I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away Again


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After six years of war, my fiancé returned.

With a woman and his child in tow.

While saying that he couldn’t leave her.

The same irresponsible fiancé who forced on me the duties of a duchess.

“Leila, you’re not the duchess yet.”

Hearing those words, I decided to break my engagement.


“How far can I go?”

There was a moment of silence. Realizing that I said something strange, I hurriedly spoke up.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I wasn’t trying to ask this, but that…”

“Anything,” Kalian replied, cutting off my words.

It wasn’t an angry tone. I’d rather say that he… was smiling.

“If you’re not selling the kingdom, you can do anything. Because you are my agent now.”

What are you going to do if I really do sell the kingdom?

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One entry per line
Don't Pick Up What You've Thrown Away
Don’t Pick Up The Trash Once Thrown Away
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Related Series
Remarried Empress (3)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. revenge is best served hot
  2. Ready
  3. Romance Fantasy 6
  4. Role Model FL (KR)
  5. Broked the birdcage

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April 25, 2021
Status: --
The original fiancé is astonishingly s*upid. Like, probably mentally challenged in a literal way. He's about as sharp as a gr*pe. The other characters, and even his parents, acknowledge he's at a particularly low wattage. This is compounded by the fact that he loves feeling intelligent, and often expects people to arrange it so he can play act that he is.

Maybe he didn't get enough air while he was being born, or got hit in the head a few too many times on the training grounds as a child, but... more>> he seems to have vaguely picked up on the fact that his parents greatly preferred their smart, adoptive daughter, (our MC, and his fiancee,) over him. Now he's playing shitty, "if you really loved and respected me, you'd happily go along with everything I say, and agree to do all of the work, too, while saying how smart I am" games with his fiancee, without realizing that's what he's doing. It doesn't help that he sees her in more a maternal/employee aid light, than as a woman.

Our idiot cannot comprehend why his long time fiancée would be upset he brought home a woman pregnant with his child, and why she's failing to sooth him, tell him what a smart, good boy he is, and do the work to make everything all better, like he wants, and this pisses him off and leads him to be petty and vindictive. I'd feel a bit bad for him, maybe he really was dropped on the head as a child, but it's not enough to fully excuse him. He is a twit easily lead by s*x and simpering, which our MC does not know how to indulge, and who grows increasingly a-holish-enraging as he tries to hide his incompetence by squashing those actually smarter than him.

Our main lead does not play these games, dooming her relationship. She is well written and cast of the competent, dignified sort. There is a nice balance between her inexperience from her very young age, and her capable intelligence. She flubs some things and is awkward and unsure, but will still speak up and step in when she needs to. She will only let herself be trampled so far and no further. She is not stoic by choice, but by necessity to protect herself, and endearingly excited when someone hits on a topic which interests her. I appreciate that those close to her know she is a good person, and they don't play any of that "well, if only she was friendlier with the maids!" crap. She is every smart girl who got used by the hot jock, and she will be getting hers back in the end.

Her main rival, Cecily, is a Margaery Tyrell type character. Completely willing to pander and debase herself in the now for her long term goals, we would admire her masterful maneuvers and understand her desire to crawl her way back up from war-orphaned, princess-no-more of a destroyed kingdom to a duchess seat... if only she wasn't hurting our innocent MC in the process, who had come from an even lower background, and had truly earned the place being stolen from her.

Read it if you like whump, because our MC is going to be put through the emotional wringer for a good long while before she gets the chance to escape her engagement.

But, her being Empress seems endgame, so it'll eventually transform from stomping on the MC, to her glorious triumph paying off, and some stomping back. Just have to wait a while. The true ML, the Emperor is an intelligent, progressive man who truly appreciates those skills in others, like our MC, and he seems worth waiting for.

