Escape the Infinite Chamber


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One day, Luo Jian woke up and found himself in a locked chamber where the door and window were all sealed. A note with a few lines written on it was tacked to the wall: “Escape from this room within an hour, or else die.”

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72 Reviews sorted by

New Chitn00 rated it
May 27, 2024
Status: --
Even as someone who enjoys dark pairings and non-con in fiction, this story was just terrible. I appreciate the translators' work, but the quality of the translation really could not change the fact that the story was horribly written. I've never felt so put off by a novel commended so highly by others. I definitely would recommend reading other works instead. Especially if you're looking for an interesting horror work with a likeable MC. If you're wondering how a work like this would lose a reader who likes everything about... more>> it in concept, it's because of the following:

  • MC is inconsistent to the point of frustration. Who is this? One second I think I know him, the next he's the complete opposite of that. It isn't due to his character either. It feels like result of the author themselves being unable to commit to one thing with him. Like another reader said too, the only really consistently written character is MC's best friend
  • MC's best friend's relationship is a f*cking mess. I could not stand it. The callous way in which the author went about that garbage was insane. I like reading how complex relationships can work even with f*cked up elements, but this was tasteless, amateur and boring at best. You can read other reviews to know the full picture
  • Plot and side characters are laughably uninteresting and poorly managed. I couldn't last too long because of how bored I got. I do not take it as a good sign when you show me a bunch of character interactions, tropes, themes and death games and yet I'm still wondering when it becomes engaging, interesting and enjoyable
I hope people can take this review and make use of it. As someone who came into this genuinely wanting to get lost in and love this story, I was extremely shocked by how disappointed I was. <<less
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finily rated it
June 5, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel is an amazing mystery novel with well-written characters and plot. Overview:
Due to the horror genre, I was shying away from reading this amazing novel. The horror parts are mostly in the first half of the novel and actually kind of cliche in a way. Every time the MC encounters a dead body I keep praying it doesn't move but alas, because of the horror genre they always do without fail. The horror actually lies more in the gory descriptions of things. Especially, when it comes to dead bodies and how "characters" in the settings of the "Infinite Chambers" dies. If you can get past the gory bits (which never stops being described throughout the novel by the way) and focus on the mystery (which are kinda solvable if you read close enough) this story is quite interesting to read. The author does an amazing job of building characters relations and describing the plot and setting in a way that makes it easy to envision. It also makes the settings so much scarier because you can feel the tension and it feels as if something is going to jump out at you at any moment. The ships in this novel can be defined very loosely as enemies to lovers, which happens to be something I really enjoy. There are random angst moments that tugs at your heartstrings so be prepared for that. Characters:

Luo Jian:
Luo Jian is our adorable main character who's naive about what he has to do to survive the "Infinite Chambers". Although some of his too calm decision-making seems to hint otherwise. He's also quite possibly the most tragic and unluckiest character in this novel. Not only does he get s**ked up this "escape game", he gets stabbed in the beginner level, accidentally drags his best friend into this escape game mess, catches the (loving) attention of the enemy, encounters a serial killer (who also happens to fall in love with his best friend), and has to deal with this escaping the cycle of "Infinite Chambers" nonsense. Luo Jian only continues to suffer more as he tries to solve the mystery of this "game". It's easy to think you understand his character, but by the end of the whole novel as you watch his growth. Luo Jian has quite literally become a different person.

Feng Yu Lan:

Feng Yu Lan is the perfect shou I never knew I liked (He's actually closer to being bi-s*xual though). Although he's physically weak, he doesn't let that hold him back. Feng Yu is smart, tough, stands up for others, and extremely loving and loyal towards people he considers his friends. Before the start of the novel, he stands up for Luo Jian when his family turns on him for admitting he's gay. He even lies to his own family that he's gay and "elopes" with Luo Jian to help get him away from his family, giving up his easy happy life in the process. He's pretty much the perfect best friend everyone wishes they could have.


I think one of the saddest parts was when you find out that he didn't actually make it out alive with Luo Jian on the Ghost Ship. Because of his physical weakness, he dies of cold and drowns just before the exit. That made my heart hurt a lot. What's even sadder is he "dies" again shortly after because he lost the escape game and consequently needs to be killed in the real world too. On top of that, he basically gets his life bound to his killer. I don't think it's completely a bad thing though (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Feng Yu Lan's life can be described in one sentence: Living to die


Luo Jian & Stalker (Xing Yan) :

I would loosely describe their relationship as enemies to lovers because they practically fell in love at first sight with each other. Even though they're technically enemies, after the first clash they never actually fight each other again and help out one another. Their relationship is interesting to watch develop because it's kinda naive and very passionate. It's pretty adorable to see how Xing Yan finds loopholes in the rules just to help Luo Jian out. Xing Yan is super possessive of Luo Jian and later on, he basically acts like a crafty big dog that follows Luo Jian around.

Feng Yu Lan & Duan Li:

I think this ship had the most interesting dynamic in the book. This ship was the true enemies to lovers ship where they start off as enemies and take a super long time to get together.


