Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World


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Lived for the sword, died for the sword.

There’s no regret in his lifetime一一 only one thing, but only admiration remained.

One day Souma recovers his memory from the previous life, but also on the same day he was branded as an incompetent person.

Denied by what he longs for …. However for Souma , it has nothing to do with him.

一一I want to use magic.

Ancient ruins, underground labyrinths, demon’s territory, forest of witch.

If you hear something about magic, you head there without hesitation, this is the story of such a boy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Surrendered My Sword for a New Life as a Mage (LN)
Moto Saikyou no Kenshi wa, Isekai Mahou ni Akogareru
Related Series
The Lazy Swordmaster (2)
Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei (1)
We Live in Dragon’s Peak (1)
Previous Life was Sword Emperor. This Life is Trash Prince. (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. On Hold
  2. Isekai/Fantasy List #1
  3. Japanese LN
  4. Easy Going (The Quickening)
  5. Laid back rom

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/25/18 Bayabusco Translation c36
01/21/18 Bayabusco Translation c35
01/20/18 Bayabusco Translation c34
01/17/18 Bayabusco Translation c33
01/16/18 Bayabusco Translation c32 part2
01/16/18 Bayabusco Translation c32
01/15/18 Bayabusco Translation c31
01/11/18 Bayabusco Translation c30
01/09/18 Bayabusco Translation c29
01/08/18 Bayabusco Translation c28
01/04/18 Bayabusco Translation c27
01/01/18 Bayabusco Translation c26
12/28/17 Bayabusco Translation c25
12/25/17 Bayabusco Translation c24
12/22/17 Bayabusco Translation c23
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40 Reviews sorted by

KuroTian rated it
November 14, 2017
Status: --
A little frustrating.

Short chapters but story is 60% useless talking/info/explanation/narration/interna monologue that you just skim through (heck with those pointless pov from side characters that does have some with plot progession and repeating the same thing for 3-5times) 20% talking (that involves main cast) 10% info/explanation (that matters) 5% story progression 2% good stuffs 1.5% action 1%romance.5% charac dev
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Bakaleaf rated it
November 6, 2017
Status: c11
It's annoying as hell reading this novel

It goes like this character A B and C in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 POV of B, Chapter 3 POV A and so on.

There is no sense on skill magic or whatever it's like I got this skill and I am amazing, kind of writing. The MC is annoying as you don't know if he is just being passive or seriously has no care. The surrounding characters are rather dull. I mean the MC mother took a whole chapter of POV and was left... more>> just like that. The relationship in this novel is rather miss up. Who in the right mind would isolate a child of 6 yrs old? And it was like I want you to be an amazing MC so let's make your life as tragic as possible kind of feeling.

And MC was like I am very OP and yet I want to lay low so people won't notice me cliche again. MC should be an expert but keeps on making childish and beginners mistakes so I was like what's the point of reincarnation again?To many repetitive thoughts the redundancy on each chapters are annoying.

Well it is a rather good novel if you can just stand the annoying random POV's and the popping of skills out of nowhere (The norm is you get skills from level up or learn it) this novel was like I got an amazing skill with out explanation.

I only give 1 star (.5 if it was possible) since like I said this novel annoy me like hell and that is just my own POV and has no intention to attack the translator and especially the author. I mean they are the most amazing people in this world lol <<less
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sgrey rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c49
This is honestly one of the worst novels I have ever read. First of all, the title says "longs for magic" and this is exactly what is happening so far. He cannot use magic after reincarnation because he does not comprehend it. After 50 chapters he is still not even close to using magic.

Overall for the first 30 chapters, there is absolutely nothing that happens. The content of the 30 chapters can be moved in 3-4 chapters without any problems. There are two!! Full chapters that describe how MC has... more>> muscle soreness. WTF!? Muscle soreness got more character development and time than his little sister!

The dialog and inner thoughts are broken for everyone. There are almost no sentences in this novel that make sense. Almost everything is incoherent and is hard to read. They are just mumblings without completing the sentences and using abstract words in order to confuse the reader. Characters always say things like "do this", "go there", "I know what to do, I will do that". This kind of dialog is just plain s*upid. A good example of how this novel is vague on purpose is the skill MC gets. It is so obscure that no one understands it, even MC himself! That skill causes MC to be disinherited in the most ridiculous way.