Tons are comparing this with Remarried Empress. There are similarities in the basic plot (sensible wife is cheated on, eventually winds up on top), but I think this is far less "Remarried Empress" and far more Prince Johannes/ Lady Rebecca from "The Antagonist's Pet" (the charming, but incompetent, heir to a crucial position he obviously cannot handle, is given a high-powered, top-skilled fiancée to handle the duties for him, by parents who never adequately made him experience the consequences of his failings. He doesn't appreciate or understand his fiancée, who, after falling out of love and becoming sick of his promises to magically change and shape up once their marriage finally happens, realizes she outclasses her dweeb fiancé and is better off without him.) Still, it is different enough from both to be considered it's own story. <<less
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illysillymilly rated it
April 20, 2021
Status: c5
Yeah so um.... this is kinda like remarried empress a bit but a different take on the story. I'm ratiing this a 5 on quality of translating aand gradual world-buiilding that's been done in the first 5 chapters.

I looked up some spoilers to find out when a certain climax event happens and


tr*sh husband gets dumped in ch 40 and around ch 100 is when the FL goes to the capital ccity to become an aide for the emperor who iis the ML

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serguis rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: c35
A bit mitiged on this novel... On one side it's well written, the characters are interesting, the plot is fun and somewhat new on the other side, the heroine keep giving up her own interest just so she can help people taking advantage of her.

From the first chapter, the author wish to tell us how smart the heroine is, that she has a vast knowledge, that she knows how to use it, that she is daring, etc. but he shows us that she doesn't even have the basic instinct of... more>> not doing things which are bad for her.

It's frustrating and I found myself peed reading through chapters because I want to quickly get to the point where she will grow a spine to stand for herself and not just say "How sad I am, but also looks how nice I am" every time someone treat her badly.

If someone want to read this, I would say to wait for at least... probably until around chapter 50 is out. That way, you will have something to look forward when your read the previous chapters. <<less
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Snowman256 rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: c64
I love the author's depictures of drama and internal monologues, they feel fairly realistic and moving. My main gripe with the novel, however, is that I'm really just not sure what the MC's goals are - at present, they feel like a very blank slate who feels despair and misery basically 24/7 according to the author's wishes when writing any particular scene.

If the MC wanted power, she had 10 years to seize the hearts of the people working for her or to take effective authority over the estate as the... more>> to-be duchess. However, she seemingly shut herself away in her office for 10 years, and almost none of the employees seem to have any particular feelings about her (they don't particularly dislike her, but they don't like her enough to support her either). That's a pretty pathetic atmosphere if you've worked in a corporate environment for 10 years and have only 1-2 close associates.

If the MC wanted status, she would have married the duke before the war instead of staying in this vague position for 10 years. She would have connected with other noble families, or formed connections outside of her mansion. But again, she appears to have barely left her home in the past 10 years.

If the MC wanted resources for her own education, that would be wonderful and I almost think closest to her actions during the past 10 years. But at the same time, she feels noble pride in just the strangest places that stop her from investigating her own interests or considering future paths. She doesn't dare to imagine working a normal job, because "other people" feel a noble lady shouldn't work a commoner job. She won't speak out against her husband in public, because "other people" feel a noble lady shouldn't talk back. If she actually came into the relationship hoping for self-empowerment, I can't see these particular actions as reasonable.

It's also possible that she's also confused about her motives, which I think is what the author is going for and why I called her a "blank slate" for the author to write however they wish in a particular scene (at least, that's how it came across to me in practice). However, it's mentioned many times that she has a purpose for this relationship, just that the purpose is never really mentioned or detailed.

In general, I like the characterization and the story, but I feel the author could have established their premise before continuing with the plot so I could feel more empathy for the characters and their actions. It's not like I don't feel empathy for a women cheated on by her fiance, but it's also made very clear in the novel that that's not unusual for the times and that she even expected something like that might happen. In that sense, I just don't really understand what the MC's motivations are and whether I should mentally support her actions as they align with those goals. I'd edit this post if I learn anything in future chapters, though.

