I Was Reincarnated


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“It’s my principle to never let go of the people I once reached out my hand to.”

Reincarnated again and again for failing to reach his life span, the protagonist’s soul finally lost its ability to become human in his next life. Finding it amusing, God decided to send him instead to a world where magic and demi-humans exist, and turns him into a Demon God — a legendary, fearful existence among the residents of that world.

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Tensei shita ore
Related Series
The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love (2)
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (2)
Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan (2)
Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me (1)
I’ve Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It? (1)
Rebirth of Chen An (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Lip-Locked Lockup
  2. Rotten books
  3. Finished
  4. Too long but I need to the second
  5. I will eventually read these..probably.(3)

Latest Release

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01/06/18 LiS Translation c41
12/30/17 LiS Translation c40
12/30/17 LiS Translation c39
12/23/17 LiS Translation c38
12/23/17 LiS Translation c37
12/16/17 LiS Translation c36
12/16/17 LiS Translation c35
12/09/17 LiS Translation c34
12/02/17 LiS Translation c33
12/02/17 LiS Translation c32
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31 Reviews

New L_ose
May 21, 2024
Status: idk
Ah, I remembered this one.

It's been so long since I dropped this, idk four yrs ago? Ain't sure.

But I do remembered being disappointed with lots but I can only clearly remember how stiff the magical part is— an example: when MC is using his own magic (?) he just say a word and poof, no further explanation. Like "Ballpen" "paper" the end. I was especially disappointed during the supposed to be hot scene of him and that first guy he met ("Lube" no further explanation). But, I had fun with... more>> the story narration before that part (?). The first parts are nice and actually something that seems to have potential then it got plain, it starts looking like the chapters I wrote (in my story) when I am pushed (mostly by myself) to do it. Still— thank you for the hard work! <<less
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Apr 28, 2018
Status: c87
I should have listened to the other negative reviews. I'd meant to hit three stars, because I find the other aspects of the story interesting, but my finger hit the two star instead. Oh, well. It's true that the so-called "romance" is, in fact, an increasingly toxic relationship.

... more>>

Although the MC never r*pes the uke, he does emotionally manipulate him and physically threaten him, first, if the uke runs away or falls in love, then, after he's been sleeping with the uke for a year and finally falls in love and marries him, for doing anything independently. The MC starts as being morally ambiguous, but quickly becomes an abusive person. Although it is always emphasized how "gentle" he is toward the uke, it's only because the uke is his "thing." Not because he loves him. And everyone is aware of this. At one point the MC threatens the uke for even speaking another man's name, but the MC has 0 qualms with sleeping with others. Even after getting married and being "in love, " he still sleeps with other people in order to make the uke jealous. (Later, the MC still isn't sure that he actually loves "his wife" who is still "his thing.") This behavior transforms the cowardly uke from a barely competent guy, but at least he tries, to a supposedly OP fighter who is clingy, whiny, wracked by negative thoughts, and unable to do anything, much less use the skills he's been training. Although this sort of character is annoying, I 100% blame the MC's manipulations for him becoming that way. The MC even knows that he's done this, and likes it. He threatens "his wife" with cutting off his legs if the uke does anything independently. Although the audience "knows" he wouldn't actually go through with it (because the MC thinks it), the uke, quite understandably, believes it. And I wouldn't put it past him to actually do it. After all, the MC loathes mature people. He himself said so.

51 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 17, 2016
Status: c20
The protagonist is your typical lazy MC who was quite popular in his school despite his delinquent status. He once threw a student off the second floor for bullying his best friend (who also happened to be his f**k buddy).
The mystery behind MC's death


stabbed to death by his bff/f**kbuddy-turned-yandere, which MC accepted because "to be killed by him (bff) means he's so crazy in-love with MC that he'd prefer MC died instead of others snatching him away"


was sufficiently explained, which is surprising, because I thought the author will write it off as a fateful coincidence.