After 30 chapters there is finally an event that happens, but it is so boringly described and ends so abruptly, even though it lasts for several chapters, it is just dumb. The whole event that lasts about six chapters can fit in a sentence: MC found the fortress with bad guys, went in and killed them all. Really, almost nothing is described. How many people were there, what did he do overall. It is just classical damsel in distress rescue at the last second. There is not even a battle with the main baddy there that is worth mentioning.

MC in this novel gives me the impression of a lobotomized emotionless robot. He does not have likes or dislikes, he goes every day to work out for a while and then listens to the incoherent mumblings of his sensei. He mostly throws one-liners and doesn't really talk much. He doesn't care what happens to him at all. When anything happens, he just goes with it saying "oh well, what happens - happens, such is life". By this time, I actually want MC to be his little sister or the demon girl he meets. At least they have stuff going on and have emotions!

It is extremely poorly written novel! Bad translation doesn't help too. I give two stars because I like the premise, but reading this novel can give you a brain aneurysm, so be careful. <<less
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Centrophy rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: c29 part2
A very frustrating read. The author writes like he's trying to meet the minimum word count in a high school report. It's not the TL's fault. The author will repeat themselves constantly except while most authors do this for emphasis it seems like this author is just babbling. There were chapters where no plot progression is done and could have been replaced by two sentences. The protagonist is a boring god reincarnated into a different world and mostly seems detached from everything except his dream of learning magic. Filial ties,... more>> friendships, etc. Seem like burdens to him and since the protagonist doesn't care then I don't care. The supporting characters aren't any better.

I have a very simple mantra in my life, "don't waste my time." It seems like this novel is a huge waste of time. Read something else. <<less
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PersonaJXT rated it
March 6, 2018
Status: --
tl;dr Pretty nonsensical story made worse by a horrid translation. Not recommended at all.

The premise itself starts off fine, with an incredibly powerful swordsman reincarnating into another world because of his wish to learn magic. The first sign something is wrong with the writing is with the blatant idiot ball holding in the third chapter.

"Oh no, my beloved and very talented son has this Skill that literally has the word God in it that I don't know the meaning of. Because I don't know what the Skill means, I'm going... more>> to say it's meaningless and I'm going to tell him he has no Skills. And because I'm going to pretend he has no Skill for some silly reason, I'm going to have to disinherit him because even though he's been insanely talented up until this point and outperforms people with Skills, as a noble family we can't afford to have untalented heirs so I'm sadly going to have to make him leave and pretend he never existed!"

Because seriously, wtf. The logic jump there is just plain silly, and it's hard to take the story seriously after that.

To be fair, the story does get better afterwards. The author very clearly cared very little for the beginning aside from setting up the premise and was more interested in writing about how his character is OP despite being the underdog somehow. And in that regard, it's not any worse than your typical isekai ore TSUEE type story. The writing has a tendency to loop on itself, seemingly just to pad the chapters, and things are fairly stereotypical in terms of plot advancement, but I wouldn't call it bad. I just wouldn't call it good, either. Look elsewhere if you want something new and interesting. Heck, look elsewhere even if you're okay with stereotypical OP isekai MC's since this only decent at best and you can find many better stories very easily.

Why you really shouldn't read this though has to do with the translation quality. If you've read any of Bayabusco's other translations, then you can easily guess that the translation quality is really bad. Translation errors all over the place. Even if you can't read Japanese, you should easily be able to tell where a lot of the major translation errors are because all of the sudden the sentences go from crappy English to utterly nonsensical English. It's extremely clear that there's something very wrong in some sentences, and it's a testament to the quality of the translation that the translator just let it through without checking. I feel bad for the editors because they're putting in work to make things readable, but there's nothing they can do about plain incorrect translations. It's bad enough that I would say it would be easier to re-translate from scratch rather than try to fix all the mistakes. You'd be better off muddling your way through with a machine translation than trying to rely on this mess of a translation. <<less
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diggymon rated it
February 5, 2019
Status: c27
I don't know which is worse, the author's lack of writing talent, or the translator doing a poor job at translating. Probably both. It has been quite some time since I last felt so frustrated and utterly confused while reading a story (stories here should be an easy read, or am I wrong?). Here, instead, I sometimes read more than half of a chapter and don't have a clue what it was about. I'm amazed at how many words can be put together into sentences, yet manage to say nothing.... more>> I once read that a good author is someone capable of expressing their clear thoughts and ideas with fewer words.

