I Became The Childhood Friend of the Obsessive Second Male Lead


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The ducal house to which the second male lead belonged to is a military family.

She thought she should repay them for giving her free food and a place to sleep.

She told the second male lead about this and that. All so that he could win the heart of the female lead later.

At this rate, he would become a good man and win her love in the future. (Proud)


“And most importantly.”

Rieta looked around and whispered in Noel’s ear.

“Only be polite and friendly to your most special person.”

Only tell her that she is pretty and that you love her.

Rieta thought he must have understood, right? When she asked, Noel grinned with confidence.

Oh, I’ve taught you everything.

From the age of nine until now before the coming-of-age ceremony…It was very hard to teach her childhood friend who had a terrible bad temper.

But now, Noel wouldn’t be called the unlucky second lead anymore. Maybe he would really push the male lead away and take the female lead to his side.

Rieta grinned as she thought of a different future from the original.

Then Noel swept up her hair down and said,

“You’re pretty, Rieta Liz.”


“…You asked me to say you were pretty right?”

She, when did she?! You’re not supposed to say that to your friend!

Associated Names
One entry per line
집착 서브 남주의 소꿉친구가 되었습니다
Related Series
Becoming the Villain’s Family (2)
Because She Had A Time Limit, She Became The Villain’s Daughter-in-law (1)
This Three Year Old Is a Villainess (1)
Peeking into the Future (1)
My Childhood Friend Became an Obsessive Husband (1)
The Villainous Daughter’s Butler ~I Raised Her to be Very Cute~ (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Light Novels
  2. the second male leads deserves love too
  3. i have a good taste TRUST
  4. A Suivre
  5. Growing Up Loved This Time

Latest Release

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10/16/21 Sleepy Translations c61
10/12/21 Sleepy Translations c60
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09/15/21 Sleepy Translations c56
09/07/21 Sleepy Translations c55
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22 Reviews

Jun 19, 2021
Status: c44
If you treat this as a story about familial love, or childhood best friends-turn-romance, then it's an alright story. The writing lacks any meaningful detail and seems to give vague impressions of characters' attitudes (aside from the main character, whose inner thoughts are a part of the narrative). Things just kinda... happen? And even the thoughts of the MC are bare bones. Her insights are, in fact, not very insightful and pretty surface-level if anything. The story HAS fluff though. So, if you don't mind the lack of emotional depth... more>> and only want fluff, this story will serve your interests well enough.

But about the whole "second male lead" part...


This is one of those stories where I don't see the point in having the MC have knowledge of her past life. It's mentioned early on, and so briefly such that I even forgot it was ever mentioned, that the MC's thoughts and mind regress over time to match her age more closely. So, even though the MC knows that the Duke's son is a second male lead in a novel she read before, she can't actually do anything with that knowledge except be a bit more tolerant and patient with the boy. Like... that's it? Okay, she wants to teach him how to "properly" show affection to his lover, but... she just treats him like a normal friend as a child does also he's like 10. Where's this "teaching" you speak of? Why do we, the readers, need to know that she knows he's a novel character? What's the point of this layer of narrative framing? This knowledge serves little to no purpose to the story. Though I suppose this will come up later down the line, when the "novel's female lead" comes in, but that's not happening any time soon.

You know, at one point, during ~ch30 or so, I got annoyed with the MC because I knew that she was a reincarnator. I forgot that it was stated her mental state/age deteriorated as time went on but, again, it was mentioned just once. Instead of taking on a metanarrative storytelling about fighting fate or whatever, the story just focuses on a neglected child experiencing familial love with a foreign noble family. And that's a fine story premise! Just, what does that have to do with the fact that they're in a novel world that only the MC knows about? She doesn't do anything with this knowledge. It's just... a fact? A statement? That goes absolutely nowhere for this first arc of the story?


I'm reluctant to give it a rating, since they're hard to adjust later and it's still so early on in the story. But I'd give this a 2.5/5 for fluff, and docking it heavily for the "we're actually inside a novel" schtick that goes nowhere. <<less
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Sep 02, 2021
Status: c29
This is a cute story of two children actually acting little children, with minimal angst.

In my opinion, what differentiates this novel from the others and makes it more interesting is the language barrier. We have two leads that don't speak the same language, so it's very enjoyable to see them trying to communicate with each other and our FL gradually learning to speak the Empire's language.

I have seen some reviews saying it's a slow-paced novel... Uhh, maybe? I think it's good to let people know that the translator is splitting... more>> one chapter in two/three parts, so chapter 54 is roughly chapter 23. I really wish the teams could let the readers know when the chapters are being split, instead of cheating them/us, but oh well... Going back to the point, considering that we're not that close to the ending (23/116), I think the pacing is alright so far.

All in all, expect fluff and that's what you'll find! <<less
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Jan 02, 2022
Status: c70 sleepy translation
The novel is not recommended to read.


1) MC is a child/incredibly naive to the point where you forget she’s a crosser with memories of the book world. She continually acts strangely, such as not attempting to communicate with people or even treating this like a real world. She doesn’t take Noel seriously as a person (you’re a kid too Mc), and tends to not take care of herself as a human being. She’s the weirdest person also for somehow thinking she’ll go back and take over her kingdom when she’s... more>> a throwaway child.

