions. It might be short of s*upidity or curiosity, but it never gets boring. One thing to note is, however, the power creep. Keeping track of our MC's skills can be said to be nothing short of a nightmare. There's such a long list of powerful skills that she trains that it's probably not worth keeping track at all, especially with the arbitrary skill upgrades and purchases that she makes along the way. I'd say the point where keeping track of skills became completely arbitrary was when she learns how to use "detection." In that sense, the novel goes from a survivalist novel to a OP MC power trip novel. It's not that I'm particularly sad that the author decided to make her OP and deck out random skills that she obtains because the novel soon heads in a different direction: the side stories.

In a sense, our MC's trip towards power is a mere prelude to the overall plot. You could say that it was necessary exposition in order for the story to actually get going. There's a long list of chapters with different people and point of views that allow you as the reader to understand the world better as well as introduce much needed new characters to the plot. One of the best things about the novel is how these isolated side stories become integrated into one large plotline.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though. Kumo Desu ga nani ka has a game like world with many mysteries unknown to the reader until much later into the novel. Add in an OP MC, and you've got a hell of a plot to handle. When there's these elements, most webnovels flop. The most relevant flops I can think of is Tensei Slime and A wild last boss appeared. What made these novels flop was the lack of finesse. There's a lot of plot that goes by in a extremely fast manner, and most of it is focused on fluff. The concluding arcs that "resolve" the mysteries aren't satisfying in any way shape or form and the execution is lacking in every department. It's a quick wrap up of a messy overall plot. Plus, the majority of the novel is focused on the OP MC, leaving side characters in the dust. There's no focus on characterizing other people in the story because the OP MC is strong enough to make them obsolete. But, since the MC is so powerful, there's nothing standing in his/her way, thus making a completely perfect Mary Sue with no flaws, with the only thing that they do is wish fulfillment.

Kumo Desu ga nani ka manages to avoid both hurdles to a decent extent. Plot progresses at a pretty slow pace, and you even get to experience the same situation in multiple perspectives, thus enrichening the plot. The mysteries of the plot slowly get uncovered. This way, the plot becomes very enjoyable to the reader. There are a lot of characters that have a lot of focus, and you get to know the thoughts and personalities behind characters. In this way, you really get to know why they made these actions, and you wonder what will happen to them. I can definitely say that these side characters also don't become obsolete and become a core part of the story despite being much weaker than the MC at times. Plus, despite the MC being very powerful, she has many flaws in her own right. Her personality isn't that of a Mary Sue's. She has weaknesses, and retains a strong personality of that when she was a weak spider. The only difference is her boldness now that she's powerful. This is also perhaps where the novel begins to drag. There's a lot of time where the MC has no opposition, and her companions that she makes along the way of her goal get dragged into her pace, and they can't do much to stop it. This is definitely true, and it should have been paced better, but the plot still passes the hurdle. There are some plot elements that also restrict her ability to influence the world by quite a bit, which is also one of the reasons why the novel is great. You might think it's more of a plot device, but at this stage of the game, you come to realize that it's one of the cornerstones of the plot that's not necessarily bad.

In the later arcs, our MC gets to understand her companions' feelings much better, becomes more reasonable, and is less abusive of her powers. This later transitions into the concluding arcs of the story where these side characters become more and more prominent and important.

I've not finished the novel since it's not done translation, and the original WN is also still being written, but the conclusion to the entire story will certainly be soon. I'm pleasantly surprised at the ability of the author to create a story that involves complex elements and mysteries. I think that there could have been a lot of improvements, though. Ariel could have been on par with the MC in terms of abilities, and this would have changed the story quite a bit. Perhaps just more existences that could contend with the MC would have also made for a more complex plot. That being said, the plot is complicated as it stands, I would rather have a simpler plot that's executed well rather than a more complex plot that throws in random characters to satisfy as antagonists. The pacing is poorly done at certain places in that it's pretty slow, and the power progression of our MC certainly hits a point where it becomes arbitrary to keep track of her progress. All in all though, pretty good. 7/10.