This story's author doesn't write like that.

Well, I'm not going to comment any further. Read at your own peril. <<less
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SpinelesS rated it
December 25, 2018
Status: c43
Came from the manga (which I liked) and so I'm trying to muddle through.

It's pretty slow so far, and while it feels like it's been translated well (Don't ask me why It feels that way, it just does) a lot of the story is hard to follow and needs to be puzzled out like a poorly translated story...

EDIT: Chapter 36 and we have actually had some story progress, and the story seems to be getting better.

EDIT: and its back to verbose repetitiveness. At the last of the "cleaned" chapters and... more>> am a little afraid of starting with the "self edited" ones.

EDIT: chapter 43 and I give up. All the chapters could easily be written in a couple of sentences each. This works a little for the action scenes but for everything else it's just too frustrating to read, So I'm gonna drop this and stick with the Manga... <<less
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NoirErimos rated it
February 3, 2018
Status: c39
Think about the worst xianxia you ever read, the ones that the author is only interessed in reaching the word count per chapter without any progression, this novel makes that shakespeare in comparison, QUALITY CONTROL IS NULL! It's because of authors like these that isekai is considered absolute cancer!!! This author babbles more than a mentally impaired person after a seizure and that's is saying something alright.

I think he wants to be artsy, but it seems he just read the definition on a dictionary and that's it, he never tried... more>> to actually make this art! And mark my words, I'm pretty sure that this will get an anime, because quality control in animes nowadays is zero, and if even isekai smartphone got one, I dread the day this gets one too.

I praise babayusco for actually having to torture himself by reading the original, then chopping off most of the author babbling like he says he does when he posts new chapters, because I can't even imagine the eldritch abomination that is the original """""""writting"""""" the only peek we have right now of the true horrors of this novel is the ridiculous naming sense of the "skills" that take one paragraph each sometimes when they're cast. <<less
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stevedtat rated it
December 15, 2019
Status: c36
Honestly I liked it until chapter 38. The story progressed well and I kinda like it. However after that, it was way too confusing. It was like this:

MC gets shunned by his family because his soul is already God level (which they mistake as no talent because they're idiots)

MC meets girl

... more>> MC saves girl

Then let's just talk random about random people and about random places... but not describe where any of this is or what the people look like or even who they are. Then let's jump ahead 2 years and not describe how it even got to there. For instance, the MC leaves his house out of the blue to go on a journey, but automatically his sister just shows up or off the blue when she's supposed to be the one to take over his position?! But yet if the author says someone is there, we should just automatically know how it came about.

Then the author tries to tell a joke but completely robs it of any flavor because he goes on&on&on trying to explain why it's funny.

Kinda like "why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. You know it's a chicken... and a road... and it should be funny because the chicken came from a farm... and the farmer is an old man... and the old man had a wife... and the wife drives on the road. So the chicken crossed the road. " yeah let's ruin the story like that. <<less
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Kenpachi Zaraki
Kenpachi Zaraki rated it
April 29, 2018
Status: c47
This story, in my opinion, has a good concept and is all together, something good to read... APART from the fact that the novel is filled with useless and unneeded sentences that are literally repeating what was just said.

Example. (Not from the novel)

I was looking at her as if I were looking at a suspicious person

... more>> "You are looking at me with eyes that are looking at a suspicious person"

"Because you are acting suspicious, I am going to look at you with eyes that are looking at a suspicious person"


You get the picture... Though it is not to this extent, you will eventually start creating sentences in your mind such as this because of how annoying the novel gets.

AND the only time you actually get somewhere is when the...


Author decides that after 30-something god damn chapters that our M.C wants to go on a journey... Then says "and like that one year passed"


And that's it... you finally made it from point A to point... A part 2.

Then when you think it's finally over, we are suddenly greeted with a story of someone else, foreshadowing future events... Of some person looking at another with mu*derous intent to threaten them.

But of course we get a repeat saying that the threat did not work BLAH BLAH of course the threat did not work BLAH BLAH

Now you are slightly prepared to read repeating sentences after reading my comment, GOOD LUCK! <<less
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duderus rated it
September 29, 2018
Status: c80
The translation is just a bit better than machine translations. I have in the past gone through hundreds if not thousands of chapters of machine translations before; however, the fan translation for this series can be very confusing and frustrating to read. I have gotten some major headaches trying to figure out what it was I was reading.