Now in a different world, MC reincarnates as a Demon God. Some circumstances lead him into taking two beastmen and some s*aves to his castle. Thus, their fluffy daily life begins~

This story has a nice set up and a good plot however further into the story, the uke becomes one of those damsels-in-distress which I hated. He's a beastman with strong combat abilities but he just cry and hide behind the seme. I stopped at the point where the main plot is starting, I admit. Maybe I'll read this again someday.

Edit: Dropped.
31 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 27, 2017
Status: c31
Okay, so it starts out good and it stays steady till around ch 15-20. Then it becomes a story not worth much.

The demon god is actually a pretty interesting character. He explains his emotions and I think he gives a pretty good reasoning of why he is so uncaring of himself and the world around him.

Unfortunately, those two adorable characters you met in the first few chapters turn out to become spoiled and worthless. They just laze and want more. Especially the main love interest. His thought process is truthfully... more>> hard to stomach after the many pity-filled thoughts.

I don't think the author knew where they wanted to go with the story. And that harem tag is a lie so far as the demon god sticks to the one interest in every instance but one.

If you want filler, it's fine. But if you want a plausible story, it's lacking. <<less
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Dec 03, 2017
Status: c32
It starts out okay, but along the way all I read was about how cute the ML's Uke is. How he likes to spoil him (and the kid too) and I see no other story development... or it's there but too slow for my liking.

As far as I read almost 70% of the story is about the ML thinking how cute and how he spoils his Uke and kid.... Ugh...

Whether he acts cute, whiny, crying, jealous and so on... No story or character development at all...

Makes me bored out of... more>> my mind. Too lazy to read the rest, so Imma dropping it. -sigh-

I'm amazed the translator can hold on this long to translate this story....-claps and bows-

Thank you for your translations though, sorry that this can't hold my interest for long. <<less
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zloi medved
zloi medved
Jul 05, 2018
Status: c35
I won't go into the character stuff, other people have already done that. I'll give my major complaint that hasn't been touched on by any other reviewers:

About 50% of this story just does not need to exist.

It's not uncommon for Japanese stories to switch POV between characters, at the very least, this POV switch offers something and still moves the plot along. Every second chapter of this story switches to another character's POV but just rehashes things that have already happened, to no real purpose. Many of these characters are... more>> minor enough that their viewpoints do not matter. It's just an artificial inflation of chapters and pointless filler. While a switch in POV providing an outsider perspective on the MC in a first person narrative can be interesting, if done in moderation, when literally every second chapter, sometimes three chapters in a row, is just the same event being covered and whole dialogue texts being copy pasted and repeated, it becomes tiresome and pointless and just stalls the story.

If you can skip entire chapters of a story and not lose anything, it's a poorly written story. <<less
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Aug 12, 2016
Status: c2
A lazy human who keep dying without being able to live his age quota lol. The God made him reincarnated into a demon king instead so he can't die anymore but our demon king just want to have an easy life. He wants a castle? Done. A castle appeared and he got his beautiful sleep. Someone banged his door and shouted "wth why this castle suddenly appeared out of nowhere" and questioned the demon king only to be commanded to strip by the said demon king??!

It's a knight with animal... more>> ears and tail wohoo o/

Found this today and honest I am itching to read more! Too bad it's on hiatus ;__; oh well, here's one soul hoping it will be updated someday~ <<less
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Feb 10, 2018
Status: c58
The beginning wasn't bad, the idea of completely OP and somewhat emotionally detached MC was quite interesting and fun to read. However, the further I got, the more frustrating the novel became, time after time I got really iritated with characters' attitude.

It's not for me, but if you don't mind whiney love interest, self-absorbed and overwhelming MC, maybe you'll be able to somehow enjoy it a bit more. Overall would not recommend.
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Jul 20, 2022
Status: c39
Despite me rating this 3 stars, it's probably 2.5.

Beginning was promising (as most readers have already stated) but soon delves into a boring, endlessly repeating mess of an isekai. There's a lot I want to state so I'll just break them up into paragraphs.

