Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World


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Lived for the sword, died for the sword.

There’s no regret in his lifetime一一 only one thing, but only admiration remained.

One day Souma recovers his memory from the previous life, but also on the same day he was branded as an incompetent person.

Denied by what he longs for …. However for Souma , it has nothing to do with him.

一一I want to use magic.

Ancient ruins, underground labyrinths, demon’s territory, forest of witch.

If you hear something about magic, you head there without hesitation, this is the story of such a boy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Surrendered My Sword for a New Life as a Mage (LN)
Moto Saikyou no Kenshi wa, Isekai Mahou ni Akogareru
Related Series
The Lazy Swordmaster (2)
Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei (1)
We Live in Dragon’s Peak (1)
Previous Life was Sword Emperor. This Life is Trash Prince. (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. On Hold
  2. Isekai/Fantasy List #1
  3. Japanese LN
  4. Easy Going (The Quickening)
  5. Laid back rom

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/26/19 Bayabusco Translation c151
08/25/19 Bayabusco Translation c150
08/23/19 Bayabusco Translation c149
08/22/19 Bayabusco Translation c148
08/21/19 Bayabusco Translation c147
08/19/19 Bayabusco Translation c146
08/18/19 Bayabusco Translation c145
08/16/19 Bayabusco Translation c144
08/13/19 Bayabusco Translation c143
08/04/19 Bayabusco Translation c142
08/02/19 Bayabusco Translation c141
07/26/19 Bayabusco Translation c140
07/21/19 Bayabusco Translation c139
07/20/19 Bayabusco Translation c138
07/17/19 Bayabusco Translation c137
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40 Reviews sorted by

AKay rated it
March 16, 2019
Status: c25
The 2 stars are for the potential I felt from the description and prologue.

But later I started losing interest when the story went off logic just for forcing the plot. I have read enough isekai so I know the trope of disowing someone but the one in this story is just plain bs.

... more>>

First of all the kid is 6 years old who they thought was a genius but later they found out he have no skills so they started ignoring him. His parents didnt talk to him for more than a year. What kind of parents does that!? Its still fine to show them as bad parents who care about their traditions and stuff more than their children. But the kid is like 'cool I understand why they are ignoring me and I dont mind one bit'


The disowning plot execution is f*cked up. And pacing is super slow. The MC only cares about learning magic but still have no progress even in feeling mana and I read till ch25. Thats how slow it is.

And as others said, writing style is bad... Too bad.. too many words to convey very little. Some lines felt like repeats. Skill names are more like sentences. Skill system is very weird. Says you cant dodge somone whose skill type is above yours. Also says there have been instances of people with no skill defeating people with skills. If they cant even dodge, how do they win duels?

P.S. I dropped the novel. <<less
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kikikemi rated it
January 31, 2018
Status: c10
This is bad. The writing is such a mess that I don't understand whats going half the time. There's so many words but not enough of them make sense. Then we're jumping around in time without being told and getting confused. It almost reads like a badly translated novel, but the translator is actually pretty decent. I wanted to stick through a few more chapters but I'm literally falling asleep as I read because I'm just skimming through several sentences that say something that could've been told in one.
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TheGibber rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: c143
Finally gave up on this. Initially seems like a pretty decent power fantasy flick, however, some major issues really prevent one from enjoying this:
1. No progress
the main character jumps around from setting to setting trying to achieve magic, but there is no progress, or rather any reward in any of his adventures except maybe the first one, that sees his status changed. He just comes, fixes an issue that requires cutting a big bad baddie, finds out it's a dead end in regards to obtaining magic, leaves again. There is some hint of an overaching story line but it is so faint you forget about it.