EPILOGUE EDIT 4/21/2022: Webnovel finally finished 2 months ago, light novel series ending too at Jan 8th 2022 I believe. I finished reading it as well. Honestly, WN was a bit of a letdown of an ending, but fine. I appreciate the closure. The lightnovel ending however... really cringe. It caters to the fans way too much with too much of a happy ending, unlike the WN, where stakes still existed.

I think that the LN, which I haven't read in it's entirety, is most likely better paced and written, and also fixes some of the problems I had delineated with the review. However, the WN has that originality, and I always just stuck with the WN well before the series got serialized into a LN series. I guess I'm just sentimental, plus, I've stuck with Raising the Dead all this way, there's no way I'm going to switch now. And of course, yeah, that ending was definitely worse in the LN. <<less
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August 6, 2018
Status: c326
The first part has no character interactions. It's more fun to see what the monsters look like and how they fight. (Surprisingly, the MC can look super cute despite being a spider). That's why I recommend reading the manga first. Then you can catch up to the next development on the webnovel. Because this is a story of the MC's growth & literal evolution, expect genre changes as the MC faces new conflicts & challenges.

While I respect the author, the work itself is full of too much extraneous info that... more>> could be edited out. That's why the manga works better since it fixes a lot of the issues in the Webnovel. The anime just started broadcasting so that might be a good alternative after it releases more episodes.

Since there's a light novel version, the editing there might be better too. The webnovel needs help with the narrative structure and removal of info overload. (Getting to the Side Stories like those of the Human-Demon backstory and Shun's story can be confusing without reading them one go and finding them with Ctrl+F). As an added bonus the LN volumes should have the latest illustrations not yet covered in the manga & anime.

Note: I've read the manga up to chapter 29, then I read the story from Chapter 130-155. (Then I skimmed the novel, & read the spoilers on LNDB). Skimmed up to chapter 326.

Notice how much I can skim. You can read through the titles on Turbo Translation (MTL) or Blastron (more natural English) to cherry pick the parts you want to read. If there's any part you're confused about, you can check the wiki or Ctrl+F through certain chapters.

That's how much unnecessary INFO there is in the story, especially when our MC is in the arcs where she's still alone and isn't interacting much with people. Normally if you skip even a paragraph in a well-edited novel, you'd get completely lost. It's up to you if you want to waste time on the boring bits or move on to the interesting parts and battle scenes. <<less
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S.lane rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: --
The first few volumes is interesting, hands down. However, reason for 3 stars is because no interesting new plot. Pretty much repetitive writing to prolong the story.

after she become a god/admin, the story pretty much is dull. Even if you skip 1 or 2 chapter it wont effect the storyline.

Long story short, too much useless information added that make the storyline lost it values. Since I've been reading from the start, it would be a waste to drop the novel since I'm around chapter 328. Hence, my honest rating of this novel is 3
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Chariots rated it
April 3, 2018
Status: c316
Good, but drags on too much. Same amount of story telling could be done with just 100 chapters instead of 300. There is a lot of waste, but decent amount of good too.
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Tykos rated it
February 15, 2018
Status: --
A f*cking disappointment. Nothing else, I liked it so much. The spider surviving in the dungeon, steadily growing stronger. I read the manga and had such great expectations, but everything went to hell. The side stories are basically a giant spoiler which break the plot completely. I was pretty pissed, but, hey, I thought that seeing how the personality of the character changes to the one of the side stories might be interesting, but no. She basically turned from a cutesy and strong spider to a hi*ler in one chapter... more>> and the context was omitted completely. I stayed for a few more chapters, but that's it. The plot will probably connect later on, but I dont plan on reading a novel of 300+ chapters while playing tetris with plotlines and context. <<less
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Stewart92 rated it
February 4, 2018
Status: --
I'm really sorry. I really liked it up to a point. It had a decent writing and an interesting idea while being entertaining.

