Don’t Obsess Over Married Women


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There was only one thing that Lizelotte was able to endure amidst an arranged marriage with an old duke, her husband’s, violence and neglect.

It was thanks to the three lovely children, although not a drop of blood was shared.

It’s been ten years since she has been protecting her children from her husband’s ab*se.

An enchantingly beautiful man she met at a ball said in a sweet voice.

Tonight, her husband will die.

As the man said, her husband died, and Lizelotte and the children felt liberated for a while, though people who were aiming for the duchy and fortune came rushing in.

The mysterious and beautiful man who reappeared, Yuzef, reveals that he is a ‘regressor’ and offers an irresistible contract…

“It is enough if there is a relationship where I can kiss the madam’s hands, feet, and lips.”

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Don't be Obsessed With a Married Woman
Don't Obsess Over a Married Woman
유집마: 유부녀에게 집착하지 마시오
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Recommendation Lists
  1. A Collection of My Straight Romance Favorites
  2. Male lead's with blonde/ silver hair
  3. Romance Novels
  4. Obsessed male protagonists
  5. Role Model FL (KR)

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