I Want to Be Friends With You


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Pretentious Genius x Cute, IQ of 190 – Zhou Yuan.

The question he thinks about everyday is how to convince his parents to let him skip grades and distance himself from groups of little kids.

One day, his tablemate changed. His new tablemate is almost like a little snail – does everything slowly. She looked at him carefully and wanted to talk to him, but she hesitated to speak. He was curious about what this little snail wanted to do.

One day, she finally mustered up her courage and whispered, “I…I want to be good friends with you.”

On the first day of school, Hua Miaomiao remembered what her aunt had told her: make a good friend.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
I Give Half of My Life to You (Same Franchise)
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Absolutely Spoiled (1)
Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf (1)
Devil’s Warmth (1)
My Husband With Scholar Syndrome (1)
Chasing Summer (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Lets Be High-School Sweethearts.
  2. Read & Loved (BG)
  3. romance for gloomy day
  4. Modern
  5. tending to my garden

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/16/21 iNoveltranslation c63
08/13/21 iNoveltranslation c62
08/11/21 iNoveltranslation c61
08/09/21 iNoveltranslation c60
08/06/21 iNoveltranslation c59
08/04/21 iNoveltranslation c58
08/02/21 iNoveltranslation c57
07/30/21 iNoveltranslation c56
07/28/21 iNoveltranslation c55
07/26/21 iNoveltranslation c54
07/23/21 iNoveltranslation c53
07/21/21 iNoveltranslation c52
07/19/21 iNoveltranslation c51
07/16/21 iNoveltranslation c50
07/16/21 iNoveltranslation c49
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25 Reviews sorted by

Dizaster rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a cute little love story between a mature genius kid and a traumatized girl. The book follows the journey of how ML helps MC recover from her almost autistic state to healthier mental state.

The story is good but to me the narrative felt a little bland but that's just my opinion, others might find it a sweet and fluffy book from a kid's pov
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solivagantsoul rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: Completed
when the novel started I was so taken by the emotional healing of the FL and how the ML had great merits in it. It was heartwarming and cute... very emotional. I loved the little interactions of the group of four and the silly three babies causing silly messes, and just as I was starting to get tired of the kindergarten arc the story moved on. the time skip was up to 10 years when they're in the 2nd year of HS. tbh when the story started at this point... more>> I was quite excited and eager to know what happened to the genius after he decided to go to uni? what path did he take? how successful did he become etc... however it did disappoint me that there is basically no backstory given, no life experience of what he had been doing despite knowing he'd done big things. I mean the guy got his PhD and seemed to have dabbled here and there but we don't even know of his excellence and exactly what happened that caused his parents to stuff him back in HS to adjust his mood. Once they meet again everything seems so rushed how they quickly become friends (actually I get that part a bit) but how tf did the MC just suddenly realize she likes him n all...i mean the guy found he liked her a long time back (still too quick imo)

despite the story going way too rushed somewhere at 2/3 rds I did like it cuz of the whole concept. I really hate that the romance was bleak and we just get a sprinkle of it in the last two chapters.

overall I don't regret reading it but don't have hopes toooo high and just take it as a casual read. the chapters are not too long and the novel can be completed in one sitting.

3.5-4 for me. <<less
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Saiyo rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: c66
Good points:

Its cute story with a lot of funny situations. Very relaxing. Side characters are used properly for the flow of the story. Parents are very supportive in nearly everything.

Bad points:

The biggest problem is that MC being misstreated child doesnt react like a person with trauma should and ML has too much life expirience and wisdom for 5 year old kid.
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Jhunajane rated it
July 29, 2021
Status: c89
I dropped this. I was just caught off guard with the sudden change of pace. 2/3 of the book contain their descriptive one grade and then time skipped. The last part were hastily done and concluded. I also do not think what the author has done to the ML was fair. Despite the indication of romance, it was sparse. This dig more on the psychological sense and how the author chose to mend it.

The impact to the ML in losing his childhood was extremely gloss over. I think that was a lot of damage to the child than the author describe.


I could not bear to go through the process of the ML's damage to be slighted and the sequale.

