Fox Demon Cultivation Manual


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By some freak coincidence, Song Ci mistakenly consumed the blood of the Demon King, causing himself to become a demon too. A weak scholar…… forced to suffer in silence.

What was even more tragic was that no matter where he went, demons would attack him from all directions braying for his blood, or they would squeeze his neck while interrogating him about his relationship with the Demon King.

As such, Song Ci became an anti-fan of the Demon King. Regardless of who praised the Demon King, he would be the first to stand out and refute them.

Song Ci fled for his life as he searched for the gate leading to the Demon Realm. Along the way, he clung on to the thigh of an influential man, and went to great pains to persuade him to slay the Demon King together with him and restore peace to the human world.

Song Ci, “Sooner or later, I will skin the Demon King, rip the tendons off him, and drink his blood!”

Rong Bai (smiling), “I admire the way you think.”

Who knew that, after entering the demon realm —

Tens of thousands of monsters bowed their heads and kowtowed to this thigh beside him and shouted “Long live the Demon King!”

Song Ci was stunned.

Rong Bai (smiling), “What did you say you were going to do when you came to the Demon Realm?”

Song Ci, “It, it’s all a misunderstanding……”

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Related Series
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The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love (2)
Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic Disciples (2)
Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei I've read part 1
  2. Historical Setting
  3. Read next
  4. Read *** or **** Part 2
  5. Danmei: historical/xianxia/wuxia

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144 Reviews sorted by

Juvia_ rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: Completed
The first third of the story I thought "this is nothing outstanding but it's wholesome" then suddenly we got to the thick of the plot and I was really excited but that excitement didnt last for long and the final twenty or so chapters felt like a really long fizzling out of my own interest.

There were so many interesting elements here and there. I wanted to know more about the other characters from the divine realm etc. Unfortunately it seems that most of this stuff is/will be delved into in... more>> the other same universe novels by this author. The stories overlap in such a way that means I'm unsatisfied reading this one book. At the same time I'm not invested enough to read these other books to find out.

The protagonist was a delightful character to watch grow from shamelessly dependent to a powerful entity. Sadly he doesnt get to use this power much at all in the final couple arcs.

The romance was good and especially cute for the first half of the story but the final couple arcs left a lot to be desired. After spending a lot of time on different pages because of time travel shenanigans I felt that we needed more time for them to reestablish their dynamic.

The back stories of the two main characters were really depressing and there wasnt much gratifying catharsism to come from it.

Ahh I really had expected after the amazing half way point that I was going to love this story. Ultimately the biggest problem is probably simply that fact that it can't quite stand alone. The romance is contained in this book but inevitably you'll find yourself wondering about the plethora of supporting characters and the realms' intertwining histories and you'll have to read the author's other novels to fully enjoy it.

So if you're interested in this, I'd recommend having a look at the other books too and perhaps reading them in the order written.

3 stars for disappointing me :' (ahh I'm sorry

Thanks so much to the translator for such a thorough and clean translation <3 <<less
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GhostFlute rated it
February 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Thank God I came across this novel, I feel blessed.

The protagonist is a mild, smiling, life-loving human-turned-fox-demon who'se constantly fleeing for his life, but his kind heart and desire to help others often drags him in the middle of the action.

The love interest is the ruthless, placid, lazy Demon King.

Do you think these descriptions are boring? Fear not fam because not a single one character is what they appear in this novel. There are twists upon twists upon twists in this novel. You better keep a mental synopsis, too,... more>> because there are so many characters, sub-plots, and a few side pairings.

I feared the plot was going to lag during the 2nd Arc, the one with the Mo Yao Sect. But my god I'm so happy I was wrong, and now looking back at it all, I cannot find one fault with the settings but for the fact that I wanted more detailed descriptions.

So: great plot, excellent characterization, lovely side-pairings, good pacing. BUT. I admit the ending is quite rushed. The author herself left a note saying that she did not have a complete outline for the novel and did not expect the story to fly so high in popularity, and as a fanfic writer myself, I completely understand her. Still, I had to detracted one point because I believe she could have made an effort to prepare a better-paced ending because the overall novel deserved it.

Now come on, go read this beauty of a novel so you can also enjoy its beautiful world and rack up many happy memories. <<less
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December 28, 2020
Status: Completed
I enjoyed the journey with the two main characters. Plenty of action together with an emotion - filled storyline. Highly recommended. Translation is awesome as well.
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danilonelystar rated it
December 4, 2020
Status: c101
3 stars.

Well, I enjoyed the story itself, the characters and side couples were fantastic. The main couple was so sweet. It's good for a light read. The MC was good too, I liked his POV. The side characters were great.