World Building

You don't have to pay attention to most things in this world. Though it has been stated that other countries do exist, none matter as all political figures in this world are babies who don't know what they're doing. Also, the country they are situated in... more>> seems.. Small? Like it feels the country is just a few small villages within walking distance of each other. I believe that's because the MC never really travels just thinks of a place and arrives there. The history of the world is also quite lacking. They did spend an entire chapter on why MC is so overpowered and the existance of heroes, demons, demon lords, and demon gods, but it doesn't seem important. Well, it is important in the context of the world itself but story-wise? I feel like it was just there so the author can claim that the story actually has structure, but I'm almost certain it was initially an afterthought.

Main Character

MC is one of the worst characters I've layed my eyes upon. His character constantly changes. When I first read the story, he was a typical apathetic, lazy, overpowered god - which I like. However, as the story developes, he becomes an arrogant Gary Stu. Because he uses his powers every waking second, and has no apparent setbacks, he constantly walks around thinking he's the shit. His s*aves also contribute to his ego by constantly praising him for his 'gratitude' when their lives are really just for his own entertainment. Speaking of entertainment, I feel like he's lying about that, seeing as it's been stated on numorous occasions that he sleeps for weeks to months on end.

He also regards everyone who he has not bought with his own money as 'nuisances', but the only reason they are annoying him is because his very existance topples world powers and his endless spending on material goods and s*aves break the economy. I'm still confused as to how he doesn't understand why they won't leave him alone.

MC was previously a teenager but doesn't bat an eye to death, no explanation for this, and it was a bit jarring when he killed for the first time but author doesn't care for depth so you shouldn't either 👍

Male Lead

When ML was first introduced, I imagined him as lean, handsome, manly guy, because that was how he was described anyway. He's a warrior and when MC removed his (ML) armor, he was described as an ikemen. Which is very misleading. Ikemen means good-looking guy, but the author probably meant Bishonen which means beautiful young boy. Because of this misunderstanding, it gives the feeling that he turned from a youthful warrior to a whiny little baby. But even with this mishap, his personality makes no logical sense. He's an adult (I'm pretty sure he's 22), a beastman, and a warrior. What happened? Actually, I know what happened, it was the MC.

He quickly becomes a jealous, spoiled, child. I kid you not, every time he leaves the castle, he cries. Even when the MC gives him a literal master swordsman shadow demon to train with, he cries like a little bit*h whenever blood enters his peripheral. Even when the MC says he likes him, ML still doubts him and gets jealous when he so much as shows his face to other people. When reading this, I hoped, (prayed, even) that the ML wouldn't turn out this way. However, I am sad to say that he fell sick with the childish uke virus 😔.


This isn't a romantic novel. I feel like any romantic relationship the MC forms is based on s*x and dominance. The reason I hate the ML is, like I said before, purely the MCs fault.


I feel bad for the ML, and especially bad for MCs past lover. Though they say the reason MCs past lover killed him was because he was "paying attention to other people", I feel like that isn't the case. I'd stab MC too once I realize the relationship is toxic as f*ck and he sees me as his property who should constantly be submissive towards him, but I digress.


The MC is emotionally and sexually manipulative. One of the reasons he flaunts his powers is to get his s*aves to depend on him so they don't leave. He explicitly states that he likes when they are submissive to him.


I feel like the author just wrote as the ideas came, barely anything is cohesive. It feels weird to call this an official web-novel. It seems like something you'd find on ao3 or wattpad.


Read this in passing, not seriously. If you like overpowered MCs who don't give a sh*t about morals, but with terrible writing to describe it, then what the hell, knock yourself out. <<less
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Feb 12, 2019
Status: --
It was fun to read, until our poor beast dude became a whiny, jealous, clingy thing that acts like a four year old. Completely MCs fault. Rip beast dude's original personality.

Honestly, I feel bad for these characters. This man is mean. I feel extra bad for his ex. Why doesn't this have the "evil protagonist" tag? He kills quite a few people with no hesitation whatsoever, and manipulates those around him, as well as mentally abusing his "thing".
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Mar 10, 2018
Status: c45
Since I can't change the star rating I'll just say it here. 1 and a half stars out of 5, would not recommend.