2) Slice of life: The novel itself is an agonizingly slow fluff slice of life where nothing much happens. It’s not particularly bad, but not good either. Days go by with the MC just working on learning some words. It’s mundane and tiring.

3) The ML Noel is a little kid as well, but he’s a big Tsundere. In the translation given, the author has to remind us of this constantly which gets tiring.

4) The boring background world: Perhaps there are those awed and tantalized by depictions of aristocratic decorum but the author appears to focusing way too much on the boring bits such as how to greet others or communicate. It all is basically one big excuse to cause misunderstandings between MC and ML and the Dutchy so that the novel drags out. You can summarize segments of the novel by saying “MC doesn’t know something because she grew up in her country. Everyone misunderstands until they actually use their brains wow!”

TLDR: MC is a small child who doesn’t act like the crosser she should be and the novel is just fluff misunderstandings that are extremely slow. There’s too much info dumping of boring/pointless stuff and a focus on aristocratic decorum that is far too mundane. A lot of the issues just stem from lack of communication.

Not a particularly fluffy or happy sort of novel either.

2/10 Mediocre. <<less
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Apr 01, 2021
Status: c39
As everyone has said it is a warm, fluffy story that once can easily read for entertainment.

I think this novel's greatest strength is its ability to capture the childish mannerisms and thought process of its main characters. They actually act like kids!

It is a very slow novel that covers a lot of small events meticulously (example: the MC trying to memorize her vocabs.), but the author makes it amusing and lovable-- seriously I remember asking myself why I want to spend money to read about two kids run around... more>> a mansion for 2 chapters.

A short coming, in my eyes, is its' slow pace. This may have been accentuated because I had been reading every update, but I really want to see them a bit older when they can acknowledge their emotions. I'm a bit impatient hehe <<less
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Jan 10, 2021
Status: c3
I still at chapter 3, so what can I say except for Rieta cuteness lol.

My heart has been purified by her cuteness. She is too cute!! Well looks like she'll be dense about romance but I don't really care haha.

I'm looking forward for Rieta and Noel future relationship. They look really cute together I think.
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Oct 05, 2021
Status: c58
by far one of my favorite novels. The story isn't just major event after major event, rather we get some sweet slice of life moments as well; which plays a great deal in the characters relationships.

instead of MC having one of those cliché 'I'm an extra so I cant deviate from the plot, I must not interact w the characters😱' mindsets, rieta really doesn't care and is just taking the days as they come which I enjoy.

her home life before moving to the empire was horrendous. I hope that jerk... more>> of a father faces the consequences in the future.

you can tell just by reading noel's inner monologues that he sincerely loves rieta sm without even realizing it. They have an adorable little friendship going on.

as for the sml, I really like him as well. There aren't characters that are written solely to move the plot forward and that's what I like about this novel.

cant wait for more! <<less
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Feb 21, 2021
Status: c13
It is the type of story that makes me want to learn Korean just to keep reading it 🤣😅


What I liked more until now is that the ML is slowlyfalling in love/having positive fellings toward MC even though they can't communicate very well.


I adored how the author didn't just jump the language barriers and is slowly teaching the MC the language of the kingdom she went to, instead of making she fluent from the start.
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Nov 23, 2021
Status: c64
Pretty cute but the chapters are short and nothing really happens. Apparently the MC has eidetic memory but aside from one good test score the author doesn't really do anything with it. She has trouble learning a new language despite perfect memory for some reason, even though her servant becomes fluent in less time and fewer resources? Feels like there's a lot of wasted potential in the story but it's not a bad read.
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Feb 11, 2021
Status: c10
Such a cute story, I'm in love! It's so wholesome and pure! And the translations are really well done! Thank you to the tls for this!
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May 15, 2022
Status: c30
I'm sure the story is filled with sweetness but I can't get any feeling of depth, there is not a speck of heaviness with this writing style. It feels like a summary instead of a novel. The translation was off too, plus they strangely don't put any notations even though they are clearly splitting chapters into 2-3 parts...
I really love doting stepparents stories but this one was too amateur for me to read. Dropped.
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Aug 03, 2021
Status: c50
I love this novel.

I've been getting tired of reading stuff where the ML is cold to the FL. But the ML here has a personality and does s*upid things with the FL.


It's a very cute and fluffy read.
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May 17, 2021
Status: c5
The world building and logic to it overall seems a little... flat and full of holes to me so it's hard to get into the story.

The author is quite sparse with their words too so it feels like each chapter is short and at the same time, only covers small portions of the events going on, bit by bit. Even when more of the plot is covered, the way it's handled it feels flimsy due to the minuscule amount of words used to address it.

I'm not really taken in by... more>> any of the characters either because of the above issue. I can't get any feel of depth from anything, which isn't an issue per se but doesn't help in drawing me in.

