Hunter, Thank You For Your Blood Donation!


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With the advancement of science, human life has changed dramatically.

And such changes have also affected not only humans but also ‘non-human beings’.

“Hello, this is Vampi the vampire. I mainly play horror games on weekdays. On weekends, I do casual broadcasts and chat with viewers who volunteer for blood donations.”

Siwol is a half-vampire who has lived for hundreds of years.

A 21st-century customized streamer vampire who pretends to be a vampire and streams horror games, sustaining his life by receiving blood donations from volunteers.

“Your precious blood saves a poor unfortunate vampire! I usually only accept volunteers via email, but today I will accept volunteers through chat as well. Why? Because I’m really thirsty….”

Then one day. To Siwol, who hadn’t drunk blood in a long time and was starving.

[Thank you, ‘Hunter’, for donating 100,000 won!

I would like to volunteer for blood donation.] [Thank you, ‘Hunter’, for donating 1,000,000 won!

I have to leave Korea soon. I think this is my last chance, so I ask you.] [Thank you, ‘Hunter’, for donating 5,000,000 won!

Is it really not possible?]

“Yes….. you can come. I mean, please come.”

A viewer with a nickname he has never seen before generously donates and volunteers for blood donation, and Siwol, who is blinded by blood rather than money, readily invites him to his home.

But why does this ‘Hunter’-nim seem suspicious?

“You can’t give me your autograph?”

“Cough, cough! ….. Y-You want my autograph?”

“That’s what I came here for.”

“Ah….., haha. I-I see.”

Siwol is uncontrollably swayed by his assertiveness.

The viewer with the nickname ‘Hunter’ makes a dangerous proposition to Siwol…..


….. This viewer, who on earth is he?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hunter, thank you for your blood donation!
Hunter, Thank You For Your Blood Sponsorship!
Hunter-nim, Thank You For Your Blood Sponsorship!
헌터님 혈액 후원 감사합니다!
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5 Reviews sorted by

leleix rated it
November 24, 2023
Status: c10
This is such a good premise! I'm so curious how it's gonna go from hunter trying to kill him to romance, cos right now things look pretty bleak for wimpy Si-wol... 😂

Translation quality excellent as well!
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 28, 2023
Status: v1c1 part10
I really really like this one, I guess I have a soft spot for slightly pathetic or naive main characters that can play off either as funny or heart wrenching. For me this ticks every box, because both the writing style and the backstory enable SiWol to shine, so I end up checking it for updates every day along with my other faves, Tired of Living as an Omega, The Hunter of the Other World Who is Being Misunderstood, and The Fake Saint of the Reverse Harem Game. I am... more>> super invested in this one even though there are only 11 chapters so far, so please keep translating it!!!!! <<less
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lemonchizu rated it
April 22, 2024
Status: Completed
Very interesting concept with an especially lovable protagonist. Si-Wol is naive, cowardly and a crybaby. Still, this half-blood vampire has just the mental strength needed to survive amidst the prejudice from hunters and purebloods. I'm just a sucker for weak characters who are surprisingly also very gutsy.

As for Yi-Eon, he's just what you'd expect from a vampire hunter so he would be treating Si-Wol very harshly in the beginning. And also as expected, he does become one of those obsessive tops lol.

... more>>

Seeing him sacrifice "everything" for Si-Wol without any hesitation is very satisfying.

Another plus of this story is it's a HEA. And a proper HEA as well. Loose ends tied. New life secured.


Overall, a solid and cute story. Nothing that warrants a low rating. <<less
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manapopoi rated it
December 14, 2023
Status: v1c1 part10
This is a gem! I recommend to who love a fantasy genre. I am still waiting for the next part patiently and hoping that it will post regularly. Can't wait for what happen to Hunter-nim and our Si-wol!!
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harupin rated it
June 1, 2024
Status: Completed
Such a great light read if you need fluffs and livestream concepts. Si-wol and Yi-eon was really cute (si-wol's crying too lol, I feel u ml) and the streamer chat always got me laughing and relatable

The side characs were also fun esp the girl vamps

I saw it coming that yi-eon will turn into half vamp.


Author-nim mentioning shadow corridor was also based ngl
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