Having the Same Name as the Demon Lord of the Abyss


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At 3:30 in the morning, Ye Zun suffered from insomnia and entered a supernatural forum. With this, he was taken into a world composed of countless horror games.

[ There is a ghost in your room. Please escape immediately. ] [ Neighbours, family, classmates; all are ghosts. Who will kill you first? ] [ There is a serial killer loose on the train and people are endlessly dying. When will it be your turn? ]


In the Demon God’s Amusement Park, all humans have only one of two identities: pet or food. You look cute and delicious!


The great demon and little angel are both acting. More specifically, their performance goes like this——

Ye Zun: Don’t, don’t come here (wu), if you come closer, I will pretend to be a BOSS (crying noise)!

Demon Lord: I am just an ordinary NPC. But, if my dearest wishes it so, I can also be your pet.


My dear,

You are the moonlight beneath the abyss, the flower from Heaven kissed away by Death.


I am the abyss. I am Death.


The world is a terrifying thing. You are the most terrifying thing. As long as you face your fear, you will no longer be afraid. I have travelled into the deep darkness. I still fear you, but I can’t help loving you. In this nocturnal wasteland, there is a golden sunflower field blooming along our path.

——Ye Zun

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Related Series
The Haunted (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei TBR
  2. Novel 2
  3. Horror/Infinite Flow Danmei
  4. To Be Read
  5. Limitless I'm watching you!

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4 Reviews sorted by

cwassyd rated it
February 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Hey, translator here! Even with my bias as the person translating this, I still have to say that this story probably isn't for everyone (I'd give it like a 3.9/5). There is a lot of purple prose, it is super slow burn, and a LOT of things remain unexplained at the end (although this is because there is meant to be a sequel, which the author hasn't written yet). But, I was in this more for the psychological horror than anything, and this story delivers on that!

It's a common plot... more>> for horror unlimited flow stories: MC accidentally enters another world/game and has to survive instances, along with the help of ML, who hides his OP powers (and identity). Honestly, the MC is just losing his sanity for almost the entire novel, and a lot of the fault lies with the ML. The MC, Ye Zun, is an awkward, scared young man who seriously needs to look up the term Suspension Bridge Effect. He doesn't have a bad backstory or any special abilities, he's just a lonely, empathetic person trying to stay kind to people who need it.

It's super short, with only 5 arcs/instances, so give it a try if you want a dose of (psychological) horror! It's definitely less 'Ahhh Horror!' and more 'Oh the Horrors.' <<less
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NovelFun rated it
May 7, 2023
Status: c30
I liked the atmosphere of this novel, the author clearly wanted to explore the psychological aspect of horror more than the «physical». However, repetitions in length in the description of the main characters should have alerted me right away, but this did not happen, unfortunately :)

The main problem, in my opinion, is the inability to build a logical, consistent plot of a horror novel with detective elements. The MC finds clues, but they lead nowhere. The heroes go around in circles senselessly, make unexpected discoveries, but even these guesses... more>> do not inspire any confidence in the reader.

Even the NPCs in this horror «game» seem to get tired eventually. Everything is too chaotic and implausible, illogical and contrived. It's a pity, really. <<less
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Catshead rated it
October 2, 2023
Status: Completed
This is definitely not a novel for everyone, the author's writing style is very figurative and a lot of things aren't outright explained to the audience. This story is definitely far less plot orientated than most novels so if you're reading for a proper story arc this may not be something you'd like.

The style gives it an eerie sort of feeling. I don't tend to get scared of horror novels but this one had me sleeping uneasy for nights on end.

This is my first unlimited flow novel so I can't... more>> compare it to anything I know, but it is exactly what I expected from inference. Instances, breaks between stages set up like a town to allow for players to use materials obtain during instances.

The world building was neither extraordinary nor abysmal but the atmosphere was tense and lonely. The author feeds off this desolate and dark feeling, contrasting from the existence of MC and ML in each other's eyes who become refuges for one another throughout the novel.

The MC is a kind and strong character, he is quick to act and confident in himself, the kind of character who doesn't stray from what they believe is right and doesn't let errors distract them from their goal. The ML exhibits symptoms of Lima syndrome and should probably go get checked out at their latest convenience.

As the story mainly traces the MC's character, pretty much all 'romantic' interactions are meant to serve as an insight to the MC's character and the ML is pretty much entirely a plot device. It may be love, but whether this love can be called romance is entirely up to to the reader. <<less
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Smtha rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I dunno, I really liked it. He strange helplessness, of love and loneliness, the horror or just plain desperation, desire or possessiveness, it’s beautifully translated. I love how the story keeps me going with a little detective mysteries, and how fascinating the inner workings world of MC thoughts. And ML is just a driving plot. Lol or maybe because there’s maybe hints of sequels so ML character is not flesh out yet. I am always fascinated with the inner devil of human nature. Lol. So I bias. I really recommending... more>> this novel, if you have this kind of fascination psychological works. Thank you <<less
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