Game Loading


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Xie Xi was someone with luck off the charts! The advantage was that any game could be easily cleared. The disadvantage was that all games were boring! Then one day, the words ‘Game loading’ appeared in front of his eyes and he began to clear real games!

The emperor of luck ran into a bottleneck in the first game.

Game Name: Love to the Left or Right

The vampire prince has invited you to a meal. Will you go?

Xie Xi: I won’t go.

Arrow through the heart. The vampire prince says you can’t leave him and takes your life.

After loading the file, Xie Xi changed the option: I will go.

The housekeeper has cut off your head because of love and hatred.

Xie Xi: ???

Associated Names
One entry per line
Trò chơi đang load
Yóuxì jiāzài zhōng
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182 Reviews

Dec 29, 2018
Status: c25
The protagonist is basically a very talented gamer in the real world. However, for some reason he was transferred into a game with an s-class hardship. For beginners, experiencing this game would lead to mental destruction because of repeatedly getting killed and due to its difficulty. However, our MC is different. He not only have the experience of playing multiple games but is also mentally strong that he solved the infamous unsolvable game that was created by a genius game designer.

Though it's still ongoing, I already liked the plot and... more>> the characters. This author really doesn't disappoints. The mystery, the game settings and how our MC try to solve the game is the center of the plot.

As for the ML, I am a hundred percent sure it's the genius game designer named 'x'. He's famous for creating really hard and sometimes unsolvable games. Thus, when the MC, a beginner solved one of his hard games, he took interest to our MC.

I can't wait for the author to update! This novel is really promising. <<less
71 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 06, 2019
Status: c52
This novel starts out strong but quickly becomes repetitive. The premise and events of the first 2 arcs are very creative and entertaining. However the main character never develops. He's teleported to a world where he constantly fights for survival but doesn't question it or try to understand what's happening. He spends time relaxing and treating real death like a game. The scenarios are also become repetitive where pointless gay comedy romance banter fills 80% of the chapter. It's the worst type of filler because the people disappear after each... more>> scenario so there is absolutely no value to their comedic conversations. <<less
68 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 16, 2019
Status: c191
This story makes me laugh so hard!!! The interaction between the shou and the gong.... LMAO.

Basically, the super irritating first game that our MC was forced into threw him many curveballs, and by the end, he is thoroughly annoyed with its designer (who is our ML). Afterwards, once he gets his rewards, and his achievements has been broadcasted worldwide in the game world, the ML contacts him (presumably to offer congrats on clearing this impossible game). Our MC is the kind that doesn't like to talk much, so he responds... more>> all nice and polite to the ML but secretly his opinion of this 'insane game designer with super bad tastes' is dropping lower and lower.... and ML happens to have a skill which lets him read the favourability index of people's opinions towards him, so he just sees his darling (our MC) drop way into the negative-hundreds and is left in amused dismay. Hahaha it's really hilarious, this novel is a must read! <<less
47 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 11, 2019
Status: Completed
One regret...

why isn't this longer?!!!! (۶ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ) ۶ʸᵉᵃʰᵎ

I love this author and I love this MC. He is a very capable, intelligent, and humorous, whose only "golden finger" is that he's extremely extremely lucky in getting the top drops/all randomized events. The story is set up like [Quick Transmigration] stories where the MC travels multiple worlds, however, there's actually real world-building!!! *gasp*

Yes, instead of some kind of vague system message with random assigned tasks, the MC actually enters a very detailed Central station where many "players" gather and interact, and... more>> instead of info-dumping, we learn little by little what kind of new world he has discovered.

Overall, the story is a romance (or *cough*multi-romances*cough*?) with many game-like elements and a survival element in the earlier stages. The majority of the plots revolve very strongly around the MC succeeding in becoming the top Prince Charming and wooing the characters successfully. There are plenty of comedic moments, balanced by a healthy dose of angst (romance, after all, must have some drama!), which make for riveting reads.


