History’s Strongest Senior Brother


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It was Yan Zhaoge’s first time transmigrated into another world. He landed in a martial warrior civilization that was at the peak of prosperity. He ended up in the Divine Palace’s library, which collected and preserved the classics of the entire world from all fields of knowledge. However, a world-class calamity struck soon after, and even the Divine Palace was destroyed.

Yan Zhaoge’s soul once again transmigrated into another world. The twist was he arrived in the same world, except countless years have passed.

With his brain full of rare books and classics from the era of peak prosperity, Yan Zhaoge’s second transmigration to the present era was like a gamer who was used to playing hell mode suddenly finding himself playing the game on easy mode.

That was just way too awesome.

But before that, he would need to fix a problem.

“I’m not the main character? In fact, I’m actually the main character’s love rival and the antagonistic Mr. Perfect senior brother? This script is wrong!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
History's Strongest Martial Brother
Rebirth Of The Top Villain (Manhua)
Shi Shang Zui Qiang Shi Xiong
Related Series
History’s Number 1 Founder (Same Franchise)
I’ve Possessed the Demon Sovereign’s Body (Same Franchise)
History’s Number 1 Founder (10)
Library of Heaven’s Path (8)
My Disciple Died Yet Again (5)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (2)
Return of The 8th Class Mage (2)
I Am the Fated Villain (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  2. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)
  3. Nice Novels for Normies
  4. Novels that I have read
  5. Op Mc / simulation systems

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/20/17 volarenovels c496
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147 Reviews sorted by

Sad Immortal
Sad Immortal
June 27, 2021
Status: c90
This story suffer heavily from the common Xianxia flaw. And not much of a Xuanhuan, mystery type of thing, since they explain most of the top clan, power system, history, and the power struggle between clan. Not much to find out on this journey.

  • Spoiler
    • The clan of MC, typical Xianxia clan, You have enemy both from the outside, and the inside.
    • Clan elder can be smart, but when it come to other clan member scheming against the MC, they are so s*upid and just let those people do whatever they want.
    • The MC is smart, but the author try to make the story very long, that why most of the time we see the MC getting the bad end of the stick.
    • Story is about senior brother, but after around 50+ chapter, we only heard off elder, emperor, and other top tier people.
    • A very poor political plot, maybe because of wanting longer and more chapter, it led to author making small problem taking dozen of chapter to be resolve.
    • MC always suffer injustice even when his father is one of the top tier expert.
    • Few follower which is mostly incapable of doing anything significant in the story.
    • Side character get forgotten in 10 of chapter.
    • Poor logic of the people, maybe because they live an arrogant life-style or just author trying to make us hate them.
      • An example, is when one of a clan elder fallen, their direct line will suffer. Then what the point off dying to protect the clan, they probably betray the clan when there a strong foe.
      • A clan with power of 10 can be arrogant to other clan with power of 8-9. There are 8 clan, one clan that is the main enemy of the MC clan is just fearless, I mean, if it was IRL, the other clan would form an alliance instantly.
      • I guess it just Xianxia logic of 1 man vs an army.
What I hate most is that:

  1. The enemy always has the element of surprise. Because the MC clan is very passive like most xianxia.
  2. To make the MC sound smart, they include the loyal but useless subordinate. They always seem powerful, but are not able to do anything significant of help to the MC other than praising him for being genius, smart, heaven defying, number 1 prodigy, and very capable.
It is a good time killer, and good for those who are beginner in the xianxia genre, but for me, I can't endure this logic, when I see many other MC suffer like this, just for the sake of the author wanting reader to cheer for the MC through his difficult journey in to becoming the "History’s Strongest Senior Brother".

For veteran reader, I'm tried of going through that journey, and want something relaxing or some that I can read and wonder, why certain character act the way they do, and what were their thought when they make certain decision. Not just brainless character who only act like that to get hate or to get other emotion out of reader.
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kowtoww rated it
December 25, 2019
Status: c977
I read almost to the current translated chapters, and I have to conclude it's poorly structured. The author has many instances of massive information dumps that, even worse, tangent off from a high action moment. He also suffers from the usual problems that other Chinese authors of this genre do.

