Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss


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Yun Luo Feng, Hua Xia Medicial School’s genius, died from an accident and her soul attached to Long Xia mainland’s General family’s useless eldest miss.

This waste of an eldest miss not only can’t read or practice martial arts, but is big chested, has no brain, is arrogant and self-willed.

Since having the crown prince as a perfect fiance isn’t enough, she actually snatched a pretty boy in public, leading to the crown prince annulling the marriage.

But she couldn’t stand the annulment and hanged herself.

Opening her eyes again, she is no longer the previous useless miss.

She contracted a God’s puppet and carries a spiritual space. With wonderful hands that can rejuvenate and medical skills that overturn the world!

Both the the royal descendants and nobles above and the merchants below, all compete to curry her favor. Even His Royal Highness, the crown prince,who previously broke the engagement, came knocking on the door wanting to reconcile.

In regard to this, a mysterious man finally couldn’t endure: “Whoever dares to come and harass my woman, let them come but never return!”

Associated Names
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Related Series
Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort (Shared Universe)
Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife (Shared Universe)
Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss (7)
Wife, You Can’t Run After Eating (6)
Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived! (5)
Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife (4)
Poison Genius Consort (2)
Poisoning the World: The Secret Service Mysterious Doctor is a Young Beastly Wife (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation beauties
  2. Favorite
  3. Novels that drive me crazy!
  4. long novels
  5. God of Transmigration/Reincarnation 2

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Uthred rated it
June 3, 2022
Status: Completed
This is first and foremost a genre piece, that's not a strike against it, after all genre fiction is the most popular type out there. However if you are not familiar with the genre I would recommend skipping this for now because I feel it's so by the numbers that it's almost aggressively average. It's fairly by the numbers but it has a few things that set it apart. However I feel that those distinguishing factors wont really feel distinct unless you're immersed in the genre.

The Good

  • The male and female lead are only a year or two apart in age (not like the usual immensely creepy thousand of years) and the development of their relationship feels relatively natural and they are quite s*x positive.
  • While the usual sexist setup of xianxia's faux ancient China setting is there it is clearly presented by the author as being wrong and is railed against and frequently defeated by the main character and her associates. It's also presented as the root of a lot of the settings conflicts. The main characters also eschew traditional gender roles and show an actual modern viewpoint on a lot of matters.
  • While long it's fairly well paced. While there are some repeating patterns it does an adequate job of not repeating identical plots but putting them in new areas. It also wraps up most major plot threads fairly satisfactorily.
The Meh

  • It abandons quite a few side characters from arc to arc and it also leaves several obvious plot threads dangling.
  • The cultivation system is very basic. However it doesn't really affect the story as the focus isn't really on cultivation.
  • The ages - There are far too many kids with ridiculously young ages acting absolutely nothing like kids (either physically or mentally).
  • The main characters amorality - I found it pretty grating at times. The characters are largely amoral, as is everyone else in the world. This isn't necessarily a problem per se, after all there is no requirement for the main character to maintain moral superiority over their antagonists, even if its often an implicit or explicit element of these type of stories. It also make sense, the world is described as one where the law of the jungle prevails and most people act naturally within that context. The main character, despite being from modern day earth, combines with a native so her behaviour is in keeping with that setup. It's just, as a I said, a bit grating at time. Not a flaw just a subjective preference. A lot of the negative reviews don't seem to grasp this point. The MC's action are often overly violent and vicious JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. The novel often explicitly points out that they are acting the same as everyone else because thats the only way to survive and/or protect people and considering the MC's obsession with both it's no surprise she acts appropriately i.e. In line with her context. I can certainly understand people preferring a simpler and more straightforward setup where the MC is always morally superior to their foes. But that's not what the novel is going for. So the MC acting like a sociopath? That isn't a structural flaw, thats the point. The reader is meant to draw their own moral conclusions. I actually feel its a more realistic setup where its more about competing interests than some simplistic good vs evil thing.
  • The (inevitable) nationalism - It's very very minor (especially for a Chinese webnovel) but it's there.
The Bad

