I Quit Being a Noble and Became a Commoner


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Because my father was an Earl and my deceased mother had been a commoner, I was burdened with a narrow life as an illegitimate child. As a 16 year adult, I have decided to leave the aristocrat family registry and become a common citizen. I wonder if the knowledge I obtained as a member of nobility will help me in living as a commoner.

Will the common people’s wisdom bestowed upon me by my mother as well as the art of living be put to practical use?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kizoku Yamemasu Shomin ni Narimasu
Related Series
Lady Rose Wants to be a Commoner (3)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. Shouldn't I finish the other 100s?
  3. Good females lead with no male companions
  4. Novel 3
  5. Good Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/07/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c72
02/03/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c71
01/29/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c70
01/21/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c69
01/14/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c68
01/07/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c67
01/01/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers c66
12/19/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c65
12/17/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c64
12/12/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c63
12/10/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c62
12/05/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c61
12/03/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c60
11/28/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c59
11/26/18 Whimsical Star-Gazers c58
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32 Reviews

Mar 29, 2018
Status: c87
well what can I say about this novel...

I don't like it very much and only completed it because it was relatively fast story to read untill the end and I thought to give it a shot in it's entirety before judging.

First of all it has otomeish setting but no romance, most of characters are unlikable in mc's crappy reverse harem and pace is slow, it takes 20 chapters to reach prologue setting. The most likable characters are playing only minor roles in the story, wich is sad since pretty much... more>> only characters who are good for MC like the inkeeper for exaple, get so little exposure in the story.

overall this novel just left me unsatisfied, not my cup of tea. <<less
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Sep 22, 2018
Status: c87
I agree with Haruko.

For me it started of great, a little slow but I don't mind that.
But it just kinda stayed slow? Like, stuff was happening, but nothing was happening.

There's no real depth to any of the characters besides the main character.
Any new character that is introduced really only has their name and background information.
I get the nobles, because the MC wanted to stay as far away from that world as possible,
but even pretty much none of the other characters, who were commoner, ever took the spotlight in any way.
Sometimes the author would write little tid-bits from the perspective of other characters, but that was it.

For a novel called "I Quit Being a Noble and Became a Commoner",
there's really not a lot of story about the commoner part. Or at all really...
It's more like "though born into a noble household, I want to be a commoner (but stuff happens) " kind of story.
Personally I thought that after the part of the Thousand house,
I would get to read about her life as a commoner, like a "How to be a commoner" kind of story.
Or maybe that Roberto and the Prince, who saw potential in her,
would come by trying to convince Asha to come back to the ranks of nobility and work for them.
That didn't happen.
(The cover is very misleading in this sense).

Lastly, there were a lot of parts where I thought the writer would go more indepth
or explore things mentioned in previous chapters, but they didn't.
All in all, it was a nice concept, but not all that satisfying to read.
If it had been executed a little better I am sure a would have thoroughly enjoyed it.

(Side note: I think the title would make more sense if you translate it as "I'll quit being a noble and become a commoner.")
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Jan 29, 2019
Status: c54
I dropped this. This is heavy for my head.

I can't help but fee angry for the MC'S situation. Her helplessness made my head ache. I don't want to continue reading it anymore.

This is 1 star for following reasons:

... more>> 1. Translation is done poorly

2. The title is misleading

3. Slow pace. I could have tolerated it but the plot makes me angry as I read further

4. Annoying characters. Honestly, I don't have any love for the characters. The MC is okay esp with her goals. But for the other characters esp the Prince and his men just make me want to throw up in disgust.

5. The plot. Honestly, I don't find it interesting. I was enduring reading the novel in hopes to get a gist of what the plot is.. But now, I conclude that the plot is not only uninteresting, it is bad for my head.

I regret wasting my 3 hours reading this. <<less
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Feb 26, 2019
Status: c77
This honestly isn't as bad as the other reviews imply. The thing is: don't read this if you're looking for for drama or adventure or a fast-paced romance.

This is a slow paced read, with little to no serious plot 70 odd chapters in, and only the smallest hint of any sort of love story... but it's comfortable and honestly I enjoyed it. There's a certain joy in reading about a good-natured MC dealing with small problems while trying to make her way towards her goals.
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Sep 17, 2019
Status: c79
I don't mind the slow pace. What I absolutely can't forgive is the motivation of the character. She seemed to so strongly believe in one thing - quitting being a noble - and then, with the very first obstacle, she gives up? With no reason and nothing explained?? If there was a reason to show WHY she changed her mind then I wouldn't mind. It's sh*t writing on the author's part. Translation wise, though, this story is great! Sorry translator-sama, but I hate this novel. ?
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Mar 19, 2020
Status: c58
This story is so frustrating.

There aren't any real characters to get attached to except for the MC in the first arc.... more>>

the mom dies because the family neglects her which makes you sympathize more with MC wanting to leave.


So you basically read over half the book rooting for the mc's goal, becoming a commoner, only for her to meekly accept the indefinite postponement of that very thing.


even taking into account that she can't say no to the prince, I hate how she was smart enough to realize she'd be a target but said nothing in relation to this (at least before she started working). If it was because she believed she was disposable anyway that is even worse.

