How to Survive as a Player


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The official server play is the real world!

A lot of things are hidden under the veil of the empire-building game ‘Elix’.

In this game, where the player becomes the ‘king’ and builds the country with the gods, the player’s character race is determined based on the aptitude test that is conducted before playing. Once you enter the game with the character that has been decided, the player has a helper god called ‘Daegong’. That was the beginning of the empire-building game, ‘Elix’.

Elix was a game of extreme difficulty, where the player’s empire would collapse due to riots, coups, assassinations, etc. if they were tyrannical, lazy, or ruthless in building their empire. They also failed due to the invasion of other players. Nevertheless, many people were fascinated and intoxicated by Elix. After six months, the news of the official service of the game was announced to the world. Many people were excited and expected. But that was not something to be excited about, expected, or waited for.


That was not something to be excited about.

[Preview] “I’ll give you ten days.”

The hand that choked his neck was suffocating. His toes barely touched the ground. The words he heard before folding. Sehyun still couldn’t forget the expression that was full of hatred.

The forgiveness he begged for many times and the conversation he asked for many times were all trampled in front of the words of hatred. That’s why he decided to fold, and that’s why he couldn’t go that day. Afraid to face that expression again. Afraid to hear the words that he hates again.

“It would be better for you to come on your own feet. Before I cut off your limbs and take you away.”

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Surviving As A Player
플레이어로 살아남는 방법
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. A Spell of BL
  3. Bl modern
  4. (KR) European Ambience BL
  5. to read

Latest Release

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New SahKitsune rated it
February 6, 2025
Status: c97
How to Survive as a Player had a great start, with an interesting premise that was different from the clichés of transmigration (this fact alone earned it 2 stars in my review). The characters showed great potential and personality. The construction of a dynamic that was kind of like a found family was cute and very welcome. The pacing was good. And the plot seemed well structured with a hint of mystery like "What happened to the MC's kingdom? Who is he really and why doesn't he return to his... more>> vassals?".

Everything was going well, until the moment the MC returns to his kingdom for good (in chapter

51, but specifically from chapter 61 onwards).

From then on, it seems like the author simply threw everything that was built in the tr*sh.

The MC (Sehyun) went from a gray guy, who knew that sacrifices were necessary and that one couldn't be a vigilante who blindly helps everyone to a kind of generous deity who feels bad even letting his warriors train. Like, um Sehyun... where tf did you go?

Some inconsistencies are clear, like: at the beginning Sehyun said that

he hadn't treated his subjects well and that's why he was afraid to return to the kingdom, then he says that he treated them in the best way possible.

Author, did you forget that?


The fact that he abandoned his kingdom is not even mentioned among his subjects, not even a hint of discomfort like "wow, didn't you think about us?". He simply came back and started ruling as if he had never left them behind, even though that was one of the main points in the plot.


And WTF happened to this novel that OUT OF NOWHERE turned into a harem???

Literally, every man (with the exception of Kim Gapjum, Jaeyoung and Dohyun) seems to want to f*ck him. The subjects craving for attention because they are based on the MC himself? okay. But this necessity could be solved with walks, conversations or quality time, in general, right? But nooooo, the novel decides to solve this need with forced physical touch, FOR EVERYONE. Everyone has the need to hug, hold hands and touch Sehyun. It's not really inappropriate, and I know the idea it's not a romantic/lustful thing but it's still weird as f*ck and the subjects' personalities are limited to that and Sehyun's personality to a saint that satisfy those needs.

There were so many characters with potential, even the MC himself, and the author simply threw it all away just like that.

And again, all of this happened in less than 10 chapters???? It almost seems like the original author gave up on the work and handed it over to someone else to continue.

That is the key point to me. Because that was NOT what the novel structured in the earlier chapters.

And also we have the Grand Duke (Luhak, our ML) who has no personality at all. He just... exists. At first he was mysterious and had a very strong resentment towards Sehyun, leaving a hint of doubt about how he would react when he met his king again. But that kind of falls apart after Sehyun returns.

I think the Grand Duke's only function in the plot is to cause a little angst due to a poor miscommunication from time to time.

Because man, I've never seen such an inconsistent character before.

One moment he's angry, the next he obeys with extreme loyalty, the next he crosses the line with the MC (a not so slight SA), then he hates him again, then he worries about the MC, takes care of him as if he were the most precious person in the world, then threatens to kill him and- MAKE UP YOUR MIND, DAMN IT.

Anyway, I'm going to give this rating out of respect for the unique premise of this novel (plot and worldbuilding) and the potential it showed in the beginning.

Besides, the novel isn't atrocious, it's a somewhat decent reading, and I'm confident that those who like to read average novels just to pass the time and don't mind harems will probably like this one. If this is your thing go ahead.

But my personal opinion still lingers, had it been developed with more care, it would definitely be at the top of the list of best fantasy BL novels and among my favorites. A great wasted potential. It's really a shame. <<less
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New AppleIsForYou rated it
February 3, 2025
Status: c94
It was actually a nice read. I don't know why the low score. Is it because of fhe first impression the MC gave? It was building and running an empire kind of mode. Yaoi version of Rirumu the Slime. Just that, MC at first ran away from responsibilities because ML rejected him from his confession. It was misunderstanding actually for the better early chapters. But that's all.
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MeganeD rated it
September 18, 2024
Status: Completed
The first thing that comes to my mind the first time I read this is: "this remind me of SAO" (lol)

Generally, I love it so much because the plot is pretty interesting and I also love the dynamics between MC and other characters.... more>>

One important note: even though the MC is the "king" of the rank 1 powerful kingdom, he himself is not strong at all–but instead he gives 'buffs' to other characters to make them stronger. So I hope you're not confused and get annoyed whenever you see MC couldn't defend himself even though he's the king of the most powerful kingdom in the game.


Even then, I love how MC is not some pushover kind and instead the type who stand on his own belief and principle and also refused to just help anyone who refused to change and stand for themselves. The ML on the other side, is truly a cold, discipline, protective, and a man-of-few-words kind so the misunderstanding between him and MC lasted for quite a while because of the difficulty of their communications.

I read the manhwa first before the novel, so when I continue reading the novel I got very confused because there are several differences between them: first, in the manhwa we met the ML pretty fast when in the novel there are at least around 30 chapters before we could meet the ML. Second, the manhwa is R18 meanwhile the novel is only R18 in the side story, so manhwa reader would probably judge the ML harshly than the novel reader. And so, it's really worth it to start reading the novel from the very beginning even though you already read the manhwa, because there are a lot of things that being cut & modified.

Side note tho, I just love how MC is very well-loved by his vassals and friends. The platonic love between them is truly strong and beautiful. <<less
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