Full-time Son-in-law


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Qin Yu became mute after the car accident and everyone thinks he became a fool. He is known as the useless son-in-law of Lin family, married to the beautiful Lin Yan. Everyone treats him as a servant because of his disability in the Lin Family.

But in reality, he is practicing cultivation, given by old man when Qin Yu saved his granddaughter in the car accident.

All of the ridicule and contempt became a thing of the past when he broke the seal and turned into a butterfly.

“The whole city must crawl under my feet…”

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Addictedtoreading rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: c15
Only read 15 chapters, so can't say too much, but didn't like it very much.

MC saved a girls life and as thanks gets a cultivation method from her grandfather and grandfather arranges for MC to marry his granddaughter. The cultivation method will render him unable to speak for 3 years. The grandfather disappeared after that.

The novel starts 3 years later on the day he is able to speak again.

His in-laws have been calling him mute these 3 years and have not been very nice to him. They let him do... more>> housework, cooking, etc. Their huge company is having financial problems. His wife, who is the CEO, is having problems to get the money they need (20 mln).

It feels like MC lets his in-laws walk all over him. Even his wife does that. He hardly defends himself and does whatever they want.

Grandfather shows up again, gives MC 100 mln, which MC hands over to his wife, without telling her where the money came from. Mother-in-law confiscates everything without even a thanks and MC just lets it go.

Didn't like both MC and his wife, who I assume is the female lead.

I'm sure things will improve later on, but this is where I dropped the novel. I rarely drop a novel this soon, but I just couldn't continue, because I found everyone annoying. <<less
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