I Became the Academy’s Genius Shikigami Summoner


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25 years since its initial release, the series has gained immense popularity and fame worldwide.

Just yesterday, he had been diligently playing ranked matches to climb the PVP ladder, and now, a familiar status window appeared before his eyes.

[Han Kang-yoon] ▶ Level 24

A talentless and incompetent extra character destined to sacrifice himself for the story’s plot and the main characters’ quest resolution, he is a minor character who dies young in the first installment of the series.

That’s who I was.

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아카데미의 천재 식신술사가 되었다
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Cactiii rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: c16
The story is pretty average, there isn't really anything that has deviated from the typical MC has perfect knowledge of everything, they start off from the worst possible position, everyone is interested in him, ect.

Its one of those books where if your tried of the tropes it won't really be enjoyable, but if your enjoying that type of story its probably a good read.

Random pointlessly long rant thats somewhat related to the book that I wouldn't recommend wasting your time with:

... more>>

So this is more just a rant about the book. The following is all subjective and s*upid, its just me giving my opinion on stuff that doesn't really matter because I'm in the mood to write something the length of an English paper instead of actually writing the English paper.

The reason why I'm dropping the story is because up to this point it feels like the protagonist just doesn't have a personality, something pretty common in stories that just reuse tropes. If it was just this then I don't really think its an issue that major, but for me the main character despite having no personality has become unlikable.

The main character can basically be summed up as someone who played the game and now he wants to read the ending, I'll get into this more later, but other than this we have basically nothing to him. There's not even anything like "This is my favorite character" or anything like that, he just goes through the actions of a MC. By itself this much is fine, its definitely not a positive for the story, but its not something that ruins it.

The issue that I end up having with the main character is how it feels like they, I guess a way to describe it is feel like they are playing god. To give a bit more details in all of his interactions with another person usually feel very off. His first interaction with his sponsor I believe goes fine, he does feel kind of dull but its fine. The two main interactions I'm referring to are specifically with the games main character and the bully.

For the former the biggest issue is it feels like he is deciding for the games main character. She confronts him to ask about her past, which he knows, and he decides on his own (without any explanation to us the reader) that he wont tell her with just the line of "She will find out in the future." At least to me the issue with this is that she is seeking her past, and our MC refuses something thats important to her without us ever actually getting his reasons for it. We don't get an explanation about why, is he afraid of affecting the future, does he think that this knowledge would be too much for the present day game main character, ect. And at least to me without this detail it feels like he is arbitrarily not telling her, when if you think about this from the perspective of this being real. A young girl searching for the answers of her dead parents and the one person who you found who knows, just decides not to tell you. At least looking at it this way it feels so weird that she just thought "Huh, maybe I'm too caught up on the past."

Honestly a lot of this doesn't matter, but this just feels like poor character motives. Its not clearly explained what both these characters goals are, and for this reason the entire reaction just comes out as a negative to me.

Now, the bigger one of these two is the bully character. Yeah, she is set up as a piece of sh*t person but the entire duel that they had highlights two major issues in this story. This scene I think showcases how first, the school is badly designed in an unrealistic way to simply serve to move the plot along, and second is the thing that made me notice the issue with the main characters personality.

First, the school is poorly designed. In a duel between students, while you can ignore some loose limitations, and even go to the point of allowing mental attacks, the second that she surrendered the duel should of ended. There is no justifiable reason on the schools part to allow this to continue once she surrendered, and there was a teacher directly watching. Overall, this isn't a major thing but it just feels like poor world building or something that just makes me hate the school that he is in, which brings down the whole story since its such a huge plot point.

Second, the most important one, the main character proceeds to intentionally try to harm a kid. From the beginning, they decided that they needed to "fix" the bullies personality and then proceeded to use mental attacks knowing it would synergizes with one of her skills to cause even more damage, with the intention of causing her so much anguish from this event that changes her personality.

The main characters actions here is what I mean by a god complex, although I dont know if that fits perfectly. He believes his actions to be the right ones, and to achieve his desired future he has decided to intentionally harm someone. She literally gave up and then he proceeded to attack someone who has surrendered.

In this case its not even like she was a severe evil. He vaguely mentions her leading to bad ends but so far it seems like she was just a horrible person. While her actions are Definity bad, that does not affect anything here since the problem is the main characters morals. At least for me while I don't like the bully character, the main character torturing someone who surrendered just makes me not like their character.

Now, as I'm writing this out I've kind of realized that a lot of this is pointless because the main character is a f*cking brick in personality. They just feel like an empty shell of a protagonist going through the actions. I'm not sure if its translation or just poor writing but a lot of these situations while writing I've realized the issues I have with them are caused due to them just not working. It feels like its just trying to copy other stories, but in this process its become a shell. I guess to sum it up it doesn't feel like they are characters in a world, it all just feels so artificial.