  • h*mophobia - It doesnt pop up often and it's usually relatively mild (especially for a Chinese webnovel) usually taking the form of referring to homosexuality as abnormal. It's also arguably subverted by the novels ending but its there.
  • s*xual abuse - It always happens off screen. But it's also nearly exclusively used the main characters as punishment for offences that are unrelated to s*x at all i.e. It's not the usual "poetic justice" of turning an antagonists planned misdeeds on themselves its more "Haha you will be r*ped for your transgressions!" It only happens a handful of times but its very offputting (you can tie this into the immorality issue)
So in summary its a solid genre piece but doesnt rise above average. If you like the genre it will keep you entertained. If you dont or are new to it I'd recommend going and reading one of the better entries in the genre instead.
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En-Jay99 rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c157

I've read a few of these novels and I'm used to the plot being a little inconsistent.

And yeah the face-slapping while repetitive can be done well but usually takes a while to get to the good stuff.

But sending the ... more>>


to a brothel so they are r*ped for months? No. Nope.

If he had tried a r*pe plot against the MC it would be one thing. If there had been any r*pe plots against the MC then that would've been one thing. I dislike r*pe as a plot point anyway. But MC doing a switch or somehow reversing the situation can just be self-defense if awful. But the MC is the one who starts it. So yeah, I dropped the novel before I got too deep into it because it's not worth it.

I also really dislike how easily the MC levels-up so far. There's no hard work or intelligence involved.

Just meditation and a herb bath that's all.

Maybe it changes later but for now it was boring. Honestly the grandfather and second uncle are more likeable and honorable than MC.

I had hopes for the ML since non-pe*verted ML's are rare but yeah, the r*pe was a big red flag and apparently he's also killed people for no reason. So no big loss I guess. <<less
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Anikarp rated it
June 15, 2019
Status: c1275
In the beginning it was enjoyable. As it goes on though it gets a little disappointing. The cultivation levels of people... It's like every enemy has the current best level and MC is a little higher than that. Meet a new enemy have a new cultivation level. Idk the way they explain feels the same. Then there's overpowered ML whose cultivation level hasn't been mentioned yet but he's always strong enough to kill everybody in one hit.

Expect s*upid, repetitive villains and no deep contemplating plots. It's like putting an adult... more>> person against a toddler then wait to see who can win the argument. My brain feels like it's dying.

MC is petty and kills for laughable reasons and she doesn't mind using cruel methods. I get the feeling the author is trying to make MC seem cool but I'm getting chuunibyou vibes.

They emphasize how peerlessly beautiful MC is constantly, then of course every time they meet an incredibly handsome guy they all fall for her.

Somehow people are either her enemies or have unquestionable loyalty even if she barely spares them a glance; I just feel the social part in this novel is so unrealistic and cringe worthy. Imo she's not likeable at all

The revenge is repetitive too, she has so many targets for revenge and the way she puts it is always the same. If one goes down another shows up. They really have true villain logic and the only way to get her revenge is to kill everyone's whole family.

If you really have nothing else to read, read at your own risk. <<less
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kheydi rated it
November 1, 2018
Status: Completed
I just finished reading the whole novel. Life changing. LOL. But the story was really nice and funny at the same time. It's worth reading.
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November 17, 2016
Status: c5
Will rate when more chapters are out. Like a previous reviewer mentioned it does share a similar background setting to Genius Doctor. In fact I'm almost inclined to believe that having a crippled uncle and powerful father/grandfather is a common trope. I mean, Otherworldly Evil Monarch also has that same setting. Both uncles cured and boom, they are imba as heck. The MC can then proceed to leave home knowing that the family will be safe. Enough about other novels, but this novel here has yet to display its differences... more>> that would let it stand apart from many others (Granted, I'm only 5 chapters in). The MC is quite decisive and dedicated from what we could see but nothing special. Will continue to read to find out more about how the story will unfold. Translation is acceptable, no problems understanding the story. <<less
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Nettie rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay I absolutely love this novel. The YX and YLF are the best and I love them.

YLF is a whole mood and I just love how she's always lazy and I especially anticipate her kicking imbeciles away.