For example, when a sword is struck out or an arrow is fired or a palm is descending, how is all this time accounted for when the characters are doing a back and forth bickering or explanation or insults? Action like... more>> those should be almost instant with no time for witty bantering. As I once said before, many of these authors need to have a boxer throw punches at them while they see how much of an ongoing conversation they can get out of their mouths before glove meets face.

The half-hearted attempt to incorporate some romance in his story is the worst I've seen from any Chinese novel as of yet. Author Eagle or whatever, if you happen to read this, I would suggest you read Nine Star Hegemon Body Art to see how someone does romance in the story well and knows how to stay on point. Eagle-something spends way, way too much time delving into the origins and corrupted versions of martial techniques from a myriad of sources instead of moving the story forward.

There are seeds to a good story in here, but the author just lacks the story expertise to focus on those. Eagle-something, you should've concentrated on watering your plants in front of your house and not trying to water the whole damn neighborhood to provide an analogy. <<less
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: --
This novel is dry and lackluster. The writing style makes reading it akin to reading a physics textbook. The ideas and storyline is interestingbut it is overloaded with either repititive, cumbersome dialogues or repititive, boring descriptions. It makes it impossible to be immersed in the story.
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advena rated it
July 18, 2019
Status: c84
Story doesn't have a clear goal or direction and the MC's motives are pretty unclear as well. The fights are overly exaggerated and hard to follow. The side characters are uninteresting. The process of cultivation and the true power and knowledge of the MC are completely unknown which leads to situations where the story feels very contrived. Overall there is nothing really to hook the reader in, there aren't any strong points. I also have no idea why this is tagged as "evil protagonist", that definitely isn't the case.

Read Reverend... more>> Insanity instead. <<less
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ydim rated it
June 3, 2019
Status: c292
Most reviewers have already said all that needs saying about this novel.

I only want to supplement one thing: the real problem with this novel, in my opinion, isn't even the repetitive and generic chapters, but the word padding in the chapters themselves. Overly long descriptions and drawn out and repetitive action makes it a chore to read this. If you're going to drag a story, at the very least make the individual chapters not mandatory to skim.
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Lolkika rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: c1168
It seems that many dislike this novel....

But it's actually a gem.

It's actually a parody. Sort like Gintama.

... more>> What I love with this novel is that, there are no brainless people. Everyone have a motive, it's not always right but you feel them. They're well design characters, they know when to advance and retreat. I like that the author remain consistent with the plot and characters. And there's none of that r*pe, male characters who only think with their lower half.

There were boring part in the novel, As well as excited part.

And the main character, tho verry weak at the beginning become supper OP

tho, he doesn't flaunt it or acts overly arrogant, Lin Fen mostly use his brain to deal with most thing. <<less
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February 5, 2019
Status: c1168
Great novel, has some slow parts that feel bad but I suggest you continue reading past it, it's not as repetitive as some people suggest. If you stop 100 chapters in, you won't have a proper opinion about the novel, so if you do reach 100 chapters in, continue. By the time Yan Zhaoge (the MC) reaches the world beyond worlds, the novel is quite different from how it started and it keeps you immersed in reading until you catch up with the translator.
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FrosyGuy rated it
November 25, 2018
Status: c51
I really do like this novel, but I can't get over the constant hyperbolic descriptions that come with it. One example of this happening that I just randomly pulled out from a chapter would be:

... more>>

"Exerting power with his foot, half of the land in the entire valley instantly broke apart as it concaved inward with a single stomp!" So what? If a martial saint were to stomp it would destroy the entire world? That doesn't sound right at all. The author doesn't give that much context in terms of power scaling, which make these descriptions seem as if they are hyperboles instead of vivid descriptions on what's happening in the fight.


Other than this one problem the novel seems to be going great in terms of story telling. <<less
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Stark3 rated it
June 26, 2018
Status: c1663
It's a completely average novel. The strongest senior brother schtick went on til around c100 or so, afterwards it became somewhat generic. The combat itself is somewhat disappointing... basically you have the MC superimposing X amount of the skills / merit laws he's learned up to that point... almost literally a roll call and just facerolling people with it. No real variation most of the time. Personally, I had more fun reading about the MC's OP dad than the actual MC.