I did skip around the chapters a bit to see if anything changes later, but it doesn't look to be the case. <<less
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Feb 14, 2021
Status: c11
It's sooooo cute. I love it. Translating is also good thank you for translating such a cute story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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Sep 02, 2022
Status: c87
i only write long reviews for novels I enjoy. I'm 88 TL-ed chapters in and that's only because I can't find anything else to read. Novel is supremely boring.

Its not even that 'not a lot happens' in each chapter, but to put it plainly, what happens is not interesting. I don't have anything against slice of life novels, but this is just boring. Characters lack depth, are childish (despite the MC being transmigrated and technically an adult, right?), and it's genuinely unsatisfying. Yeah, you can read it but that's about... more>> it.

for once I find myself thinking that all the criticisms from the other negative 1-3 star reviews are right. <<less
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Nov 07, 2021
Status: c64
Fluffy. Sweet. Adorable. Tooth-rotting.

This novel does an amazing job at portraying childrens' tendencies, and the relationship between 2 young, immature, and incredibly cute children with a developing relationship.

Rieta, our MC, is so lovable. Unlike other reincarnated individuals, she's started acting more like a child because of her forgetting memories of her past life.

... more>> Noel, the male lead, is a little stubborn, but that makes him quite cute. His interactions and antics with Rieta never fail to make me smile.

Unexpectedly, the development with the other members of the duke's family, including the duke himself and the ML's older brother, are also very sweet.

It lacks any actual depth in plot, but it is good for a fun, light read if you want to read fluff. <<less
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Jul 20, 2021
Status: c27
Really cute and fluffy novel. I like the ML and the FL, their interactions are so cute and wholesome. I really like the Duke, he's such a refreshing father character in comparison to other "Father figures" in other novels. Even though he gets introduced as the typical cold father, he really knows how to talk to our MC comfortably, and he really knows how to give her words of advice, reassurance and help her as her gaurdian, which is really refeshing to see in these types of novels.
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Nov 05, 2022
Status: c170
This is a great story if you like slice of life and a slow build romance. (Make sure to build up chapter updates and the story won't feel so slow.) All the characters feel like they have depth to them, even the background characters like the mailman. It's great to see a story emphasis different language and culture instead of treating a continent like it's all the same. It's also a breath of fresh air to have nobility who truly behave like adults with real responsibilities rather than foils.

The kid... more>> stage of the story, which I usually to dislike, was extremely well done. The ML felt like a little boy (like the author has delt with children IRL), and through the kid arc you fully understand his personality and how he fell for the FL. It gives context for what comes later!

The FL is sweet but a little confusing. She apparently was a modern person but her memories of that are extremely vague. She remembers "the story" but it's not clear why she remembers that well but not the rest of her past life. Rather than saying she fluctuates between an adult & child, it's more like she is a child with the spotty memories of an adult who is recovering from extreme neglect. If you look past this one quirk, she is quite likable.

It's my hope she won't be one of those FL who is so totally dominated by "the story" she can't see what's in front of her. But even if she ends up going that way, the author seems good enough to make it entertaining! <<less
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Jun 07, 2022
Status: c32
This is a cute and fluffy novel, but it is only cute and fluffy.

There is almost zero effort put on the world building, and the characters are all full of holes and not interesting at all. The main plot of the novel is the slowly developing romance between the dense as a black hole MC and tsundere male lead.

The setting of the novel is very convenient for making the MC a guest in the ml's house, it is trying its best to make the MC a pitiable being, which, it... more>> works somewhat. But I honestly wonder why no one kidnapped the princess when she is traveling alone (without guards or servants) to the empire. You would like to think that a vulnerable princess walking out alone would be an easy target for the bandits. Of course, the argument can be made by some brainless idiot that the princess are not valuable because the king (her father) doesn't care about her so she has no value as a ransom, but that also mean that the king does not care after her enough that he would send armies on your a*s when you kidnapped her. Which means you it is extremely easy to get away from the pursuers send your way.

The characters are monotonous and each of them only has one defining trait. The mc's defining trait: dense. The ml's defining trait: tsundere. The duke's defining trait: tsundere. The king's defining trait: a**hole. That's literally what the characters are.

There is also almost zero descriptions for buildings, clothes, and appearance. They will only give you the bare minimum to imagine the outline fo them.

The chapters also ends awkwardly, some chapters should just be connected to form a single chapter instead.

This story is literally the definition of "focus only on the plot, and nothing else.", I guess you can read it if you want some fluffs that you don't want to use your brains to understand. <<less
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May 20, 2021
Status: c35
so far it's a slow pace cute story
characters are well presented and beheave their proper age
we can obesrve their slow grow
there are no flat, two dimensional personalities that looks like taken out of chunni delusions (maybe with one exception but his behaviour is frown upon by others and he's thought a madman - as it should be)

there are no problem with translations and the story narration is not filled with overhelming descriptions
the chapters are relatively short so one can read them quite fast - that might be actually a good thing since it's horrid when slow-pace stories are filled with lots of useless description and inner narrations

if I were to recommend it or not - I probably would as a light cute fluff that does not make one puke out sugar unnecessarily
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Apr 17, 2021
Status: c29
It's super cute. I love the duke and FL (father daughter) moments and how the emperor knows how to have fun with his duke brother. The children are so adorable 😍
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