Intergalactic Era of Gossip


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The Honored Prince’s dignity must not be encroached.

The news of him being slept by his sworn rival definitely can’t be discovered by others!

Why the f*ck was the entire Empire helping that guy search for his one night stand?

Steady, don’t panic.

Just refute it to death.

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24 Reviews sorted by

Nagisa rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: c50
Wow at the beginning I was intrigued by the funny parts and wanted to see the MC hide his identity from the ML but wow. I rarely find and ML that I find so hateful!

... more>>

the MC does alot of things to try to keep his identity a secret while slowly getting to know the ML while in disguise. I would have preferred to see them fall in love in their meetings and then reveal that the MC was the one night stand. It would have been great if it was like that.

instead we see the ML make a fool out of the MC over and over when the MC was trying to hide his identity and not once did the MC successfully one up the ML (not even something small like winning a game! Nope! He only got the badge cuz the ML let him ugh!) making me so angry on his behalf. And in the end instead of detectiving the MCs identity out the ML uses a sleep drug to search the MCs body to find the nipple ring.

that was the last straw for me. It just felt like he thoroughly disrespected the MC. Even tho he had said that if he didn’t want to get to know him he’d respect his choice. So much for that. The MC just seemed so helpless when it came to going against the ml. Like nothing he could do would work and could only “win” if the ML let him.

from what ive read the novel is pretty good and it just comes down to my own incompatibility with this type of ml. I just hate the mocking type especially when the counterpart is a tsundere. Ugh I need some generic face slapping to wash down the after taste of this novel!


other than the romance there are other plot lines that get pulled into the main conflict in interesting ways. The twist with the friends lover was interesting and I wish I would have gotten to know what the deal was with the bug kingdom and the scepter (i was so sure the nipple ring was the scepter but I was wrong!)

A very good novel to read if you have some time to burn and want something light (and if you dont mind this type of ml. Lol) <<less
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YoriMei rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: Completed
Even though I finished it and there were moments that I did like, overall this story just wasn't my cup of tea. It's not bad, it's just heavier on misunderstandings and comedy than plot and the speed of both the plot and the romance was too uneven for my tastes. I did want to clarify two things for future readers though:

... more>>

The game that MC won a badge in was a "hunting" competition amongst nobility/rich and powerful. MC can't fight, thats why ML lets him win and teams up with him, it was also because ML needed to bring him to a specific area for plot reasons.

Second, ML used sleep drugs on MC to strip search him because he thought MC was an enemy spy not because he was looking for the ring. ML is the marshal of the empire and he was looking for proof that MC was a traitor because MC was acting suspicious and kept showing up in suspicious places around him. He wasn't expecting to find it at that time, so when he finds the ring ML basically goes "oh sh*t no wonder he was acting weird."

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BambooTriangle rated it
November 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Don't be bothered with low reviews of people who don't get comedy! Everything in this novel happens for the sake of comedy and really not much else; there's a bunch of bugs flying around making trouble as the Honored Prince tries to stay anonymous after sleeping with Sirius, as his fans are going crazy in the background shipping them two and Nalun gets... accused of working with bugs??

Sirius is super fun ML, thick skinned and will chase Nalun even into his own room just to make sure he gets the... more>> goodnight kiss (one-sided lol). Nalun is a proud tsundere who definitely! doesn't! like! Sirius one bit~!

So, read it for the comedy! turn off your brain and laugh because it's hilarious! <<less
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efenzach91 rated it
July 31, 2022
Status: --
I understand that the first s*x experience was unintentionally but that considered r*pe in this case. There's something like nipples rings and the MC was hurt pretty badly (even describe as rotting nipples). The MC basically miserable along the story. I hate ML and the annoying ML fans including b!tch niece. I was uncomfortable along the story. He's a strong will but considered s*upid MC.

In few chapters I can already see ML already recognize MC but hints and so on so suspicious but no MC wouldn't realize it. He could... more>> even try out of the area for medical needs but no he will bear it. The niece was annoying but he bear it. He got pig teammates but no he keeps asking em to do things then fails.