Edit at c64: you find out more about the MC's past in c62. It's up to you whether you want to read that far, but it does explain more about her motivations! It doesn't help justify the confusions many readers might have in the beginning, though. <<less
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Momotofu rated it
September 5, 2022
Status: c102
Confession: I came to read the comments to see when our FL will dump his sorry ass. Thanks to a comment its in ch42. I have a ways to go... Someone give me the card to summon truck-kun so I can izekai this brainless finance to Attack on Titan.

Translation is awesome! Do not start this story in the middle of the night—you will not be able to sleep. Too much angst and anger built up. If I didn't have responsibilities I would binge read.

If you enjoy angst, come hither and... more>> enter the world of mental pain. Bring jerky cuz you are going to grind your teeth.

[edit] binged... and now stuck on cliffhanger. Men being chauvinistic dullards and FL having to deal with it. Deep sigh

[edit 2]
more chapters... why is the ex-fiancé a sticky piece of filth!? She can't get rid of him??
Also FL seems to attract all these incessant flies. My blood pressure...

I just want to know when the ex fiance realizes that he is an amoeba.. oh wait he doesn't have a brain... <<less
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chromaQ rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: c14
Chapter 14 and this is actually agonizing and frustrating. I rated it a 3 but I wish I rated it a 2 - the emotional torture starts right away and it doesn't seem like it'll end for a long while. I'm just not into watching people get kicked around like this. FL needs to get some ovarian fortitude and walk away.

On second thought, I'm just going to drop this. One sided emotional torture isn't enjoyable to read about.
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LadyCrow83 rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: c25
At chapter 25, I am very happy to have found this story. Although some of the circumstances did make me think of two other stories, this world is not the same. These unique characters and their actions drew me in in their own right. Leila is an intelligent, clever, level headed woman who has never been appreciated and is trapped in a difficult situation, alone. Her fiance, Duke Phillen, has a talent for swordsmanship but little else and is easily manipulated. The mistress is a former princess of a conquered... more>> nation, pregnant with Phillen's child. Ceilia, the mistress acts pitiful and cute in front of the ignorant Pgillen, but I see a more calculating mind at work. Enter the emperor and his progressive ideas, to allow women to become public officials and his, so far, platonic interest in Laila and there may be a way out of a heartbreaking situation. I look forward to more. <<less
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March 21, 2021
Status: c3
So far it reminds me a little of the Remarried Empress. FL is engaged at 14 and works really hard so she can be a proper wife and Dutchess in the future, tragedy strikes and she is left to take over both roles of the Duke and Dutchess because ML is incompetent. After he comes home from war with a pregnant woman, FL is left to put up with it.

Its too early to say how the story is but I already don’t like that she’s gonna spend a lot of... more>> time in the novel putting up with disrespect when she’s so sweet and puts in a lot of work. <<less
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noeinan rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: c81
It's good but this novel stresses me out.

All the men of the empire are tr*sh. I only barely held on through the beginning, where the fiance ... more>>

wanted to have his mistress in charge of their wedding

because I read a review saying she finally f*cking broke up with this tr*sh in ch 42. I don't know if I could hold on without the end in sight.

Now I'm at the diplomatic mission. The treatment is awful and the MC is so smart but instead of scheming or standing up for herself she's been basically rolling over.

Finally I think she had a change of heart but I'm so annoyed at the place I left off. I just want to watch all these scum suffer.

Hopefully the payoff will make this drudgery worth it. Overall it's well written I just feel so choked up in anger it's hard to appreciate.

