Fallen Monarch


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The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable.

Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow.

Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him?

Associated Names
One entry per line
타락의 군주
Related Series
The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich (2)
Apocalypse Hunter (1)
The King of the Battlefield (1)
The Overlord of Blood and Iron (1)
Dungeon Defense (1)
Holy Emperor’s Grandson is a Necromancer (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Priests & priestesses | Sacerdotes & sacerdotisas
  2. junk food part 2
  3. Emotionless or Ruthless MC
  4. Senna's List (2)
  5. Korean Action Novels COMPLETE!!!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/06/20 Meteor Strike Media c41
03/02/20 Meteor Strike Media c40
03/02/20 Meteor Strike Media c39
02/28/20 Meteor Strike Media c38
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02/25/20 Meteor Strike Media c36
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17 Reviews sorted by

moneng85 rated it
April 8, 2020
Status: --
For those who rate this 1*, it is understandable.

For the prolouge of the series is 21 chapters, and unbearable as MC is suffering and helpless, but from his own action.

for those that cant stand reading even 10 chapters of this can just skip to the 17th chapter and enjoy afterwards.

this is a small summary for those that want to skip the first 17 unbearable bland chapters

... more>>

-MC used to be a hero, but a s*ave before hand

-Found a corpse of a ancient 'devil' below his church

-spend time after hero into a monk, raising an orphanage

-his old comrade, the pope went into path of corruption, detest the MC and will kill innocents only because it displease him

-pope have been giving MC poison and narcotics though third party for years

-MC caught and tortured

-MC saved by another old comrade knight, but when going home found the orphanage lifeless and all lives killed

-curses the pope and cant heal the church's sister

-went to the ancient devil, wants to destroy the world but remember the sister's dream, to make the world a better place,

-so went forth his power of death and holliness

-next part will be the rampage moment and start of the story

so far those the important things, f*ck the pope, f*ck the prince and also MC is kinda dumb, probably because he was a s*ave (no education, no sense of identity, no sense of purpose or goal until this 17th chapter)


i do suggest reading chapter 17 - 21 for the prolouge though <<less
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TheJudge rated it
November 9, 2019
Status: c15
I really want to like this novel, but after reading the few latest chapters it's difficult for me to do so with such a ignorant MC. The writer tried to cram too much in the start and it became an utter mess; remember the MC is not some kid, he's at least over 35 years old.

... more>>

From the start we learn that the MC is surrounded by desperate, poor, greedy, and corrupt people that are willing to do anything for money, however you can't fully blame them as the "holy church" takes 50% to 70% tax from the people (the novel states 40% standard, but we later find out that is only on paper, and because of war it changes to 60%). There are very few people around him with the exception of the kids and maybe a nun or two that aren't scheming behind the MC's back (yet?). They all suck up to him because he's the almighty hero that defeated the demon king, but laugh at him behind his back and how s*upid, blind and ignorant he is.

Thoma has a special skill that allows him to know if others are lying (based on color) that I don't believe anyone knows about or very few that knows, however despite knowing that others are lying, deceiving him he chooses to ignore the matter and let them off with a "don't do it again speech". On another chapter, Thoma is given fake/dangerous medicine by a person whom Thoma sees as a father figure and even though he knew for a fact he's being lied to, he choose to accept the medicine and even give them out for others to use.


For a "hero" and a person with 40-50 years of knowledge he sure acts like a idiot. He is blinded by his hardcore belief that the church is good and the so called "demons" are out to destroy all of mankind. The writer tries to come up with all these reasons that will cause Thoma to snap and join the dark side but enough is enough, I'd find them believable if the MC is some gullible 12 year old kid, but for a hero and a man well past his prime is just s*upid and unbelievable. We all know at some point, probably when he loses all the people that he loves he'll become the demon king/lord.

Went from a 4 to a 2 from me afterwards.

Edit: More betrayal by those around the MC, the more I read this the more annoyed I get. I have put this novel on hold as the novel hasn't gotten any better. May come back to read it later in the future or not; when more chapters are out.

I mean at this point, it's pretty damn easy to figure out how this story will end, MC will become a demon lord/king to purge the world of its greed/evil by the holy church after being betrayed by those hes served and help and having those that hes loved slaughtered. <<less
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HankyPanky2.0 rated it
February 1, 2020
Status: c26
Makes me sad to see this novel reviewed so poorly by some people that couldn't even read past the prologue to the actual story.

It's not my job to argue against reviews I disagree with here, but I will say that this novel is not as straightforward and predictable as some reviews make it out to be. There are twists that you won't see coming, and when they happen you'll be left wishing for more chapters.

