F**k-Pect Buddy


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Seo Hyunsoo is sure of one thing: people are scum and they will always disappoint you.

Sure enough, at his very first company dinner after his transfer to a new department, he finds his coworker, the obnoxiously upbeat Baek Youngchan, performing an unsavory deed in the men’s bathroom.

As much as Hyunsoo would like to avoid Youngchan from that point on, Youngchan seems intent on not letting him out of his sight…

Will Hyunsoo be able to evade the encroaching chaos of his new work neighbor? Or will these two clashing coworkers find that opposites really do attract?

Associated Names
One entry per line
F**kpect Buddy
Perfect Buddy
XXX Buddy
퍼펙트 버디
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