I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist


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System: You are the only human who meets the binding requirements of this system- please bind with me!

Su Yu: I have money, good looks, power and influence, why should I bind myself to you?

System: You haven’t fallen in love ye-

Su Yu: Aiya! My stomach is hurting all of a sudden!

Su Yu bound himself to a system; his only task is to scatter some IQ to the brainless male protagonists. The soft-headed male protagonist chases after the female protagonist, the male protagonist with some intellect chases after him. He feels that something is not quite right…

Su Yu: System, is there something common between these male protagonists?

System: Yes, they are all male protagonists.

Su Yu: …Suddenly, I don’t feel like talking anymore.

Male Protagonist who has been scattered with some IQ: Then don’t talk, just kiss me.

Su Yu: …Suddenly, I don’t feel like doing the task anymore.

Associated Names
One entry per line
wǒ wéi zhǔjué bōsǎ zhìshāng
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Showbiz Novel
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  4. Stories you could read to past some time. No need ...
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88 Reviews sorted by

August 6, 2022
Status: v4c58 part1
Smooth type of novel, MC and ML are OP and nothing ever hinder them much. A nice one to read when you want to decompress.
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Fisukisuki rated it
July 18, 2021
Status: Completed
So far so Good. It has Great amount of Faceslapping because MC want it to happen rather than it has to happen. Lmao

MC's personality is he doesn't like to be bored. He told ML this and ML took it to his heart and being Devoted and Doting Lover to find away to always please his Lover. ML is Henpecked Husband.

MC is Sly, Cunning, Confident, and Smart. He does thing the way he want. He also teased ML or 'punish' ML with it without ML realise it. But I think sometimes... more>> his IQ get lowered and his defense also down when around ML, because few times ML would counterattack using the words he had said to him and have long pleasurable tiring s*x. At least that's how it mentioned. Lol

ML is Possessive. Even close to Yandere except he always know to never Force and Hurt MC. To never close MC's choice and to never stop MC's Freedom. MC love when ML being domineering, but he love him more when ML know what MC want and when he say such sweet genuine full of love words. So anyway MC and ML love each other so much and accept each other's personality, flaws, secret and all.

The System who accompanied MC is Funny, Adorable, Innocent, and Easy to be bullied by MC. I Love it!

So far the translation already reach 7 arcs. All arcs is Great. Not every arcs about Romance novel, but so far all 6 arcs has Faceslapping/Revenge moments. But this 7 arcs is unique. So I don't know if this one would have Faceslapping.

Anyway so far this Novel is really Good and I Love it! Pray it won't disappoint me in the future. 🙏 Updates at 14, April 2022:

There's more mystery about Ball. (Around ch 130-ish)

And I would never expect a Survival in a Deserted Island arc! This is only a second time I read such arc in QT novel! (Ch 140-150ish)


Finished at 12 November 2023:

Till the end the story keep being fun!

And yes, everything cleared in the end. All question answered. And the rest was Full of Joy between the couple and their Epic Smexy Lovely Life!!! I'm Absolutely LOVING IT!!! <<less
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RaeXy rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: c101
First I would like to say that I really enjoyed this book. Are there issues? Yes. I've never in more than 30 years read a perfect book. There's always something that someone won't like. I personally read for enjoyment. I want to get away from reality for a little while or at least have a good laugh and read something interesting. This book did make me laugh. I really like this MC. He's smart and has a very wicked sense of humor. The interactions between him and the ML are... more>> very sweet and funny. I'm not giving any spoilers. I think if you enjoy sweet love between 2 people within a completely impossible environment you will enjoy this. After all, this is fiction. It's suppose to be unrealistic right? Anyway I read several negative comments and I just wondered why are these people reading? To get upset and complain? I don't. I just want something interesting that might be a little funny or sweet. <<less
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PyonYan rated it
December 17, 2020
Status: Completed
It's a really nice and enjoyable read about MC faceslapping the villains in each world. MC commonly transmigrates into worlds where the world protagonists are the actual villains or worlds where the actual villains were seen and treated as the good guys. So it's satisfying to see the villains get their comeuppance. MC is smart, cool and calm, and ML is extremely devoted to MC. Although whenever MC's past achievement is brought up, the author loves to emphasize just how much of a genius MC is. Luckly this doesn't happen... more>> much.