I reached my limit once she found out her job was just sorting documents (that's why they chased her down??), coupled with her bout of social anxiety during lunch (understandable but it was the stick that broke the camel's back, she doesn't even want to be there so it feels worse)


It becomes a rapid sequence of continuous "she can't do much in this scenario, so she just accepts it." I kind of get why she doesn't make a fuss but I hate having to read about it.

The translation wasn't bad and I like slow stories but I can't stand the plot anymore. <<less
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Apr 28, 2022
Status: c87
Meh, the story isn't bad, but isn't really good either.

The story talk about MC who want to be a commoner. The 20 first chapters are about her origin and how she is treated in her family. It was unnecessary, there is no specific event, just her daily life, there is no need to talk about MC misery for 20 chapters, they could have reduced it to 5.

The royals and his friends are unlikable, they clearly know that MC isn't interested, but they think that when MC will hear the offer,... more>> she will be so happy and will fall into their hands. So they didn't even try to understand why MC want to be a commoner in the first place and stalk her before coerce her into obedience. They even have the luxury of rambling about how MC could be friendlier to them and at some point act like they are her friends because they force her to regularly eat with them, while MC is clearly uncomfortable with this situation.


Funny enough, they ultimate plan after stalking her, bring her back from her daily life in a village and coercing her into working for them is to show her the harsh truth of the slum. Thinking that after seeing that, she wouldn't think of being a commoner anymore. As if she wasn't living just fine in her village before forcing her to works for them.


I'm bitter about her family too, they treated her like tr*sh and even if it isn't a revenge story, I would appreciate a little bit of karma here. Basically the family neglect her to the point where no one notice that she clean her own room, do her own laundry and go to the kitchen to eat cold leftover. She is forbidden to be active in social world to not bring any shame to the family, but they shunned her because of her social reputation of ghost too. Her sisters force her to do embroidery stuff and boast that it's their skills. She was working at her father office, but never paid, even so her skill was great enough to be noticed by royals. Well, they do show some remorse or sympathy sometimes, but that it, they didn't do much for her in the end.

I don't wish for their total annihilation, but I wish they could be humiliated because of MC success. MC becoming a famous seamstress and people noticing the embroidery style, for example. MC's sister lies becoming famous or just them cringe about MC being noticed by royals.

There are some good people who help MC, but most of them are powerless against her royal stalker.

MC has no character grow at all, I know that it's a slow life story and I didn't expect a great story with twist, but still, she doesn't grow at all, I don't really get the point of the narrative arc.

But it's a good read if you're bored without thinking too much. <<less
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Jun 13, 2019
Status: c87
First time doing a review and I haven't read that many novels.

The protagonist is someone with a clear goal to accomplish and, well the title of the novel is technically a massive spoiler. So I think this novel is one to enjoy the journey of the protagonist more than expecting a bombastic ending or a poorly executed one.

I have to say though at times I thought either go be a commoner and run away gurl or, for the love of god just get on with it and finish what you... more>> have to do, but I think I didn't see it for what it was and after I sat and pondered about the overall progress and pace of the story that I noticed it was just a story of a woman trying to be what she wants to be.

The translation was pretty well done and edited and I didnt notice any major mistake or contradiction. Thanks for the work Clody TL. <<less
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Jun 16, 2019
Status: Completed
I’ll give this story 4.5, I liked the start of the story, the character development, the author granted her wish to become a commoner, but hey I’m like waiting for a romance during my read and it’s kinda disappointing to finished the novel without any results in terms of romance... I want more of WayxAyesha scenes ???
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May 04, 2019
Status: c70
[Edit: I can't update the rating but it's 2stars for me]

Just like what the others said, this one is really slow paced and has little romance

... more>>

It's actually more focused on her struggles to be a commoner instead of living her life as one.


And I'll drop this one despite reading up to this chapter.


I'm at the 70th already but man the story is too slow I don't feel any progress at this point, no romance and she's still being used by those bastards, I'm afraid at what kind of ending I'll see


The cover is misleading and her "harem" is rage inducing

except for the black haired purple eyed dude

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Mar 27, 2019
Status: c82
If you're looking for a slow-burn read with lots of thought into the world-building and politics, and a relatively realistic take, then this is the story for you. I found the main character refreshing, and while certain plot points are frustrating it leads to interesting places and makes sense considering the story set-up.
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Mar 20, 2019
Status: --
I don't mind a story where the MC doesn't get everything their way, I think it helps in a story where there is supposed to be progress.

But here it's done to the extreme, aside from a couple of things at the start, nothing goes the way the protagonist wants it to. ¿What's the point of reading a story where the charachter the author made you like loses everytime and it's too powerless to change anything?

The only way you could find that enjoyable is if you hated the protagonist or if... more>> you were a masochist.

On the other hand we have the side characters that were made with the sole purpose of making the MC and reader miserable.