This very uncomfortable story. I only read it for comedy but honestly I stop few times to finish it. It should put extra s&m tag for this story. I won't recommend read if you hv soft heart like me. <<less
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January 9, 2022
Status: Completed
This rating is a bit biased on the base of how frustrating the previous novels I've read and finally getting a decent novel. Where they do not lack logic completely and MC is not some miserable being. There were many funny moments in the novel.

In short, it's a good read.
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Aurora Butterfly 7
Aurora Butterfly 7 rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: c40
It's a very fun and cute story.

The MC is just..... SOOOO CUUTTETEE (≧▽≦)

We didn't get the ML's pov yet so I don't completely understand him but the interaction between the two of them so far is quite amusing.

I don't often write reviews but this one is just such a fun story that I kept pressing the refresh button waiting for an update the whole day. I'm just dying of curiosity to know what happens next (╥﹏╥)
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Shrike1978 rated it
January 3, 2022
Status: Completed
So I give this a 4.2. It definitely had some very funny stuff in there, and I liked how the banter interactions developed into a relationship. The MC is a master at cutting people down with words, or twisting them around into outrageous lies so he's a pretty interesting and different character.

Also this is in a story with no monolithic evil invading insect-people, there are good ones and gray area ones in there. I get tired of the invading insects even if they give me the creeps irl. The plot... more>> was good and the action kept moving except for a few sluggish places, but overall it was solid. Whatever small problems it has this is still definitely worth reading!

My problem, to be frank, is that I know this is shonen ai, but when all the near s*x scene descriptions are of a side couple, not the main couple, it's frustrating. This is a story about the ML and MC.

Yes, I like how gently persistent the ML is, and the main CPs kissing scenes were good and teasing, but it just stops dead right there. You never even know when they move further.


The other small quibble I had was that there were a few side characters that weren't only 2 dimensional, they only had two possible reactions to anything. They were like fake trees in a high school play, they just held things back. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 13, 2023
Status: c17
I get that this is comedy, but I couldn't really get into it. I liked the premise, and parts of it had me a bit amused, but mostly I was annoyed by so many things. I'll try and come back when in a better mood I guess.

So far, despite it being for comedic effect, I wish MC's niece could just disappear, along with MC's pig teammates.

Not giving this a definite DNF, but man, it's been 17 chapters and I still don't seem to like the ML or like where the... more>> story is going. I keep coming back to the reviews for spoilers. <<less
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nightmare that sacrifices sleep rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I absolutely love comedy and I've been searching for one that will make me laugh for a while now, and then I found this novel. It was amazing, cute, and has a pretty simple plot which is perfect for me as someone who doesn't want to use their brain when relaxing.

Would 10/10 read it again. Now time to find a new novel.
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mikumiku_100 rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a gem. Even if I mtl-ed it I laughed my ass off and enjoyed it very much xD. The empire's gossip mongers made the story more funny. I love how the author use their poetic sense to make this hilarious masterpiece.

... more>>

I really can't get over with how the ML fall in love at first f*ck for the MC lol. And the worm prince is also such a cutie, what an airheaded baby xD. His and MC's various encounters is such a bizzare thing but you would laugh and love it at the same time.


I also really love tsun tsun MCs, aaaaaaa they are all so cuteee~

Thank you very much translator for translating this <3. I always find myself liking your works! Will read this again after the translation is finished :>. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 4, 2023
Status: Completed
Good for a silly little comedic read but if you read it more seriously it's not very good. A lot of things don't make sense or don't flow very well in terms of location and timeline. The story goes a bit all over the place in the last 20 chapters or so - things happen that seem very important but get forgotten by the next chapter. The ending is very rushed and a lot of things don't get a proper explanation/conclusion.