... more>>

But the sin was just taking the character just spent the last 130 chapters growing to love and basically throwing her arc out the window. There was no reasoning nor any growth or conflict. It wasn't like the old MC had time to think or even go "I guess I need to think on this" It just straight up "Well guess that's that! Kill kill kill time!" It was really a little sad. Character growth has to mean something or whats the point? Sinning into a new mindset overnight is basically a lazy plot device.

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Blustrain rated it
June 7, 2016
Status: --
Well then, you're probably asking yourself: "How much fun can a story about a spider be?". I'll answer that question simply for you: When she turns human you want her to become a spider again.

Did you read RE:Monster? Did you like it? You'll like this one then.
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nwms8 rated it
September 9, 2015
Status: --
This is a strange series, very similar to Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, where the female MC reincarnates as a spider with MMORPG like stats, skills and story setting. She is at first very shy and reserved and we see her progress as her skills and desire to live grow. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy her silliness in the early chapters but having read up to ch 150, I can see how much growth and change she has gone through due to her experiences. I highly recommend this... more>> story. The author forgoes a lot of emotional and scenic details and instead focuses on capturing your attention with wit and short bursts of action and reflection. <<less
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Arkus86 rated it
August 16, 2022
Status: epilogue
It starts off good, trails off somewhere around the middle with sudden expositions and turns of events, getting bogged down with naive and self-righteous reincarnators and the ending is... sorely lacking, giving practically no closure or answers and just brushing aside or outright ignoring almost every major character.

An entertaining, but hardly satisfying read.
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palochi rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: ss 41 part12
Previously one of my favorite novels.

Such a long hiatus just to release chapters that feel like they were written in 5 minutes, the author ignored everything pre hiatus and then came up with a garbage plot twist at the very end.

I'd rate it higher for the rest, but an investing build up for that ending makes it worse imo.

The last chapters made me feel more betrayed than when my ex-bf cheated on me.
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DemitR rated it
October 15, 2019
Status: c300
Spoiler-ish review:

... more>>

Kumoko is great until Kumoko is no longer Kumoko. Then it actually sort of sucks. The story drags, gets overly-complicated and at the same time develops into more about the character interactions that the charming, witty one-spider-show that was Kumoko. 5 stars for the Labyrinth chapters, around 1-2 stars for the post Taboo story. The Side Story chapters are really, really garbage in general, wouldn't even give them 1 star


I'd go as far as to suggest that you read Vol. 1-4 (the first 150 chapters), ignore the Side Story chapters, and just pretend the story ends there. Because it would've been better if it did. <<less
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Koranna rated it
July 13, 2019
Status: --
Good though it is, unfortunately, it's effectively been dropped by the author. It's been on " hiatus " for nearing on a year now, so I have absolutely no faith it will be continued. That in mind, frankly I'm unlikely to pick it back up even in the off chance it finally continues some day. Been too long. Sure, she's writing the light novel as well, but at the price of the existence of the web novel. That, and the anime looks terrible, relying too heavily on CG and making... more>> poor art decisions. All this in mind, this may as well be a dead series. If you can look past that, it's a great series, right up until the near-end. I swear to god, it's such a cliff hanger, and one that's been left there for over half a year. Cruelty isn't exactly a virtue. <<less
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DarkberserkerAA rated it
October 15, 2018
Status: --
This deserves 5 stars for me. If you look at my reviews, you will see that most of my reviews are 1 star at best. I strictly rate novels based on if the novel entertain me, did I enjoy reading it, does the story is interesting, does the author did a good job at story telling, does the characters feel like a human/ act like a human (cause most of the novels I read are mechanical personality of MC), does the story and events are executed well, does the MC... more>> go to a good/interesting direction etc. Well I won't be making a lengthy review like the ones I usually do cause I already rated it 5 stars and I really am glad I read this novel. I am really entertained through and through. I won't say that this novel has no flaws but the flaws are just too minor that it can be ignored and be overshadowed by the good parts.

