If You Don’t Remember Me


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The father of my child lost his memory before the wedding date. The person who was once loving and sweet had turned cold. The moment Anais looked into his eyes, she could foresee everything coming to an end.

“You truly do not remember who I am?”

A love that overcame the difference of status. If he cannot remember her, then she had no reason to stay in this place anymore. But-

“I only ask once. I was told that you made medicine to help with my insomnia. ”

Todd grabbed the tea bag out of his pocket and threw it on the table. The contents of the tea bag weren’t medicine, but instead, it was filled with the herbal tea leaves she gifted him a long time ago.

“Let me make an offer. Gather your things and come back to the estate. I’ll make you my official pharmacist.”

Anais calmly stared at Todd.

“I refuse.”

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Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/20/20 Mystical Series c2
08/14/20 Mystical Series c1
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namige rated it
October 9, 2020
Status: c1
There's only 2 chapters & it got dropped : (

Love the female lead. Really hope someone who can translate picks this up.
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 9, 2021
Status: --
I want to start reading because this seems so so so interesting. But seeing that there's only two chapters since a year ago, my non-masochist sode is screaming to run away. Imma just keep this in my reading list in case 😭🤧

Edit: okay, my masochist side won and now I want to cry because I need more ! 🥲
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