The side characters and our MC are fleshed out pretty well and feel like real people.... more>> I actually like how the MC isn't a perfect infallible person; he still makes mistakes, and is still subject to a worldview and belief system he's had his entire life. The MC isn't stagnant and continues to learn and change as a person, especially when his beliefs are challenged by events in the story.

While I can understand people looking at the surface level and coming to the conclusion that rich people = bad, this is not the case. It's not them being rich that made them evil, but their lack of morals and evil natures which made them rich. While this distinction my seem unimportant to some, it falls in line with perhaps the story's biggest motif: absolute power corrupts absolutely. This may not be the most original message, but it's certainly included in an enjoyable way within the story.

All in all I really like this novel. It reminds me of a western fantasy novel more than a translation of a Korean novel, and it's a good read. <<less
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sukets rated it
November 18, 2019
Status: --
8 chapters in and I can already see where this novel is going in the near future, and it is going towards the worst of korean novel cliches.

This kinda reeks of those revenge chuunibyou japanese novels, only with a korean twist at it, and better character writing because of it (not as much as other korean novels tho). If these novels interest you, check this out.

For every other person I can't recommend this, as how prepotent this plot is. It features: betrayal, rich people are evil, characters that are in... more>> the plot just so that they can die so that MC goes into despair. This may sound like a spoiler, but it really isn't, because although I didn't read it happening yet, in chapter 2-3 the flag was planted. <<less
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INeedAHiiro rated it
November 8, 2019
Status: c12
Oh my god is this series good. It takes every plot hole known to traditional fantasy and isekai and fills it in, making me want to learn Korean to keep reading.

The world takes a few chapters to get fully grounded, but after the events snowball into one another as things quickly spiral out of control, but in a predictable way if you read very carefully. You can tell the author put a lot of thought into the series, and I'm excited to see where it goes!
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JNhanSmile rated it
November 4, 2019
Status: c4
Very interesting on how the author decided to start this novel.

Starts off slow but I can definitely see the author cares a lot about background and world building.

Very excited for this novel and will update my review when there are more chapters.
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neritai rated it
March 28, 2020
Status: c50
Not like most novels on here - what would be a five page prologue for most Korean/Chinese/Japanese webnovels takes a solid twenty chapters, and the characters introduced don't just get thrown away. Ellie/n are adorable.

I guess it's worth reading if you like books, but it's not really like most webnovels so far.
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BenEZzHere rated it
December 4, 2020
Status: c147
At first I was piss of how the portrayal of the MC to be innocent his not dumb to not know that other hate or disgust about him but him having a big heart is the reason he decided to risk his life to be a hero even when all kingdom rejected him and not help him these could have gone like MC get powerup from the ruins and he kills the pope no the MC bid his time to think of a grand plan to make the demon folks... more>> be the new savior instead of the holy kingdom since it being degraded by the pope for turning crazy and having a one sided love for that mage female wizard companion they have before so it really good story MC human his not perfect but he learn the get go and improve <<less
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Scar21 rated it
June 3, 2022
Status: c161
While I kinda understand why some people might not like this, I think it's a pretty good story.

In the first 20 or so chapters, you feel frustrated and pissed at the MC, but having read the novel to the end, I felt the first few chapters to be necessary.

Also, you might see a lot of plot holes in the story, but as you keep reading, the character motivations and certain plot points make a lot more sense.

Overall, I like it a lot. I'd give it a solid 4/5 but after... more>> looking at the number of 1/5s, I decided to give it a 5 anyway.

Well, if the story after ch 22 or so is remotely interesting to you, please keep reading. It definitely only goes uphill from there. <<less
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miscreant rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: Completed
The start is pretty grim and after 20 or so chapters the prologue is over and it gets to the revenge part of the story that is a bit better. However I don't think the rest of the story is good enough to justify getting past the start of it.

The main problem is that a lot of the plot feels forced and the characters don't really have much justification for their actions. There is also a serious lack of character development where for example... more>>

The main character Thoma goes under an alias of "Tom" and meets his past companions/acquaintances. Despite looking the same as his past self, having the same personality and acting in the same way with the same methods/mindset he tries to hide his identity from them that causes his friends some distress. The worst part is that he's hiding his identity for no reason whatsoever.

The main antagonist the pope Salem spends all his time drugged up while having s*x with women that he then subsequently kills. Considering he acts like King Joffrey turned up to 11 it's literally divine intervention he ruled the continent for a further 30 years after MC began his revenge somehow thwarting all plots against him in his drug induced haze.