To the point that it takes a whole another timeline to officially get together. Later on, revelations about their connected past also put a fun twist on their relationship.


Duan Li doesn't know how to treat Feng Yu Lan, he only knows that he wants to hold Feng Yu close to him but knows in the process his claws will hurt Feng Yu Lan. He's very protective of Feng Yu and ends up physically carrying Feng Yu a lot in the "Infinite Chambers" because of Feng Yu's vulnerability.

Animal Symbolism:
I really liked how the author gives each character an animal that is symbolic of their personalities. Luo Jian - Crow, Feng Yu Lan - Owl, Xing Yan - Black Cat, Duan Li - Wolf. If you think you know their personalities, their animals actually reveal traits they may not have shown yet even as far as half-way through the story. Luo Jian's animal in particular, actually reveals a lot about his character later on.


Be warned this novel contains a lot of red herrings! It is a horror mystery novel after all!

I was wondering if this novel was going to be one of those take down the system that is causing this whole mess and to my surprise it was. I didn't think the author had the guts to tackle writing down this type of complicated story. I was worried it wouldn't end well because a lot of novels I've read have really bad explanations for why the system exists or have gone very badly.

The author presents a lot of interesting twists that change how events are perceived. She makes good use of symbolism and foreshadowing to hint at future plot points so that when you finish the novel you ask yourself why you didn't notice it sooner. She draws a lot of attention to things that become extremely relevant later on in the story. One hint of symbolism that I'll give that could possibly spoil the entire story if you go through enough mental gymnastics and have a creative enough imagination is the Ouroboros symbol, which she makes a point to highlight multiple times. I think this is the type of novel where you need to read at least twice in order to catch everything.

Ending Thoughts and Spoilers:
In order to fully enjoy the novel, I think it's important to read the whole book in order to catch all the details. Summaries won't do this book justice because this novel is a mystery novel meant for the reader to figure out the clues.

The characters were well developed and had extremely fitting weapons and personalities to match. Their relationships were so fun to watch and see how they cared for each other in very different ways. There were only five extras about their lives after this whole troublesome ordeal which makes me crave for more. There is one extra chapter for each ship except the main couple which has two chapters (and yes that means there is a third unexpected ship) and the last one focuses on everyone meeting again.

The story ends with the original characters who "developed" the "game" (I'm super summarizing here, this isn't exactly what happened) developing a VR game instead, which makes me think that there's bound to be a whole new set of issues with its creation. Especially, when I've seen so many trapped-inside-a-VR-game novels. There is apparently a sequel and the intro has something about the VR game so I'm extremely curious about it all. I'm really looking forward to reading the author's other novels.
I think there are some random plot holes but they're not really important for me to care. Although, I believe when it comes to mystery novels the author should be vigilant about them. There's also a possibility I could have misinterpreted or missed things due to using google translate. That being said, I can't wait for the novel to be fully translated!

On an ending note, if you want to find out more spoilers you can find me in the forums or pm me directly questions! I'm itching to discuss this novel with someone else!

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totoroteddy rated it
August 22, 2020
Status: c50
I dont know what these above 5 star reviewers are talking about. Its a super shitty novel. Don't believe me so tell? Imagine a killer is coming at you with intention to stab you to death what would a normal person do? Fight ? No! Escape? No! Try to save yourself? No! Instead you kiss him 🤨 ?. Like what the f*ck and thats it the killer falls in love with you then and there? (What is this a Disney Movie?). Side character is just pitiful he gets r*ped by... more>> his killer and after killer r*pes him he also falls in love with his victim ? (Then some shitty backstory to make r*pe ok).

I think this author has some weirdass fetish. I would have at least expected each chamber to have some backstory that they explain after each act but no they just come out and thats it we dont know nothing about that chambers real story. Super boring and weird. I read this after the earth is online and felt like I lost some brain cells. <<less
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enaillig rated it
September 20, 2020
Status: c21
I saw a lot of good reviews on this so I was, kind of, expectant.

I liked the first chapter, I liked the writing. I liked how the author emphasized the tension and how the character was scared shitless and pressurized during the 1 hour escape game, this shows a lot of potential to the story. ... more>>

However, just as the other review said, who's sane person who'd kiss a killer that literally stabbed them? It seems the protagonist's line of thinking was somewhere around, "So I'm gay, so I'm gonna die. Might as well kiss this handsome mu*derer. Atleast I get to kissed him before dying." Hm, I could accept that.


However, as the chapter progresses I failed to connect with the protagonist. His attitude seems to be changing every moment. One moment, he's dependable. The second, he's not. He acts smart, sometimes he's just like f*cking dumb.

He's trying hard to act cool given the situation he's in (for e.g. they were in a ghost ship, and he has a companion who is already scared shitless, and he'd still act mysteriously and smile eerily to his frightened companion. SMH, give him a break, dude.) And what I cannot tolerate the most was that, everytime he encounters the mu*derer (ML) in a life or death situation and he was always like, "I'M SO TERRIED!!! BUT HE'S STILL SO HANDSOME"

He sure has plenty of time to marvel at the ML's appearance everytime. It makes you think, does he value his life? Or he values romance first? The author is always trying to flaunt their chemistry... that it seems forced I couldn't feel it.