The ending however does not live up to the rest of the novel. Up to c80-ish it's a really interesting novel, a bit predictable but I enjoyed it! the ending and plot twist not so much. It felt rush, more than once I asked myself '.... really?' At times it felt... more>> like a complete different novel. Its apparently part of a series which could explain why it felt rushed at the end

Ending aside, it was really good, the side couples have so much potential. (The good thing is, before the ending started all the main plots were closed so you dont miss much by skipping the ending. Just read the extras.) <<less
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XianYiXi rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
4.3 for me.

Not gonna lie but extra chapter was the best. It was consensual. It had been long since I read this happened in novel.

I read it for comedy and humour and I really did enjoy the that in the story but seriously for the starting to the end, everything was kind of confusing. Although most of it was quite clear after the reveal of mystery or hidden past but still I am left with lots of question and confusion.

There are also some chapters which starts off totally... more>> different and make you feel like as if you have skipped some chapter (aughh, I hate that feeling).

I really enjoyed their journey at start in mortal realm, unsealing the hidden mystery. I wouldn't have mind more stories like that [Especially the story of the performer and the young master. It was the story/arc that impact me the most. I genuinely cried. Jiang-er........ I just want to see him happy forever. I hoped for more of their follow up story in underworld but well..].

The story of ML past.... I loved the time traveling traveling concept. I love how it shown us the connection between our side couple; Wen Chusang X Zhu Yishu (wonder if we'll get more of their story someday).

In case of MC past I kind of feel it was kind of rushed. The pace of the story rushed up and the change in character was so sudden although it was understable but still..... Well we were all fooled by the MC. Living a happy life with his family before...... Author sure loves to give every character a tragic ending or past.

In the end I just want to know why Yan Song Choose to save MC? What was he doing there? Was it just a coincidence that he was there? and why and how he had that fruit with him. If Yan Song saved MC because of the past then it's make things even more confusing for me. How the heck it can happen. Guess, it'll forever remain as a mystery.

Seeing that it's the 2nd book of the trilogy, i'll wait for the 1st and the 3rd book to get translated. I hope some of my question will be solved in there (wonder how long would I have to wait for it). <<less
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Adlt_1226 rated it
November 5, 2020
Status: Completed
This was a good read. It had lovable characters and a lot of humor. There was heavy drama but there were enough bright spots and fluff to counter all of that. If you are looking for a story that has a culminating event focused on the main characters then this is not that kind. I felt that the novel was more like an interlude to another story and these characters were just given a time to shine on their own, a little spotlight on stage, well the author did say... more>> (as indicated in the translated author’s note) that this was kind of like a novel by accident so I guess it’s to be expected. Nevertheless this was a good read, you wouldn’t be wasting time if you ever decide to read it or just add it to your reading list for later. Translation was great too. <<less
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Omniscient Couch Potato
Omniscient Couch Potato rated it
October 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I wanna give it atleast 4 star but can't cause

1. The storyline is pretty confusing at first. Even mysteries got solved I don't think everyone can understand it. Most people who won't give it a lesser number of stars despite being a good story

2. I wanna read the other novels but can't as it doesn't have a translation. I know it isn't author's fault. But its author's fault that so many mysteries overlapped with other books so you can't have the satisfied feeling after reading this one.

3. I kinda felt... more>> the story is little fast paced and left some plot holes. Again I bet the plot holes are covered in other books.

I don't understand chinese and don't even know the last book's name. (1st one is Ninth Prince Please Put on some clothes) Just some links in the author's note.

Now it seems like I'm hating on this book but no! I love it! I love it so much that can't help but whine about it.

Charecter development and temperament both are really good.

Interaction between MC and ML is so cute and funny and full of fluffs. But if you are searching for light read... Then its not.

Its a really good intricate story with which eill take you on emotional rollercoaster. One's past is more fcked up than other.


Everything aside I wanna know why ninth prince ignored song ci!!!! <<less
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kcNeko rated it
September 12, 2020
Status: Completed
A story this rich, full of adventures with angst balanced with some comedy is a good read! The pace of storytelling is just right as well and every chapter did it's best to intrigue me to read more because of how interesting the story was. It was full of twists and turns that sometimes it made me forgot or question some things but overall I really enjoyed this a lot! Also a plus to the translator who did great!

There maybe some loose strings at the end but I'll just patiently... more>> wait for the next novel to be released and translated. Every character, both main characters, side characters and villains was nicely depicted. The plot of every arc was also nicely laid out except for Song Ci's arc. Lol that was rushed and had many things happening and didn't follow the previous arcs' pacing, but it was alrighty.

MC is a bubbly and cute character here, he was full of smiles and sometimes funny, but deym it son,

his arc is a total heartache. Author did great for creating an illusion that MC had a great life before becoming a demon. Everyone, including his parents disdain him. His mother is a whacko who always puts blame on him why his brother died, this cause MC to almost kick the bucket. At the end, it was kinda refreshing that MC didn't forgive his mother.