I'm also so mad we have to keep reading about her s*upid ex and his evil floozy even though they broke up ages ago. <<less
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Erumwhat rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: c52
I've really enjoyed reading this series so far. It may be painful for some to read, as the main character has to deal with a lot of bs. It does get better as things go along. I really like that this is focused more on what the MC wants to do with her life rather than romance. I'm sure the romance is coming, but the fact that her life goals/career take a front seat makes this a better read for me than most novels. Definitely recommend reading for anyone who... more>> can get past the initial abuse MC has to go through. <<less
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Beccablue rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: c87
If you thought Remarried Empress wasn't frustrating and annoying enough, this is the one for you. I can understand why it takes so long for the FL to break away. She is an illigitamate child herself so she has that trauma, plus the devotion and love she has towards the fiance's parents along with all the political outside issues that come with an arranged marriage. She also has no support, so all that together means that she is stuck in a painful position. I wish she would talk to him,... more>> cry, yell, anything. Then you have the fiance. A man who despite knowing FL since childhood and having some feelings and trust for her, suddenly gets his brain s**ked out his 🍆 and just forgets everything and thinks she is awful. You also have a s*upid and selfish mistress that apparently has such a magic 🐱 that she can convince the guy of anything, no matter how s*upid. I literally had stomach pain from how annoyed I was from reading this. Any time the ML showed up, I just wanted to shake him and just tell him to get FL away already. I skipped past a few chapters and started reading again from ch 40. It's better when the slag man and slag woman aren't around. I don't know how much longer I will keep reading. I want to see the idiot ex find out the truth and the tramp to get her just desserts, would also like to see the FL and ML get together, but I don't know if I care enough. So will see how it goes. It is very well translated. <<less
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hothotpot rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: c1
very draggy because of ex-fiance who can't understand human words and also FL who is indecisive in emotional aspect

FL is supposed to be smart, reading all those philosophy books yet doesn't realize promises shouldn't be kept if she gets hurt by it. If she knows Duke of Idiot's parents loves her like a daughter, that means she should realize how much she can love herself.

I mean what kind of person has to be her fiance's nanny just because his parents asked you to wipe his bu*t if he can't do... more>> it? Also that your words don't hold any meaning to him? Does he see you as human or servant? He expects you to continue becoming a nanny for him and his lover plus child

The servants don't see her as a master either, they expect her to continue playing nanny for the entire territory and not care of her mental health or wellbeing

"oh yes, we want her to be our lord and savior forever, we don't need to care about her emotions, let's just give her some pity during unfortunate situation, that's enough kindness as repayment after her 10 years of slaving away governing the territory"

for ten years, she never realized to love herself

plus fiance doesn't understand human words

like you want to be ml, drag him to dungeons under charge for treason due to defying imperial order, punish this irredeemable man with language class torture until he can understand "no" doesn't mean "I'm just playing hard to get, I still have feelings for you so you gotta pester and coax me with force until I say yes" <<less
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December 7, 2021
Status: c51
I’m at chapter 51 and like where it is going but wish there was more vicious revenge on the tr*sh fiancee and mistress but it’s probably coming. Just slow paced.

emperor is cute :) and I like how FL is genuinely capable.
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March 11, 2023
Status: c125
I prefer this story to Remarried Empress. The main lead acknowledges her faults, but persists in her own way. There isn’t terribly too much romance as of chapter 125, so I wouldn’t recommend reading if you’re looking for fluff. Very fun revenge plots though, and so far every arc has been a fun read.
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Kajoli Akter rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: c85
This novel is absolutely amazing! And the thing I love in this novel most is women empowerment.

I've read a lot of Korean novels but this novel maybe is the only one where I saw they showed women empowerment so amazingly. The other angst novels like 'Cry even better if you beg' or 'love doesn't matter', the authors of those novels are so low-minded that it bothers me. From the plot enough you will understand how much those authors hate women or think women are below men. In this 21st century,... more>> their mindset really makes me laugh.

But this novel doesn't. This novel clearly showed that women are as capable as men. Although the first few chapters were a bit disappointed because of the FL's low self-esteem, but she gains confidence as the chapters advances which was very realistic.