The ML, I couldn't quite grasp his character too. He was describe to be a merciless killer, with a creepy smile, like he was going to kill you at any moment, but then he suddenly goes kissing the MC.

Man, I get it man! It's kiss at first sight! I just can't picture a supposedly deranged mu*derer to get soft with one kiss and seems to get addicted to it coz he keeps kissing the MC when they try to meet. And yet, I couldn't even feel the s*xual tension with that.


The only consistent character I've seen so far to this was the MC's friend Feng Yu Lan. They introduced a lot of characters but the author just grazed at them during the introduction that you could barely remember them. Perhaps they are just insignificant characters.

The chambers, wasn't even explained thoroughly in the first few chapter. Even though the MC literally said "Explain to me EVERYTHING"


The only 'everything' we got is, 1. the chambers are of unknown origin 2. it can bring death or miracle

Exactly, what kind of miracles? The explanations were too vague. In Kailedoscope of Death, they mentioned specifically that the Doors (kind of like the Chambers here) can extend the life of the person who managed to get through it. Which also explains that everyone who was chosen to go through the doors are dying people. They are bound to die and only by going through the 12 doors that they can still have a chance to live. Very clear right?

But how about the chambers here? How do they chose the players? And how LONG do they have to keep on playing this escape game? Following the title, "infinite chambers", could it be, for the rest of their lives? After a few explanations the author just decided to jump on creating another arc. 20 chapters and we're still left on the dark when crucial infos like this should be made clear from the early chapters already.


The rewards/weapons given to the players after every escape game too. It was said that the weapon could unleash the full potential of the wielder. It would be better if they took it slowly, slowly unleashing the potential, not that they were automatically invincible. The MC got his weapon after his first escape game, didn't that make him invincible already the moment he got the weapon? The existence of the weapon literally shoved the weak to strong tag development. I'm probably just nitpicking at this point, but I wish they would've added the Lack of Common Sense tag so I could've prepared myself to not come up with a lot of questions.

Idk, maybe I will pick this up again in the future. I'll give it a second chance. Maybe it's just isn't really my cup of tea right now. If you're simply looking for the horror adventure and puzzle-solving and unrealistic progress of romance, then this'll suit your taste just fine. I hope you enjoy ;)

2/5 [to those who get annoyed that we give these scores and yet we're not even halfway the story, it isn't our fault. A good story should capture the reader's attention at the first few chapters, and the remaining chapters should also be good enough to retain the attention of the readers. If we get bored halfway, it's either it's just isn't really our cup of tea and it's not nice to force people on liking it, or it's that there's a problem with the author's writing that it couldn't hold our attention span. So, chill. Every story has their own good and bad reviews. Don't get angry if your favorite one gets a bad one] <<less
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qpzmal rated it
October 26, 2020
Status: c73
Putting this on hold. The MC and ML's dynamics and relationship at this point is really nonexistent. When they have s*x literally every time it's forced and the MC cries every f*cking time. He even like "I'm so scared, he's going to r*pe me" and he actually uses the word r*pe. It was really promising in the beginning, but once the best friend gets involved it has been going down hill from then on out. Just like some other people, I might consider reading the ending once it's completely translated.
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a series I regret reading.

Sure, it was good in the beginning, especially with the translation quality of Chrysanthemum Garden, but it's really nasty. The majority of the story is about r*pe, forced romance, abuse, and raping someone until they change their s*xual preference to you. Can't forget the pe*ophilia, which there is a surprising amount of... There's only a dash of horror and mystery. Out of the key plot elements in the story, very few are explained or utilized fully. Instead of being a suspenseful action series, it... more>> quickly devolves into a mess with a convoluted plot and multiple time loops.

A heteros*xual character gets violently r*ped and stabbed until he becomes attracted to men. He doesn't escape this even in the "happy ending" and does not escape this abusive relationship. The criminal is a serial mu*derer as well, and the author acts like he/she is trying to make him likeable? WTF? This rapist-and-victim are a main couple in the series, so there's no killing the rapist and finally rescuing the victim.

The MC is violently r*ped by the ML, who doesn't have a personality (he literally stands there and stares at the MC most of the time). Even though he becomes injured from this and faints, he falls in love with this rapist who can't even communicate with him. By the way, he also stabs the MC until the MC nearly dies.

If you want someone to fall in love with you, all you have to do is violently r*pe, beat, and stab them repeatedly. This abuse and violence between people is the most horrific part of this series. No one is saved from this cycle, and no one has a healthy romance. How much did the author hate his/her characters to torture them this way? Their reactions are largely unrealistic as well.

There is a bunch of pe*ophilia. In case you see someone making out with a ten-year-old as off-putting, you have now been warned! There's an eight-year-old who gets handled by an older teen as well.

