Depraved Props Recorded in Late-Night Livestream


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The male protagonist facing unemployment obtains a late-night livestreaming system. With his growing popularity, he’s able to unlock various intriguing adult items.

**[Yellow Film Quick Camera]**: Capturing subjects automatically generates explicit content of corresponding themes. It includes scenarios like a teacher teaching intimate actions, a nurse treating patients in a peculiar way, and more.

**[Love Idol App]**: By linking to the targeted subjects, this app allows playing around with them using a smartphone. It involves using various s*xual toys in public places and transforming innocent individuals into lustful characters.

**[imp**gnating Glasses]**: When worn, these magical glasses supposedly make anyone imp**gnated and lay eggs, leading to strange and intense experiences.

**[Time-Stop Watch]**: In a paused underground boxing ring, a skilled boxer fights while experiencing pleasure. The accumulated pleasure becomes so intense that the boxer surrenders, turning into a willing participant for others.

**[Empathy Aircraft Cup]**: This device connects with the body of a cold CEO, enabling control over sensitive areas and inducing extreme reactions.

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Date Group Release
09/03/23 Foxaholic 18 c1
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