That said tho, it was still kinda ok as a... more>> binge read, since its failures are somewhat common to the genre: you get somewhat inured to it after a while if you suspend your expectation for something above the ordinary..... until this:


After a while, the writing doesn't even focus on the MC and his activities... it becomes an exploration of characters that are part of Taoism and Buddhism lore. You get FLOODED with names, their titles, their positions, etc. Very few of them have a significant role in the story tho. It's obvious that it expects the reader to be familiar with those characters, as well as characters in famous literary works like Journey to the West (Sun Wukong aka Monkey King), and Investiture of the Gods.

While other novels have played around with their own interpretation / rewrite of events from those works / lore, none of them are such a name-drop fest as HSSB is. If you're not familiar with the literature, you'll be lost or have a much lower interest in the storyline.


Not sure if the gripe in the spoiler merits giving this novel a 2 rating... personally I have it at 2.5. <<less
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Firehelm rated it
April 13, 2018
Status: c830
Writing and translation is well done. There is plentiful world building as well as mystery. It starts the story like how the summary describes it with Yan having to deal with these "main characters". Eventually the novelty of the beginning arcs are lost, however it becomes more of a quest to put the pieces of the metaphorical shattered puzzle together again.

The cast in this story is excellent. They aren't left forgotten and obsolete after the main character has reached a certain point (I'm sure you all know when it... more>> usually happens). Instead, in this story, they remain relevant and even if they become background at some point, there is little doubt that they will come back later.

If you ask for my personal opinion about this story, I'd have to say that even when I came back to reading it after a 5 month break (for chapters to build up) I could still clearly remember the events and characters. Unlike some other stories which are extremely generalized and I confuse the characters between stories often due to how un-unique they are, the characters in this story do a fantastic job at retaining their uniqueness throughout.

All in all, a great read. I highly recommend it. <<less
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Kvothe_the_wind rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c180
It seemed interesting and original in a way but it's a miss.

The MC isn't the destined hero, that's great. Unfortunately the "destined hero" isn't developed much and this arc conclusion is horrible. He should have been intonthe shadow of the "destined hero" and fight his way out to break his fate but the author didn't do it.

For once the MC has a vefy background. He is the young master of a powerful family in a powerful sect. He is involved in intrigues because his father is one of the candidate... more>> for the next sect master so the other faction tries to undermine him to gain power, lots of potential. Problem is, MC seems to see through all plots. With practically no clues he knows the others intentions.

In his former life MC was in a super library so now he knows powerful martial arts, alchemy, forging and formation. He is too OP and after 200 chapters I don't think he was wounded once. Each cultivation level supress the one before but MC can fight with people 2 or 3 levels above him.

I never really get into it and after 200 I just stopped because it never got better. It's too easy for MC and I can't relate to him, his personality is like an old man.

You can try reading it but if you aren't hooked quickly just stop. <<less
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BlaszczeM rated it
March 5, 2018
Status: c737
I like it.

It is good at what it does, which is to be a parody of the regular CN novels. Despite some too-long moments, it's pretty good, and the action seems to move at a rather rapid pace. Another thing I like is that the MC starts off strong, and he's not looked down on, but rather, respected. Funnily enough, the Protagonists are the villains, while the MC (Arrogant Young Master) is a good guy (kind of). Another thing I like, is that at some point in time (around CH... more>> 500-600, the MC no longer needs a background. He IS the background. I won't spoil it, but he is rather strong.

Now, as for the romance - I saw someone complain that there is no romance yet, and the MC is more interested in training. Well, the romance starts in the later half of 500's, with foreshadowing in the later half, while the romance starts a bit before CH 600. Later on it develops further.

Anyway, there WAS a tag "Slow romance".

