Gunman Demon Prince’s Otherworld Conquest – Is It Really Alright for Me to Summon Modern Weapons and Fight Overwhelmingly When I’m in the Demon King’s Army?


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As a weapon nerd, I spent my days playing survival games. On a certain day, tickets to an authentic American survival game tournament arrived. We entered the tournament as the strongest team and won more smoothly than expected.

But “it” happened in the middle of the semi-finals.

When I fired the shot that would decide the outcome of the battle, what was fired into my chest in return was, surprisingly, a live bullet. Although I should’ve died there, once I woke up, I was in a different world of swords and magic.

A young, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, unparalleled beauty became my mother, and a big-breasted maid would wash my body… I thought, “I’m so happy that I will be able to live a smooth life as a child of an aristocrat”.

However, a terrible disaster would befall me when I became a young boy.

Enemy assassins would approach me one after another, giving way to begin a life-threatening runaway lifestyle in another world. The only hope left for me to survive is the power of [summoning modern weapons].

Will I be able to take back the peaceful world again?

Raul Forest starts running. To survive this harsh world today!

Summon modern weapons and fight your way through the Super Death Mode parallel world. A relatively classic reincarnation story in another world.

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The Bullet Demon Prince's Otherworldly Capture
銃弾魔王子の異世界攻略 ー魔王軍なのに現代兵器を召喚して圧倒的に戦ってもいいですか
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