The other problem with the story is that I think the author basically withheld too many plot details so he could have a grand reveal in the finale. This means that for about 2/3 of the novel you're left with a gaping plot hole that author decides to plug in the second last chapter. To give an analogy it's like having a vampire MC who raises a beloved kitten and watches it get mauled to death in broad daylight by a pack of dogs. MC watches on with no explanation. It's only at the end they reveal MC was a vampire and couldn't walk into the sun so was helpless to rescue the kitten. If you want the major spoiler

MC basically becomes the incarnation of the creator god and has a grudge against the main antagonist that maimed him and destroyed everything he held dear. Despite being a one man army who can easily kill the antagonist instead he leaves him to his own devices for 30 years to do as he pleases while MC engages in a kingdom building arc. At the end MC reveals that his role was to destroy the world and then sacrifice himself so it can be built anew but instead he uses his enemy to destroy the world and become the sacrifice. He can literally become omnipotent by dying and getting resurrected while overflowing with divine might but any cost he pays is kind of brushed over and at the author's convenience. He also seems to get weaker for no apparent reason until author kills him off again so whole divinity gimmick isn't really well explained.


I think the problem with this novel is that it feels like author had a check list of everything you need for a revenge novel and put them all together without making sure they linked up properly. However once he did score off a check point he didn't really go into further depth so it feels like novel glosses over everything. While not absolutely awful I think there are much better novels out there so wouldn't recommend this one unless you've already read everything else. <<less
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Belkar rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: c161
A great story, with an awesome ending and a feel-good epilogue. For me it's right up there with "The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich". Such deep characters and a well developed world with plenty of political intrigue. It doesn't start at a fast pace with big explosions and curse of vengeance like has become the trend. But once the action starts you'll be at the edge of your seat the whole time.
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Stompound rated it
January 13, 2020
Status: c19
It starts off a bit slow IMO. But the plot seems excellent so far and it ramps up excellently. Looking forward to more.
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March 25, 2021
Status: Completed
the development of the main character is well done and the antagonist has reasons to be hostile to MC. I recommend this, and someone who gave it 1 star read it to the end and you will see what I mean
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fangyuan rated it
March 8, 2021
Status: Completed
A nice Korean novel to read and I was contemplating whether to give it a 4 or 5 star rating. The backstory-prologue of the novel is rather lengthy as it took about 21 chapters (17+4) and I think this part was the one that landed this novel the 1 star ratings. Personally, while I disagree with the rating, I could understand the harsh treatment as that arc was, in my opinion, the bleakest arc in the story. Aside from that arc, I find the novel has a good balance of... more>> comedy and action. The supporting characters are also very interesting and the ending was not bad. What disappointed me about the novel is the buildup towards the final arc. To be honest, it felt rather flat and

the primary antagonist was disappointing

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Novice Warrior
Novice Warrior rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: Completed
truly a great novel, the first 20 chapters are hard to sit through as they truly make you rage and infuriated but the rest of the story makes it well worth it

despite the hero being overwhelmingly more powerful than anything else in the story there is always the thrill that every action story should have. In terms of romance there was pretty much nothing, there was a lot of ppl in love with each other but there was no form of romance in the story as most of it was... more>> one sided or didn't end up being a thing.

i loved it, it was truly great

beware of the first 20 chapters tho, its not just to the point of you know whats coming so you can brace for it, they WILL piss you off, so keep fragile stuff away if you have anger management issues <<less
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Mighty Action X
Mighty Action X
April 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I read it and though it is different and tackle some nice storytelling, my main concern is the main villain. He was present way too early.

It is for this reason why I prefer stories and novels with arcs where newer and stronger villains are introduced or the higher villains remained hidden in the background for the earlier and mid parts of the story. Because if the sadictic, delusional main villain is introduced in the first 10 chapters of a hundred and half chapters long novel, there's the huge tendency of... more>> them overstaying their welcome.

It's frustrating for the reader and high chance they quit it altogether. I experience the same with Kuro no Maou. What the in world was that story, the author keeps screwing up his own MC and is even attempting to make his readers connect with the sadistic, racist antagonists of the novel. <<less
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BooklessBookworm rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: c161
This is absolutely amazing, from the plot to the settings and the characters. I love every part of it. If you actually rate this under 3 stars, then you most likely didn't even read past the beginning, which is a big mistake. The antagonist seems likely to be the cliche fool but he isn't, the female lead isn't some saint nor succubus, and even the side characters are so likable that you can't help but remember them even if they were included 50 chapters ago. My heart ached near the... more>> ending, as, nobody likes to see the end of a story, but it was absolutely delightful. I would definitely recommend it and I'd put it as a favorite too. <<less
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