I Was Rejected by the Main Character in a Romantic Fantasy


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I became an extra who confessed to the main character in a female-oriented romance novel but was rejected – an embarrassing history.

However, I tried to brush it off as no big deal, until…

“…Didn’t you say you liked me?”

After you rejected me, why are you now clinging to me…?

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로판 속 주인공에게 차였다
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Foeman111 rated it
April 30, 2024
Status: --
That description is misleading, to the point I would call it a lie. This is a power fantasy, and a pretty cliche one at that. To give you an example ... more>>

This dude deprecates himself as an 'extra', buts he like the most busted guy outside of the 'main cast'. He's portrayed as strong, handsome, and smart. Straight up he is 2nd or 3rd place in everything while the 'main cast' is 1st in their specialty.

Not only that but despite saying that he is just an 'extra', he treats the other extras as less than him, and since that's true, why say hes just an extra in the first place. Even worse is that he's portrayed as having the talent to rival and exceed the main cast 'but he just didn't put in enough effort' so you know where the author is going there.

Finally, as for why the heroine likes him? It's not some bs backstory unexplained reason. It's cause he (or at least the author believes) acts kind and understanding towards her, which makes sense but you couldn't put that in the description? Why is the MC smart enough to be understanding but can't figure out his actions caused her to like him?


And the cherry on top is that everything I described in the spoiler happens in the first three chapters. That's right, 3. Not 30, or 130.

Beyond that it's meh. The writing is ok. The characters are standard. The plot is about what you would expect. World building isn't really there. Translation is pretty good, doesn't help with the story, but props to them. <<less
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