I’m Helping the Male Lead Adapt in Modern Times


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Hunter Yoo Ji-an, who is practicing living a month after working a day.

In front of the gate, I picked up an old Romance Fantasy Male Lead!

“He should be in the book, but why does he come out?”

’ But since I picked him up, I should take responsibility.’

“I don’t know how to repay this favor.”

“Payback with your body.”

“Okay. I’ll give this body to protect you.”

Surprisingly, I am going to help the innocent Duke adapt to Korea……

“Are you going to abandon me now?”

“Who’s throwing you away? You must have adjusted here now, so you should move out.”

“What did I do wrong? I’ll correct everything. Please, give me one more chance.”

The duke, who said he had to go back to his world, suddenly became obsessed.

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Recommendation Lists
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  2. KR Female MC
  3. Hunter/Player/Awakener-Gate/Tower/Dungeon/etc.
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P0taku rated it
December 17, 2021
Status: v1c4
I searched. I hunted. I found the original source (I think!). Read up till 4 chapters cus text beyond that has been deleted due to official serialization BUT the amount of star ratings this has is so sad. Is it because it’s different? I love different personally, and from the 4 chapters I read, it’s definitely a novel I highly consider investing spoilers and translation!


The chapters hint at adorable domestic moments since FL takes ML home wwwww

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