The system is utterly adorable but can get pretty annoying with how naive it is. Also it get bullied by MC constantly, especially regarding the system store. MC always bullies it into drastically reducing the prices of items in the store, which then trivalises the store. Why even have a store with OP items at high prices when the MC can just bully system into getting the items dirt cheap? Another novel did also give a huge discount to a system store item, but that was to prevent an upcoming apocalyptic event that would have straight up destroyed the world. Here MC even got a heavy discount for and item that he just wanted to use for personal reasons.

The lack of IQ thing does drop off after the first chapter. And honestly thank goodness too. It would be tiresome to see ML be in love with, chasing and fall for the protag's schemes continously. Especially since MC and ML are already established as a couple. I do also think the lack of IQ is towards the ML's sweetheart, so when that position changes to MC, the protag never gets to be in the position of ML's sweetheart and so ML doesn't seem to be lacking IQ. Rather ML now has no IQ towards MC but because MC never schemes against ML we never see it? Since from the first chapter we can see that ML lacking IQ is more of him always indulging his sweetheart without question no matter what they do instead of being generally dumb. (It is kind of veryyyy briefly explain in the final extra

that no IQ = ML can only follow base instincts and that the main mission is just for show and doesn't actually affect anything. So it fits my theory as it implies that the main mission doesn't actually give ML his IQ back so it just seemed like it in the first chapter cause ML fell in love with MC and thus transferred the effect of no IQ onto MC instead of female protag

I've had the above theory since the beginning of the book so it doesn't actually include the explanation given, but it does fit the explanation.

The most interesting arcs are still in the first half of the book. The latter half has a few arcs that get very boring. Mainly 2 and a half arcs.

I'm the latter half of the book system does something incredibly dumb that kinda screw over MC. I get why the system did it, out of loneliness, but its still incredibly s*upid. At this point I just got really annoyed by the system it completely screwed MC over. The first arc where it really takes effect is interesting, but the second arc just get annoying. It doesn't help that the latter arc has some casual racism sprinkled in. (Well I say sprinkled but it's pretty evident. It was oh those Caucasians are nasty backstabbing people but these 2 Chinese are nice honest people. (I'm using Caucasians because the arc generalises them as blond haired blue eyed English-speaking people, compared to MC's group of black haired black eyed Chinese-speaking people) I'm Asian too and this just grinds my gears, at least have one Caucasian be nice and join MC because they couldn't stand the other because of how nasty they are or something! Since the Caucasians have so many more people too. But noooo it just generalises them urghhh.

After ML regains his memory MC's and ML's relationship is really sweet. Especially ML's sheer indulgence of MC. Although MC keep trying to trick ML into not being able to sleep with him is really annoying and kinda ticks me off. Especially when MC just brushes it off as oh it can be considered as just their couple thing. Which, for roleplay? Yea of course. But for trying to outright trick your partner? No. If it bothers MC that much then talk to your partner. If it doesn't bother him enough to do that, then it shouldn't bother him enough to trick and scheme against his partner omfg. <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
October 27, 2020
Status: c1 part1
Read through about 4 worlds before dropping. There's nothing bad but after reading so many QT's some things felt predictable. If you want a low stress QT story but with devoted romance than this is a good choice.

The only thing I disliked was how the MC's desire to never be bored sort of phased into just more smex with ML. Maybe plot gets better but in each world their smexy times increase more and more which as a reader felt boring.

It was also slightly annoying that since the ML of every world was MC's lover, it was actually too easy to change the events. The MC actually made things harder on purpose for fun because the tasks were too easy which was funny in the beginning but became a bit boring too.