One character, after a time loop, is groomed from the point he's ten to become someone's lover. It reminds me of priests marrying young girls they raised, and the kids agreeing because they just don't know any better.

Although there's a lot of violence, no one develops PTSD at all. The "happy ending" is a relationship nightmare for two of the three characters portrayed. The actual plot is weak and pales in comparison to all of the other nonsense here. There isn't romance, the character development is abrupt, and many things are unexplained and unexplored. It feels like the author doesn't understand most of what he/she's talking about and then just makes the rest of it random. The escape rooms are only used in the first half of the story, not the second, which makes it feel like two different series awkwardly sewed together. <<less
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Shigure Hakuya
Shigure Hakuya rated it
April 12, 2018
Status: c25
This novel is 'one in a thousand' that you will definitely regret if you don't read this novel.

About that BL tag, it even complements the whole story. Without that element, the progress of the story will be disrupted.

... more>>

Regarding the different elements of the story:

1. This is a escape room story with many arcs that focuses in the different closed spaces and how to escape from it.

2. Usually, the ones that can participate in this game are 'chosen'. There are many ways to be chosen.

3. Within the allotted time, the participant/s must escape the room through solving the different clues provided. The more participant to participate, the harder the difficulty is.

4. There are entities called Stalkers that rarely appeared in each chamber. These Stalkers usually have the mission to prevent the participant to pass the chamber. They (Stalkers) have different roles provided in each chamber. After the participant/s passed the chamber and escaped, the Stalkers will "reincarnate" and will appear on the next participant to come.

5. After the participant/s completed the mission, there will be rewards provided after waking up. The rewards provided will depent on how many chamber has the participant completed.

6. A charm of this story is how the development between the pairing will happen:

  • The main pairing is between a participant and a Stalker. They will both meet in the chambers the participant will enter.
  • The next pairing is revealed in later chapters, but both of them are revealed as psychos.
  • There is a third pairing but barely shown.
Please anticipate the next chapters as the story slowly unfolds and make you sit at the edge of your seat. <<less
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Kyrian_Clawraithe rated it
October 14, 2020
Status: c101
This story is full of plot holes, inconsistencies, and s*upid characters. These author had obviously tried to sweep so many things under the carpet that there must be a hill there by now.

It has a good premise and if the author had any skill in making a story flow it would be a wonderful story. However they don't and have to rely on stringing together disconnected scenes and using s*upidly designed characters.
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secondthots rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
When all you see are red flags but red's your favorite color...

Kid you not, I was desperate when I first picked this up. One, I'm camping other novels. Two, I kinda wanted a break from modern-entertainment stories. This was completed & in spite of the major red flags highlighted in other reviews, I gave it a green light & oh boy- was it against my better judgement.

My thoughts @c111

... more>>

Pros: I totally dig the escape room concept. I've done escape rooms before; they're dope & yes I feel very s*upid in them because they're too tough for my pea-sized brain. The idea of escape rooms is pretty "unique" from your usual blatant death-game matches. It's not anything NEW, but I think it adds a bit of flair. However, I think the escape room concepts so far have been weak. The arcs are interesting enough for me not to drop it, but the execution was a bit subpar. Maybe my brain is spazzing while I'm reading orrrrrr it's the novel. Plot twists are still in process of being unraveled where I am right now, so I'll hold off my opinion on its overall execution. Who knows, it could possible pull a reverse-card on me!

Cons: If you've read other reviews that ARE NOT 5-stars, you probably already know what's up. There is massive dub-con/non-con going on here & for those who are extremely uncomfortable with that, YOU GOTTA GOOOOO. For those who still brave the novel, I still warn to not have high expectations because honestly what can you really presume when ML's literal moniker is "stalker". I think ML's actions are nothing odd considering his circumstances (the dude's a literal walking machine with amplified instincts)

MC on the other hand fell down a few ladder rungs. I don't know how he's surviving the instances because I think he has a few missing screws. I pity him for being targeted by a hot killing demon, but the one who fell for the aggressive charms was nonetheless him (& it was so fast too!). No justification. As for second CP... ah so many things wrong. I'm just... gonna close my eyes..


Overall, the story is not terrible, but it's not something I would fervently compliment as "great". I personally wouldn't pick it back up again, but I don't regret reading it. MC gets roped into an "infinite chamber" stimulation where he's forced to maximize his brain cell potential to get the hell out. There's a lot of twists & turns, info-dumping, & useless events. Conclusive but BS ending, but I suppose it's still a HE at the very least. Major props to the TL because I definitely did not want to waste your efforts; CG TLs are awesome.

Pros: It's like the kind of fake horror that even a horror-phobe like me can breeze thru easily. The escape room concept's a total bonus & this might be due to my belief that escape rooms are dope. TL is 10/10.