I really don't like the love interest. He is becoming whiny, annoying, spoilt and a cry baby, it makes me dislike each chapter.


I prefer him with Dea or Sei to be honest. At least the both of them have strong personalities and are useful.

So far my favorite characters are, Shin, Dea and Sei, Rona and The freed villagers. Rua to I guess. In chapter 38 he (Shin) noticed his (Sei) smile. I SHIP THEM SO MUCH!!!!

I can't read this anymore, I'm stopping at chapter 45. My final verdict is, I really don't want to read this anymore. It's making me angry and I just want to hit someone reading this. The MC is okay, the love interest can go jump in a boiling lake of lava for all I care and the only one I can honestly say I can tolerate is the Knight Sei. Everyone else may as well be cardboard cutouts that occasionally have lines.
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Oct 21, 2017
Status: c16
So far, there isn't any plot to the story, and all of the characters are coming across as pretty shallow. The writing isn't good enough to keep my attention or pull me in, and I'm too bored with it to keep reading.

The idea is interesting, but the writing could really use an upgrade. There isn't any drama or plot, and the action is mostly completely skipped over. I haven't seen any strengths in the story up to this point.
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Jun 07, 2018
Status: Completed
This is one of the best ones on this site. The ending is worth reading until. I recommend this to anyone who sad/touching/sweet novel.

and dont don’t say things like it isn’t sweet because if you say that it means you didn’t see the masterful ending
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Nov 07, 2019
Status: --
Well, I gave it a try, despite all the negative reviews because I am not a reader who needs to identify with the protagonist in order to like a novel. I don't mind evil demon gods with zero humanity (Shin's behaviour and mindset are totally coherent with his character) ; I don't mind weak characters who are clingy and obsessed (Rune's character also coherent given his circumstances) ; I also don't mind heavy themes like cheating, abuse or unrequited love, so long as there's a happy ending.

But I still did... more>> not like this novel. Because of the lack of romance... I love fluff and there is none here (except at the last few chapters)... this is more a harem-style genre which I usually avoid. I also did not like the odd point-form narrative style more suitable for a school science project than the art of creative writing. Also, there was too much repetitive sentences. I don't know why the author felt the need to repeat the same things so much.

It's a shame because the characters are interesting, the story is intriguing and the multiple POVs is original but it was the (careless?superficial?lazy?) writing style that put me off and the absence of romance. <<less
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Dec 10, 2018
Status: c101
Because of all the bad reviews here, I had to leave a comment.

I absolutely loved this novel. It is extremely well-written, and I read it in one go as I just couldn't put it away. Although it's written with chapters alternating from different characters' point of view, it just brings more depth to the story.

... more>>

As the story progresses, the reader will notice that the MC is seriously messed up - and the MC himself clearly knows this too. At first it will be small hints:

• Him calling (and viewing) the MC and other living beings 'his things'.

• Him adapting to killing other living beings in the early few chapters, though he was human just a few days before, and not feeling anything about it.

• And most of all him being extremely posessive of 'his things' to the point he'd rather kill them than let them go - and rather break them than let others have them.

Later on a lot of flasbacks and whole chapters describe the sh*tty childhood and non-existing care he received growing up - which in real life clearly would make anyone turn more or less insane.

But later on he does change in small ways, and it does end rather sweetly.


It a story worth reading, and though I bet some won't be able to identify with the MC, I have to admit I found it rather easy.. Maybe that just says a lot about me, who knows..


And though a lot of reviews points out that the ML is clingy and insecure, I think most people would react/become like that considering their world's discrimination of different species and the experiences he's had.


So do give it a try if you want in-depth characters, a little humor, a well-written storyline and a HE.