It's true that the beginning of the novel is cliche like most of the other transmigration storyline where the FL is tr*sh and had her engagement annulled then she makes her ex fiance regret and everything. Honestly, I love when it starts like this and I don't think there is anything wrong with this... more>> starting.

If you don't like these starting then don't read it but it's honestly so good (even though I can't count how many times I cringed at the ML and FL's shamelessness lol).

I promise you that the scummy ex got what he's looking for and it's the best part.

our ML made him suffer real nice 😉


Then again I almost dropped this novel after reading one of these comments but I picked it up back caused I missed YLF and YX. I must say that after I continued reading it I did not agree with that comment at all. Well, I'm trying to say that you shouldn't let others opinion change yours because everyone has their own taste and that person was definitely reading with a narrow mind. <<less
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PaperMoon rated it
December 19, 2021
Status: c1
Aside from MC and ML, everyone else in the universe shares a single brain cell.

MC's friends are so s*upid, constantly getting kidnapped or tricked. For example:

... more>>

MC's disciple got kidnapped so they could force MC to do something. They need the hostage alive. One of MC's bestfriend went to 'exchange' himself for her. The evil villainess who obviously wants to f*ck the ML (like every female villains in this series) said she would let the disciple go if he can with held her beating him with a hammer. And he has to take off his protection. He, an idiot, agreed. Of course she broke his spine and bones AND doesn't honor her words.


This happens over and over again. Like did any of her friends not get kidnapped? Even the ML did at some point as well.

Villains constantly frame the MC gang to random strangers and head of whatever whatever (ex: powerful dragon tribe leader). The random people will turn to MC gang asking if it's true. Do they speak and disprove the villain words? NO. Not even a "that's not true/not what happened". Allowing the misunderstanding because of some s*upid pride reason ("I shouldn't have to explain". what. what. what.). So of course because they didn't say sh*t to defend themself, that powerful person will think what the villain said is true... so they'd end up beating MC's people up. MC will then swoop in at the last minute before her pals dies so she could take 'revenge'. Then who does she get mad at? The villain yes... but what I considered to be innocent passerby who got caught up in the MC bullshit. She'd take revenge on the poor people who was tricked by the villain into hurting her 'friends/family'. WHEN HER FRIENDS COULD HAVE PREVENTED THE SITUATION IF THEY'D JUST EXPLAIN. A lot of these are s*upid and needed like 1 sentence to resolved. Another example:


Eldest miss of dragon tribe got kidnapped. MC friends rescued her. SHE'S LITERALLY THERE but hid herself as a ring or something. The dragon tribe leader passed by as MC friends were fighting the evil villain. The villain then tells the dragon tribe leader that it was aCtuALLY MC's friends who kidnapped their princess. MC FRIENDS REFUSED TO CLARIFY. The dragon tribe people even asked several times if it's true, if it is then give her back and they can let by gone by. The friends still refused and was like how dare they question us. Dragon tribe started killing MC people. The dumb princess didn't show up to stop the dumb fight... because she heard that her father wanted to get her engaged so she doesn't want to go home (which isn't even true, it was just a rumor). DUDE WHAT THE HELL. Anyway, the princess finally decided to popup after the MC came to the rescue. Beating up the dragons and making them serve under her.

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IrisBay rated it
November 28, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this novel 2x.

This novel was refreshing to read, and I like it. Because, there was no coaches villains. The MC had a principle like that one she was hurt or any to her close one, she will end the enemy. So, that is why it was refreshing to read.

I had read plenty of novels genre like this and only this one I read that no coaches villains, once dead means dead or kill means kill. The MC stick to its principle. Well, its kinda annoying sometimes to read... more>> a novel, then the MC character was like to kill the enemy thay who hurt or love one's was hurt, but that enemy once defeated always escape again and again. So, kinda annoying, especially when you read a novel your over hundreds or thousands chapter on it. <<less
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November 20, 2021
Status: c436
I tried, but I´m bored... I don´t even managed to like any of the character - including the MC and ML. The novel even managed to make me feel sorry for one of the villain


The ML sending the crown prince to a brothel to serve male customers... just killed him! I mean if the crown prince first was planning to do the same to someone, maybe I could see it as karma but it came out of nowhere!