First arc ended up being the best being MC uses his own abilities the most, instead of relying on the shop or the system's overseeing ability to blackmail or trick characters. I actually like the ML too, he's genuinely devoted and loves the MC

(altho sometimes I didn't understand why, you know you can get angry when MC plays too many tricks y'know, it doesn't need to always be 'okay you tricked me so i'll just punish you by more smex' but whatever.)


Got boring so dropped when reached world 4, might go back to read the last arc when it's finished.
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fairyfloss3607 rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: c110
I’d give this more of a 3.7 maybe? But like skjdskks gonna round that up lol

so uhhh hmm tbh the plot according to the summary is that the MC qt to different worlds to give iq to the ML but tbh that only happens in the first arc. Every world after the ML quickly like the MC and although the MC does do some stuff ig not rlly much tho he doesn’t rlly need to give the ML much iq and the MC himself even admits that he’s not doing... more>> much lolol. So although ig there’s the explanation of the ml’s soul shards and stuff but idk it just feels like bait when the summary tells me the ML is basically a dumbass in every world that falls for a white lotus, kinda like protagonists w delusions of starting a harem lolol except it’s reverse.

the characters are all right ig they’re not rlly rmbrable also the plots in each world are ok but not rlly very very interesting.

Its still a nice read tho and it’s cute so y not :3 <<less
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Ilyusha rated it
September 5, 2020
Status: Completed
Finished reading it via MTL since it is actually pretty easy to read.

Each arcs are pretty nice, your typical QT, where both the ML and MC are OP at the same time each arc ends in HE so I really like it.

... more>>

I really like the Mermaid-fairy tale arc since the MCs can't use normal common sense and logic. It's funny that in this arc, the MC is loss since his high IQ can't really be used due to the fairytale like setting😂.



the ending is pretty similar to Quickly wear the mask of the devil, where the MC brought the ML to the real world, it is also revealed the real identity of the ML as well as the not so dark past of the MC.



the extras are pretty cute too and I'm happy that the little ball got a protective partner to accompany him.

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WhyneeRi rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: c56
Waiting for the translation, so haven't read it all, and I don't want to read the MTL. Really thanks for the translator.

Well, read this after read QWFOTD.

And of course it really in my expectations

subjectively I'll give 8/5 cause the story is fresh, sweet, and I really love this kind of story. I love how Su Yu is. He is really playing around to killing his bore and time. So it's not surprised if the story is shallow. Hence I still love it. Still read until arc 3 but I think... more>> I can tell how the next arcs will be.... Generally...

Objectively I'll give it 3.1/5 cause it's less logical than QWFOTD... Still haven't completely read this novel so cannot say much. Will update it later.

Still, I love QT stories. So I love this, and so that I give it 4/5 <<less
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1Sami rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: c85
The MC is constantly abusing the ML. Every arc the ML forgets the MC but still loves him. Except he has no IQ and will still fall for the FLs tricks if the MC doesn't help him.
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Ookun rated it
October 23, 2019
Status: v4c64
This novel is highly recommended for those who are wondering wether this novel is good or not like during my first time reading the description... the MC is very very smart meanwhile the ML as stated have no IQ or brainless but the ML is very possessive and when you read the novel you will be enchanted like me and there will be some funny enjoyable fluffy and other moments that make you feel very satisfying and urges to wanted to know the continueation of the story.
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June 5, 2019
Status: c95
I haven't given a rating because I'm not yet done with this novel, but I wanted to leave a review just in case some of you get discouraged by the other reviews like I did at first!

Based on the other reviews, I thought I wouldn't like this novel but wanted to give it a try anyways. And I have to say, I really like MC so far! In terms of the plot/arcs, there really isn't anything new but they read more like a mystery novel since the system is terrible... more>> at figuring out the original plot and MC has to use his IQ to navigate his way around.

MC is smart, manipulative and a bit of a sad*st but I really can't hate him at all. He plays naughty pranks and sometimes gives ML a hard time for "play" purposes, which could be a red flag for other people, but imo ML is a willing party; aka a masochist. I quite like the dynamic of their relationship! <<less
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Imou rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: c39
I've read so many system Bl novels that I forget the protagonists and the plot sometimes.