While ML is your typically generic yandere ML but he was also lovable because on the story, he always smiles.

I said too much hahaha so hey! I totally recommend this! <<less
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AlessaParra rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: Completed
I think the biggest problem many have with the novel comes from the fact that it's the second book of a trilogy, which comes into play heavily in the latter stage of the story; the main issue isn't solved until the next book, and the setup of the story begins in the previous novel, from which Song Ci comes from. There's also a feeling of rush in certain parts, which are probably consequence of the author writing this book out of public demand rather than planning to do so.

All that... more>> aside, I still believe it's a very worthy read, the character development of the MC feels real and well-deserved, he's funny and witty, but also prone to cowardice and failure, which is really nicely balanced. Our ML, to me, gets better as the story goes on, quite literally gaining more personality and emotions. He's quite the usual loyal-dog type by the end, but his manner of supporting the MCs individual growth is really heartwarming. The time travel factor felt a bit surprising but it was handled very well and played into the theme of karma and things coming around full-circle.

I also think the way the author used the first arcs, which almost felt self-conclusive, as foreshadowing for the outcome of latter plot points also seemed pretty cool, but you must pay a lot of attention to catch it (or binge it all at once like I did (•_<) /)

All in all, a nice experience, though hopefully someone will pick up the rest of the books in this series to maximize the enjoyment. <<less
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SpicaGG rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm disappointed!!!! It was such a good novel with great plot and characters. And when I get to the anti climax it turned out that it was the climax..?? The story just ended so abruptly! The characters were just getting into the lovey dovey stage too then suddenly it's the end. Arghh.. anthr potentially great novel ending up into disappointment. So sad, and I was thinking that the author style was a lil similar to MXTX in this novel. And tat this was such a great novel... well gud news... more>> is there's a smut scene. <<less
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Saphie rated it
August 9, 2020
Status: Completed
It's a very nice novel that makes you wanting for more. The plot, the execution, everything.

MC is brave, very pretty, and embodies the virtues of man. He seems very easy going in the first half, but in the second half, you'll see that he's actually very flawed as a human being. He's insecure and has internal turmoil that he dares not to touch. It's very nice he found his resolve in the end.

ML is very cool, very nice. He has a very painful past and my heart still aches for... more>> him. A kid needs not to go through all those pain : (He's black-hearted but when it comes to MC, he treats him very nice. The second half, after the 'main dish', he changed thoroughly probably because of



the way MC went back into the past to save him. But I'm still very confused, in the first half before the going into the past to change history happened, where he drank the demon blood, he doesn't remember how he drank it, but in the second half (after the history change) it was apparently given to him by a major kinda minor character, the character fed it to him as though he knows its him (after the past change). So is it kind f like a butterfly effect? IDK ANYMORE


but the change was very abrupt, he became a caring demon, which was in contrast to him in the first half. I'd rather him be a very cool, but still caring than be the clingy type. You know the black-bellied kinda ML, like that, and MC's character seems very fitting to be dancing in the ML's palm.

I am very confused regarding the main dish

going back into the history

and I have so many questions. A part of why its only 4 stars instead of 5, the other reason is that it couldn't grab my attention. I know I have a short attention span but not this bad. Maybe because it was the font (every time I read with that kinda font I always tend to not read it.)

But nevertheless, its a good novel. Also, it seems that there are 2 other novels (Yanbei x Ninth Prince) and (Mo Zun x Ning something) . The premises were very interesting, I hope someone translates it. :) <<less
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Melange rated it
July 26, 2020
Status: Completed
The main couple in this novel are two little darlings. They've both shared their fair share of hardships and are so damn cute. MC is a little timid and shy, as he's used to being everyone's last choice, but gradually learns to stand up for himself. Meanwhile, ML has had a tragic childhood and has lived for way too long, tired of life.

This is very well written and has an intricate plot, but it's so confusing, likely due to the fact that this novel is the second out of a... more>> trilogy and the other two have not been translated. The setting is therefore somewhat hard to puzzle out, although this was presumably fleshed out in the first novel. I haven't read it, but that's just my assumption.

Nonetheless, it's still a very good standalone and I look forward to reading the last installment if anyone picks it up in the future. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: Completed
I like this story a great deal, probably because there's actually a lot of focus on the MC's personal and emotional journey through "cultivating to become a great fox demon, " not just about the romance between the main leads.

He starts as your very typical "mortal" person who is afraid of higher powers, death, supernatural things, and just wanting his old life back. But through his travels, encounters, and the different cases, he struggles through his innate fears and mortality, learns to stand on his own, and grows into someone... more>> worthy of admiration.


Probably one of the few novels I've read where the MC actually has his own blackening/awakening moment instead of just clinging onto OP ML's thigh the whole time.


