Genius Disciple of Prisoners


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Born in the depths of Prison Island to a mysterious witch, a child grows up surrounded by the world’s worst criminals. The mother’s death leaves the orphan to learn about the world from the prisoners. Fueled by gratitude, the now-adult child escapes the confines of the prison, eager to explore a world vastly different from the tales. Armed with a unique perspective, the boy embark on a daring adventure, navigating morality, friendship, and survival.

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죄수들의 천재 제자
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CatCubed rated it
December 25, 2023
Status: c23
I’m gonna keep reading this because the premise is interesting and different. However, the first chapter nearly broke me. Here’s a direct quote:

“The large building on the island was not a mansion or a noble’s castle. It was a kind of prison, a place where prisoners were confined. The prisoners held there were the worst of the worst criminals from the continent. Just hearing their names was enough to send shivers down the spines of ordinary people. This place was a massive prison and an island. A very few knew of the existence of this prison, and they called it the 'Prison Island.’ The island was completely isolated, with no interaction with the outside world.”

Lol. Tears in my eyes just from rereading that, it’s so bad. Anyway, either the... more>> writing gets a little better or someone told the author to chill the eff out; there’s still repetition but it seems... more sane, I guess. <<less
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s3978871 rated it
April 23, 2024
Status: --
Just like what CatCubed had said I think that this novel genuinely has the potential to be great but unfortunately it got ruined by bad writing and translation.

On the very first chapter, it could have been summarized in a short sentence of less than 200 words but maybe the author/translator felt the need to repeat everything they said twice to increase the word count. All I can say is my middle school essays looked like this.

But for everyone who wants to give it a try here's a summary of the... more>> prologue:

On a deserted Island somewhere, a prison was erected to detain some of the worst criminals in the world. The Witch who sought to bring calamity to humans was detained here and some time later, she died after giving birth to her son. The prisoners looked after the boy like he was their own child were taught many things and were told many stories about the outside world. Eventually, he will leave this desolate prison to experience what the world has to offer. <<less
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