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RineLovesAir rated it
October 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I already left a review in webnovel, and it positive guys. This book is lit, its not that focused on romance but when your reading it, you actually want to read more of their romance that you just want to skip to the chapter where they will meet again finally hahahahhaa. And I also really like yun xiao's sweet talks hehehe, it makes me smile. Of course thats just the case for me, don't know with others. This is super recommended specially for those who's tiered and wanted to rest... more>> from reading harem. <<less
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Sofia Razi
Sofia Razi rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: c2000
I have never disliked an MC as much as I dislike this one. She is so petty and arrogant that she kills people over small grievances. She's is so OP that it's ridiculous. She's best at medicine AND martial arts. Her beauty is also incomparable and she's so smart that villains lose their IQs when plotting against her. As for the ML he's so handsome that women throw away their dignity and life just for a chance to become his concubine. And when rejected they start loathing the MC so... more>> they get killed. This gets repeated throughout the story. MC friends and family never dies and even if they do they somehow manage to come back to life. The villains die after a few chapters they are introduced. As for the writing, there are exclamation points after every sentence which for some reason bothers me a lot. Everyone is fighting against someone in every chapter. There is no relaxation and peacetime. In short, it's a very unrealistic story, and near the end I just wanted a villain to appear and just kill off everyone so the story could end, and MC gets knocked down a peg or two. <<less
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F.A.M.H rated it
December 28, 2020
Status: c435
The leads characters is not bad written.
But all the evils, I mean ALL the evil people have the same character! They ALL s*upid! Even those of the Empire families, like the Emperors and Empress! They all don't know to do anything else beside yall at her -the female lead- and fight with her like they are a fool children!!
Any common person would be more clever than that, but here you see all the bad people -who are aginest the FM and ML- would be too s*upid that they can't even think!
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cherryblossomsinsummer rated it
December 29, 2019
Status: Completed
As you can see, there are A LOT of bad reviews for this novel and I can totally understand why, and you will too. GEWW is your typical OP female cultivator x loyal-cold-powerful man with a facial paralysis kinda story. MC is a genius & super talented person who transmigrated into the body of a tr*sh? Check. MC has a ridiculous amount of luck and everything goes the way she wants it? Check. MC makes those who have wronged her pay? Check. MC raising an army? Check. MC face slaps... more>> brainless cannon fodders? Check. MC becomes the most powerful cultivator in the end? Check check check.

So, this story isn't bad at all. But if you're looking for something refreshing, you might want to keep looking. Else if you're like me who enjoys reading novels with the EXACT SAME PLOT again and again, then yeah. <<less
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Honey B
Honey B rated it
November 19, 2019
Status: Completed
ITS A FACESLAPPING MARATHON!! Which gets REALLY boring after 2000+ chapters of the same formula:

"She's just a tr*sh girl, she can't be a doctor!"

Cures the incurable.

"OMG! She cured him. I feel s*upid!!"

And I feel s*upid for reading about how s*upid people can be, because the whole story revolves around people making piss poor assumptions and after learning the truth, have to deal with the consequences. ?‍♀️ It's not bad if it was every once and awhile. BUT NO! IT'S ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER! ? There was a good amount of story build at the beginning which intrigued me slightly, but overall this story was TOO D*MN LIKE OTHERS OF ITS KIND. ? But unlike the others, this one left a lot of undeveloped potential blowing in the wind because the MC was more interested in hiding her potential so she could play, "GOTCHA!" ?


What happened to her cultivating her God Code?

Maybe later.

What about learning to use the puppet technique?

Barely touched it.

But what about-



Speaking of the MC, she's petty, contradictory, and narrow minded, so don't look for any acts of kindness unless it benefits her.

And the romance made no sense.