P.S. - I usually stay away from female MC's and drop it at early chapters. But this MC has likable personality and relatable, she seems to be a normal female with an appetite. <<less
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Wyntile rated it
February 24, 2017
Status: c124
Edited on: June 12, 2018

I had written a review for this novel over a year ago, but after having constantly referenced this novel in my other reviews, I wanted to change this so that I could better review this series as a whole.

My overall experience when reading this novel last year, was terrible. I'm not sure if another translator group has re-did the chapters that were terribly translated by one group, but back then I (and as well as some other readers probably), were forced to read very awful translations... more>> for a good portion of chapters since there were no other options then. After having to read many novels since then, I now realize that the group that did the terrible translations for those chapters were even worse than Google translate, so that was one of the key factors which turned me off from this novel.

Another factor about this novel which really turned me off was the story. Sure enough, the setting of a isekai heroine being reincarnated into a dungeon monster was interesting enough, given the heroine's "idc attitude", since personality wise she is honestly similar to me in real life. But the thing that really annoyed me was the fact that... (I'll put this part in spoilers again since last time someone forcibly edited one in)


... even after 100 chapters in, readers still get nothing but grinding and levelling up. Heroine doesn't make any interactions with "sentient" characters, doesn't make any long lasting relationships with any characters whatsoever. (Monsters being excluded from this of course). Reading about the heroine's evolution progress can only go so far without having my mind being bored as heck over.


And believe me, I have read series like "The King's Avatar", where compared to this novel the grinding in the King's Avatar took way more chapters, to the point I had to skim those chapters. But given the nature of that novel, at least the protagonist makes daily contact with humans and other characters, even though the protagonist also chooses to socially isolate himself whenever possible.

So if I were to make a decision of "would I want to give this novel another try?", I would easily say no. I am not going to waste my time reading 100 chapters of grinding again, if the heroine isn't even going to contribute to the world's main storyline by then. I know she does later, since I was so fed up to the point where I read the spoilers on the wiki, but my point still stands. If you're not going to get the point after A 100 CHAPTERS in... just why bother? <<less
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Mr Inanda
Mr Inanda rated it
August 3, 2021
Status: v12
Some of my reviews may be contradictory, because I've written them before reaching the latest translated chapter of said novel. Had I reviewed Kumo Desu before, when it was just Kumoko in the cave and the ocasional hero focused side stories, I would rate it with 4 stars. But now that I am at volume 12, I can't really stand much more of the writing. The narrative is all over the place, it's like in Overlord where there are tons of chapters dedicated to people that don't matter to the... more>> grand scheme of things. For some reason I can't stand this in this LN, it's more action focused, the battles are the highlight and so the long, boring "backstory" chapters are a huge turn off. If at least more chapters were focused on Merazophis, Sasajima, Sophia and other main characters it would be a little more palatable, but no, for reasons of "storytelling" we need to read pages and pages of Sir-What's-his-Name's impressions of the events before he is just unceremoniously transformed into ground meat or something like that. I keep reading it expecting for the finale, what really matters is Kumoko and the other "admin" characters, in the extremely cool mindscrews chapters

like when Kumoko finally meets D and realizes it's Hiiro Wakaba

there are absolutely no spotlights for Sir-What's-his-Name, Boring-Hero-Character-#345 and Generic-Evil-Guy and their plights, backstories, childhoods and whatnot. They don't matter. It's essentially filler text at this point. <<less
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Kryptic rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: ss 41 part12


There are some ignorant people who decided to give this novel a 3 or lower, there problem is they are either idiots or they haven't read the whole thing (which is extremely important for this novel). I will now precede to tell you the only two problems (problems that I think are big enough to be worth mentioning) that would make someone give this novel a 4 but for me I fit them in with my preferences so I gave it a 5 if I could really scrutinize I would give it a 4.7.