Cons: AHHHHHHHHHH yeah there' s a lot. For one, PLOT- could I even truly call a plot? The premise wasn't bad; the overall execution made me want to barf. I think this had a lot of potential & I actually even enjoyed its major twists. It made MC super more likable, gave him depth, etc. but in the end, it was pretty weak. Buildup was painfully slow & the unraveling process wasn't all that great either. Too much info-dumping not enough foundation to solidify the plot. Don't get me started about the ending...I absolutely hate the route it went, but nevertheless a HE. CHARACTERS- I did not like MC in the beginning & my dislike only faded just slightly after completing the novel. His development wasn't too shabby & undoubtedly, pretty interesting to read through. The other characters fell through for me & I had no attachments whatsoever. As for romance, I will acquiesce with the majority of the negative comments: yes, it was very bad. Even the smut couldn't redeem it. Seems like the author tried to employ a slow-burn, but ended up literally scorching it to ashes. People have a lot of issues with the main CP; it's awfully rushed, incredibly stockholm-syndromey, & wasn't gripping enough to fit the plot's standards. I was disappointed because despite a lot of this couple's angsty moments, I DID NOT EVEN SHED A TEAR OR WINCE IN PAIN ONCE. & I do consider myself a novel empathizer & award-winning crybaby. Second CP made me want to hurl my soul into the abyss because I can't even believe it can be considered a CP.

TL;DR this plot was too much for the author to handle, so it rebelled & turned itself upside down <<less
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porkbuns rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c8
A disorganized and biased review, with a bit of SPOILER.

8 chapters in and I'm already pretty drawn to this novel; then again...I've been pretty infatuated by novels with the survival game (A powerful entity forces the main characters to fight for their lives in an organized competition) tag recently. Our MC Luo Jian is randomly thrown into this game one day while sleeping; he didn't die or get any sort of mental notification, just poof... and he's in the game (though he gets to return to the real world after... more>> every game).

The general gist of the game:

  • Players have to complete 1 session of the game once every 10 days
  • The main objective of each session of the game, so far, is to escape from the "chamber" that the game session is set in
    • The term "chamber" is used pretty loosely in this novel. The term "chamber" doesn't only refer to room of sorts, it can refer to any sort of environment that is secluded from society (e.g. locked room, ghost ship, deserted island, etc.)
    • The "chambers" so far seem to have a mystery/horror/supernatural atmosphere to them
  • The players are given a sheet of paper, at the start of each session, that explains the circumstances around this scenario (task (s), time limit, etc.)
    • The players are given a clock of sorts to keep track of time
  • Entities known as stalkers may appear with a chance of 8% (or maybe it was 6%, I really don't remember :P, read the 1st 8 chapters while half awake last night)
    • The stalker takes the place of a essential character in the current chamber's scenario
    • Their task is unknown, but it can be assumed that their main task is to kill the player
    • It's unknown whether the stalkers are another group of humans participants with the goal of killing players or monstrous existences created by the game's creator
      • I'm leaning more towards the later conjecture, due to the "Human-Nonhuman Relationship" tag
  • The players are rewarded based on their performance in each session
    • There doesn't seem to be any point system, with a shop to purchase things from, or any game-like system with stats and battle logs (at least not in the 1st game session, though the party system is introduced shortly after the 1st game session and there's a Game Element tag)
      • The game's creator chose which item the MC was given in the 1st game session

Right off the bat, I just want to divert your attention to the Yaoi tag, in case you haven't noticed it yet (the MC is a cis gender homos*xual male). So far, it seems like there might be some sort of a love triangle going on (between the MC, his male childhood/best friend, and the stalker that almost killed him in the 1st game session).

  • The stalker that the MC meets in the 1st game scenario is an extremely handsome male
    • The MC kiss/bites (memory is a bit fuzzy on this, there was something about biting during the actual scene, but later, the MC says something about kissing) the stalker's lips (or maybe it was the other way around), while he was dying from being stabbed by the stalker
      • This may have led to the stalker taking interest in the MC, leading the stalker to spare the MC
        • Going by the fact that the stalkers are called stalkers, maybe the stalker will have somewhat of weird stalker (a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention) relationship with the MC
  • The MC tells us that his male childhood/best friend is heterosexual, but he (the friend) ends up breaking up with his girlfriend and gets kicked out of his family just to support the MC's s*xual orientation
    • The MC and his friend currently have a rather ambiguous relationship as of the moment
    • After getting stabbed, by a mu*derer (potentially a stalker or maybe even another player that's been given a task by the game's creator) that been killing people recently, and sent to the hospital, the friend gets tricked into joining the game, in the MC's party during the 2nd game session
      • It seems the game's creator gives certain player, mission to do in the real world (e.g. the bar owner of the Red Spider Lily, is tasked with guiding new players)
Just on an endnote, there's only around 200 chapters, so this novel probably won't get bogged down by repetition as much compared to novels with thousands of chapters. <<less
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Magz84 rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: --
Dropped it around chapter 108... Disappointing really cuz I was really excited to read this and at 1st it was ok but as I kept reading I found myself wanting to skip and scroll down. The author rumbles on and on and on.. Making the same point 3 times... I just got annoyed.

