I Became the Crazy Final Boss of a Horror Ghost Story


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Am I the leader of the ghosts? I’m afraid of ghosts!

I’m not ‘out of luck’. Why are you saying this all of a sudden?

With the exception of ‘very few people’, Possession means eating well and living well. Of course, I am one of those ‘very few people’.

I have no doubts that among them, I have won the most poorest place.


In the empty air, letters even pass by……

[Chii…… Ellie is too much. Give only good things to Charlie!] [This is Charlie. I long for Ellie.]

Because I possessed into a haunted mansion like this!

Everyone else is dating, biting, and sucking, but I’m shooting a horror survival story alone.

A win like this is not pleasant at all.

* * *

The heroine of the original novel possessed was, of course, a saint. I thought it would be too unfair if I died from being exorcised by the original heroine, so I laid a lot of ground food for her in my own way, but before I knew it……

“Why? Can’t I be jealous?” To the villain hugging my waist and saying things like this,

“…… What? Are you mad now? Why are you in a bad mood?” The original second male lead, whom she only thought was her male friend,

“If possible…… In our empire, I dare to serve Ellie.” And even those who worship me as a god.

……I really just wanted to survive, but the scale got too big.

Will I be okay like this?

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공포 괴담의 미친 최종 보스가 되었다
Related Series
Welcome to the Rose Mansion (1)
My Possession Became a Ghost Story (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. [Mystery~supernatural] (KR)
  2. Boo! I Wanna Spooke YOU! (Not really)
  3. Korea female protagonist 2
  4. Horror/mystery
  5. Ghosts | Fantasmas

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