Anyway first and arguably the biggest problem (this is the one that makes most people misjudge it) : I'll be blunt the first entire half of the story (that is translated) is generic, as this is an op protagonist reincarcination story in which the MC becomes a spider and enters a labrynth and has a system, from that you could tell why people call it generic. Although let me tell you something interesting, anyone who has gotten passed the 202nd chapter won't say that they will call it "basically a foundation" to the whole entire MAIN plot. That is because well... it is, I mean the whole rest of the story after that is clear and connects everything but the first half is just a mess of information that you dont know what is important and what isn't that is a problem in which I will tell you how to fix after going through the 2nd problem. Now, for MINOR problems which are commonly brought up in people who rate lower or equal to 3 they aren't the 2nd main problem.
One of the problems: They say that the translation is bad.............. shut up your retarted that's all, I mean this novel is originally written in Japanese which is an extremely hard language to read because its symbols for words have multiple meanings and also this translation was done for free shut up and take what you get or go learn Japanese. Alright next...

The problem: Calling out the author for trying to be too unique and failing, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong just wrong you obviously didnt read to at least chapter 261 because if you did, you would have already became intoxicated by the uniqueness, the story gets unique after chapter 202 finale answer there is no doubt in my mind no matter what preference you have no matter what you hate that authors do after chapter 202 it is unique. Next....

The problem: The MC is way to unrealistically op she gets skills that cost thousands of points which take years to accumulate just by completing some action except for pride which is extremely op and she buys it for 100 skill points. TINY SPOILER! It is explained that no matter how many skill points you have you won't get them if you dont meet the conditions: actions/personality that is compatible with the specific virtue/sin ruler skill, strong enough soul to posses a ruler skill, and have the inteligence to buy and accept the skill (which is important because that means most monsters cant get one). She has two exceptions she is a reincarcenator so she is intelligent and she posses a unique skill that helps reincarcenator survive by lessening the required amount of skill points for skills (which means it isnt technically plot armor in my book because she isnt the only one with the ability plus she also loses it at chapter 202) thus you have no right to say she is to OPa DNA I didnt even mention the fact your bassing skill point gathering and ability gathering by human standard which is explained to be very very very bad compared to monsters. Next...

The problem I get pissed at the most: she has a non human personality she protects a town then suddenly massacres the town's side of a war and the opposing side, GIGANTIC SPOILER BECAUSE I CANT EXPLAIN OTHERWISE, for non human personality this is a clear showing you didnt read to the second half of the novel ONE MORE WARNING it is a HUGE foreshadow that she really is a spider which is explained in the second half when she meets the god that instilled her own memories into her for purposes... (still trying to be vague) I mean at the very begining the MC literally debates about who she really is and there are some big hints saying things like "am I a spider monster of this world that has a person from another world memories etc." I will give it to you I didn't get this when I first read through the novel but the fact that it is constantly implying she is a spider throughout the first half should tell you something. For the changing from saving the town to fighting them and there enemies in a war... she is a f*cking spider literally mentally and physically she just has human memories so at the base of her soul she is a spider who has deep hatred for humans and is also scared of them (which is also later explained of why she is scared and hates them) also most human turned monster stories have the human turn into someone who doesn't care about humans all thr time I could name tons of them; slime (for the plebs: That time I got Reincarnated as a slime btw im referring to the later parts of the web novel and after the last like 2 episodes of the 2nd season of the anime which means I'm emphasizing the fact that he steeled his resolve at those episodes and didnt care after), TWDS (for the plebs: The Tale of the World Devouring serpent), Apotheosis of a Demon – A Monster Evolution Story (never cared for adults specifically but kids were what she was partial to, even then sometimes she just didnt care who she killed), Re:monster (which might not be everyone's cup of tea but I wouldn't say its terrible) all of these are prime examples which I heavely recommend except for maybe Re:monster. Also I didn't even mention the fact that the side she was originally protecting started to attack her and they even sacrificed the hero (he didn't die.. yet) to kill her which they failed to kill her she just pretended to to end things it is also heavily emphasized throughout the rest of the story and before she starts mercilessly killing that "humans attack what they are afraid of or what they could potentially be threatened by even if the thing didnt do anything to them or even if the thing is beneficiary to them as soon as they are scared" (which isnt exactly what they say but pretty much). Next...