Honestly this is a lot longer and this book is honestly not worth this amount of thought going into it since its just not that deep, but I think it just suffers from a lot of issues that most stories seems to have.

Idk, I'm probably just way too burnt out on these tropes and this just happens to be the novel since the further I go in this its this weird disconnect where the story feels like props on a stage. Looking at them in one direction its all fine but it all feels flat and empty. Its not on the level where I can identify an issue and sort through my thoughts since when I try to go into it I realize that the entire situation feels off. I wouldn't say the novel is bad, since in my case the reason for me disliking it I would guess is the tropes since I know I'm extremely tired of how the entire world resolves around the protagonist, and while I know its difficult to create a good story without any issues it just sometimes feels like authors dont put much though into their stories. For this one a lot of things I think would make the story better, have him focus on shikigami and get rid of his ability to use any spell since then that creates a path that he follows. Currently the entire skikigami part just feels so arbitrary since if he has the energy he can literally use extremely powerful spells.

Add things like how this game has gone from a hobby to something ingrained in his life, make it so that its clear he is prideful in being 7th in PvP, and for that reason he so desperately wants to clear this game since its something that he loves.

His shadow skill has a lot of potential. Make it a skill thats really good for shikigami since it can give a form, but then have it disable his physical body. His shadow grows instead of his physical form so while he himself is limited he can grow through his shadow, but instead he uses elixirs that essentially sums up to its harder to increase his stats than the normal person. These negatives I feel like are essential to building a story, since in this case it would prevent him from abusing his cheat spell book beyond basic and then it makes a scene more suspenseful. Right now he just feels very cheat like since he can use any spell, but if he was limited to his shikigami then we might feel the pressure of something like a illusion barrier, but instead he instantly knows and can use that same skill so he is literally just superior to other people in every level except energy.

I know this is unfair, since it does feel like the author put thought into things. An example is the 4th games shadow boss. I'm pretty sure that its him, the original character sacrifices himself in the first game but since his soul is in his shadow he lives on and ends up becoming the shadow boss somehow in the future.

I think it all just sums up to all of the stories feel like they have aspects that could be tweeked slightly and it would make the story, at least to me, feel a lot more engaging and realistic, so when I run into stories like this one where I can see a lot of potential that I feels squandered I just get in this weird mood.

Honestly this has gotten a lot longer and a lot s*upider than I originally wanted it to go to, If for some reason you have read all the way down to this point, congrats. Not sure why you would read my incoherent ramblings but if you did I hope you enjoyed.

One thing to note, I would recommend reading the book for yourself and forming your own opinions for all books and not just this one. With reviews they are always biased and sometimes just blatantly incorrect, due to something like accidently skipping a paragraph. I've seen many novels where people complain about things that the book explained, and I'm sure I've done it myself by accident, but due to these things a lot of reviews can be very negative about stories. So basically what I'm trying to say is give the story a try if the description sounds interesting, don't let a negative review make you skip what might become a story that you enjoy.

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Sellychi rated it
March 23, 2024
Status: Completed
I MTLd the whole thing so this is purely about the story.


  • NO ROMANCE (they're too busy training and surviving), MC is more like a mentor to everyone... it kinda feels like a resource management sim but the resources are the other characters? So he's basically building the best deck to face the doom scenario at the end
  • Calm Heroic Humble Self-sacrificing Smart/Strategic MC, can also be said to be OP without it being annoying *imo since I've read quite a lot of tr*sh-like OP MC novels so I think this one handles it well
  • MC made a solid foundation for himself planning everything from being a nobody to a somebody
  • Reasonable power scaling throughout the story considering that the MC chose to be a summoner and uses created/subordinated monsters as his main fighting power

  • Most recurring major characters are female (I'd say 80-90%, I honestly grew numb to it at some point)
  • Has basically a planned step by step plot (could be off-putting/bland for some people but it was explained well by considering MC's background/personality)
  • The fights can seem repetitive and have a similar pattern
On to my more personal opinion, I don't usually have high hopes for stories w harem tag and it certainly alarmed me when most of the major characters the MC encountered were female but other than that it's actually a... more>> rather enjoyable read. Sure I found it rather cringy at first but then I start enjoying the cringe?? strange but it didn't even last that long as I began rooting for him to complete the plot successfully.

