I Can’t Convey It in Words


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I was reincarnated inside an otome game, but I’m just a nameless mob.
Because I can’t appear on stage, I just whisper words of love to my beloved fiance.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kotobade shika Tsutae rarenai
Kotoba de shika Tsutaerarenai
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Collection (Not mine though)
  2. Oneshots
  3. cute one shots
  4. Romances finalizados (hetero)
  5. Hidden Gems

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12 Reviews sorted by

Ginko Biloba
Ginko Biloba rated it
June 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This oneshot shoots straight to the heart. It shows the perspective of both the MC and ML. It doesn't have much plot but nevertheless will surely give you the feels and would make you wish it was a series rather than a oneshot.
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Reandayo rated it
June 16, 2020
Status: Completed
It's sooooooooo fluffy and cute!

I'm so sad that this was only an oneshot as it is actually an interesting prompt to start writing the story, but then it has it's own merits.

The story itself is not a "story", rather, a poem (?) as it only humbly describe how each characters feels. For those who's searching for a time-passing fluff for you to read, this is the one for you!

It took me a short time to finish reading but the feeling is still there. I'm now tempted to write a book... more>> with a similar prompt! <<less
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wintia_blue08 rated it
December 9, 2020
Status: Completed
This story is gentle and sweet,

Putting aside the abrupt insert of the unnecessary "heroine",

It's quite simple, but exudes nostalgic warmth, like a bunch of homemade cookies.

I wish the boy would be able to convey his feelings to his fiancee.
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Torichii rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: oneshot
Nooooooooooooo ???


this was so so sooooo pretty, written like poetry.

Definitly worth every second I spent on it.

I hope they could write a series !!
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Takitori rated it
July 9, 2020
Status: oneshot
when I read this my heart ache. Really I felt sad at one point. Ugh, why didn't it continue. I wanted to read more. Wanting to know if their relationship deepens more.
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Cilia rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I second Ginko Biloba's review this thing is so cute both the leads are awkward but they still act to show what they feel and the translator was right it's really like poetry a beautiful one, it made me want a full 100 chaps so read it!
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chande rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this story so much. It's actually a typical otome game story where FL was just a cannon fodder and ML was a capture target. Although she thought that ML will end up with the heroine someday, FL still treasured every moment with ML as much as she could and also told him that she loved him everyday like a greeting. I hope this story could be longer so MC could know that ML loved her too and she didn't have to worry that the heroine will snatch ML... more>> away someday. <<less
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Akemilly rated it
November 7, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a really cute story that gives you a warm feeling mixed with a bit of nostalgia and also a tiny bit of sadness (caused by the end of this gem).

It's certainly worth the time since it was written in such a pretty, and poetic, way.
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Bishie_Lover rated it
October 9, 2020
Status: oneshot
oh how interesting! I love how it's written kinda poetically and that

eventually the MC's words reach the ML's heart

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Lynkaster rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: oneshot
Cute but not a lot of plot, just like a summary for a story x'D
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Asphyxia778 rated it
August 23, 2024
Status: Completed
Absolutely adorable. Both MC and ML are clumsy and cute I want to squish them. Honestly I want more but this left me feeling fluffy.

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HarukaNise rated it
January 30, 2022
Status: oneshot
It was a pretty good prompt, it would've been nice for it have been written into a novel. Too bad it's really just a one shot.

It was a cute short read nothing much to it really

I misclicked it was supposed to be 3.5
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