Seriously, this story could have 400 more chapters and I WOULD BE SO HAPPY. Honestly I thought all these 3oo chapters were just to set up the setting for further stories. I really wanted to see our MC fix other worlds!!! AHhhh so sad. Also the god team shenanigans were so good. I would have loved to see MC join the god team and have fun with them! *crossing fingers for sequel*


This is also one of the few very romance-focused stories in which the ML does not steal the show the moment he shows up! The MC works hard to complete the system tasks and continues to do so relying primarily on his own capabilities, and the ML merely helps out occasion. Instead of getting hand-fed all the answers, the MC can figure things out for himself and the ML respects that. \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ Hooray!


Unfortunately, due to the heavy romance plots, the MC and ML are pretty much the only main characters. You hardly get to see the friends/helpers that the MC met in earlier worlds ever again. At most, they have one-liner cameos at certain moments, but even those are few and far between.

I really thought the author was setting this up for a very long story where the MC would go to multiple worlds and meet many more people.... *sadface*


I highly recommend [The Earth is Online] and [Doomsday Wonderland] if you're into this type of setting without being as romance-obsessed. <<less
44 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 25, 2019
Status: c23
This is absolutely hilarious omg. Our MC is perpetually internalling dying inside and his head is just filled with. “WHY. WHAT THE F*CK. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING” but also eventually he just grows numb to all the strange things occurring. The first arc was absolutely hilarious and has left such a trauma on him. I guess it’s a good thing, haha. Seems to have prepped him well, mentally. ML is also a riot. Delusional and working hard to appease his dear wife but ultimately failing and only increasing disfavour towards... more>> himself. I’m looking forward to reading more! <<less
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Honey B
Honey B
Aug 24, 2019
Status: Completed
Not sure how I felt about this story. First the title was kind of misleading, I mean I expected a more gaming plot like The Earth is Online (which I f*ing loved ?), but it was basically role-playing. The basic premise of the story is

... more>>

The "players" are actually beta testers, testing out newly created worlds before these quasi-worlds are released to be actual living worlds.


So realizing what this story is truly about was kind of a mind f*ck.?

But that ain't the reason I gave only 3 stars...

First, the good points: The MC was decent. He wasn't too Mary Sue to the core, which made him cool. He had OP luck most times, but his thinking wasn't so superior that he figured things out too quickly. He still struggled. BUT his struggle was mostly learning to be a playboy...



Long story short, the ML split his soul to create worlds and the MC was, in a way, collecting the souls to save the ML. So in almost each world the MC goes to, he has to balance a harem of men who are essentially the same person. And that made the MC constantly have to pamper and manipulate each soul behind the other soul's back as if he was sleazy, cheating, bastard... WHICH NOT ONLY IRRITATED THE MC, BUT F*CKING ANNOYED ME AS WELL!!!


It wouldn't bother me so much if it only happened in one world but it was in MOST OF THESE D*MN WORLDS.

At least give me some smut to make it better. I would have added a star for the smut!! ?

But... no smut ? <<less
32 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 04, 2019
Status: c37
Current rating: 2/5 (partway through third arc).

I just want to know, does the story style remain consistent with the beginning, or does it dramatically improve?

I think a lot of people loved this style from the start, (which is fine, different tastes) but I'm seriously struggling, and don't want to persist if it stays the same.

I can see strengths in this story: The more creative take on the world-hopping system, the more concrete and logical structure for earning rewards from each world, the more creative way to... more>> include the ML in each world, the more original and somewhat sadistic spin on each of the cliched worlds and the genuinely game-like aspects such as save points.

However, I'm finding the actual stories really boring and irritating. I don't care AT ALL about any of the capture targets, all their interactions feel tedious - like having to click through the same NPC spiel in a video game each time before you can get to the action. I want the MC to have various interesting challenges, not just love-challenges with uninteresting and two-dimensional targets. (And then he needs to use a save point, which should be a strength if the story, but it just drags the arcs out tediously...)

And the ML. MEH. Of course, it's different the way the MC dislikes him from the start, but there's good reason, you know - he's irritating. Frankly, I don't care at all about the MC falling in love with him, I'd rather he just clocks all the worlds and becomes awesome. That's feel more interesting. And I'm tired of an OP ML falling immediately in love with the MC as well. It'd be more interesting if they both disliked each other and he was actively hindering him.

(Oh, and I almost forgot the super-irritating-and-not-funny pet companion. I thought I was free of that stuff since there's no annoying system personification.)