ANYWAYS. On to the review... the MC is rather plain, he is an OP character who already surpasses the normal limits of humanity. However he is trapped inside that weak, frail and... more>> young body as he was reincarnated as a newborn baby and he is currently developing his body. On a quest to learn magic after being reincarnated into another world by the dragon god he had slain in his previous world, he travels the world in search of a method to wield magic... but honestly, the side characters are more interesting than the MC most of the times. And the world building is slow but mildly interesting. I quite like the MC's nonchalant attitude.

I would give this series a good rating but when every other sentence has broken english or half finished sentences I quickly lose interest and get a little frustrated. Mental exhaustion from having to go over every sentence one to three times over with some real time editing in my mind. <<less
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thegu rated it
April 27, 2018
Status: c10
It’s very tired to pass through each chapter. the story is good. plot has potential.

But each chapter have a lot of repeat sentences. It’s like in 1 chapter only 2-5% is about story progression then the rest is to repeat those 2-5% again and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian until it long enough to count as a chapter. Then follow by pov of people in those chapter with repeat meaning sentence agian... more>> and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian and agian until it look long enough then another pov... <<less
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montblanc512 rated it
August 28, 2018
Status: c12
Slightly more interesting in plot than the average isekai, mainly due to the main character not being weak willed or easily led by others. He's optimistic and intelligent. Which somewhat makes up for the otherwise dull premise.

What is far less forgive-able though is the writing. I do think a small part of it is the translation, in that the translator is being too faithful to the source to the point of ignoring English sentence structure. For example, there are a disproportionate number of sentences that start with an excessive clause... more>> or extra words that aren't needed in context. Like:

"In the first place, what Soma was doing everyday was not training."


"Therefore, for Soma, it was a custom."

Which don't seem horrible, until you read it and it's the bulk of the writing. It's a combination of the writer writing like he's trying to hit a word minimum, and a translator being afraid of changing the authors work to the point of sacrificing readability.

Ultimately, it's just difficult to read/parse on a line by line level. What's interesting though is that none of it is technically wrong, making it something of a great study in the importance of rhythm in writing. <<less
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Kuro Alicia
Kuro Alicia rated it
January 15, 2020
Status: c62

OMFG I don't know that im this awesome (idiot) for always came back to read this things

You can summarize 50 chapters, just delete all POVs, explanation & trailer (author likes to give absurd trailer at beginning chapters LOL) and BINGO you get 3-4 chapters

If you came for the plot, i'll recommend you to READ THE MANGA

Spoilers that will cause you to not read these things (if you are looking for romance)


MC, Aina & Lina (MC sister) only move in one area for 1 year cause MC (LOL)
Fortunately it was skipped

Always together for a year and Aina hasn't expressed her feelings
I even hope for in*est because of that Aina LOL

Oh come on girls, if you always together for 2 month with MC that hold power & handsome, usually you will had s*x right? RIGHT?!

-Isekai romance/harem



Im tired cause all of this meaningless explanation

There is still no romance -_- maybe this is need 400 chapter until maried or "that"

I wanna delete that Tag Romance!!!
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ChocoG rated it
November 8, 2017
Status: --
Typical reincarnation of an OP being, but the MC is deemed as tr*sh? The story is the basic isekai tensei genre which is hard to make "unique" but various little things being unique can pile up, which is what this novel does well, it is more "realistic" than other isekai tensei novels, the author portrays human emotions and mentality during the medieval era well, but what I find strange tho is that everyone Except the MC seems realistic, but that may just be because of who he was before reincarnating,... more>> his "reading" describes what I mean

Also another person has commented that the other characters are "dull", just because they don't have emphasized emotions making them do drastic things which are totally unrealistic doesn't mean they are "dull" <<less
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Sinking Ship
Sinking Ship rated it
March 11, 2019
Status: c45
So the first, most obvious, problem with this story is that it is very wordy. The chapters are longer than they need to be probably and a lot of the time it feels like the translator didn't quite understand what he was translating but just sort of went "eh, f*ck it" and uploaded anyways. I'm not complaining about free translations - just warning that sometimes things are sort of incomprehensible in a way that feels like its because the translator didn't understand it anymore while translating than you do while... more>> reading.