I greatly like the MC and ML's relationship. It starts off very cliche and seemingly going to travel down similar routes in other novels, where there's a great power imba between the main leads. But I was pleasantly surprised by this one.


MC grows into someone who can protect, defend, and heal the ML. Also one of the only novels where the MC and ML do kind of swap places near the end which was hilarious and such a great parody/trope-breaker that it's the reason this gets 4 stars instead of a standard "pretty good" 3.


The translation is really good!

As for the writing, the author links a bunch of cultivation/supernatural/mystery-type case-solving back-to-back in order to facilitate character development. While I like the author's ideas and the arc plots that weren't just focused on romance, the pacing wasn't the best and thing did get very slow from time to time (too many Chinese names/side characters that only appear for the arc to keep straight).


The villains were largely unimportant and very obviously there for plot. A LOT of things happen in a fairly small chapter count, which leads to fairly rushed endings. I would compare this to quick-transmigration/QT genre stories where you get a lot of different characters and mini-plots in a short timespan.


Overall, pretty good fluffy story. Would read the author's other works as well. <<less
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July 2, 2020
Status: c25
I was not a fan. Translations been really good but the jumping plot back and forward was not my thing. He sleeps, he wakes up, people dissapear, people appear, attack for no reason, attack for lots of reasons, there is seriously no break within those 25 chapters I have read. Suddenly everyone is friend and everyone is as enemy....
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Suranchan rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: Completed
A+++ for translator. Easy to read with a smooth flow.

Story's quite engaging too. Reminds me of old Chinese horror flicks I used to watch as a kid.

If you liked HoB and LMW, this book is up your alley.
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Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: Completed
Overall: 5 of 5, no contest.

First off, thank you to the translator, Lianyin. It was fantastically translated, plus all the footnotes in every chapters make understanding some of the things easier. Lianyin work hard and they deserved big praise for that. Thank you so very much!!

Now to the story, I love it. The MC and ML is great. Their characters developments and past-story closure is good. The comedy is funny. The side and support characters, I was able to care about them very much or understood their motives and backgrounds.... more>> I literally cried hot tears during mirror old man side story. That tragic love touched my heart so much. (ToT)

The world building, even though they aren't explained in super great details, but the author explains enough and make use of them during the story in the way that you aren't left unsatisfied and is acceptable and engrossing. I was able to be immersed in that world, place, and time.

I definitely recommend this story. I can tell the author put a lot of thoughts and love into it (as well as the translator). For a 101 chapters story, it was very very well written. I'll definitely put their name on my watch list.

Plus, I'm so happy that the author wrote that smut extra, and the translator translated it brilliantly. I almost cried happy tears because most chn novel just gloss over the deeds and that makes my heart cries everytime.

I'm so happy to have known of this story!! <<less
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June 20, 2020
Status: Completed
It was a fine read. It was interesting to read

Though there are confusing parts because this is like part of a series but then this is not book 1.

I wanted to understand other characters too.

... more>> Though there is no possessive tag, through the actions of Rong Bai (ML), we can tell that he is possessive but not showing it very much.

I also like how Song Ci is not some maiden MC. He fights when needed. He kills when needed. He shows mercy most of the time.

Sometimes he's kind and sometimes he's not. He spats some encouraging lines then the next moment, he forgets all about those words he just uttered then life goes on. <<less
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Smtha rated it
June 19, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel gives me some Heaven‘s officials Blessing vibes. The story quite good. But there are alot of time skip and some pages seem abit confusing for me. Anyway the translation is good and the story is good too. There are alot of side cps and according to the author those side cps have their own novels too. Its a good read. Tq
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Aila rated it
June 19, 2020
Status: Completed
This is not the BEST novel out there, mind you. Not even one of the best. But I absolutely enjoyed this story, and that's all that matters for me.
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hiro14 rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: Completed
It's a pretty good novel to read. But I think I can say it's not a light read and fluffy like some people say. I rated it as four because there are some stuff that's pretty confusing and it has loose ends too.

The note of the translator in the last extra said that there's a related novel that tell some more of their story too. I wished the author just put all of it in here. They didn't have any fluffy story after they got together for real. And there's... more>> only that one steamy scene in the last extra.


I just brushed through some of the details because it's pretty lengthy. I feel like there was no change in the current time period too after changing the past, which doesn't make sense. Usually, a small disturbance in the past can cause a ripple effect, what's more what MC did was a big change.

After MC knew his feelings too, he suddenly became too lascivious in that one chapter, which is pretty weird. I think there are weird times when MC and ML are out-of-character too.


Just for the readers, it's genre is yaoi and not shounen, lol. It's not really that much of R-18 until the last extra when it was really that. I don't think french kissing are R-18, lmao.

Still pretty a good read. Just wished it didn't have loose ends (which will be corrected in another novel) and have more MC and ML interactions after they got together. <<less
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