How to Safely Divorce an Obsessive Emperor


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“You said you would give me anything I want. Then divorce me.”

It was the only way for Lasilia to live.

Her husband will one day discover her secret and try to kill her. The secret is that the bodies of Lasilia and the Empress have changed! The emperor had to welcome the companion he had been with since birth as the empress. Lasilia, whose body changed, was not his companion, and she would become a major threat to the Empire in the future. Contrary to Lasilia, who is desperate for a divorce, the emperor’s obsession level raises by the day…!

Can Lasilia get a divorce and get back to her life?

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집착 황제와 안전하게 이혼하는 법
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Male lead's with blonde/ silver hair
  2. Romance fantasy
  3. Novel completa 2
  4. rofan novels stuck in my tabs pt. 2
  5. The divorce has failed

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2 Reviews

Apr 26, 2023
Status: c63
At start it was 5/5, but now it's 3/5 (-1 for ridiculously stretched story point, -1 for MC being too passive.) I don't have any energy left to read any further.

Writing style is good but if nothing really happens for 63 long chapters (2k+ words each) then it becomes a problem.

Spoiler for the main problem in those chapters:

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After MC possesses empresses body she meets adoptive brother. He said that her fated pair mark was half faded but thanks to a shaman it should have returned now. What does MC do? She compleatly ignores what he said and thinks that she has a half a mark (she actually has a full mark now) and constantly hides it. All the problems in these 63 chapters would have been resolved if she simply looked in mirror at her back (mark is on butt) to see how it looks like, but she never does that. Only after everyone says that she is the fated one she finally checks it out.


I wanted to find out how will MC take revenge on those who killed her but in in those 63 chapters there was barely any info about the kingdom where MC lived and I already lost interest. So if youre interested in that then you will have to wait for it for a loooong time.

Oh, and also nobody believes that she has "amnesia" (she knows nothing about original body) for 49 chapters, even though everyone agrees that she acts like a different person. Author simply wanted a reason for everyone to hate her and it's ridiculous.

MC's problem-solving is awful:


She doesn't have/create a plan and just goes with the flow (Lies and instantly gets found out. Drugs emperor and hides from him while thinking that there won't be any consequences (seriously, she was surprised that knights were looking for her)). She can command/talk to birds but doesn't send a message (even when she constantly says how she needs to save the kingdom). She always wants to get away but when she gets a chance to teleport away, she just doesn't do that. Her maid was blackmailing her, and her solution was to simply kick her out what obviously backfires.

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Nov 09, 2022
Status: c5
I think it's a pretty good novel. It seems to show good potential for a good novel.

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The MC is some type of saint who can see the future. While tired to protect/warn the emperor that he was to be killed by his brother Prince in the near by future, unfortunately, her so-called trustworthy person kills her with that prince. After dying, she possesses the evil/spoiled Queen's body.

Now to save herself from the bad fate of the original queen, she plans to first try to protect the Emperor from that prince, And then divorce him (Emperor), more than getting justice for herself.

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