I Became the Youngest Daughter of the Mafia Family


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A fictitious city set in 1950s where abilities exist—The Capital City. Police officer Michael Rose, who was chasing the mafia family Kalanishiel faces death due to the betrayal of his partner and returns to 7 years ago. He wakes up to find himself in the body of Ashmia, the youngest daughter of the Kalanishiel Family.

After a moment of confusion, Michael remembers that the mafia started a war after Ashmia’s death in the past and that the Empire will later be on the verge of collapsing. He decides to survive and change the future of the Empire.

If this is a ‘second chance’, I will survive at all costs.

To survive until the end—

“This time, I’ll make sure that…”

I will stop the destruction of the Empire…!

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마피아 패밀리의 막내딸이 되었다
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/06/21 Lynx Translations c3
08/30/21 Lynx Translations c2
08/29/21 Lynx Translations c1
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New rcpsycho rated it
January 16, 2025
Status: c18
Unfortunately there aren't a lot of translated chapters, but the part that is translated is somewhat decent.

Due to a cluster of different worldbuilding elements the story doesn't progress much at the start due to the needed exposition.

The protagonist regresses to moments before the assassination attempt on that Mafia family's daughter, manages to stay alive, and then undertakes steps to prevent a bloody conflict he experienced in his prior life.

But also it's an aristocratic society, with some fantasy and some Russian names, but in the modern period with guns, and also... more>> people awakened with special abilities. So a bit of a hodgepodge of different settings, that somehow seems to work, but requires time to settle in.

Given its long inactivity, I have little hope that it'll be picked up again (if there even are more chapters), but it would be nice to keep reading it if and when it is. <<less
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GreMork rated it
August 30, 2021
Status: c2
Chapter 2: The translation is good. It looks like the gender bender itself will not play a big role but the story has some promise and the theme is pretty damn good I am hopefull so I pray dont become shity.
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DDosGaming rated it
October 31, 2023
Status: c8
A cop reincarnated into a mafia heiress seem interesting. Unfortunately, this 'mafia family' acted the same as your typical korean noble family.

Cringe. They potrayed to be smart, but smartest character is only as smart as the author. So very cringe.
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