- It is not a 1v1 love-story though. <<less
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Jun 20, 2018
Status: c23
It was interesting at first, but then it just got boring. The ML (uke) wasn't at all compelling as a lover (as the MC, the reader is put into the seme's role and there is nothing about this ML that makes him more worthy than other characters to be held). The main thing that described the ML was "cute" and "jealous". That's pretty much it. Both the romance and the story wasn't engaging enough to keep me reading. I tried to give a chance but after 23 chapters, I'm just... more>> so bored. <<less
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Apr 08, 2018
Status: --
I liked the beginning but later on it became 'too much'. I like the ML but the uke is too whiny, cries at nothing and behaves like a child afraid of everything even though he's an adult (even better - a warrior, though inexperienced one) and survived for 22 years alone. It feels like his character devolves as the novel goes further. Don't want to slurr japanese novels but as expected of one - even yaoi is same as the typical harem novel. Rated as 3 because beginning wasn't bad... more>> and I haven't read till the end so leaving space for character evolution eventuality. <<less
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Dec 01, 2017
Status: c27
Hmmm this can be summed up as being simply average. It’s not heartwarming enough to be enjoyed as a simple slice of life novel and not climatic enough to be enjoyed as an adventure novel. Very little emotional investment and yet not fun enough to make up for that.
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Oct 24, 2017
Status: c18
The MC was a lazy type of guy, but the flow of the story makes him practically invincible in a unbelievable but funny way. The translation was great too. I literally jump when I saw this being picked up! Hope it'll turn as good as it is~ looking forward to Shins Love blossoming _~ Five stars!
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Lara Night
Lara Night
Jan 27, 2022
Status: Completed
tbh, to many unnecessary redundant part and idk la, too boring and still, I keep reading 'cause I dont want to drop it since I already halfway. Surprisingly (well not unexpected), this book is good to read if you cant sleep because it has that calm and relaxing vibe that make you feel sleepy. Even though it's boring, you dont get angry but relax and sleepy. So this is a good read at night for me. Even though I just go through most of the parts. 🤷🏻
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Jul 31, 2019
Status: Completed
So, I feel like I'm being generous with my rating. However, it doesn't really deserve 1 and still doesn't impress enough to leave 2. In other words, utterly average? It's certainly not good enough for 4 or 5 stars. The protagonist is hateful. If you dislike whinny useless characters the protag turns his lover into one and you'll see that character a lot. The only character I liked was one the protag hated. I feel that this can only loosely be called a story and if it didn't keep doing... more>> things from different points of view it would have been shorter. Even then, it felt oddly rushed.

One example that sticks out in my mind is when the author says that the protag embraced another, but the author never wrote about that so you just get confused. You think, is he talking about the hug? Nope. He apparently really did that guy, but you're abruptly learning that now. Bad writing. Show, don't tell. At the very least tell in the order of events rather than after the fact.

Also, remember when I said the protag was hateful? He's unfortunately almost entirely lacking redeemable traits. He even admits to knowing he's no good, but at least he's aware of it unlike these other people who are unconsciously bad. The protag acts like this is a good trait. Has the author been beating his head against a block of tofu? Or did he just really want you to hate the guy? That's not a good trait! It's better to be unaware of a fault and do nothing to fix it as a result, but when you know your problems and don't try to fix them this makes you irredeemable! I'm hoping the writer of this book is a child because I can't help wondering how much he's like the characters he wrote. If he's like the protag I badly want to punch him. Repeatedly.

Such a sh*tty unenjoyable character. He only becomes slightly better near the very end. Also, I wouldn't call this a romance. Not even close. More like a story of stockholm syndrome. Which in theory I wouldn't have a problem with if the author knew how to write it in a way where I'm enjoying the ride. They don't though. The author both failed at making the protag likable or sympathetic, and almost no one wants to read a story of a character they can't stand. Now, saying all this, will you potential reader like this story? If you don't go in expecting a masterpiece, but just a time passer. It you don't mind following a potentially unlikable protag. If you don't care that one of the characters is useless and whinny. If you go in knowing and being okay with this not actually being romance. If you don't mind a floaty slightly rushed feel. Meeting all those requirements, yes you might like it. Otherwise, perhaps pass? <<less
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