Although I liked the main couple, which is why I tried to continue reading it, I really hated his best friend. And the novel is written from several different characters' perspectives. It would have been a lot easier... more>> to follow I think if it focused on just the main couple, I guess I'm not a fan of when there are so many main characters in the book.

The plot wasn't boring but I found myself bored reading it. <<less
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DimensionalRoamer rated it
June 2, 2018
Status: Completed

You won't regret reading this. The journey is wonderful and the worlds are really immersive! I'm not too thrilled by the ending ... more>>

it's one of those typical 'everyone's memory gets erased once they deal with the big boss ie the infinity room, but they find each other in the real world again' tropes. I would have loved it if everyone kept their memories : (BUT THIS SHOULDN'T STOP YOU FROM READING THE STORY -- I just ignore the ending lmao

but everyone ends up happy and together in the end!

The pairings are

1) MC (Luo Qian) and stalker (Xing Yan) ----- 2) duan yi and feng yu lan ----- 3) luo feng big bro (nicknamed ghost) and the clown (dr. Hong) --> this one doesn't should up until the very last story, after they've defeated the system and gone back to the real world.


Anyways, amazing story, one of my favourites. Read it! Highly recommend.

-DR <<less
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kogamo rated it
February 22, 2021
Status: Completed
A unique and refreshing take on "trapped in a simulation" with a slow unraveling plot that twists in unexpected ways. MC is one of my favorite characters of all time. His character development arc is extremely interesting and the skills he learns over time are hard-earned. He truly embodies a protagonist, one that has crossed hell and embraced it while retaining a small sense of humanity that allows him to succeed in the end. I won't spoil this because I truly think his character alone makes it a must-read despite... more>> some MAJOR issues I have with it.

Now, the negative. All major "gong" characters in this story are complete garbage. Note the r*pe tag. There should also be a l0li and p*dophile tag.

Spoils on ML


ML embodies the overbearing ML stereotype and ML/MC's relationship stems from Stockholm syndrome in essence. That's not my main problem as I'll admit to enjoying stories containing that element. R*pe is explained by ML's mindset when ML/MC meet - ML's soul has been ripped apart and shattered into a million pieces, leaving behind a machine whose only purpose is to kill. Honestly, I can accept that. I don't like that I can, but I've read a lot of bl and I have fully accepted this as a fantasy trope; I tend not to hold it against the ML if he redeems himself, and by 3/4ths of the way through the book, I thought he had. But this is where the story turns uncomfortable -

For reasons I won't disclose lest I ruin the story MC is trapped in a 10 yro's body and transported back to before ML's soul is shattered and broken. ML instinctively "recognizes" MC and they hug/kiss. I know that logically MC is an adult in a child's body, but the way the author describes ML's attraction to MC's 10yo body's "soft lips" turns my stomach.

Say we excuse this behavior as MC being a consenting adult despite having the body of a 10yo child. Well, the epilogue has to come along and ruin everything, reaffirming all discomfort. See below if you want to be fully spoiled.


NOW. If you think this is bad, let me introduce you to MC's best friend's significant other:


MC's bff (hence referred to as MC2) is r*ped by a psychopathic serial killer after serial killer realizes MCF is *too precious* to kill. Said serial killer (hence referred to as ML2) proceeds to reform his ways by helping MC while continuing to harrass MC2. Alas, MC2 eventually caves and becomes a blushing bride in his embrace. Happy ending I guess?

Well, turns out MC2 and ML2 knew each other when MC2 was 8ish and ML2 was an adult. MC2 nursed ML2 back to health - a somewhat ambiguous intimate relationship is implied when MC2 climbs onto ML2's lap and whatnot. Turns out ML2's tender feelings are due to this bond and he was only turned into a serial killer due to the system. Okay, fine, I accept the serial killer aspect, but the fact that their romance began when MC2 is an elementary school student is despicable.

Epilogue serves to further this discomfort (see below).




MC has no memory of the past, while it is clear that ML does in some capacity. 16yro ML finds MC when MC is an actual 10yo with, I repeat, NO memory of the past, and initiates an intimate relationship with romantic gestures. It is g*ooming in a nutshell, where MC is wooed by ML until MC reaches the age of consent where they finally do the deed.

MC2 and ML2's relationship continues from when they met (8yo and adult). MC2 is kicked out by his family when he enters high school due to this relationship. Over time their relationship sours and becomes physically abusive. MC2 is much weaker in stature than ML2, so the fights always end with ML2 kicking MC2 in the stomach twice then throwing him into the house before leaving for a couple days (almost direct quote from ch204). MC2 smartens up and ditches ML2 after years of abuse. ML2 occasionally stalks MC2 while MC2 grows up and moves on. Years later MC2 calls ML2 over the phone (who per creepy stalker nature is standing outside of his apt) and invites him in, thus resuming their relationship. Happy ending?????

I'm actually really upset by this because I liked MC2 a lot, he was a truly wonderful supportive friend to MC. I won't spoil too much but in a way their friendship transcended space and time; without MC2 MC is incomplete in my opinion.

