Chronicles of The Hardships of Komachi in The Sengoku Era


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One fateful day, a girl time slipped into the Sengoku Era.

It was an abrupt enough event to be dubbed god’s whim, done to sate hellish boredom.

The girl has no power to change the world.

She was a very ordinary, common, and plain girl that can be found anywhere.

And that girl can do no more than a single thing.

Survive the Sengoku Era ——– that’s all.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sengoku Komachi Kurou Tan (WN)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I Read It & I'm Obssesed With It
  2. Good War Related Novels
  3. Read and liked
  4. My Favorite Farming Novels
  5. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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12/25/21 Yado Inn c37
11/26/21 Yado Inn c36
10/20/21 Yado Inn c35
09/04/21 Yado Inn c34
08/16/21 Yado Inn c33
08/05/21 Yado Inn c32
02/16/21 Yado Inn c31
12/12/20 Yado Inn c30
08/05/20 Yado Inn c29
06/09/20 Yado Inn c28
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11 Reviews sorted by

August 16, 2019
Status: c103
It's so much more than you'd think.

She definitely isnt an average girl.

Shizuko is a young girl who has been raised by her farmer grandfather was transported to the sengoku era. She appealed to Nobunaga with her agricultural knowledge. With her bag full of seeds and other things like a weaponry book for her older sister, she pretty much changed history.

... more>>

At first she improves the agriculture of the village she became a head of then it escalates. She becomes involve in wars and become a trustee of Nobunaga.

Honestly, this girl is pretty OP.


I was here for fluff, but stayed for the interesting plotline. <<less
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Diskat rated it
December 27, 2017
Status: --
We get a "average" modern girl that gets transported to the past and works under Oda Nobunaga. I like this idea.

... more>>

Except no, she is not so average. The author used heavy-handed methods to make her more special to Nobunaga. The author had her suddenly transported to the warring states while walking on the streets. However, she conveniently had her Chuunibyo notes and books of modern knowledge with her. She has agricultural knowledge[from her farm working, fine, I can expect that], and has military knowledge[from her sister{can expect} and books[ok, maybe somewhat can expect], and from her Chuunibyo syndrome, {not really expected}, and technology knowledge from the mechanical tech tree{not expected}].

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RedsBlue rated it
October 11, 2023
Status: v1c1
I've never read a webnovel with this level of character execution and without falling into shoujo/manga habits of not fully character developing uniquely and dumping into troupes. Everyone feels like someone in this and it's shocking. The author is allowed for each person to really shine in their moments and moving there development along throughout the series like they are living people. You find yourself looking for updates of side characters and for updates on her farming. The one thing I wish though is we got more farming. Extremely well... more>> done history rich, research rich and surprising at every turn.

Honestly, one of the best books/manga's I've ever read. <<less
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Helvellius rated it
August 18, 2019
Status: c20
There's not much action except for sometimes when the wolves get involved. However, if you are even remotely interested in Japanese history or history in general, it is interesting to see how Shizuko manages to improve the living conditions of the peasants around her and how she subverts the expectations of everyone from the peasants to the lords. It also provides interesting insight on just how much we take for granted in the modern day such as quality of life and knowledge.
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adurian rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: c31
Its a simple idealistic take of a young girl with very convenient set of skills and tools being dropped into the Nobunaga warring era. Pretty amusing story that so far does not have very deep narrative with the supernatural elements not being tackled yet, and up to this point being more of a medieval Japan simcity with cheats. Characters are mostly likeable at this point, but seems to be more fleshed out in the manga.
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N8tivepride666 rated it
March 18, 2020
Status: v1c12
Very interesting. The chapters are decently long and full of interesting knowledge. I appreciate the amount of detail the author put into it. I'm gonna binge read this all night, I can't get enough.
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Laindesh83 rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: c133
One of the best Novels i've read.


It helps that its set during one of the most interesting era's of japanese history, but even so the story is exceedingly good. There's a few parts i'd like to not be there (specifically one character kinda ruins the atmosphere of it), but even so its a very good story. I also love the narrative, sometimes its all about what the MC is creating with detailed Lore, sometimes its lore about the Era be it events or characters while othertimes its dialogue, thoughts etc.

A... more>> negative is the sudden plottwist which feels inserted to make Shizuko shine more out of the blue.

If the Author had hinted at secret meetings between shizuko and nobunaga and some larger schemes earlier on in the story it wouldn't be a problem. But because there's not a single hint at it whatsover it feels like a "yea I changed that cuz I thought it sounded cool kk?" situation just to inflate how awesome Shizuku "really is" (as if she's not already :P) Oh well, it's a minor issue.


You'll want a map, seriously :D It's detailed for a reason.


With one exeption, they're interesting. Not all of them gets character developement, but a few does.

My favourite gotta be Nohime and Aya. You gotta read between the lines to fully grasp who Nohime is and what she does. Aya I can't explain without going into spoilers.


The reason I like Nohime is because she's not the obvious protector of Shizuko. Her actions screams willful noble, but by introducing Nene and Matsuo she ensures Shizuko's standing in the woman circle. Her abrupt and random visits is her way to keep shizuko from feeling lonely and to tell her there's people around her. Atleast thats how I interpret it. She's also the first and only one who let Shizuko and the readers know that she considers Shizuko as a daughter.

Of course her psychological mind games and other qualities just adds on top of that :P



Hell yes! This is one of those novels you just have to read really. There's no reason not to give it a try


The MC's older sister is also interesting, the novel never explains just how talented that sister is but indicates she might be even more terrifying than Shizuko is at the start of the Novel. The main difference between the two is probably their personalities though. I couldnt help but wonder what would happen if it was the older sister who time traveled. Tbf to Shizuko, shizuko grows immensely as the story progresses.

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loussi rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: c27
The manga from this novel made farming genre one of of my favorites. The story is well written and the MC is clever and lovable
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October 19, 2022
Status: na
Came from the manga, read the translations, MTL'd the rest. It's semi-slice of life, but the background of the middle-late Warring States and life during this period is credibly researched and presented amidst the main character's struggles to navigate through Sengoku life.
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July 17, 2023
Status: c68
While the translation need quite a bit of polishing, it's a treasure trove of information about culture and history packed and change from nonfiction history book to historical novel. Both the author and translator did great job on this masterpiece, with assimilate the history into fun fiction (and manga too) and for translator to accurately translate it.

While the translation needed some serious proof read to make it better, it isn't to the level of unable to read.

If you like Japanese culture and history, or just like manga in general, it's... more>> a recommended read.

5 Star for the novel and manga. For translation, I will give it 4. <<less
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Nuttella rated it
June 29, 2022
Status: --
one of the top tier isekai novels out there. The story is in detail, semi - slice of life but still very informative. Interesting misunderstandings, but not too much. If you like a more drama, fast plot driven type of story then you might like this less. But this is just right up my alley. Funny misunderstandings, and lots of knowledge being thrown out
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