FL's inner monologues maybe a bit frustrating but you have to keep in mind that she was a woman born on that time when women were considered lower than men. So you have to be patient if you want to read this amazing story.

All in all this novel is Great! Thanks to the TLs, I hope they would keep up their amazing works. <<less
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luithereader rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: c23
The FL grew up thinking that they were going to get married and similar to Remarried Empress, the FL does not have a clear idea on what to do if the marriage does not happen. This is good for character development and allows readers to be more immersed in the story, meaning readers hate the mistress and SOB more. I love the storyline slightly more than the Remarried Empress but both are capable women and their ex-partners are SOBs, and the mistresses are Bs. Give this story a try and... more>> form your own opinions! :) <<less
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CatCubed rated it
January 16, 2024
Status: c166
If you like romance where everyone, including the ML, pushes the FL's boundaries due to selfishness and higher rank, then, my goodness, this is definitely the story for you.

He pushes gifts or inserts himself into her life as a friend but, when she tries to politely turn him down, easily flips to "you can't refuse me, I'm the Emperor." And of course, all of her annoyance, frustration, complaints, and distress about this is only part of her internal monologue.

I'm still reading this because I'm desperately hoping that she'll finally pop... more>> in anger and tell him off (good relationships have healthy boundaries and respect, thank you very much) but she's currently falling for him like a spineless twit, so I guess that won't happen and therefore the only reason I'm reading is for her ex-fiance to finally get his just desserts. It's just especially disappointing because she's been so strong against her ex, who is also of higher rank, so the voiceless, spineless, helpless act from her is extremely frustrating. It's like this story teased me with promises of her being bad*ss and smart, and gave me a FL made of wet newspaper. Also: Sister, hire some guards for your house already, damn. <<less
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Amy.san rated it
December 9, 2023
Status: c168
The ML in this novel is one of THE greenest flags I have ever seen.

The plot may be similr to remarried empress but nontheless its great. The FL is smart and so is the ml. They are so much in love but they dont realise it, the slow burn and how they slowly fall in love with each other is great and it make me squeal everytime.

This novel is one of my fav as well as this marriage will surely succeed.

I hope you give it a try. ♡♡♡
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Ticklebox rated it
September 18, 2022
Status: c92
The story is your typical smart, innocent, soft, and kind FL in a horrible situation then the ML saves her. She's not entirely a pushover but she tends to let things go more often than I liked reading about.

There's a lot of her being saved because of the ML's consideration of her, while it was nice to see he wasn't rushing to get into a romantic relationship with her because he wasn't originally intending that (aka it's a slowburn), even the things uninvolving the romance haven't progressed much, I'm on... more>> chap 92 now but nothing's really been resolved (aka no revenge yet). It's a decent story, but nothing really mind blowing or new. It's not bad, but if you're looking for something faster in pacing, romance rich, and or more immediate retribution this probably isn't it. One of my worries is that it's gonna end abruptly and in an unsatisfying way because of how long it's taking but I'm gonna stick around a bit longer so I can see things fall to ruin for her ex-fiance.

The translation is good and clear though with any unfamiliar words defined right underneath it. <<less
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Incogxero rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: c43
This novel is a pretty satisfying read. We have a very similar dynamic to the one between Rebecca and the crown prince from The Antagonist's Pet, where you have a brilliant and skilled woman being paired with an incompetent man and made to make up for his shortcomings by his parents, with the main difference here being that Philen's parents are a lot more sympathetic because their son wasn't a complete scumbag when they were alive, but rather an honest airhead.

... more>>

The FL does have a pretty bad time throughout, basically being treated like tr*sh while being the sole factor keeping the duchy afloat, but her interactions with the ML and obvious setup for her ascension to the title of empress and the duke's ruination in her absence makes me, at least, appreciate all the misery as to make the duke's inevitable downfall that much more satisfying.


All in all, the catharsis here is bound to be fantastic, so I'd recommend you stick around until that happens. <<less
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