The book is not really described deep as I make it sound to be but I think it should have been in fact if it was described more as such.
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MoominLiv rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c108
This is probably one of the cutest and fluffiest stories I’ve ever read. Although there are multiple mentions of the abuse the MC experienced in the past, the majority of the story involves her coming out of her shell and how her relationships with the people around her develop. There’s comedy sprinkled throughout, and at several places I even teared up a bit. While reading it, I realized that my face was starting to hurt from all the smiling I was doing.

Some reviewers have complained that the MC “doesn’t behave... more>> like an abuse victim”, so I feel that I should remind people that there is no “perfect” or “stereotypical” victim of abuse. Trauma presents itself in a variety of ways, and thinking that there’s only one “correct” way to display trauma and psychological damage is a harmful and insulting point of view. Saying that someone doesn’t behave like an abuse victim is the same as telling certain victims that their pain and suffering is invalid and false.

Although the story isn’t a stellar example of trauma responses, it certainly isn’t bad, and there are many emotional moments throughout it. You can see character development for many of the characters, and it’s endearing to see how they grow and bond with one another through the course of the story.

If you like fluff, childhood stories, positive relationships, and innocent relationships, this is the series for you. <<less
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Pezwitch rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: c101
Very cute slice of life novel. Most of it is about their First Grade friendship, then time jumps to High School

I understand the reason for the time jump, but I really enjoyed the young friends portion of the novel and wish it would have lasted longer

I recommend this novel for a fun, stress free read
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pearlception rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c70
It waaaas a nice read. The characters are adorable. I stopped reading around chapter 70 because I got annoyed

with the MC for crying a lot

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milafii rated it
July 3, 2022
Status: c108
At first, I thought that this was a fluffy novel with no substance because that's usually the case for fluffy novels.

I think, this novel is really well-made. The beginning portrayed how an abused child tries to come out of her shell. To me, it was pretty realistic. Especially how the MC overthinks words that were carelessly spoken.

... more>>

In the beginning, it kinda annoyed me how Mrs. Hua impulsively moved out but I understand where she's coming from. She suddenly became a mother and despite her good intentions, she failed to consider her actions effects of Miao Miao. Although she realized it and tried to rectify it soon after. It was realistic to me because parents are not perfect. What matters is that they truly love Miao Miao.

Mr. Hua's fewer screentime was used very well, too. He also had character development. I just felt bad for him when Mrs. Hua wanted to divorce. It felt like, your partner left you when you needed them most.

But I'm glad they didn't argue in front of Miao Miao. They are very loving and I'm glad Miao Miao became their child.


One comment says that Miao Miao doesn't act like a person with trauma. In the beginning, Miao Miao really acted like she has trauma. The greater part of the novel is about how she broke her shell. Her abuse was at the early part of her childhood. She was soon placed in a supportive environment in addition to her believing that she's with her real family. Part of trauma response is also shoving traumatic experiences at the back of their mind. If you completed the novel, there is a closure on this issue.

I like the fact that there was a time skip.


As for Zhou Zhou, the effect of having no childhood to a child was indeed glossed over. I never really realized this by the time I'm done reading. I just read it from a review and thought about it.

To be fair, Miao Miao is the main character. A lot of the focus was on her psyche. However, it was a missed opportunity to make Zhou Zhou more compelling. Still, both of them are likeable characters.


I like everything about this novel. The length is just right and the characters acted like people their age, given their past backgrounds. The quality is good and I like the open ending very much.

If I'm going to write a fluffy novel, I hope the quality is like this or greater. It's such a pleasure watching Miao Miao grow out of her shelf at the beginning, and finally see her act like someone who had been surrounded by love and only have to worry about teenage matters. <<less
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joonsgalaxy rated it
December 18, 2023
Status: --
For the most part, this is a pretty good story. Sweet. Cute. Heartwarming at times. A fairly simple read with a sad plot, however the sadness of the plot isn’t explored enough to be considered too tragic. More like a sad backstory. Would recommend reading, , , however:

... more>>

Mother Hua deciding to divorce Father Hua came out of left field and sorely took me out of the story. Nothing from the previous chapters indicate that he’s been a bad husband. He’s a doctor. It requires him to be gone. Mother Hua knew this and she even explicitly states this in the story. The story also explicitly states that she only ever has to deal with his family once a year. Which indicates to me that for the other days of the year, he’s cut himself off from his family to be able to get away from them and their foolishness. I understand getting away for Miaomiao, don’t get me wrong. That little punk absolutely did not need to be anywhere around her. But the decision to divorce is so impulsive and nonsensical to me. She can be separated from him until he handles everything with his family (for her and Miaomiao) but she doesn’t even give him the chance to handle things (properly or improperly) it was just s*upid and ridiculous to me. Took me out of the story




maybe it’s because it’s 2am where I am, but reading the other reviews and seeing people mad about a 6 year old “crying a lot” made me laugh. Like... ? She’s six. Her parents literally waterboarded her. She’s got trauma and triggers. She’s also SIX years old. lol. Just a weird thing to complain about in a review on a story about children


I do agree that her progress into overcoming her trauma is quick. Unbelievably quick. But I think it’s just one of those things where, if you want to read the story and enjoy it, you need to put your mind to sleep. If you don’t think too much about it (or the fact that Zhou Yuan does not, at all, act like a seven year old) then you’ll be fine <<less
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unspeakable rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: Completed
The first 70 chapters of the story was really good for me thus the rating of 4. However, as mentioned by other readers, the rest of the story seems kinda rushed. The author could have taken their time and added more chapters. I wish the quality of writing was kept from beginning to end.
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Mystiqueeee rated it
June 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I was left with speechlessness and indignation. I badly wanted to rate this with 1 star because of its ending!!!! The romance between them is just blooming and it's already the end?! What kind of cliffhanger was that?! But leaving the romance aside, I can't deny that the plot touched me. Let's start with the beginning first. Contrary to what I'm expecting, this isn't lighthearted at all. When I'm expecting some fluff and sweetness, the story slapped me very hard with the reality.

Sometimes, I just find myself being teary eyed (or even crying a little) especially when Miaomiao was opening up to her foster parents. It was heartbreaking to see her like that but at the same time, those little step towards healing is really touching.

Their reunion after 10 years was also not sweet at all. It was even slightly heartbreaking and frustrating. The story is subtly telling us that there's always a person that we regarded as our best friend, but sooner, they might grow distant from us. And they'll just became part of our memories, that even their faces became vague whenever we try to remember them. The ML's decision alse tells us that adulthood is when you realized that reality is worse than what you thought. Sometimes, some circumstances will force you to abandon your dream, or some things will crush your dreams, or maybe the reality will let you understand that not because it's your dream means it's easy to reach. Adulthood is when you finally realized that being a child means more freedom. When we're just kids, we thought we'll be able to do more things freely. However, only when we grow up that we'll realized that being an adult means more restrained because we can no longer be a child who can solve our mistakes by tears and apology.

Meanwhile, I actually like the FL's little step towards self-healing. She's really brave and just like a little sunshine. I really feel pity towards her when she's so cautious (an aftereffect of the abuse). But nevertheless, it's quite amazing for her to be who she became.

Now let's talk about that @&#% ending. Again, their romance was just blooming!!! So wth with the ending? They haven't even talked about what happened to the ML before. They haven't meet each other's parents yet. That kiss at the end was nothing but a peck. It just made me think that the author suddenly realized that there's no kissing scene yet and just decided to casually put it like that. Not satisfying at all. There's a lot of loose threads and the ending was more similar to an open ending. Well, maybe the story isn't really focus to the romance? But still, it's so disheartening that there's really no real romance. Their childhood experiences were even greater than their interactions when they grow up. The FL just finished the college entrance examination and that's it!!! At least have some side stores (or is there?) 😭

Overall, it's 7.5/10. Focusing on self-healing and realistic character design, it's good. I really like it. About the romance, it's very meh~~

PS. I've just found out that the author of this story is the same author of "I Give Half of My Life To You". I just wanna say, it's also a very good novel which greatly portrays the reality and harshness of life as well as hope and healing. I think the romance there is sweeter than this one.
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Rubyspecs rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: Completed
It was so freaking adorable ahhhhhh! Especially the childhood part. How all the characters were 3d and had their own struggles and dilemmas and personality. And my heart was all fluffy, distressed, laughing at the antics, silly, but truthful and meticulous and caring thoughts kids have in mind.