One of the other reviewers is right - the author... more>> never lets MC win. ML always has the upper hand and always sees through everything. MC is just constantly embarrassing himself and having his tsundereness exposed, and he's just a beautiful vase a lot of the time. <<less
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caleanis rated it
March 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Idc what everyone rate it but I love it sm. Prob gonna be one of my fav novel. And def will reread it again next time. The main cpl is so cute. The story is also funny. I can't stop giggling reading this story. Definitely worth it. (edit)

idk what's wrong w the rating. I obvi gave it 5stars. Why is there only 1 star?
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Tearlesereph rated it
March 3, 2023
Status: --
From the description I actually had high hopes on the type of comedy this novel could be but it's just a whole bunch of compounding misunderstandings. I understand that the author wanted to write the MC as being tsundere... but the things he did are just very s*upid. As a noble and a prince, there's no way he doesn't have a private doctor on payroll. The first misunderstanding with him dressing up all suspicious with wig and beard to go see some quack doctor out in the mountains for a... more>> herbal prescription... in the intergalatic era, just does not make sense. I get the impression it might be the author's first novel or maybe they did not do enough research before writing. <<less
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Magz84 rated it
November 13, 2022
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed the novel. It was at times funny and although there wasnt much action of thrilling scenes (like battles) it kept me occupied and I really didn't want to put it down. Easy to follow and entertaining
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Fisukisuki rated it
November 4, 2022
Status: Completed
Surprisingly Very Comedic... And ABSOLUTELY EPIC... I LOVE IT!!!

I'm not joking... The plot was not Heavy... Slightly Case-Mystery theme like, but played surprisingly Lightly.

Things are Unexpected and Expected but also Unexpected at the same time. You expect things, but played in the Unique way.

The Secret Identity was really played in Epic way!

It's Absolutely Cute story!!! Totally Enjoyable. Worth it!!!

I'm Absolutely Really Loving it Forever for the Eternity and Beyond!!! SO LOVELY OKAY!!!

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secondthots rated it
November 3, 2022
Status: c35
Not for me. I thought it was interesting in the beginning but it just snowballed into something very weird. Probably the insectoid part threw me off & I was like nah. Zergs are fine... people transforming into giant ants... pass.
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Mint_Cream_Pearl rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: --
This was funny and cute story until ML start mol*sting MC.


ML kiss and bite sleeping MC. Yes, MC actually pretend sleeping, but ML do not know about it. It doesn't justify him! ML still is doing nusty stuff!


Why there are not tags for such disgusting action? I'm disappointed that I had to waste time on such a terrible thing! Really, why write stuff like that!? It makes ML bad person (possible rapist) ! If you do not like reading such stuff, now you knew about it.
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Staringatastar rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: c104
This was pretty funny and cute. I think the couple dynamic, as well as all the other side couples, were very funny. You won't find any deep moral, but it's an enjoyable, light read.
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monokuma_xd rated it
January 31, 2022
Status: Completed
Pretty cute overall

the storyline got kinda boring at later chapters but it was generally fun and made me laugh quite a bit 👍👍
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glitteryjoon rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: c1
so I’m currently on chapter 94, 10 chapters from the end, and I am.. Very bored.

initially I actually found it pretty interesting. It’s funny and the mystery behind big beard and MC was pretty funny as well as the tolerant relationship between the MC and ml.

however, we’re 10 chapters from the end, they’re currently “together” and I find myself coming to the realization for the 3rd time that I really hate this type of MC.

i know and understand that not everyone is going to be touchy feely and not every... more>> MC is going to be fun but once they enter the relationship their thinking should change at least a little. That’s what character development is.

yet as I continue pushing myself to read, I get more and more annoyed with the MC. The ML goes out of his way to try and do things with/for the MC that he may enjoy yet the result is the same.

he either declines immediately or says he doesn’t want to. Like, a relationship is give and take and so far it just feels like the MC is in a headspace of “I’ll try it out because if I don’t the fall out may be bad.” or “i guess I may as well since ML went through the effort.” like it just doesn’t at all feel like he genuinely cares about the ml.

the only insight of his care towards the ML I noticed was when he was running into battle with explosive bugs. He was nervous for him, but like after that? It feels like he regressed.

idk this novel could have had so much potential but I feel like author kind of dropped the ball right at the finish line. <<less
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