2. What is magic?

MC wants magic, but only has sword techniques. Problem is, these sword techniques can do just about anything and is thus kind of indistinguishable from magic that leads you to question just what the MC wants to be able to do before we can quantify that as magic

3. So many things make no sense

Multiple times over the story, I have questioned the motivations of the characters, the world logic, the attitude of certain people in certain situations with a big fat "Why?" because they simply lack sense.
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dimikb rated it
May 1, 2019
Status: --
The writing style makes me believe that author is either total diletant or middle schooler. It is a good example of how illiteracy of an author can ruin a fine idea. If you can't read a text full of linguistic mistakes with peace of mind you should just turn around and go away because this whole novel is just one big linguistic mistake.
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posinw rated it
February 9, 2018
Status: c8
This is hard to review.

I mean this story’s potential seems promising it’s character and their interaction is not bad. I just start reading but I kind of get a vibe like i’m reading Mushoku Tensei (just the feel of it not it’s greatness) which is masterpiece of isekai genre. (I really recommend that one)

however, it’s really hard to read. I don’t know if it’s the author’s strange writing or translater weird choice of wording (i guess it’s the former since his World Teacher look fine for me) There’s one... more>> chapter that I read and it just kind of go over my head. It’s really weird. It’s like when you want to form a sentence and you just pick some word like “I”, “go”, “school” then decide to put whatever you like between those words. Yes, you could read it and you know what they want to convey but it’s so annoying I want to cry. <<less
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The Prodigal King
The Prodigal King rated it
August 23, 2019
Status: c53
I came here right after reading the manga the story was good so I thought I would continue with WN but damn it took 3+ chapters per one manga chapter and soon I understood why.... There are three things I'd like to say...

1. I have no complains on the story but the progression is exhausting...

2. This is the first "unreliable narrator" tag novel that I've read but I never thought that he would be Genos incarnate from opm

3. Usually the LN is supposed to give a better view of the... more>> manga version of the story but here it's the reverse the WN is vague at many points whereas the manga is so much better, a shame that it's not caught up to the WN as expected....

So I will endeavour to read this till the end.... If you want to give this a try keep all of this in mind before you dive in.. <<less
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rassion rated it
November 24, 2018
Status: c47
The translation is fine in the (clean) versions; the (self-edited) are a 8 or 9 out of 10.

TL;DR: Content is acceptable but the execution of the writing style is a nightmare. POVs are randomly switched; and world building via 'outside' conversations come seemingly out of nowhere and are just thrown in you face.

The translator has state they modified the story to take out redundant wording, and from what I had read there was a good flow so there seems to be no issues with that, you could even say it... more>> is needed when something is translated into English.

Overall the characters and the plot are above average, or at least they appear to be. Things get stated and then explained. It felt like all the points were presented then spoon fed to you, I could even see how that would appeal to some people. The main hang up for myself is: The transitions just out right suck. Different chapters can turn into a nightmare; you read the first few lines and are just left sitting there like 'did I miss a chapter?'. There is no segway, no introduction - just a brand new conversation in a different place with basically zero context.

I personally found this hard to read and I usually follow stories with no issues, even when comments are littered with comments emphasising how hard it was to do so. <<less
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Scent of Magnolia
Scent of Magnolia rated it
December 8, 2018
Status: c6

The world renowned strongest swordsman managed to beat the Dragon God in exchange for his life. In exchange for beating him, the dragon sees him worthy of a wish.


Wow that's pretty interesting. The wish part felt forced though but that's irrelevant already cause it's just a reason he reincarnated. Right?


He has no parents, friends, lovers. Anyone related basically.


Damn, that's so sad.


In his new life, he has a family. He got shunned (subtly) after his family found he has no (more) potential for growth. He shrugs it off like nothing happened cuz he was "interested" in magic.


Wow that's unrealistic.

Those are my thoughts 6 chapters in. The MC has no character other than being interested in magic and being real good with the sword.

The writing style is as the other reviews (and comments in the site) say: horrible. This novel isn't meant to read, it's meant to be skimmed through. You won't miss anything other than our MC's muscle pains or something.

It's a pretty nice time killer though, so 2/5.