Then we have the pacing of the story, where every chapter adds nothing and it's only filled with things you really can't bring yourself to care about, and by the time it feels like something could happen the chapter ends. <<less
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Jan 06, 2021
Status: Completed
Yeah I reached chapter 54 and quickly saw that this wasn't gonna go the way the summary made it sound, I skipped around and ended up at the last chapter, very happy I did that since she just ended up staying a noble for the entirety of this novel. I was legit hoping this would be a story about her leaving nobility and living as a commoner life while using her education to help those around her but instead she left and was quickly found and forced to help (act... more>> as a servant) to a handful of royal scumbags with 0 regard for the law or the rights of their citizens. All in all bland novel.

Loved the translation but the novel eh... 10/10 would not recommend <<less
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Nov 17, 2020
Status: Completed
Please note that this is not your typical cinderella story where MC will live happily ever after with some prince or other nobles. And this is also not a romance novel so if you are looking for some sweet or lovey dovey scenes in this story, you'll be disappointed.

I'm not used to slow paced story and I'm easily getting bored. Yes, I admit that I'm a bit bored when I read this novel for the first time but I still love this story for being different.

MC, although a bit timid,... more>> is a strong woman in her own way. She doesn't want to depend on others (including her own family) and chooses to live her own life. She could have it all, marry into a noble and live a wealthy life without having to worry about working but she chooses the latter because she enjoys it.

She also could be one of the most respected woman in the kingdom because of her position in the prince's side. But then again, she rejects it and chooses to live a humble life in countryside as a commoner.

And now let's talk about ML:


Like I said before, this is not a romance novel and till the end, MC doesn't end up with anyone. Although there are many male characters are introduced, from noble to commoner, MC shows lack of interest towards any of them.

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Dec 16, 2019
Status: Completed
4/5 for the translation, 3/5 otherwise. The story had a lot of potential but it looks like the author couldn't decide what genre they wanted to write and just threw in a bit of everything. It made everything feel half-baked and ultimately unsatisfying.

It's an ok read if you've got a few hours to waste... but the journey of self discovery blends with superficial action-adventure, boring romantic undertones, unfinished court intrigue and obvious, predictable mystery elements.

Hopefully the author gets a better handle on things in volume 2. ('Kind Hottie' needs more... more>> screentime.) <<less
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Jun 09, 2019
Status: c87
Phew managed to read it in one go from chapter 1 to the end in a day. Conclusion I am not quite satisfied with the ending.

In terms of the MC personal goal is achieved but if taking into the perspective of love relationships there is no end, she gain potential love relationships but the development of it just suddenly cut off, not one but all of them the relationships just simply cut off.
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Jun 08, 2019
Status: Completed
The novel is completed.

Is an "ok" novel to past time, you will sure love Ayesha.

I consider a short-length novel about self superation, but its kinda lacking.

Well I still liked it though

MY congrats to the staff of CloudyTranslations for finishing the translation.
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Jan 13, 2023
Status: prologue
Simple straightforward story without many twitch. The lack of romance and the open ending leave you plenty room for you imagination.
It is not from you if your search something about the complicate relationship and scheming between royalty and nobility.
The prince is a tittle annoying, but the overall it is pretty to pass time when your in good mood and bored.
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Dec 10, 2021
Status: --
High Expectations because of title

hoping for “NEW EXPERIENCES “ of common daily lifes of “Commoners”

Oooh... boii

I Quit Being a “reader” and Will Become a “dropper of this novel reader”

I don’t really mind.. it being slow slow paced because from early chapters it is soo nice and angst a bit

this novel is high breed of “cinderella” and reverse? “Generic troupe of abusive love troupe (in spoiler)

But reason for example :


Big four... big 4”
Why didn’t I remember this?
>> “boy over flower - F4” (korea kdrama - Go check it out)
Where “abusive” (rich) misogynistic male lead are “appreciated” but somehow can turn over new leaf 🍃 because of female lead (poor) hard working and strong in her daily life but she constantly endure the suffering from male lead “abuses”.

one word : sadistic and masochistic

From her biological father to almost all male scum nobles

Oh boiii.... pls this chapter 40 right?
Chapter 85 is finale chapter too so... please NOOO

also as POV kinda narrator story, it’s narrowminded way to describe the story

but another things that pissed me off is “less screentime of actual “good” ppl in this story.


I think I will come back again because I feel Female lead is not really that dumb to fall in love for scums
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Mar 18, 2021
Status: --
From what I have read, this is a truly disappointing novel. The MC was said to be smart, but every single one of her actions make me wonder if that's true. She's honestly a doormat that loses all aspirations the second she hits an obstacle. And what happened to her becoming a commoner? That's the whole point of reading this. It's in the TITLE. Honestly, this is why I avoid reading most Japanese based novels like this, since it always have me questioning the characters and their motivation. These characters... more>> would be somewhat fun to read in manga and such, but in novel form, it makes your head hurt. I'm not sure it's because of the stilted writing, the plot holes or just the characters or maybe all.

Translation wise, it's okay. It's not the worst, but it's definitely not the best. If the story is truly as terrible as it is in Japanese, the translator definitely tried their best. <<less
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