The second BIG problem can be summed up like this. In chapter 1 the MC is 5 years old, in chapter 45 he's 6 (or maybe 7?) while his sister who follows him around is 1 year younger. MC kind of gets a pass because of reincarnation but all the female leads are just normal 5/6/7-year-olds. The author handwaves it by saying that they're "geniuses" but... no. That isn't enough of an explanation at all as anyone who has ever been around a five-year-old can tell you. It doesn't offend me or anything but it's just so s*upid to have all the main characters under 10 years old. Plus it hits all the typical isekai story beats like they aren't all toddlers (girls get kidnapped and beaten up by grown men, girls 'love' MC, girls have heroic determination to do things other than nap time...) basically it's really s*upid if you ever stop to think about it for like half a second.

There's also a lot of nonsensical plot elements (MC is abandoned at 5 because he has no skills even though he's like a literal god with a sword and makes zero attempt to hide that fact) but eh, it's isekai it gets a pass from me in that department. It's actually pretty okay in the generic isekai sense and the MC is a lot better than other similar MCs because of his mentality. Just try to never remember that the whole cast is barely out of diapers. <<less
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Axleswift rated it
February 1, 2019
Status: c55
Great concept with a horrible and slow execution. This novel is slower than molasses as the characters repeat themselves way so often you could cut and paste most of their conversations into almost every chapter. The only reason I'm still reading is because I'm hoping the author will pick up the pace. Almost every CN novel is fast paced compared to this. Some of the events have little effect on what happens and would've been best glossed over in a few chapters over instead of wasting 5-10+ chapters. I'm talking... more>> about chapters that don't bring anything to the novel; little to no world-building, no character development, no revelation, no upgrade of abilities for other characters, a repeat of early conversations, and no plot progression. It's literally chapters about how the MC one-shots everything with no good description of it beyond the same droll 'he cut it with one flash of his blade'. So not only is it an OP MC but one that is even more dull and boring than the basic ones. <<less
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soulwarfare rated it
September 7, 2018
Status: c44
The Bad points
-My god the writing is terrible.
-You will barely understand what is going on.
-Also incredibly slow paced.
-The main character himself is boring as hell

The Good points
-The other characters do have some kind of interesting personality with them
-The world building is also kinda there and mildly interesting.
-It also does get better later on
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November 2, 2017
Status: c18
Edit@chapter 18: I guess the 1* ratings are focusing on the weird tangents the author goes on and the 5* ratings are focused on the story's potential. It's still in the "prologue" stage leading up to the (I assume) eventual adventures, but you can get a feel for the author's writing style up to chapter 18. I think it's definitely worthwhile to give this a chance if you have some free time because chapters go by fast and the translation is decent, but don't expect it to be amazing.

I'll still... more>> hold off on rating because I'm waiting to see how the story will progress once it starts moving. If it does.

(original review@chapter 10) I know there are people who wait for reviews before reading, so here goes.

The chapters are short. Skill names are weird. There's not much of interesting description but also not much filler. I can't really rate this because I feel like it's still introducing the world as of chapter 10, but I think it will be better for people who have really good imagination and can come up with mental images of what's going on from the bare description. I feel bad for the translator but I'd recommend waiting until a lot are translated because it doesn't feel like much happens each chapter.

So far it's not bad, not great, not really a time waster, but there's no reason not to read it if you like fantasy. That kind of feeling. <<less
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PQA rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c315
summery: guy fights a dragon-god and "wins" but dies of injuries in the first chapter. Reincarnated as an infant and by age 3 he already speaks like an adult. so does his 2 year old sister. 3 year time skip and he's 6 years old when the story really starts. His sister and the other girl in the profile pic are 5 years old. They meet an elf... who is 30 but looks like she's 5 as well. And all three of them enroll in elementary school together. ... more>> The whole time, with zero explanation, everyone treats these 5 & 6 year olds like adults. Then he meets a 15-25 year old Dragonkin. She also looks like she's 5. Then they meet another elf who is at least 70 years old... she also looks like a 6/7 year old. But male elves apparently look like adults.

in 300 chapters there is literally ZERO character development. The way the characters are introduced are how they act forever with the exception of when they become part of the pe*ophile-harem and turn into empty shells that just say the same lines every chapter.

The writing in some chapters is 100% nonsensical ramblings. The rest of the chapters said rambling takes up more than half the chapter. It's like the author literally just wrote down whatever words came to mind and never reread what they wrote.



WN went on hiatus at 390. MC still can't do magic. It's just the same thing over.

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