Edit: As of c28, I'm smelling some plot! But it's still bad for grammar freaks, so much pointless conversations and things.

The author is really terrible at foreshadowing too, if that's what it's called.
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Natsuyuuki rated it
March 7, 2018
Status: --
I think this novel was good and have few good points and interesting in few ways. Like,

  • The MC even though didn't have a skill and talent. He only had his memories from his past life before reborn.
  • The MC's past life was strongest swordsman, but he was not act arrogant or tell his parents about his hidden power. Also he dislike bully weak people.
  • His parents (especially his mother) not pay attention since they were know about their son who not have any skill and talents. But actually the mother knows about his son who had no common sense.
  • Well, The MC have no common sense and so stubborn want to learn magic.
  • And last, he is strong, maybe the strongest swordsman even after his reincarnation. But the MC who didn't have common sense and stubborn in few ways, also observant and know more than his actually age. From outsider point view, he was not strong look like any child on the street, but for people who know him, he had power that out-of-common-sense.
Well, I dunno what happen later, but I think he would ending with harem. I hope not.
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February 2, 2018
Status: --
basically, another Tatsuya but with emotion. And another sis-con soon to be ? The story is a mess. Author wrote it with the assumption that the reader is saint, and able to understand everything. Thus he keep making the story go round with the assumption that the author will understand without making anything clear, causing it hard to follow. At some point you actually lost what is going on in the story.
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Sherrynity rated it
January 16, 2018
Status: c30
So slow-paced.....

No, don't be fooled by the long chapter. What those reviewers wrote were right; the author tends to repeat the same topic over and over and over again.....

(... but as a CN novel reader, I'm already accustomed to it so it doesn't bother me)

The novel itself is OK. If you've read The Lazy Swordmaster, you might found some similarities between both MC. The difference is, this MC here is too nonchalant about his situation yet he has a clear goal since the beginning; to learn... more>> magic (though he often spent more of his time to teach swordmanship to his genius little sister)

... it's hard to say whether you might like MC's personality or not. Personally, I like his attitude. I can see some foreshadowing about the political state of his household, the mankind situation, and his future choices, but I really can't conclude it clearly for sure... for now. <<less
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TypeFantasyHeart rated it
November 7, 2017
Status: c25
The novel seems to be promising, the MC starts with the memories of his past life and can properly display his old abilities as when he had the title of sword god but be injured due to having a body with no training in that matter.

The most important thing is that he didnt got any skill based on what its shown in his status plate but it seems to be the other way around and he can likely learn any skill with effort. So its likely his parents will be... more>> at the point of commit su*cide of regret for putting aside MC since the moment they found out that his status is misleading into making them think that the MC dosnt have any skill they stopped caring about him and the doting parents turned into strangers in that very same day, even worse they try to make his younger sister hate him and use him as a bad example but this later on turns against them since the sister end up admiring her brother <<less
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penshit2000 rated it
November 4, 2017
Status: c10
I must agree with fluff, however I must add an addendum, and it's that the writer seems to have tangent like moment, where he trails off and states the same thing like 5 times in 3 paragraphs, so it can be slightly irritating!

overall, the short chapters make this an easy read, and fairly easy to get into, the world building is slow as the protagonist is still learning where he is in the world, I give this a good review in high hopes for the future
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sensej rated it
January 5, 2023
Status: c40
It is one of the most confusing novels I was reading. Decided to stop because it’s hard to understand what is happening. Who speaks to who, what ppl look like or actually any description of anything. It’s like reading random dialogues between people. No plot so far, no exciting things at all. Good premise but going limp due to the style and chaotic nature.
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asianMekai rated it
February 11, 2022
Status: --
Pretty bad to be honest. Almost unreadable. The flow of the story is so bad with random time skip and not explaining certain actions properly. It's just so confusing reading this. I had to read the manga version of this novel to even start understanding what's happening. I don't know whether it's the translation or it's the author, but I will have to regrettably drop this novel.
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tempetahu0 rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: c65
it's a jumbled mess, sure it's story pretty interesting, and likeable MC

but in every chapters there's always useless exposition text or something that doesn't make any senses at all it's almost like a CN novel where they need those words count.