I quite like the MC. I think he's a lovable munchkin character that worked hard for it. He's just a guy who's completely obsessed w the game he got transmigrated into, he's a top ten ranked player for the game and also part of the dev team in making future unreleased sequels to the game. If you like cheat-like OP MCs this is for you, since he conveniently has a library skill that records all the spells he has used in the game. Anyway, the adaptability and experience shown from all the PVP he went through to keep his rank made him OP, though I find it strange that the game would be so detailed to show all the process of creating a spell n stuff for him to exploit and break the formation in certain ways to counteract an opponent's magic, but meh I'll overlook it. Either way, I find him to be a pretty cool character. The MC is like; 'this a hidden hell difficulty mode that was only rumored about? Woah cool Imma beat it and achieve a good ending >:) ' this made him feel quite endearing to me. Then again I also really like self-sacrificing MCs ^^

Overall, it was a very straightforward/predictable read but I find it to be quite a charming overcoming adversity trope, so I'd say it was a decently fun read. <<less
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Baccharis Trimera
Baccharis Trimera rated it
February 19, 2024
Status: c44
A light novel with an extra trope that starts well but quickly loses its way. I went into it knowing it was a harem, but this is the worst possible type of harem. A new female character is introduced every few chapters, and it seems like all the positions of even minor importance are also held by female characters, which is a big red flag in my opinion.

Another aspect that bothered me a lot is that the protagonist's source of information is supposed to be derived from a game... more>> he played in his past life, but it doesn't make any sense. Why are the actions the protagonist takes, which are supposed to be things he learned in the game, often so abstract? Unless the game allowed for almost unrestricted freedom to the players, then it would make sense, but I don't think that was the case, since it was never mentioned. So it doesn't make sense.

Overall, there are works of the same trope that deserve more of your attention than this one. But it's up to you to decide whether or not to read it. In my opinion, it's a solid 6/10. It's not tr*sh by any means and is entertaining in some aspects, but it's a work full of red flags and poorly used clichés. <<less
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CreamPuffDelights rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: c90
Something is up with the translators of this novel, seems to be a competition of some sort between Awebstories, Akaza and Fenrir. Either way, the translations are... not great. Pretty obvious MTL with barely any editing, nouns and verbs change regularly, sometimes within the same chapter, so I had a lot of problems trying to follow the story.

That said, there's really nothing much to it. The standard best "gamer" of a certain game, got reincarnated into said game, there's nothing he doesn't know, no mechanic he doesn't know. No character... more>> he doesn't know. In fact, he even comes with an in-built tome of magic that explicitly memorizes all his spells for him, even those he ever only used in the actual game itself, "somehow". His raw stats are shit, but there's an explanation for it, and since he can't resolve it immediately, he turns to shikigami as the people in this story can't spam shikigami.

His personality itself comes across as rather abrasive because while he, and this is a good thing, constantly reminds himself that this the real world now, he can't expect things to follow the game's plot, or for things to automatically happen in between POVs, it doesn't seem to change the way he views them, as in he still heavily relies on his knowledge of them from the game, and is constantly getting shocked whenever something changes.

I'm not sure if its because of the translation or not, but the story is written in an extremely flat and brief manner. Action sequences are almost entirely non-existent. They just outline the steps he took to victory and... thats it. Almost like a turn based RPG. Can you imagine that in a novel?

"X used Blue Flare, it made a big bang.

The enemy dodged, and countered."

Not just battle scenes, even conversations, time skips and daily life scenes come across as extremely stilted because of the flat style of writing. <<less
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Suyane99 rated it
March 23, 2024
Status: c21.1
Maybe I will read if have a comic, I just can't remember those korean names and made me too confuse when reading.

The history is not that bad, but where I'm still not that good too.
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The1trueSG rated it
March 15, 2024
Status: c22
The translation quality leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know exactly how much it hurts the story, but the story itself doesn't have much to offer regardless. Character's are incredibly flat and explanations are poor. The descriptions of the world are so awful, you end up doing the authors work for them when you imagine the scenery.
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HappyV rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: c29
Generic that's already obvious. Ever since the novel extra released the formula has been the same ever since much like solo leveling.

Definitely my first time seeing a power system involving the ab*se use of shikigami so that's pretty cool. He's also literally like megumi from jjk with his trait so that's also kinda cool.

What really ticks me off though was the interaction with the real genderbend MC and our MC. I don't know it's just really weird? Or shouldn't you be more suspicious?

Anyways because it's generic it was fairly predictable... more>> like all the things that's being set up was too obvious that you can see them from a mile away.

Also MC was kinda smart but sometimes very rarely he's kinda dumb?

examples of this are: SPILER SPOILER:

when he's trying to find his replacement I thought it's pretty obvious that it would be that one girl from orphanage same as him.

Also the fact that he doesn't try to pry for info on things that he doesn't know much about like the sponsor girl the nature magician or something. But fair enough that's kinda creepy.

There was also that one time when the forbidden art class was attacked. Even though he knew something was gonna happen, that one class will get attacked even though he doesn't which one specifically he didn't even thought of investigating im not even asking him to interrupt it or anything but he leave it all as nothing more than a foreshadowing for what's about to come and then it backfired but he gained something big that helps him in the island arc thing so I guess not.

3/5. Got me yapping and sum shi. <<less
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