I Give Up on the BL Novel’s Male Leads


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I had possessed the body of the pretty bottom in a 19+ BL novel.

“I like you.”

Where the male lead turned villainous, threatening to bring about the end of the world. A hopeless place.

“I’m serious.”

To prevent him from going mad, I tried to differ from the original story.

In the original story, his craziness stemmed from the pretty bottom’s complete disregard for him.

So, I confessed first.

Expecting to be rejected.

“I have someone else I like.”

“Yeah, I know.”

In the original story, his confession was brutally trampled upon by me, leading to him turning into a villain.

“I’m a guy too. And so are you.”

“I know that. I just wanted to say it.”

I was relieved knowing he would reject me.

“Can we still be friends?”

He frowned and then sighed before answering.


I smiled wistfully in relief.

Because I was turned down.

“This is my fiance.”

“What do you mean engagement between men?”

When he questioned me in confusion, I cheerfully responded.

“Actually, I’m a woman.”

I assumed it would be okay since he had rejected me countless times before.


The moment I saw the surprise in his eyes, I realized something was terribly wrong.

The vivid madness flickering in his gaze was something I had never seen before.

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