I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist


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System: You are the only human who meets the binding requirements of this system- please bind with me!

Su Yu: I have money, good looks, power and influence, why should I bind myself to you?

System: You haven’t fallen in love ye-

Su Yu: Aiya! My stomach is hurting all of a sudden!

Su Yu bound himself to a system; his only task is to scatter some IQ to the brainless male protagonists. The soft-headed male protagonist chases after the female protagonist, the male protagonist with some intellect chases after him. He feels that something is not quite right…

Su Yu: System, is there something common between these male protagonists?

System: Yes, they are all male protagonists.

Su Yu: …Suddenly, I don’t feel like talking anymore.

Male Protagonist who has been scattered with some IQ: Then don’t talk, just kiss me.

Su Yu: …Suddenly, I don’t feel like doing the task anymore.

Associated Names
One entry per line
wǒ wéi zhǔjué bōsǎ zhìshāng
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88 Reviews sorted by

Seriously_Misspoken rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c95 part2
People have noted that this is similar to Wear the Face of the Devil and I can see it and also not see it. Like yes, both MCs are pretty much in control the moment they enter the new world. Yes, the ML is super possessive and only has eyes on MC. But plot wise and value wise, they are quite different people.

MC in this novel hates being bored, has free will over leaving the QT + system he's assigned whenever he wants to and makes things more difficult for... more>> himself because he's bored. Also the face slapping bits are..... kinda non existent? Like they are mentioned as an after thought.

I want to say more but I was really bored with this and only read it to get myself familiarized with novels again. I really appreciate the translators who put their efforts into this, I just found it wasn't for me. <<less
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LittleFlowerMJ rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: --
I had the best time reading this novel specially with lonewolf as translator. I just wanna give props to you translator sama! Although it's a little unfortunate that you stop but thank you for putting up the best translation quality for this novel out there!
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Xiu_er rated it
September 6, 2020
Status: Completed
I've actually read this twice. The first time was a relatively long time ago that I managed to forget a lot of the plots, but was able to remember while reading the novel for the second time. Due to it being my second time reading this novel, I didn't feel like there were any surprising plot twists. First time readers may think otherwise, though. Who knows...

As for the characters... Aside from the MC and ML, there aren't really many memorable side characters as most of them remain rather 2D. Even... more>> our ML can be summed up with few words despite suposedly having different personalities in each world: loyal and h**ny. The MC is your typical black-bellied and op MC who faces no hardships whatsoever in any of his missions with the only exception being the ML and his high libido that manages to torture the MC for hours or even days. But it's not like the reader gets to know any specifics as the novel is kept rather clean so no rated content.

All in all, the novel was an easy read. It's not the best quick wear/transmigration novel I have ever read, but it is still good enough to pass time. <<less
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snowkiara rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: v3c57 part1
Translation is good. But the story is so so. The characters has no depth. It's glided over. The MC is too cold, while he loves ml, it seems coarse. The only redeemable things are the ml's cuteness, stickiness and the naive, poor round ball system.
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chiakiss rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: c90
It's an okay novel. The translation is great, It's entertaining, has a decent pacing fast enough to not get you bored, but also not too fast. MC and ML are not a**holes to each other which is always great, And this is one of the few quick transmigration novels that I didn't lose interest in the second world.

But it's also nothing special, I would say is very average. It's a novel that I go to when I'm in a mood to read something light without having to pay attention, and... more>> I'm not in the mood to gamble and choose a new novel, so I go to this one that I know is decent; So basically what I read before going to bed.

But it has lots of problems story and writing wise. Why does this system exist (they explain, but it doesnt make sense), how does it work (it appears to have no rhyme or reason for the means of scattering iq thing or why does the system do everything) ??Also the protagonist is such a bore. Like he's supposed to be this person with a high iq and eq but like he's literally not that smart. for someone who gratuated uni at 13, you should be genius level, but he's just like slightly clever. If he could think of more complicated plans to bring down his enemies, or even the same plans but it was him doing it, I would applaud. But he's just like uuh system go take a photo of x having s*x and lets use that as blackmail. He just has the biggest cheat ever to get these blackmail materials in a easy way, and uses the oldest trick in the book and thinks hes the new einstein. Not only he's just normal, but his personality besides that is super arrogant ugh. And the cherry on top, the setting of this story kind of makes you question the protagonist morals. This a problem that generally comes up in these face slapping novels, but in here is kind of worse. When it's a rebirth thing, there's like " these people havent done anything yet, but we know they will and the protagonist has lived horrible things so its vendetta time". But here, not only haven't those people done anything yet, they havent done anything to him in the past, and he's just ruining people's carreers (even more than its necessary to complete his missions or to not let them bring others down) just for the f*ck of it. Just because he's bored, literally. Like... I don't get it. He's actually worse than the people he's face slapping lol. They make jokes about this, like ah he's so blackhearted, and it is kinda of funny ngl, but all these elements - mc's arrogant personality and the unreasonable face slapping- just make me feel removed from the story

Also, it has probably the worst trope ever - all women either suck and need to be wiped out or are crazy fujoshis.

The romance scenes are cute but the building up to it... it's not enough
anyways, I guess ill read this, its quarantine, not like I have anything to do <<less
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Svetlyak rated it
May 31, 2020
Status: --
Honestly, I came in with great expectations but received a lackluster experience. Even from the first arc, I could feel that the romance factor and plot wouldn't be too exciting.
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Rustle silver butterflies
Rustle silver butterflies rated it
April 13, 2020
Status: v4c68
At least MC doesn't s*upid haha. MC just having fun and live good. He is possible do everything he wants and bullied other people for his entertainment.

Usual system-novel about smart and strong guy. His lover of course has amnesia (I hate this). Oh he has amusing system which silly and fun. Pity and pure (in past) system I want to light a candle for it. Nothing special if you familiar with this genre. But I can't say anything bad. 3, 5 because no interest arcs or something special.
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Peachyxist rated it
February 7, 2020
Status: C107.2
I'd have to say the MC he's really amazing and sometimes I can relate to the system because you know, I'm dumb but not too dumb like the system lmfaooo anyways give this novel a chance and you won't regret it. Tho arc 3 was a little dragging but I'm fine with it ?
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