The only regret is it would have been fun if there were more chapters after the time skip as they meet again in high school, it was quite rushed as author tried to end the novel quickly.

But the high school part, how MC... more>> took on responsibilities, dealt with people around her, and the problems ML faced psychologically as he entered the adult world too fast.

And it was quite realistic for the fact that MC doesn't remember her childhood that much. Like in fictions, the characters remember their past with their future spouse so vividly that is so very unrealistic. And she was only able to remember bits and pieces about ML who was her tablemate.

It was an intriguing and wholesome read all in all. It was not a brainless fluff

I highly recommend it. <<less
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Sassysmilesx2 rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: c108
It was a good short read. It wasn't made to be too complex. I really enjoyed it though. It's definitely a sour patch kids story.
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ravlyn rated it
January 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Uh.. What just happened lol
first 70 or so chapters are great, a bit slow but it was great. Then suddenly everyone is in high school and everything happens so fast you blink and they've graduated. Wtf?? I skimmed the last few chapters mainly because it was boring.
i liked how FL slowly came out of her comfort zone after years of abuse, through the love and attention given to her by her mom and classmates. (Teared up several times the first few chapters ngl) her relationship with ML was a bit odd tbh because they were really cute BFFs when in primary school, but I didn't feel any romance in the air, maybe because how fast the author just wrapped things up. ML is ok, he was cute when young but later on there wasn't a clear backstory for him so he felt kinda bland so eh.
light hearted read if you just feel like zoning out.
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potatosince1992 rated it
December 31, 2021
Status: Completed
1st half is definitely better than the 2nd half after the time skip.

The story is just so fluff and cute, just that some of the words in the translation is very deep for my brain 😆
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Akiko rated it
October 15, 2021
Status: c87
Loved the cute interactions between the little buns

Excited to read the high school arc
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LazerWulf rated it
October 1, 2021
Status: c94
Nice Cute Fluff story. I was wondering how long they were going to spend as Kindergarteners, but the answer turned out to be

73 chapters, and then it Time Skips to High School. So far the High School arc seems to be very compelling.

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F_J rated it
September 8, 2021
Status: c73
Ok, so. We're at a time skip (first first grade to the second year of high school). And it felt really rushed. But we will see how this progresses.

So far though, it's been cute and wholesome. The interactions between the main characters has been adorable to read in their first grade selves.

There are some slightly unrealistic aspects to the story, but that is to expected with any story. Lol
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March 2, 2023
Status: Completed
A novel that started so well but ended up lackluster. It's still a good read though specially when they were kids not so much when they became teen agers. I felt the authors struggle to finish the story since the supposed love interests of the quartet was the focus and the rest were just fillers.
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chande rated it
November 14, 2022
Status: Completed
This story was so sweet and cute. I couldn't get enough of MC and ML in their childhood. Although ML acted like an adult most of the time and stated that he didn't like to play with children, he was actually quite protective of his classmates, especially MC. I also love MC's change from traumatic child to a cheerful little girl.

As for their high school teen version, I don't know, I felt it's a bit difficult connecting those cute children to their teen's version. Maybe because the time skip was... more>> a bit too long and I don't know exactly what happened to them in those missing years. ML was still the same actually but sadly, he didn't get much screentime like MC. It's really a pity because he was an interesting character.

Meanwhile MC changed too greatly compared to her childhood. I know that people changed. Moreover, she was surrounded by the people who loved her all those years but I still felt a sense of detachment from the cute little girl that I once adored in the beginning of the story. Perhaps it's because the time skip.

The rushed ending also made me disappointed. I hope it would be more than that.


What I anticipated the most was how ML would treat his kids when he became a father in the future since he was so awkward around children. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see this scene. We didn't even get a wedding.

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