Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~


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『I’m terribly sorry…』

A god was suddenly prostrating in front of Kayano Takumi. He was apparently killed by mistake. Moreover, he can’t be reborn again. However, he is able to live in a different world? Then, let’s do that, please. The god made a mistake again and transferred me into a dangerous forest. Seriously, what’s going on? Besides, there are children here. I can’t leave them here, I will take care of them.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring
Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Kosodate shinagara Boukensha shimasu~
異世界ゆるり紀行 ~子育てしながら冒険者します~
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
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  3. For the chuunibyou guy inside us all: male centric...
  4. Foodies
  5. Aro/Ace Protag

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/14/16 Novelonomicon c4
10/12/16 Novelonomicon c3
10/11/16 Novelonomicon c2
10/10/16 Novelonomicon c1
10/10/16 Novelonomicon prologue
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84 Reviews sorted by

Novetsu rated it
April 16, 2019
Status: c173
Yeah the earlier reviews have a point, it's just not that good, it leans more towards good than bad but not by much, it's a nice read if you have nothing else to do but otherwise I don't really care much. The only reason I got to chapter 173 is because I went too far in to give up.
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jojmist rated it
April 27, 2018
Status: c39
This novel is just okay. I am more surprised by the 4.2/5 star rating than anything else which would mean that this would be at least a pretty stellar novel on this site, which I find it is not. There isn't too much depth at all regarding the pet-like children at this point for the first 40 chapters or so, and it seems repetitive in nature. My biggest gripe with this novel is that the MC and kids are already OP as heck, and then the MC literally has rare... more>> weapons/materials/multiple OP pets/skills and even food stuffs literally shoved at him, all at once, early on. It takes away the suspense in this novel where you know that the MCs are OP as heck and equipped with literally everything and can already get past any obstacle. Then again, this is a slice of life novel and the journey/adventure may not be the main overall focus of this novel with it instead being the relationship between the MC and the children, but I believe that other novels similar to this one in terms of 'taking care of child/children' plot just do it so, so much better. There aren't many genuine sweet/diabetes moments like other reviewers have said either, as they are more repetitive and boring than the plot. <<less
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FaIleD8 rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: c114
If you want a change of pace in your usual current genre this is for you to explore this great novel. A relaxing way of reading not many actions a fluffy soft kinda thing this is my way to describe this novel. So just to bring you out of the box try this one.
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Synchrotron rated it
April 8, 2018
Status: c114
This series is mainly for inflicting diabetes to its readers, so don't expect what you get from regular action novels and stuff.

This story is like a timeline for the 2 children on the cover's growth with the MC as their guardian, and their living condition before the series' start is terrible, hence they practically speak and behave like a 3-4 year old (which slowly improves over time). And yes, the MC is very OP. He is practically almost undefeatable. Almost that is...

... more>>

Sylphreel is giving what Takumi wants from the start like cookwares and stuff is because the twins are actually one of the objectives of the gods, and the twins are basically demigods like Takumi himself. Care is needed after all as they are basically walking nukes.

Although for the most part, it is a sign of both gratitude and apology for Takumi.


Ah yes they behave too similar to a dog and has sustainability of a dog, but I just can't decrease my blood sugar levels. A cutesy novel with no trace of dark undertone. <<less
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Misaki Yata
Misaki Yata rated it
August 28, 2017
Status: c73
I give it 5/5 for the translation 5/5 for story and 5/5 for fluf!! Its honestly a super cute novel and a bit different from the usual isekai reincarnation novels with the super OP! MC's and all. While he's not super strong (I think 'cause he doesnt have all that many trump cards or anything just some super handy skills for the most part) he still is powerful enough like all other isekai MC's but he's more of the world's staff than a character in it with him being the... more>> gods retainer and all.

Honestly it's just fluff fluff fluff awww kinda novel than anything really with a super calm~ character who's not secretly a crime-boss/sociopath and all. It's super chill and lots of food (like a LOT to the point a God blesses him for innovating food LOL) and honestly the side characters r not cardboard cutouts and are hilarious especially when they go after the MC for food XD

If you're looking for a good plot with an awesome badass MC proving everyone that he's awesome and getting revenge on the world, etc. Etc. Pack up and get out the door and never look back, like at all. When I said the plot was good, I meant it with the slice of life genre. Check the tags. There aren't any women throwing themselves at him cause of his protagonist aura and nor does he show off or anything, check the tags, but it's a fluff read for anyone who's looking for something to heal themselves, definitely worthy!!!>/////<

cute is justice!! (&Gt;.<) / <<less
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Kiritsuna rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c323
It's a really wholesome novel. All chapters are full of fluff, in both literal and figurative ways. You have fluffy pets and fluffy moments. When both of those combine you have to go straight to the hospital.
The whole WN is a joke, the MC is OP, the kids are OP, the pets are OP, and the gods are permanently spawning extremely rare things wherever the MC goes and use him as a source of food and technology. There's zero drama or enemies, the story doesn't go anywhere, and there are too many tsukkomi whenever the MC does or says something.
There are many characters, and all of them don't seem to have any malice in them. There are too many heartwarming moments with everyone.

