I Came to the Sengoku Period with a Space Fortress


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Kazuma, a veteran player of the Sci-Fi simulation full-dive VRMMO Galaxy of Planets, had logged into the game for the last time because it was about to be shut down.

However, for some reason, he was actually sent to the real Warring States period Japan along with the space fortress Silvern and 120 organic gynoids that he had created personally instead of getting logged out after the end of service.

So Kazuma went to see Nobunaga Oda out of curiosity, but…

This is the story of Kazuma and the androids during the Warring States period.

It is a leisurely story centered on everyday life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Aratame sengoku jidai ni uchū yōsai de yattekimashita
Came in a space fortress during the Warring States period
I Came to the Sengoku Period with a Space Fortress
Kai・Sengoku Jidai ni Uchuu Yousai de Yatte Kimashita
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2 Reviews sorted by

Crust rated it
April 11, 2024
Status: --
I agree with the other commenter.

the author is clearly a racist and japan supremacist.

the main character wants to colonise the whole Pacific Ocean while at the same time condemning Europe for being colonisers, and he wants to stop Europeans from colonising America and any other nation, and in the process colonises them him self.

it’s clear that the author is sad at how unsuccessful japans colonial endeavours were and wants to make up for it in this novel.

don’t bother to read it and look elsewhere for something to read.
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Mystery Bubbles
Mystery Bubbles rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: --
it's a bit of a slow read but still ok.

i find the premise of the story interesting but the MC is a bit of a western hating hypocrite, he condemns europe and america for taking over territory such a guam and then does it himself just because if he doesn't do it someone else will, and he has s*upid thoughts like if you want to go to war don't fight your fellow countrymen, you should go and fight in north america, even before they made first contact with japan. The... more>> whole story is basically just him giving western food weapons and technology to japan while calling everyone outside japan barbarians and calling the god of christianity a false god. If you can ignore all the s*upid stuff it's a slow way to waste time and an ok not great read. <<less
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