If Only I Could Disappear


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“…… Please allow me to receive the delegation alongside you, Your Majesty.”

“No. There isn’t anyone that doesn’t know that I don’t have a shred of feelings for you anyways, so is there a need to put on an act?”

The nobles covered their mouths with fans at the sight of the Empress being openly embarrassed by the Emperor but didn’t retract their gazes.

Along with the fed-up Edmund’s unkind treatment, the courage that was squeezed out disappeared instantly, and Sotis bowed her head without saying anything.

Sotis loved Edmund.

But Edmund hated Sotis.

“I have no intention of letting you go today.”

“I’ve never asked you to let go of me. It’s alright if you make a mess, so hurry…”

The Emperor, who’d made the Empress become an object of gossip for the nobles, sought his mistress’ embrace. Sotis felt miserable whenever she saw Edmund whispering affectionately to another woman.

‘Will everyone be happy if I disappear? Would it be alright if I disappeared? It’s just, if only I could disappear.’


Within the bedroom where the Empress slept quietly without waking, only a mage saw her wounded soul.

As Sotis sat by the window, she seemed shy and embarrassed, while combing her long hair with a faint smile.

“Even if you don’t lift a finger, there will definitely be someone that likes Your Majesty just the way you are.”

Although it was her first meeting that mage, the mage responded to her innermost thoughts as though he knew about everything.

“I’ll find a way. Just like how you saved me, I will also ensure that both of your feet will touch the ground once again.”

[……If you say that, it sounds as though such a day would definitely arrive.]

The mage turned his back on the Empress, who was lying on the bed beautifully and whispered to the soul by the window every day, eventually managing to awaken Sotis’ physical body…

“Tomorrow morning, we will declare our divorce. The reason for the divorce is your body’s poor condition, your soul’s instability, and your inability to carry on the family line.”

Through a single mage’s utmost dedication, Empress Sotis was able to regain her body, but what she was faced with was the Emperor’s notice of divorce.

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2 Reviews sorted by

January 10, 2023
Status: c5
The translation is excellent.

The story is stifling, and frustrating.

I'll admit, I'm not good at this kind of story. I don't understand how someone can be a doormat for years and not speak up, but I'll also acknowledge that the author tries to give her a reasonable and heart-wrenching backstory. As someone who has not gone through the same miserable upbringing that our FL has, I feel sympathy for her, but I can't resonate with her actions -- or lack thereof. I understand that she was brought up as a doll... more>> by her parents. I understand that she's deluding herself into thinking that everything is fine and she's depressed. But this is indeed a very depressing story to read. Everything is dreary. I feel heavy when I read it, and it's almost a sluggish read.

Hence, the lack of rating. It's not the story's fault; it's mine, because clearly I'm not cut out to read such bleak stories. I end up getting annoyed by how passive the FL is when it's not her fault, and obviously as the empress she can't just slap the emperor. <<less
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Mi mi mi
Mi mi mi rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: c22
So far is not a bad story but all characters with the exception of the main guy and the female lead's best friend (and maybe the maids who get a line here and there) are infuriating, the protagonist's husband has no redeeming qualities and in my opinion I'm getting way too much of his point of view, his side piece is only slightly better but still very annoying, but no one gets on my nerves quite like the main girl, I love a good, virtuous and kind protagonist but this... more>> one seems to exist solely to show that anything in excess is bad, miss ma'am has no spine and keeps staying in situations that don't need to happen and enabling nasty behaviour from those around her that shouldn't be tolerated, now thinking about it she's not that good after all, enabling people to continue in error is a vice of it's own and no amount of gaslighting from the author will change that. I'll continue reading this for a while but might give up if the circle of ab*se, enabling and gaslighting continues. <<less
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