... more>>

suddenly author decided to give his parents "reasons" for what they did, and it's still doesn't change anything they're still a bunch of egoistic as*hole, maybe author hope for reader to sympathize with them but god no, forsake their own son for "country" bullsh*t it's just for their own reputation and "noble" lineage shit, bunch of monsters wearing human skin, they're lucky MC is an old legend he's already wise enough to "accept" it.


TLDR if you can't read all mumbled jumbled nonsense text, just read the manga. <<less
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KhayDesu rated it
March 22, 2021
Status: v1 epilouge
So I've read the LN so I decided to look at the Wn and unsurprisingly I see a low rating, well its not really surprising for a wn here to be rated 3-4 stars as it is just basically a draft for the story itself and things always improve for the LN (cuz you have your editors, proofreaders etc.)

But damn. It hasn't changed all that much its still kinda a jumbled mess, sure the author fixed some of its vagueness in the wn but the one thing I find... more>> unbearable is the nonsensical way if putting magic/ skills like

Sword Theory. God Slayer. Dragon Slayer. The Dragon’s Divine Protection. Assured Slash. Ability of Discernment: Individual Style. Copycat. Iron-Cutting Sword.

what the hell. This is absolutely horrible I can't make heads or tails on what the other stuff is for like I get some of it but can't you simply put the skill you'll be using rather than adding some nonsensical stuff? Honestly it raised a lot of flags for me but I pushed through and I found an another issue which is no one seems to suspect him doing all sorts of crazy stuff despite being so called 'skilless' well his teacher is a bit suspicious but man couldn't they have tried a but harder? Make an effort to investigate or something but everyone just accepts that just how it is.

Overall its pretty good on my part i've read mind numbingly chinese novels which span for atleaset 2000+ ch and this seems childs play in comparison.

Oh I do have to point out a review that I 've read which is quite frankly made by a pe*o or somethin that 'Kuro Alicia' complains on the story not having Romance despite having the tag, what a buffoon I mean they're kids!!! 7 years old at best! Hormones haven't kicked it yet and despite the MC having been reincarnated well he doesn't know a thing a about romance (ehich he clearly stated) and what are you going on about not them having s*x?! Are you s*upid? I'll say it again THEY'RE KIDS!!! My god if you're that h**ny then go find some r18 novels. I can't believe the first reviee I got to see is yours <<less
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thgilkcalb rated it
July 27, 2019
Status: --
I give this 3.5

While most of the comment here are true, this novel's definitely not that bad [3.1]

It's a "Unreliable Narrator" novel anyway, while it did repeat a hell lot, the chapter is long, it will be fine if you skip-reading it, or eventually,... more>> just read the manga, it's automatically shorten [and worth 4 stars]

PS: While this's 3.1, it's better than all? While this's 3.5, it's still better than most, only worse than a very few. That's why I give this 3.5 <<less
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digitalzombie rated it
July 22, 2019
Status: c96
I like the story.

The style isn't for everyone but I really love the interactions between Soma, Lina, Aina, etc.. And the dialog.

It's an interesting dynamic even if it can be somewhat one sided.

It's pretty light and enjoyable to pass the time. I don't think the novel is very detailed or has deep depth to it.
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artha.pendora rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: c36
The story for me is interesting, but it is frustrating to read. There are so many confusing elements. E.g. The MC is considered as tr*sh by his surroundings. The mother, I don't know if she loves the MC or abandoned him. Even though she felt guilty, she taught her daughter, the MC's imouto, that the MC does not exist, that she must not interact with the MC anymore. There is also the no explaination of the skills in that world. I'm confused which skill is better and also the long... more>> naming of the skills is really annoying for me. Still, the story, even if slow-paced, the story is interesting. <<less
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