The point is, I can't wait for each arc to be over. I've been trying to persist, because there are no bad reviews, but I'm wondering if it's just a matter of whether or not you enjoy the ML and the capture targets from the start. Since I don't, I'm beginning to think they'll never become interesting to me.

Well, I'm not trying to put anyone off with this review/whine. I think if you try it out and find yourself enjoying it early on, you'll probably really enjoy the rest.

Edit: I couldn't persist with this story, but, seeing more reviews have been written, I think my final point is right: If you really enjoy the first arc of the story and want to read more of the same kind of thing, then you will probably enjoy the whole story. If you find yourself struggling with the early stages of the story, it's probably not worth persisting with. <<less
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 16, 2019
Status: c180
I tried to like this it gave me "Earth Is Online" vibes at first which was fun to read from beginning to end but this story draaaaaaaagged. Quick transmigration with the same love triangle, then love square, then love 'soccer team' sized group OVER AND OVER again. The MC and ML's own backstories sound interesting but unfortunately more focus is put on the MC being a slag male. I can't anymore! I end here at ch.180 ✌
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Amaruna Myu
Amaruna Myu
Mar 08, 2019
Status: c83
one of the few translated bl novels currently in which

  • MC is not silly
  • he is somewhat smart
  • he absolutely dislikes the Male lead
In other words, its unique compared to the current innocent shou falling in love with Male lead.

everyone is lacking in morals, shameless to the point of making me feel shame in their stead.

the interaction between in MC and the ML (s) is hilarious

and not being harem is a plus.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 16, 2019
Status: c74
To be honest, I found the MC wonderful. I'm a fan of calm and smart protagonist who makes decisions decisively. The story concept is good, but I found the execution... lacking.

The story could have been exciting, but it wasn't at all. ML is supposed to be this godly game designer, yet the two games of his MC entered is just some f*cked up BL game where all the capture targets carry a part of ML's soul, and THEY'RE. ALL. BLAND. PRETTY. FACES. WITH. NARCISSISTIC. TENDENCIES.

To be honest, the game arc... more>> I only enjoyed was the one NOT MADE by ML. I don't get what people are saying about philosophical explorations, like there is nothing deep about the games ML makes. The characters just have yandere tendencies, that's not deep, that's neurotic.

The attraction is one-sided, as well. MC hates ML, and for good reason, yet for some reason, the story says their souls are compatible and ML thinks that it's only a matter of time. NOT.

There is no mystery or thrill in the games ML makes. All MC has to do is use his cheats and make coy remarks, even for me who plays these kinds of games, the capture targets are very easy because they all have easy motivations and little to almost no relationship with other people outside of the other capture targets, and even then they just wanna kill each other. The capture targets have no depth and the game solutions are pretty anticlimactic. The MC only has to die every time, and it's a win???

MC is too smart for ML's games, and it shows. MC isn't challenged, he just gets exhausted acting coy and pretending to be in love.

I really enjoyed the second game, however, the one not made by ML (which is far more complex and moving imo). If you have a chance, read that one and pretend that the ML doesn't exist.

ML's personality is just meh. Pretty guy who everyone thinks of as a genius, story shows no proof. Anyone with good EQ could win his games, no one just gets in his games because of soul compatibility.

They could have done without the romance. <<less
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 07, 2020
Status: c107
I enjoyed the worldbuilding at first, but dropped it after MC and ML went to the "open world" game. Reasons will be explained below.

This is an "infinite flow" type story. MC is a new player and ML is a designer of different instances. MC is the only one who has been able to enter and clear ML's games so far.

What I liked about this story:

    • The worldbuilding so far.

      We learn that the "central zone" where players congregate will release quasi-worlds for players to explore and clear. Once a world is cleared, it becomes a real, independent world. For example, Earth as we know it is one of these designed worlds as well.

      People living in these worlds will occasionally become players who enter the central zone, and players can become designers who create quasi-worlds. Unlike other infinite flow stories, there's no mystery about the purpose of the instances or who made the game. However, one of the problems the central zone is facing is the declining number of designers; without designers, new worlds can't be born. I was looking forward to seeing how this problem unfolds.