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Eclipse9 rated it
January 4, 2020
Status: c157
The novel is one of the rare few survival themed bls I've read. Its actually pretty good.

Games are smart and MC has a likable personality.

It was so good that I went to find the raws to continue reading.

Edit: Feel abit insulted that someone came to give a 1 star review base on only 50 chapters thats not even half way through the novel. Lets face it, there are way worse novels so even if you didn't like it why give a 1 star? It deserves more than that ahahaha. But... more>> ya just my opinion. :) <<less
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veihakase rated it
March 25, 2018
Status: c11 part4
Here is what you have to consider in reading this first: THIS IS DANMEI/BL pips.

Anyway, the story is really thrilling and (for me) has the same effect of watching horror movies where time is really needed. What I like in this one is that you would also think about the riddles presented. It's like those riddle games but with your life at stake. (It's a fresh concept for me since it's BL *v* plus this kind of genre). It keeps you on the edge on every chapter. The main character... more>> is also very likeable. Not the damsel in distress type (maybe also not the Mary Sue type but maybe we should wait for more chapters to see if this is true) and can fight on his own. As of this chapter I still don't know who the ML is so it's a guessing game yet again. I'm kinda bias on this since I really love horror themed BL and this is the right thing for me. The horror scenes is well-described and told right (kudos to the translator and editor). Try tot read this. Truth be told, you are not wasting your time in reading this :3 <<less
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BobChan rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: c36
The book starts out fairly well and as you read, one can't help be captivated by the mystery. The story isn't for the faint of the heart, there is actually gore, r*pe, and many of the other listed elements, so proceed with caution when reading as it may not be for you.

This review is only what I've read up to.


    • The MC doesn't start out OP or with cheat skills.
    • There's potential growth in what the MC can become.
    • The MC is relatable as he's not so calm headed and can be a headless chicken.
    • The horror written is well written.
    • The MC doesn't rely 100% on the ML to pass the instances.
    • The chambers really force the characters into using their intellect.


    • There are so many things thrown at you after the second chamber that it can discombobulate you for a bit. As an example:
      We're hinted in the earlier chapters that the incident the MC's friend is involved in is somehow related to the chambers. After leaving the second chamber, his friend is once again targeted. We suddenly learn about demonization, the friend gains magical powers, we learn about 'stalkers' roaming the real world, we learn about the ML's identity, we're introduced to who the 'stalker' chasing the friend is, we're introduced to a new character, another supporting character is further explained, new props, items used are mentioned... It kind of leaves you astonished at the end of it all.

I know I'm just nitpicking, but I just wished that we weren't just given this one mass explanation as a major event occurred. I am aware that it's early in the book and we're supposed to uncover things as they come.


The side couple's relationship...


It's iffy for me as this is where the tag r*pe comes in. The author kind of brushes over the scene and it's not explicit but... meh, I'm reluctat to approve of their relationship, despite what all the other reviews are saying. The starting point of it is also shitty tbh, but I guess that's how you build growth, right?


The MC's personality.


As stated above, I really liked how his personality doesn't start out with levelheaded--however, the changes in his personality sometimes happens too fast in such a short duration of time. Sometimes they contradict what was aforementioned.

I understand the author's usage of the weapon, drawing out the inner 'demon' (the repressed part of a person) and it gradually changes the person's personality overall, but, the changes in the MC were very quick. He's scared and screaming one second in a scary scenario and in a similar situation, he's very calm and collected--it's just odd. I understand that the character is supposed to be 3D, meaning that changes are likely to occur within a person as the situation depends on it, but the changes sometimes are too big for it to be possible.


I believe this book has potential but I believe the author's other book is much more enjoyable. It's called: Unlimited Cycles of Death. The story is much better arranged and even though the translations are only in the beginning, there isn't much deterring me away from reading it. (Also, the peculiar changes in the MC's temperament aren't as strong and is more fluid.) I'm in no way stating that you should stray away from the book or that's it's bad.
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earlgreyt rated it
March 21, 2021
Status: c51
After having read several similar infinite flow/escape room type stories, this one is pretty much bottom of the barrel.

Ignoring all of the problematic r*pe scenes, awful r*pe relationship development and weird g*ooming/age difference/everything else, at its core, this story's writing is simply... not great.

The main characters do not act or react in consistent ways, competence or incompetence is completely decided by the author's will and progression of the plot. AKA, extremely unbelievable. Character development pacing is either at the speed of light - eg. MC gets used to blood and... more>> gore and then perpetuates it or acts violently almost instantaneously - or slow as a snail, eg. MC goes back to instantly getting scared about a door opening or his own reflection.

Speaking of the plot, the info dumps are numerous, the actual worldbuilding is shakey AF, the author constantly introduces new ideas and conclusions without setting it up for the reader to follow.

Overall I struggled constantly with asking myself why the story got increasingly confusing and boring to read when infinite flow/puzzles/escape room are typically my favorite genre.

