Ghost Invasion


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How does a whole new world open unto you? Not by resurrecting, not by time-traveling — if you also married a ghost husband that died a month ago, you would understand all of this! If he just died, if I just married, it would still be fine, but he had to come every night and eat me clean! If he just ate me, I would still be able to tolerate, but the living is a hassle too! A coquettish mother-in-law, an uncle that keeps on sending silent love messages to my mother-in-law, and a sullen aunt that never talks……

Associated Names
One entry per line
Yǒu guǐ lái xí
Related Series
Apartment From Hell (2)
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A Naive Short-tempered Girl (1)
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Ghost Blows Out the Light (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Nonhuman Male

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7 Reviews sorted by

leedalys rated it
July 31, 2016
Status: c13
So... This novel is... special in it one way. it make me want to read, but at the same time make me want to break my phone each time I finish one chapter (Yes I read on my phone).

Why I want to read it? First because I love romance. And romance between a young lady and a ghost? I jump in the ship. I want to know how it will end. Will it have a happy ending? While, you know, a ghost... is not human after all. Or will... more>> it be a sad, ending? Because it is better for your loved one to join the light ~~ Theses questions make me want to read the novel.

BUT!! Yes a big BUT!!

The male MC is not likeable at all! I just... just not... At where I stopped I can't help but wish a devil comes take his soul and boil him in the cauldron in hell. And the femal MC is not even better. She is so... annoying. I tend to identifie myself to the main character. But this one... I just want to punch her, slap her, and yell at her. How can I love this novel?

So i'll say 4/5 for the plot (I quite like it)
2/5 for the characters (still 2 because at least they are not too much 2D)
3/5 for the writing style (because I did not hate it, but not enjoy it too).

I think I'll just wait until this novel is completed before reading all of the chapters. Cause you know, I quite like my phone, and I don't want to break it. <<less
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tatanka96 rated it
January 15, 2017
Status: c46
When I started this story I wasn't sure what I shall expect from this. I thought that will be story between married couple and to be more specific newlyweds where one of them is a ghost. My expectations were met, the groom is a ghost! You will say that it was said in description. Yes of course, but the story doesn't end on this. There is more, much more things that aren't written there.

I will be honest, when I started read this story I was appalled by main character.... more>> She was boring and naive. She married to ghost, but not any ghost. He is very rich, handsome, calm. You know, your typical main male character in chinese novels, only dead. But story isn't about them being married. Not really, them being married is secondary matter in this story, maybe even third.

Until now she had s*x with him only twice, so really they don't do this everynight.


The story is about revenge, to precise it's about the ghost revenge. I'm sure that you think "oh no, this again". I thought that too. The problem starts with the moment, when main female character, doesn't want to help her husband. Her only wish is to safetly escape. I understand that she doesn't want to be in family, where she must be married with ghost and I respect that, but it's getting annoing when she is naive, that she think anyone let's her to escape. And I don't think about her husband when I write about "anyone".

The story is about power play too. Every character from this story wants something. The wife wants to escape, dead husband wants revenge, step-mom wants power, brother-in-law wants... I'm not even sure what he wants, not only him but some other character too. Sometimes sunspense can kill you and in the end you will end annoyed and flustrated, but in other cases you will find yourself pleasantly surprised.

As you see I rated it 5 stars. So it must be good. Believe me it is. The story in the beggining is slow and boring, but then plot gets faster and faster. The wife (I will be honest I don't remember her name) firstly is annoing, but now
I can see in her character growth. She wants to be stronger, she wants to survive. I appreciate it. The bond between the married couple starts becoming more interesting. He finally starts taking matters in his hands.

She gets pregnant, and she wants to be stronger for her baby. Which (baby) seems to have very curious powers.


As you see in genre is put horror. Not because there is one ghost, but because there are many of them and they are not very nice. There are many gory descriptions. So if you don't like violence and blood, you shouldn't read it. But if you want read story which doesn't have mary sue, where the story line starts progressing in very interesting way, where there is character growth, supernatural beings that wants to take revenge on alive people, this story is for you! <<less
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andiaulia rated it
July 30, 2016
Status: c18
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July 7, 2016
Status: c12
First impression, not rated yet because it's too early.

It's very interesting. Like the description said, Ghost Invasion tells the story of a girl who got married off by her (bad) father to someone who already dead but is a scion of the richest family in the city. Just like in any rich family, there are complicated family politics and characters there. Unusually though, her ghost husband can actually attend her every night. Till ch.12, the story was still mainly character introduction and the MC's shock. However, I'm looking forward to... more>> how she will respond to all that's happening once she got used to the new circumstances ^^ <<less
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alexfilia rated it
August 9, 2017
Status: --
This novel is ok if you like to read about ghost mysteries and revenge... add ghost babies to the mix and you have a ghost revenge mystery romance! (note the MC is an idiot)
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Yuki Chan
Yuki Chan rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: c49
Though the MC is a bit of a disappointment, and annoying in the beginning, it is good. There is mystery everywhere. Supernatural around every corner. Even a whole (weird) romance with the ghost. (Though it hasn't really reached that point, but I think he's going to stay there, unless, she has to let go, like in Angel Beats)

But after getting to a certain point in the story I think this could work and I totally ship them after there cute and funny dialogue.

Major Spoiler:

... more>>

He can touch her, so that's one good thing. They have a child together so that's another thing. And they were fated to be together so it's a done deal.

I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Dang, it really sucks reading mystery stories, if they aren't complete. <<less
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DeanRae rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: c11
Translation is good quality, well at least the grammar is, since I dont know the original language so cant say much for accuracy. Unfortunately, I absolutely dislike the MC. UGH SHE FRUSTRATES ME... ugh she's just so stoopid *wagglesfingersinfrustration*. But the plot seems good so give it a try anyway.
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