    • MC is very indifferent to love and romance (at first) and has no sense of aesthetics. He can't tell what makes someone more or less attractive appearance-wise to others. I thought this was rather funny and was looking forward to some plot about MC falling in love with ML for his personality and not because he's like, an overbearing perfect handsome male god or something.
    • MC's initial exceedingly bad impression of the ML. MC tends to smile and hide his thoughts, but ML has a skill that lets him see others' goodwill towards him. The difference between how MC acts and what MC actually thinks about ML brings some humor to the story.
What I disliked:

    • The game worlds I read about so far seem to have interesting storylines. For example, the mystery in the first game of what Sein Hall is trying to do, and the political intrigue in the second game. However, these plots get sidelined in favor of "funny" romance game moments. ML explains to MC later that all the worlds he designs contains a part of his soul, so only the people who his soul recognizes can enter. MC can enter because ML is in love with him. Romantic, right? Not really, it just makes each game world feel s*upid. Here's an example:

      According to ML, if anyone else had managed to enter the second game world he'd designed, they might have gotten a clearance task such as "become the crown prince" or "mediate the peace treaty between humans and merpeople" or something. Instead MC's task is to "collect the love of the six princes." To be fair to the MC, he also finds it extremely cringeworthy to have to cheat 6 different ways to clear the game. But it's still really embarrassing to watch MC try and win the love of the six princes, only to get caught out at the end. How is that supposed to be funny??

      It's entirely possible to write a BL novel with an actual plot that isn't sidelined by a need for "funny" "romance" moments. You can balance these two aspects, I promise. This story really doesn't do it well.

    • When MC and ML go to the open world, they get trapped in a lotus-eater machine where they experience a whole alternate lifetime together. What really disgusts me about the dream they have is that in the dream, MC is a poverty-ridden 18 year old student and ML is his nearing-30 teacher. ML persuades MC to move in to his house under the guise of paying him for housekeeping services. Then ML slowly grooms MC into accepting his love. Somehow this is supposed to be romantic. "But ML saved MC from poverty!" "ML provided so much care and housing for MC!" ML is a decade older than MC, is his teacher, and also MC's source of income. ML has to persuade MC into agreeing to associate with him, be friends with him, move in with him, etc. There's a clear element of manipulation and coercion, and a power imbalance right from the very beginning. After reading so many BL novels, maybe I'd still be able to stomach it by pretending the age difference isn't there... but MC constantly refers to MC as being "childlike" or "young" or "like a child" and it's really sickening. He even resigns from his post as a teacher because he says he doesn't want anyone to say he's using his position to coerce his student, but he only does this after his and MC's relationship has already been established. The story itself is clearly aware that a teacher-student relationship is unhealthy and yet it persists in portraying their life together as romantic instead of "MC is literally a victim of being groomed by ML."

      If you disagree with this, you should imagine being a 28 year old professional worker and meeting some kid who's barely out of high school. Would you seriously want to date that kid and be able to have an equal, reciprocal relationship with them?? Come on. This was what made me finally drop the story.
You will probably enjoy this story if you like thriller / infinite flow BL stories and the standard "ML's soul fragments across each world are in love with the MC but they're actually all the same person" trope. You will have to put up with a lot of otome game-like mechanisms and MC suffering through two-timing a bunch of people. If that's your thing, awesome, but personally I found it really tiresome after a while.
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 19, 2019
Status: c35
I think this is way too overrated.

Romance: 1/5

If you're gay then stop seducing straight males. This is just so wrong.

... more>> Setting: 1/5

There are too many transitions that it didn't make the story immersive. Also the transitions aren't smooth, the author just made the MC indifferent so that he doesn't have to do any explaining on why there aren't any side effects on the MC's mindset etc.

Plot: 2/5

It has huge potential, but MC's luck is just too ridiculous. Also the ML has too much impact in the central zone that it doesn't make sense. The writing and banter is also repetitive.

Characters: 1/5

MC - he is not an enjoyable character, I read up to the 2nd arc and I still don't give a sh*t about him.

ML- he is totally gaying the place up.

SCs - the repetitive "Little Sein" and " choose me" make me barf. This is way worse than the dumb bimbos in CNs.