TL;DR, better stories out there. Read this if you've got nothing left to read. <<less
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Yuki_Ringo rated it
June 4, 2021
Status: --
The only Horror I felt in this novel is the r*pe scene. I saw the novel from CG b4 looking at the tags n the r*pe scene immediately stop me, especially when I see the r*pe victim become lover w the damn rapist.

U cant just f*ck a straight guy into gay

The horror aspect is not as suspendful as expected based on the summary and the info dump *sigh*

Maybe I'm more critic toward this novel cause I just read I Became a God in a Horror Game which is just *French... more>> kiss*

In short, this novel like beauty n the beast but more r*pey n intensified Stockholm syndrome <<less
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May 5, 2021
Status: --
First of all I already saw many people who stopped reading or saw this story because of some unfavorable comments which are made/written by several readers.

So what I want to say is... There is actually nothing wrong with the story or the plot.

And if I can be honest, the plot that presented from this story is amazingly good when u compared it to several other stories that are in the same genre.

BUT UNFORTUNATELY There are three things that really spoil this story. And among those three, two of them are... more>> really the most fatal.

1.) The first one is the beginning of development that MC and ML have.


When the first time MC joining the game chamber he was immediately met with ML.

ML identity in this chamber was a killer who stabs MC to death But instead of being afraid, MC insteadly put his head forward to kiss ML


Actually this doesn't really destroy the story, because this type of fast plot is not a big problem as long as they can stabilize it in the future chapters.


And yes, they managed to stabilize it


BUT here the two things that really destroy the story.

(What I means for "Destroying" is not for the plot or the story but its more like the interest of the readers where there are some parts that are not suitable and too much for the story)

1. The r*pe scene.

First of all I want to say that im not someone who against story that have a r*pe scene, as long as the scene is incorporated into the story well. Unfortunately the author was unable to write and put the scene it in line of story.

The r*pe scene in this story is really something that came out of nowhere.

Well if this something happens to cannon fodder character then this can still be said to make sense and doesn't really matter because these things could be considered as passing thing, unfortunately this scene was happened to the second pair of the story.


Although in future chapters it will be explained that they have known and loved each other before, and must be separated for some reason (I don't want to spoil it too far) but still it doesn't change that the r*pe scene in this story is something that really doesn't fit with the plot line because it appeared out of nowhere.


2. The second was the s*x scene.

AGAIN im not someone who against s*x scene, but the way the author created the s*x scene in this story was exaggerated, to the point that I thought this is was a p*rn book.


In the first few chapters in the relationship between MC and ML (including side pairing) the author will always include an element of s*x to describe the development of their relationship.

Which I think even though I know that this story is Yaoi and not Shounen Ai, it still doesn't make sense to keep adding s*x scene every time the couple is told.


Luckily as they enter into an arc where things are serious, everything about uncontrolled s*x was disappears.

It looks like the author improves his writing skills and jumps straight into becoming a professional writer.

Note : Honestly no matter how good the plot this story has, I personally will drop and stop reading it if the author keep continues adding s*x scenes at every chapter.

Well this was the last suggestion that I have for someone who still confused about the time travel that MC or System have


The time travel in this story have has a one-way absolute time law. Which means that the law of time here does not make the world parallel and everything is absolute or cannot be changed once it is changed by someone.


EDIT : Before I was saying :

"The plot that presented from this story is amazingly good when u compared it to several other stories that are in the same genre."


This book has reached a point where it is even difficult to find another book that can match it in same genre.

So for you who really stop reading this story just because three point that I have pointing before... Then I can assure you that you will regret it someday, for stopping reading this amazing story.

NOTE : Still, if you feel that the three points above are still too difficult to accept, you can just read them briefly. Because after all it doesn't really affect the plot at all.

Personally I'm still confused why a genius author who can write stories with amazing plot like this, can only describe the development of the relationship between MC and ML (including side pairing) only through s*x ??? I mean...


Later in some additional bonus chapters the author will tell the story of several couples and it is all told very well without the s*x scene being too excessive, which is very contrary to the opening that the author made.

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3eraphiel rated it
October 25, 2020
Status: c100
putting this on hold. Might try to read the ending when (if?) it was fully translated.

i could ignore the plot hole & disjointed storytelling/plot-jumping; but only if I could root for the characters.

and wow this story full of s*upid characters. FYL was such a dead weight! A damsel in distress from the beginning and then become a pig teammate that drag the others down. With 3 out of 7 ratio of being tolerable, it's pisses me off that he somehow don't die.

while the 2 characters that were first introduced were... more>> interesting, it's too bad the story don't focus on them but meanders on other things that were only half explain.

the premise was good. Too bad the execution was only subpar and most of the characters were rage-inducing. <<less
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Sapphire-Saph rated it
August 29, 2019
Status: c36
Okay, to be honest, I wanted to give this like a 4 because I can't take horror that well, but the 4 would have been just because I do not like horror. But the story deserves the 5. It's perfect for all the people who like horror movies and mu*der mysteries and all that. It's really chilling and I don't get why people don't like the story. The translation is well done and the plot? Outstanding.
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