The reason I'm giving 4* is that the original characters in the light novel version randomly appear in the WN where they were never mentioned, which makes you lose yourself
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cdavisqc rated it
December 30, 2021
Status: c317
Rating this based on what it offers and not as compared with other novels. If you're looking for a relaxing, easy read with cute characters and no heavy complicated plot developments This Is For You!!! Definitely recommend this work for those points. If you're looking for something faster paced or with deeper plot and character developments look Elsewhere. This is purely to take a break from all the drama.

Thank you to the translators; you're doing an awesome job!!
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Yokishko rated it
July 13, 2021
Status: c295
I love this so much that I don’t know where to shove my overflowing love to! 😍 It’s very cute and relaxing, at first the children’s personalities were a bit slow to surface but it was to be expected with how their young life began so traumatically.
I especially quite like that this is the Slice of Life Isekai where even though the MC is OP, it’s actually not that evident because he is more of the bystander type of fighter (if he fights at all), like he can defeat monsters but since he doesn’t necessarily have to he doesn’t go out of his way for it because of some pride or whatnot.

But my favourite part is THERE IS NO HAREM of any kind which is amazing. It’s like finding a fist sized diamond while doing some gardening in your backyard, that’s how precious this Slice of Life Isekai story is to me.

My only complaint (kind of) would be that characters/side stories from the Light Novel only version sometimes pop in the Web Novel version and then I have no idea what in the world they’re talking about. However it’s not that much of an issue as you can read it and still understand a vague gist of the relevant parts for this version. It doesn’t affect the story at all.
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Downery rated it
June 15, 2020
Status: --
It was cute and amusing at first but Jesus does it get old fast. I really really wanted to like it so I kept reading till about chapter 130 but it just keeps getting worse.

Every person he meets is literally the same. "Omg wow! This thing you did is amazing! Can I learn? Can I buy materials/ingredients?! You are amazing!"

The first time that happens it was funny, second time I sort of chuckled, the 837th time I finally had to stop reading.

He makes rice and suddenly he's a genius. He... more>> puts jam in bread, it's like he created a miracle. It never ends.

Plus this world has had people from other universes/worlds visit already or they remember their past lives. So even if this world is dumb as f*ck someone from some other world has had to add something? But nope, everyone but MC has to be a brain dead ret*rd.

Plus the ranks seem to go S class but everyone acts like MC is the only A-class person around. There's no other strong person in the entire world but him that anyone can rely on. <<less
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TimeVoid rated it
June 6, 2019
Status: --
Its a journey of a man becoming a guardian of taking two powerful children. The story chapter content is kinda repetitive which all about food and the children affection and there are two problem that have not been solved : MC need a lover/wife to help during his travels and MC needs to mature and be a man. I mean he is just too humble and kinda naive towards other people.
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69idontgetgirls69 rated it
January 8, 2019
Status: c100
It was okay with that slice of life feel, it was okay with all that fluffy crap, it was okay with the hidden narcissism, it was okay with how the MC brought new inventions to that world, it was okay that the MC could do anything and everything that people in that world couldn't do. But it just got cringe after the kids kept saying the same words, "delish~!"
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Ruubix rated it
December 25, 2018
Status: c152
This is pure fluff!!!

If you don't like pure fluff stories about cute children, fluffy obedient sticky pets, and cooking yummy things; while the easy going character explores "at his own pace"

the game-like world.

... more>> Then move along nothing to see here. It's probably too "boring" for you. Especially because there's no face slapping really. No harem. And no true goal besides raising the kids happily and enjoying a second chance at life in another world.

If you do then fantastic!! This is it! It's a fun read! I love fluff


And this is some anxiety reducing fluff about daily life of a cute little family. No drama really.

Just easy going~ yet There's variety where they go different places and do different things and explore and meet people ~ <<less
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KazuKazu95 rated it
July 21, 2018
Status: c131
What a pleasant read. This isekai novel is far from dramatic action adventure. It's more like a slice-of-life heartwarming 4-koma manga. Protagonist is actually likeable and the twins are really adorable. MC is not a pushover but he's not arrogant either. His purpose is clear, protect and raise the children properly.

Some stuffs are lacking tho, like world building, the way author describe things, instantly solved problems, or predictable plots. And it really needs a heroine. Someone whom the twins trust but had different style of parenting should join the party.
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MagneticMagnet rated it
September 14, 2017
Status: c76
Isekai yururi kikou is your typical lighthearted jp reincarnation story with an extra doze or two of fluffy and cute.