Translation - 5/5

Rainbow turtle is besto. <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 03, 2020
Status: --
It got me interested since the premise reminded me of Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil or Earth is Online

But turns out, it’s nothing like them. Not even near. DON’T EVEN EXPECT IT.

I’m at the half of story and I don’t think I want to waste my time to finish 309 chapters for story like this.

... more>> It’s way too repetitive! Those arcs basically MC trying to coax ML’s multiple souls in different scenarios and ML could actually get jealous for those part of his own soul. No kidding.

And unlike QWFOD and EOL, the MC is mediocre. From the get go, the MC get golden finger: he get S-grade arc with numerous regards when completed, get very lucky with the missions, and even get ML’s affection since start for basically no interaction.

Just because ‘their soul is well match’, the ML suddenly become obsessed with MC, become stalker (watching his mission and join his mission), give many benefit to MC. It’s so ridiculous. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I actually dropped this novel after I read the first arc, but I picked it up again after a few months and I don't regret it one bit. It seems like one of the basic quick transmigration novels, but it is so much more than that. Its action, romance, dogblood drama, and angst, I almost cried at the ending. The MC is smart, but not overpowered, he grows based on experiences, struggles with his problems, and does not just KO everyone who moves against him. The world that the author... more>> described is so intricate and detailed and the arcs aren't 10 chapter long arcs, they are like 60-70 chapters long each so it doesn't feel so fast paced and abrupt (they aren't boring either), and it feels like reading multiple books in one.

The basic plot: There are not really any spoilers, just the basics of the plot since the description the author gave wasn't that clear and the novel isn't that simple and comedic.


Xie Xi gets pulled into the Central to clear worlds. The Central is the base for players who are taken from their original world once the is nothing tying themselves to the world. The worlds that the players clear are created by designers, and once completely cleared, they become their own separate world where life continues, but players can not go to the world anymore. Beginner players have to clear worlds constantly since the time they can stay in the Central is short: 2 days, or else they die, and the time increases the higher level the player is. Xie Xi clears worlds until he meets God X/Jiang Xi, and helps X retrieve his souls from the worlds that X designed. God X is the best designer in the Central, but to create S and SS grade worlds, he put part of his soul into each world, so Xie Xi has to retrieve his soul from the worlds.


The novel gets slightly repetitive from the many arcs, but there are important clues in each arc that lets Xie Xi find the truth behind the Central and each quasi world.

But ig the best arcs would be the dream world arc where:


God X and Xie Xi dream about meeting in Xie Xi's original world, and they experience the rest of their lives together


and then the Horoscopes arcs. The Horoscopes Arcs don't have the dogblood love-hexagons, and are about:


Xie Xi going to save and repair each of Jiange Xi's souls.


Dream world arc: chapter 92

Horoscope arc: There are 12 sections to this arc for the 12 horoscopes (chapter 201) so if you don't like one world, then just skip to the next one. (Personally think Taurus is the best one.) <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 18, 2019
Status: c258
Those people who found this novel boring are blind... though it's wrong to judge them, but this novel is really good! Every plot is different, there's also some values that could be taken out of the novel, the thoughts are very comprehensive, not everyone is perfect but the growth of the characters are really just the best, the world built in this novel is very detailed as well as mysterious, the romance between the MC and ML are full of dog food, dependence, growth, trust, and MORE love...

This is actually... more>> one of the best novels I have ever read... PLS DO NOT SKIP THIS NOVEL, I DID IN THE PAST AND I REGRET NOT READING IT BEFORE BUT STILL I'VE READ IT SO IM STILL GOOD~ <<less
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Feb 18, 2019
Status: c55
Basically world hoping story, with several differences