This is one of the cases where you may forget what happened and who is who if you stopped reading it for around a month. And this is the only thing I will complain about. That's why it gets 4 stars and not 5.

But once you start/re-start reading it, you'll get s**ked in. It's engaging and enjoyable. Not the absolute best, but still far better than average.
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Vampireprinc355 rated it
March 16, 2019
Status: c39
The story is funny. It does have some flaws and the MC pretty much get to do whatever he wants in each world. The MC constantly abuse his system which is very funny to read. Highly recommend.
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Aria rated it
February 12, 2019
Status: c38
Despite claiming the MC have super high IQ and EQ, his conduct is standard/didn't reflect it.

Still, the most important thing for a story is that it has to be interesting, so 4.5/5, not high IQ/EQ like FoD but very entertaining in it's own way
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InsomniacWhoEatsLemons rated it
February 2, 2024
Status: v4
Definitely not something I'd recommend. It's like going down a slide just to get stuck half way.

Synopsis seems fun, first arc is questionable but fine. 2nd arc is okay, 3rd arc a little more interesting, (I personally liked the ending.) And then you lost me at the 4th arc.

I personally don't even know why the author decided to stretch this out as long as it is when the plot is so f*cking repetitive.

Also, the MC and ML got together way too fast- I know

... more>>

that ML gains his braincells in the first arc and somehow carries them all the way through, but doesn't that solve the problem by the time MC gets there? Not to mention that the side quest for 4 is so f•cking weird, because originally the system says nothing about needing to date the protagonist, so how the h•ll was that autogenerated? Making it involve smut but make no smut is just baiting the readers.

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Blacklazykitty07 rated it
October 20, 2023
Status: --
I actually really likes this novel.

The MC and ML had a healthy relationship, and I love how op MC was.

Yeah, this was a little shallow, but so what? It was fun to read, and there were times I was laughing so hard I had a stomachache. I also love how the MC can choose which world he can go to next, and I love the s*upid tasks.

The way it ended was satisfying af too.
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PitifulEternalPeace rated it
September 24, 2023
Status: --
Honestly, it's not bad and a bit funny to read. Liked how MC is teasing ML.

The plot is fast paced, OP main characters, possessive ML, mutual lovers.

What more can you ask?

However, it's a bit boring for me as a deep reader. After being enlighten by another novel, I can no longer read these silly novels.
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Adriana28 rated it
February 6, 2023
Status: Completed
This is one of my earlier bl novels I read st the beginning of my life as a bl lover. That's why I am rating it a solid 4.'Cause at that time I just started reading qt do u know I could simply read anything.

But now if I were to read it again, I would probably rate it a 3, its just it's simply factless.

ML being too s*upid despite being in a very high position and bla bla, a simple cliche qt story.

MC was ok to me but... more>> he was kinda way too op.

Anyway still u all could give it a try and see if its yo ur taste don't just simply be influenced by the comments.

Thanku author and translators for the hard work. <<less
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Ainslee rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: c1 part1
MTL up to chapter 61, readability 85%.

Sorry, I didn't get the feelings on this novel. Several quick transmigration novels I recently read often lack emotional development.

I know quick transmigration had a quick paced plot, but when the development was so abrupt that it felt inorganic 😅 I just couldn't continue to the end.

Perhaps later when I run out of stock, I'll continue reading this.
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allix-a rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: --
Well... it was really a rewarding read, although I'm still reading it today (ch. 170) I'm not very disappointed, we see MC "slap" the people who hurt him and ML, it really is a lot like Usa quickly The face of the devil. I liked the arcs at first because we still saw MC do something on his own, but that does not change the fact that MC abuses the benefits of the system, nothing is missing and the world plot is resolved too quickly. And from a certain arc... more>> it becomes very repetitive, we just have to wait for the system to do everything and then we see MC and ML go on their honeymoon in the next chapters. Anyway, it's not that bad, that's why I'm giving it 4 stars. <<less
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