Dog Show


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There’s no one as wise and as gentle as Master. No matter how my lowly self makes a mistake, he will patiently discipline me. Sometimes, I’m subjected to unreasonable punishment due to the Master’s whim but in the end, he will always praise me without fail.

That’s why I should entrust everything to Master and think only of him.

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Staringatastar rated it
July 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I personally think this is more like a 4 star story, but rounding up because I think it's probably low rated right now since it's smut and yaoi.

I thought the structure of the story was great, surprisingly circular, which usually requires a bit of a longer story to set up. But it works well in this story, though it leaves the story a bittersweet feeling (which I understood but didn't necessarily like due to a personal preference for happy endings and romance).

Overall, it's a nice, short piece of smut that... more>> depicts bd*m following best practices. <<less
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