So yeah, not happy about this one. This is the third one I've read by this author hoping they do better but NOPE. ?
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September 4, 2019
Status: Completed
i really like this story at first, but after chapter 700, it become awful, so much left detail unanswer, her diciple body condition didnt have more story to explore and forgotten, and one thing I really hate is, the author always kill and toture every woman that try to get close to the ML, u can find in the other novel that the author create, there will always be woman that get kill because she just love the ml, wtf really.
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OrderOfDagon00 rated it
August 31, 2019
Status: c800
You know... It was actually kind of refreshing to read a novel where the main character is an actual villain and just overall an awful person.

Imagine all those arrogant young masters from other novels but in female form, now give any one of them a typical cheat-like space, a little helper that of course knows everything and top it off with a nice OP lover.

If you're going to read this novel, go into it with the mindset that the MC is just a straight up villain and I feel like... more>> you'll enjoy the novel more. <<less
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KiraRen rated it
July 11, 2019
Status: c600
this story is well translated and most of the characters are well done. One of my main complaints though is the FL is very unlikeable I tried to get used to her but I just cant, I love the ML though hes amazing funny and sooo gap moe <3 my main complaint about FL is the fact that if she needs help instead of asking for it she will corner the person she needs help from and make them have no choice but to make a deal. Shes the real... more>> deal annoying not loveable type arrogant more suited to a villain then a main character and I feel like she treats ML like a treasured pet. She loves him y that shes just a strong female character but if she were the ML with her character most people would hate her for sure.I like most of the other characters though. The FL is the only reason I gave this a 3 star rating because the ML is just so perfect. He is without a doubt one of the best MLs. <<less
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RubyRunt rated it
June 20, 2019
Status: --
What I like the most about this is that we actually have other female characters who are actually decent. There's the Ning girl who's like an older sister, sweet and elegant but can castrate you if you provoke her, there's the seductress from the medical Hall, who's sexy and super powerful and there's the gall who runs a brothel with just men because she thought ML was gay and wanted to please him nad become his disciple. Those girls are hilarious, beautiful and incredibly strong and I am here for... more>> it. One of my other favorites is the villain's half brother. He used to despise MC but once she cured him he's kneeling and shouting, god doctor! God doctor! What I liked is that some villians actually changed. And finally, the ML is DOPE. He is amazing. So so so cute. She saw his face by accident and save his life and the poor inexperienced baby found her again and stammered something like: you say my face, take responsibility. He's very naive ao he really thought she should take responsibility. I just love them togheter <<less
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I like reading novels with strong female leads. It really annoys me to see the female protagonist always acting like a damsel in distress. The MC in this novel is quite strong and rarely does she depend on others. However, she feels more like a villian than a hero, and not in a good way either. She comes as too arrogant, prideful, overconfident and hypocritical. She is not at all humble and can get too annoying at times.

I really dislike her attitude and her constant display of hypocrisy. She will... more>> kill people for doing something she deem wrong but doesn't hesitate to do the same thing herself. What is the difference between her and the villians then? The only reason her actions seems okay is because she is the MC. If she were another character pulling this stunt then she would come off as a really hateful character.

All in all, a one time read (that is, if you can bear her arrogance. I can't so I am dropping it), would definitely not read it again. <<less
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eyy bb
eyy bb rated it
January 16, 2019
Status: c500
Honestly, I hate reading FL cultivation novels. Doesn't it just pisses you off? On one hand, you have this supposedly "dead gorgeous beautiful MC without rival" and on the other hand, everyone hates the MC's gut for no reason whatsoever. I thought beauty was supposed to be treasured and appreciated? Well, that seems to be the case UNLESS you are the MC of the story of course.

Literally, if you have an MC so beautiful that she can be considered a goddess, you'd expect some RIVALS to fight for MC's heart.... more>> Nope. It turns out the ML is the only man alive in the universe who actually likes the MC. Also when I say rivals, I mean non-cannon fodder who can match up to the ML. Like, even the MC's mom has more suitors than her. How does that even work?

The cultivation aspect isn't that great either, it just feels non-existent. Each level of a cultivation realm has no weight to it. You can be as strong as you can be, but in the end, there's no actual feeling of crisis. All conflicts end in a breeze because, by some mysterious plot armor, all the "strong" characters end up becoming cannon fodders.

You can probably paste my review on any other FL cultivation novels and it would still describe it perfectly. <<less
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