MC was accidentally killed by a god, who then reincarnated him and made him strong. Then he does the usual reincarnated person things you have probably read in other similar novels. Meeting people, cooking, adventurer's guild, you name it.

What sets this story apart is that rather than having the usual harem of various fantasy races in MC's party, this time he has a pair of kids he found wandering in a... more>> forest. The party still goes around doing typical adventurer stuff but the focus is more on the children (and MC) enjoying their lives, be it on adventure or in town.

There is very little difficulty or hardships to be encountered here, or complex plots. The kids are good and obedient so it's just idealized parenting. People are mostly reasonable and nice, so far there hasn't been any strong monsters that posed a challenge and MC gets given stuff regularly. This all makes a good setting for a relaxing, healing story full of cute.

You could read the last paragraph as there is no proper plot. MC was thrown into another world, where he decided to take care of two children and that's it. He doesn't seem to have any other aspirations. Surely that's not all one would think in that situation. Well, just enjoying your life as it comes fits the light theme of the novel so it's alright, I guess? But yeah, a proper goal for the MC would have been a nice addition.

If you're looking for something light and cute to read, give it a try. For anything else, well, it's probably not what you're looking for. <<less
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trippy-chan rated it
July 27, 2017
Status: prologue
Actually, Isekai Yururi Kikou is a cooking manga...I'm kidding! Mostly. There are abundant descriptions of delicious food and recipes throughout this book. The MC is basically reinventing everything he's ever eaten into this new world lol.

... more>>

The God of Fire (to whom the domain of cooking belongs) even gave him a huge reward for singlehandedly innovating new cuisine in a world that has literally been stagnated in this aspect for hundreds of years.


This is just a really feel-good piece. If you want to feel refreshed and happy, this is a perfect novel to read. <<less
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Kyodaiki rated it
January 2, 2017
Status: c41
It's a slow moving cute story that is reminiscent of a slightly slower paced Death March. I felt the need to review this for that reason alone. It stays unique and separate from the long-running WN, but it certainly falls within the same unique genre.
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WillowRose rated it
February 10, 2024
Status: c423
The story is average but the characters are super cute. The biggest problem with this story is repetitiveness. I know that in Japanese culture honorifics are important, but I can't even count how many chapters (yes, entire chapters!) consisted of nothing but "call me this" "no, no, I couldn't possibly call you that" "no, no, I insist you call me this" "no, no" "yes, yes" "no, no" "yes, yes" "fine I'll call you that." Frankly, it was maddening so I had to take a break from reading because of it.... more>> If I hadn't taken a break and rated it at that time it would have been 2/5.

So, while I do recommending reading it if you want a light and fluffy story, I do not recommend bingeing it. <<less
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ppomv rated it
January 17, 2022
Status: --
If you like cute simple stories with cooking, young kids, and OP protag, this is for you. However, the web novel is missing a whole set of characters and events. The author added them to the light novel and did not remember to include them in the web version. It got so annoying I stopped reading. But, I'd you don't mind that, this story is great for no conflict and MC hoarding items.
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Mahesvara_ rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c10

The way it was written makes me feel like reading an Isekai but the MC is not from another world.


... more>> I'm quite excited on reading this so you could say I already see this novel in positive light even before reading it but the way it was written is just really bad, bland, boring and every words similar to this is the most fitting description for the story.


The story keeps on skipping from scenario to another. You can't call this fast-paced because it's not, it's literally skipping every minor details and the feel of traveling is gone like, "I woke up - Received request at the guild - go to the forest outside the town." and so on. Feels like reading a log records.

The narration literally just skipped everything! The details is the one that makes the story colorful and makes it feels like reality and alive. But it was thrown out of the window on the get go.

Second.. And most important..

The feel of "Isekai" is gone because the god basically inserted ALL of information and knowledge in his head like every normal person knows in that world, the MC feels like a natural NATIVE of this 'another world'.

Even the other Transmigration novels I read where the MC had the memory of that world still struggles to fit in. But the MC here acts like he live in this another world for all his life already from the very start.

The way it was written definitely makes you feel like reading an Isekai but the MC is not from another world. Talk about contradiction. Lol


I don't really recommend this for experience novel readers. I'll probably recommend this for amateurs, I wish I read this when I still was.. Since reading so many great novels then suddenly reading something like this is not fun anymore. <<less
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gamekidcap rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: c247
I don't recommend this to anyone who wants action or interesting plot developments. This is a strictly slice-of-life comedy novel. The MC's only characteristic are being a good cook, conveniently finding really expensive things and being a good person who can't say "no" to any amount of requests. All the other characters except the children are only there to say "Takumi shouldn't have this/Takumi is abnormal/Do you realise how weird you are, Takumi..."etc. There's basically no plot development and I reiterate that I don't rec this to anyone unless they... more>> really just wanna watch a comedy show. <<less
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