The last common problem: there are too many terribly long explanations of things that aren't really important and too many long and drawn out monologues, I cant say much about the long explanations about non important things they are there as kind of interesting facts and backstory kind of either you like them or you dont. For the long and drawn out monologues I cant agree that they are drawn out except that they are kind of too drawn out for some arguably dull and unimportant characters (oni and some of the other reincarcenator but they are just side stories you can probably skip through the onion as you can basically find out from the regular chapters but for some of the un important reincarcenator like the two adventurers you dont have to even pay attention to them they are so much of an insect at that point that even if the author said "I kind of got lazy and found this easy cheap content to put out" I wouldn't refute it. Now as for th e important characters monologues the whole storyline is based off them and even some of the comedy so if you dont like it I dont know what to say to you the MC is literally an introvert spider that doesn't speak the world language so she has to do that for the first half of the story but the second half is literally because she is so much of an introvert she actually can barely speak, for the others they help facilitate the story so I'll just elaborate a bit more later in the review.

Finally reached the 2nd viable problem: the side stories being in the future make it a confused mess or the side stories being in the future ruin the mysteriousness of the future so for the people who have the 1st part of the problem congratulations you are more ignorant than the last half but they are still quite ignorant okay so the side stories are in the future so either separate it or skim through important parts that's not all you can do but I will tell you after this. Now for the 2nd part people if you think the side story that doesn't even have the MC appearing or mentioned once reveals something your dumb it reveals nothing the only thing the side stories reveal is the world timeline. The main side stories are there for two main reasons the world building and to introduce a original protagonist (which btw is a very comical obvious laugh at the generic hero route that gets everything does everything and always wins while perfectly fitting it in to an amazing plot) that also conveniently is in a timeline that allows world building without spoilers to the mc's storyline but mainly this is all due to the fact that the author wants to keep readers satisfied until the main big storyline which is infinitely more mysterious and bigger of a secret than clues (very minuscule clues at that) that the MC incited a revolt on a kingdom which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Finally we have made it to the part where I solve the problem of people not having the patience to go through the first half of the story that the author debatedly made perfectly so the reader didn't turn away till the second half. All you have to do is pay attention to the background world building of the side stories so you can recognize where you are in the timeline when it gets explained later in 2nd half of the story and casually read through the 1st half of the mc's story while either ignoring the various foreshadow's or just guess, fail, and figure it out later in the story in which you deal with it.

All in all this is a beautifully complex and well made story that I love. This isnt for everybody and I admit that the only problem that I feel doesn't have a definite solution like the 2 main problems I mentioned before is whether or not the author did a good enough job with keeping the reader interested enough to stay until the important part of the story I feel most of the people who dont like the story just couldn't make it to the good part thus showing some failing results. For all the legends that made it through this absolute monster of a review your amazing I give you a grand nai wa to you, and I realize most people won't read this sh*t but I'm f*cking bored and when I saw people dissing this amazing story I couldn't just let it be.

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russss rated it
July 27, 2020
Status: v8
First of all, if you plan to read this, I recommend the light novel rather than the web novel since the WN is kind of messy. But it's still your personal choice, which of those two you would read first. You can also do both. But still I highly recommend the LN.

Okay, here is my review for the LN since I've never read the WN. It maybe confusing for the first few volumes (V1-V4) Since there are some side stories (S chapters) with different timeline. But as you go pass... more>> the V5 which is a filler, you'll eventually understand it and will make u get hooked to the story. Honestly, I'm really confused with the timeline when I was reading the first few volumes and got myself spoiled because I need answers to why bla bla. But it was worth it though. If you really can't understand it then get yourself spoiled. ಥ - ಥ Haha

And also, I also really liked how the author wrote the story in a way where you'll be confused at first but also gets you hooked to the story everytime you read more.

Well, overall, it is a very interesting and good read. I really recommend it for you if you're interested on how she survive with a Spider body, became OP and eventually evolved to a


. Then, have fun reading since I had so much fun too! 乁 ˘ O ˘ ㄏ

*And here I am waiting patiently for the English translation for the v9 ಥ.ಥ <<less
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