Also, as someone complained that MC is too OP and skilled and whatnot - in the World Above Worlds, there are some gaps he can't jump, and there were some hints at future problems coming from his techniques. <<less
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Pachia rated it
January 7, 2018
Status: c675
Nice pacing. (Kinda) overpowering MC. MC is self-aware of himself. Not a harem. Little romance, mostly action. Most of all like how confident the MC can be with power to back it up.
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albreo rated it
October 5, 2017
Status: c924
A very good and well planed story at first, but now, it's totally rushed and bland. MC is now as arrogance as everyone else. The story is so messy, too many side events and side characters. No more low-key.

MC level up like hell, gains all the weapon and resource as much as he wants, no more scheming/cunning tactic. You want to kill me? Err too bad. I will bare handily slap you to dead. The most over used leap frog slapping when every enemy underestimate you will be repeatedly use... more>> from now on and forever. MC will be totally prepare for every situation with a simple mention of past library door guard life. He's now proficient in every cultivation methods and have time to cultivate them all when everyone else require at lest 100 years. He's now so OP no different from any other cultivation novel.

I have been forcing myself to read the last 100 chapters and might not be able to continue on at this rate. <<less
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Teanana rated it
May 12, 2017
Status: c200
Disappointing. In the beginning of the story as other people already said, we were presented with a good parody of the wuxia genre meta, the main character get illogical power-ups, luck from heavens and etc... and for the first twenty chapters we get to enjoy him as the typical villain cannon fodder for the main character trying to go against his destiny.

But after that, This story fails to continue on his premise as a parody and just goes typical wuxia with the same mindless villains and the power ups that... more>> don't mean anything. Power ups that don't mean anything?

Look at this guy.. only at the middle stage of some random realm, I am at the late stage so I will totally easily kill him. but wait, the main character consistenly defeats people that are stronger than him in terms of "cultivation stages" yet the world is still surpised every goddamn time.

Two starts, Because it fails to even be the story that is premises to be. (Not recommended unless) <<less
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nj rated it
July 12, 2016
Status: c11
Yes. Finally something different. Although the novel is still in the beginning stage I am excited to read something that doesn't follow the typical xianxia plot. I sincerly hope this novel can continue to maintain this feature.
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June 5, 2016
Status: --
Holy, if this is like HN1F, this would be very superb; the author knows how to mix certain awkward moments with random 'Deus Ex Machinas'; so I'm reading it.
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wolfeinstein24 rated it
June 3, 2016
Status: c4
This is a good story. I have read the hn1f written by the same author.

What I like most about this one is that it tells the story from the perspective of an antagonist.
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PoshMafia rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c651
I've fallen out of love with HSSB. It feels to me like a novel that lost what it's original goal was and devolved into a generic Xianxia novel.

Originally there were two main routes that I felt the novel could go:

Satirical introspective look at the genre where as the author leads the MC through several situations facing generic OP Protagonist as he proceeds to make a mockery of the whole situation. Or devolve in a more serious story similar to Histories Number One Founder and we watch as the most amazing... more>> Senior Brother leads his younger generation along despite pressures from the clan and outside factors. The scale of this story of course being much smaller and less grandeur than the typical Chinese novel.

Unfortunately what we got was something pretty similar to tr*sh. Random overpowered techniques from big shot clans and arrogant young masters while our protagonist pulls bullsh*t OP tecniqes that get introduced the chapter they are used, but we are told he has been practicing them on the side so it is all right. And his techniques are ancient master pieces so ofc he'll win despite obvious power deficiencies. In the end don't read this novel. It is a let down of massive proportions. <<less
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Eccentric lezmier
Eccentric lezmier
September 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Had a great start.

As the title suggests this MC is up against the usual favored by the heavens MC troupe characters and he takes care of the trouble and unreasonableness they throw a him. This part was satisfying.

Then it all ends, MC becomes the generic troupe he had been fighting all along.

... more>>

He knows everything, and I mean everything (if he doesn’t, he’s got intuition on how it works so he will know right away). His power progression graph over time is almost a 90 degree vertical. He is issued treasures left and right. Author just keeps adding stuff to him till the premise of the novel is nothing but meaningless text


GL with this <<less
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