    1. The MC need to make multiple characters fall in love with him at the same time.
    2. The enemies that our MC must conquer in each world were the ML's soul. I kind of dislike world hopping story where the world's original MC were always painted as green tea bit*h and ended up with bad end. Here the biggest golden thigh the MC could hug was also his biggest enemy and headache. He only need to be worried on how to woo multiple people at the same time lol. So not only I don't have to read another white lotus MC + villain ml, there's more scene between MC & ML. Definitely a win win solution.
    3. The author is actually more creative in world system setting. Instead of the usual hopping into world where the MC need to beat the world protagonist/taking revenge, here we have world designing system. The trial that MC must take = fixing bug before the world materialized. After the task was completed, the world materialize as real world.
    4. MC's task was to create harem without getting killed. Literally. Considering no 2, the main male lead always wear green hat because of his soul fragments.
Overall it's a nice read. All being said, I love how the plot always moved with each world explored. Rather than the world being another game they have to clear, every world actually bring something new and strengthen the relationship between Jiang Xie and Xie Xi. For those who are worried that xie xi will always play the slag, there are several worlds that's not romance focused.
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 18, 2019
Status: Completed
the MC is smart and the ML is shameless and OP with some interesting personality quirks and their bickering is fun. I keep reading this because of their interactions more than the world hopping. this is a good story so far, though I find that the MC repeatedly having to handle/date so many people all at once in each world to be a little monotonous after the third time doing the same thing. It was funny the first time and interesting the second but I'm beginning to suspect that all... more>> his worlds will follow the same basic outline again; the story differs and his tasks differ but he still has to manage everyone all at once so the core doesn't change.

edit after finishing: it's a cheap way to have a harem without having to use the harem tag. After a while, it starts to feel more like a twisted Otome harem dating sim rather than a world hopping story and that's what brought the rating down for me. I really don't get people comparing it to FOD because that's all about revenge and this is all about dating the ML, and the ML, the ML, and the other side of the ML, oh and that other part of the ML all at once. <<less
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Dec 26, 2018
Status: c3
The premise of this is immensely interesting to me already; MC in a game that forces him to make choice after choice with no clue of the consequences. The protagonist's analysis and mild testing of his situation feels just right. He's smart, and characters surrounding him - while, as NPCs normally do, not appearing very organic/realistic - are just crazy enough to amp up the tension of this game and leave you wondering how on earth the protagonist is going to make it through. But you know he will, because... more>> again, he's smart, and it's overall quite captivating to read.

The vampire prince jumps out as the ML, but who knows yet!

On top of everything I trust this translator and their amazing consistency. Thank you for all your efforts! I'll be waiting for this while reading their other projects ? <<less
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Jan 20, 2019
Status: Completed
The story is about a lucky and talented gamer MC who is suddenly forced to play a 'game' where he has to complete the task/mission to pass. He has to continue to complete these tasks/games to level up and become stronger along with random skills/loots/and tons of gold. He's not overpowered (unless you count his luck, but even then, his luck is making him suffer so...) and the interactions between him and the ML are funny considering the ML is a big part of his suffering (but not on purpose).

The... more>> story is a breath of fresh air amidst all of the system bound world hopping stories, and is definitely worth a read. Also, the translation is pretty darn good~ but if you are anxious and want to read more, MTL is also very viable.

Edit: The story is finished... The story veered in a way I didn't expect, but it was still a good read. <<less
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Feb 06, 2020
Status: Completed
So first things first, is it like Earth is Online? Not really. It looks and feels very similar at the beginning, with instances, props, and similar "quest/game" like prompts, but honestly it's more like a quick transmigration story with elements borrowed. Almost every instance is just an otome game setting where MC has to seduce them all. If you read it expecting it to be similar to EO, you'll be disappointed.

On it's own however, it's a pretty good read. I loved the way MC and ML interacted and the hilarity... more>> of how MC got to be so good at coaxing ML. I practically shrieked with joy in the zombie arc, that was truly my favorite and best part of the story. MC's fantastic luck vs ML's forever unlucky status was also a treat to read. It never failed to make me laugh when ML had a chance to see what it was like to be blessed by fortune's favor. I loved the Zombie group and the ML's own group of besties every time they appeared.

That said, I wavered between 4 or 5 stars. The story can be dragging, almost every instance was just MC romancing ML in a different scenario. I don't mind an otome/galge type instance, but every instance was the same mechanic, different setting. Even MC and ML's OPness can get tiring at times. There were also too many characters, items and plot points but the author didn't know how to use them all and thus just straight up abandoned them. There's also a lot of backstory I wish we could have read about like ML's group or past experiences.

Overall, it's not a EO clone, but it was a satisfying albeit slightly dragging quick transmigration gay romcom. MC and ML have a fantastic dynamic and enjoyable interactions. <<less
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